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8544705 No.8544705 [Reply] [Original]

I need a definitive answer. I will drink a crapload of one of these. Which one will kill me slower? I keep hearing that aspartame will literally rot your liver and rape your mother but I'm really not seeing some public outcry

>> No.8544736

Zero is objectively less bad for you

Do you know how much fucking sugar is in regular coke?

>> No.8544740

yeah no I get that part

but my friends seriously make this face when I mention Coke Zero like "dude what the FUCk"

family members encourage me to drink sugary soda instead (if I insist on soda) because the rationale is "at least it's sugar and not some crazy artificial chemical"

>> No.8544745

Your friends and family may all have a mild intellectual disability

>> No.8544747

they just overdose on facebook science

>> No.8545305
File: 207 KB, 512x396, coca cola life pepsi true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Stevia.
Why doesn't Coca Cola or Pepsi release a 100% Stevia sweetened drink?

>> No.8545319

You'll find the same phenomenon when you decide to become a vegetarian. People feel threatened when others start making better decisions that they are not willing to make. So they lash out and reason with you to stop making that decision.

Coke Zero is a better choice in every sense.

>> No.8545323

Regular taste best, (((Zero))) is just a ploy to make "healthy" people drink soda as well.

>> No.8545361

Regular coke is Beet Sugar - that shit will rot you from the inside out.

Coke Zero is Aspartame. that shit will rot you from the inside out.

Mexican Coke (10 oz glass bottles) is cane sugar. much sweeter, so it needs less than sugar than regular american coke. Your body is better equipped to process raw cane than refined beet. Also mexican coke tastes MUCH better than regular american coke. So, the winner is obviously mexican glass-bottled coke.

>> No.8545363

because you'd need a fuck-ton of stevia to achieve the sweetness level it needs to become coke. I'm sure they've been playing with it in the lab and they just can't get there.

>> No.8545366

>beet sugar

No it's high fructose corn syrup which destroys your liver.

>> No.8545376

Notice how nobody bitches about people replacing soda with water? That's because it's a sensible decision. People feel threatened by other people making irrational choices, not better ones.

Take vegetarians for example. There is no rational reason not to eat chicken, and so there is no rational reason to be a vegetarian.

>> No.8545377

While both are really bad for you, a crapload of sugar will lead to diabetes, which is likely to kill you faster. Current research suggests Coke Zero will make you gain about the same amount of weight, by stimulating your appetite, but you might avoid diabetes depending on what you consume to gain that extra weight. As far as aspartame "rotting your liver", that sounds like quackery, not science.

>> No.8545396

Studies have shown people gain weight when they switch to diet soda.
At first they thought it was because people just ate more food thinking that they would make up for it with fewer calories in the soda.
Now they have found that it fucks up your gut bacteria creating a situation where you are able to absorb more calories from your food than you otherwise would.
Google that shit, it's fucked up.

>> No.8545476

there are a raft of reliable studies that show artificial sweeteners do not harm your body or your metabolism in any way, but actual sugar in fact, does.

Tell your family they are the idiots for drinking sugar drinks, and challenge them to a 5 mile run.

>> No.8545485


drinking liquid sugar is the actual problem here you fat fucking sack of shit. stop spreading your pseudoscience and failure germs to innocent people

>mexican coke does taste the best
but it has exactly as much sugar by gram as HCFS coke you drooling moron

>> No.8545488

Average lifespan for a person with mild obesity is reduced 3 years and for a person with really fucking bad obesity 10
So drink a lot of regular soda and your life would be around the average minus 6 years

>> No.8545489


no they haven't. this is a myth and a lie. people LOSE weight when they switch to diet soda

because they are consuming less calories.

>> No.8545508

Scentists HATE him!!!
>Learn this simple trick and make energy from nothing also known as perpeto mibile

>> No.8545512

Don't fucking make drop sources on your fat little ass there tubby.

>> No.8545514

Don't call me fat cocksucker.

>> No.8545535

now go get your fuckin shinebox

>> No.8545543

in the late 80s canadian scientists force fed canadian lab rats a bunch of diet soda and then they got sick
that's the only reason people say diet soda is "bad" for you

>> No.8545547



You asked for it, now deal.

>> No.8545551

Try again

>> No.8545552

>there is no rational reason not to eat chicken
Beyond the ethical and environmental benefits? I eat meat but just so you know, broad declarations are unbecoming.

>> No.8545557

>you are able to absorb more calories from your food than you otherwise would
So it makes your GIT more efficient? Only in a world where people have more food than they need could that possibly be a bad thing.

>> No.8545568

They're not going to just stop farming chicken, people eat it the world over. It's available and it's cheap, and you like the taste, why not?

>> No.8545579

Just send industrial quantity of aspartam to Afrika. I think.we just solved world hunger. Nobel prize fucking where???

>> No.8545617

Yeah, man, it's not like, how much you, like, eat, dude. Satiety is like, a state of mind. You just have to will yourself to digest more of the like, nutritional elements and stuff. Peace.

>> No.8545856

still drinking calories, even if it's less of them.

I like Zero's taste so I just never bother with anything else.

>> No.8545882

>Coke Zero is a better choice in every sense.

Not when the sweetener it uses causes seizures, and you live with one of the people it happens to.

>> No.8545888

Found the trump voter
sorry for showing you some mean facts

>> No.8545901


that's why it has a warning label on it, snowflake

>> No.8545908

In the short term the regular is worse because the calories and sugar will make you become a morbidly obese fat fuck with fucked up cortisol/ blood sugar levels and you will get diabetes. Long term zero will give you cancer and myriad of other problems from the aspartame and other garbage they put in it. Both will corrode your teeth and generally reduce your health. The solution; drink one every now and then instead of chugging it like some disgusting pleasure seeking animal

>> No.8545920

>Coke Zero is Aspartame. that shit will rot you from the inside out.

>Long term zero will give you cancer and myriad of other problems from the aspartame and other garbage they put in it

>citation needed

really, in this age of fucking information I still can't understand how much "momscience" and "fake news" is going around. Chemophobia is really fucking up society

>> No.8545931

>thinks NPR is equivalent to alvin jones and breitbart


>> No.8545935

>I'm really not seeing some public outcry

dead people can't protest

>> No.8545940

>it is better in every sense!

>but not this one

>lol wow your tard is has label??

Keep those goalposts a movin, pedro.

>> No.8545953

>Tillisch's take on the new research: It's hypothesis-generating.
>aside from mice testing the human tests consisted of only 7 people
>elevated blood sugar levels in 4 of them
I don't think they eliminated "they ate more sugar because of the psychological effect of the aspartame" as a cause, either. The reason they rejected an NPR link isn't necessarily out of a misplaced distrust in big media, but a knowledge that the studies that these articles bring attention to may be misrepresented by the journalist, either for clickbait or simple lack of expertise. You'd be better off linking to the actual study, if you could find it.

>> No.8545973

NPR does not do clickbait.
This story aired on the radio and this is probably the best news source in the united states.
None of these studies are iron clad but this one is at least as good as all the rest.

>> No.8545981

but sucralose is proven to fuck up your gut bacteria

how about just not drinking sodie pop OP? you're not a little kid anymore

>> No.8546017

You are preaching to the choir on NPR's virtues. I love them as a news source.

That said, when I say clickbait, I mean that they'll write an article along the lines of "a new study suggests ____ can give you ____" and they're not misinforming you or anything, it's very possible it could and scientists did observe evidence that suggests it, but it's not anything conclusive and in this particular case the study was very limited. It's too early to call this actual "news", but they need consistent content to keep people engaged, so they're blowing the horn a little early.

Maybe it'll turn into something later and they can point to their early reporting efforts, or someone will do a further study because the subject was brought to their attention by the article, but for now it's a useless source.

>> No.8546031

Kids objectively should be the ones not having sugar bombs filled with a stimulant. Adults can do whatever the fuck they want. its cool you dont like soda or w/e but that doesnt make your dick bigger bud

>> No.8546039

I know the syndrome you are talking about. I believe npr does it less than any other news source and I am not a guy who is going to read random studies so I tend to take npr at face value.
Best use of my limited time.

>> No.8546041

The diet drink has way fewer calories. The lack of sugar will keep your liver happy as it doesn't need to convert extra energy into fat.

The lower calorie count will help with meeting dietary limits.

The claims that diet drinks make you gain weight are all based on eating more of other things not the diet drink.

Simply put it's better for you. Although it tastes like shit.

>> No.8546054
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>> No.8546073

Nothing wrong with using it as a personal news source, it just doesn't really prove anything in an argument like this. They probably limit it but, really, it's hard to defend a study of 7 participants.

>> No.8546091

Only a small part of the study was limited.
And for an informal setting like like 4chan, I believe npr is about the best thing to source.
Not many here have the education to glean any useful info from a raw study.

>> No.8546092


the other link had 300 participants so I'm going with that study.

>> No.8546107


The exceptions do not override the rule, my stupid, stupid friend.

>> No.8546113

why not just drink an adult beverage?
like water or beer

>> No.8546115

I guess 'cos it tastes like dick.
otherwise they would, retard

>> No.8546125

That was only a small part with seven participants.
You need to read the whole thing.
The story referenced several studies.

>> No.8546126

The part of the study that consisted of actual controlled tests was small. There was an earlier generalized nutritional study with more participants. The data on diet soda drinking and blood sugar levels from that study was the reason they looked into it further, but it wasn't controlled for this issue specifically, so it doesn't mean much.

Linking to NPR articles isn't an issue, but it's not helpful when the conclusion of the article itself is "this adds something to the debate, probably, but is inconclusive on its own and needs further research"

>> No.8546136
File: 93 KB, 1224x652, diet_pepsi_aspartame_free_promo_by_chrissalinas35-d8s5mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

diet pepsi aspartame free

splenda is safer than aspartame in my opinion

drink zevia coke though if you really want to keep your health

it uses stevia

the regular soda with 40g sugar is the worst of all of them for the body

>> No.8546139

>but it's not helpful when the conclusion of the article itself is "this adds something to the debate, probably, but is inconclusive on its own and needs further research"
That is exactly how any reputable science story will read.
The ones that tell you that they have solid proof are the ones that are most likely be.
"Tends to" and other non commital phrases are the real language of science.
This is exactly what you should be looking for in any article on diet science.

>> No.8546141
File: 789 KB, 3500x1937, drinkpreneur_zevia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit is completely safe if you got money

it is expensive

although its only 1$ per can its not really that bad but it wont kill you and its soda-y enough

>> No.8546150

regular soda will kill you faster
much faster

>> No.8546161

>this is better, no exceptions!

>actually there are pretty big exceptions


>> No.8546181

I guess I was thinking within the context of this article specifically, where "it's inconclusive" was the result of weak studies rather than a single solid study that needs further research to show consistency, but you're absolutely right.

>> No.8546224

Kek, I just had some chicken stirfry but there is a plethora of ethical, rational and environmental reasons to be a vegetarian you dumb fuck. I can understand being unable to relate to vegans and str8 edge faggots because life requires some enjoyment, but hating people who dont eat meat is just retarded.

>> No.8546228

Link those peer2peer studies you alternative facts nigger.

>> No.8546231

And I think I am so used to very tenuous information on this subject that this feels like the best stuff I've found.
It was enough to make me quit drinking zero when I found this last year.
Could easily be corrected next year but for now I find it compelling.

>> No.8546239

Same fucking idiots that are antivaxxers. The uneducated hate for academics and experts is the biggest problem in the West, or at least rapidly becoming it.

>> No.8546242

>I keep hearing that aspartame will literally rot your liver
you keep hearing bullshit from people that think MSG causes headaches, organic foods are more nutritious, and GMOs cause cancer

>> No.8546252

Litralley this anyone that claims aspartme does litralley anything roo the is a memespouting dumb retard faggot. Aspartme is litralley harmless its like if some fagboy claimed water was bad for you.

>> No.8546257


amen brother

>> No.8546267
File: 48 KB, 558x372, kanye-sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people are afraid of the shit they put in animals to keep them healthy and make them grow faster because it could have some adverse effect on them.

>tfw you eat much less meat than you used to because you started worrying about this shit

>> No.8546304
File: 53 KB, 680x567, seriously.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are actually people living on this earth RIGHT NOW who defend aspartame.

>> No.8546323


>Diet Coke is the same recipe as the failed "New Coke" from the 80s
>Coke Zero is the original formula
>both use aspartame

>> No.8546336

This article is just about the risk of diabetes.
Not gaining weight.

> people gain weight when they switch to diet soda

Zero sources.

>> No.8546344

>Zero sources.

I think you mean Coke Zero sources

>> No.8546348

>somebody says coke zero causes your weight to increase
>backs it up with a source that's talking about diabetes type 2 (not weight gain)
Fucking moron.

>> No.8546353

I'm not even the guy you replied to. I was just making a dumb joke.

>> No.8546361

Why is it so hard to just drink water? Seriously, I can't wrap my head around this

>> No.8546399

Dumb you are.

>> No.8546404

Okay Yoda

>> No.8546405

ameritard's dont have water their get corn sirop out their tap's and their believe it is normal

>> No.8546428

Which irrelevant shit hole peasant country do you hail from?

>> No.8546445

Dosant matter becos litrally anywear is better then gaymerica

>> No.8546454

I see you're avoiding the question. If I was an impoverished serf like you I'd do the same.

>> No.8546476

light > life > regular (sugar) > zero > regular (corn syrup)

>> No.8546480

>Would rather spend much more money on soda
>Has to make threads on the 4chin to know which soda will kill him the slowest
Wow, so much for being """""""""civilized""""""""
As a side note, I'm from Argentina, so whatever dude, enjoy your diabetes

>> No.8546548

>being so poor that you think you have to choose between soft drinks and water
>probably doesn't make this same distinction with other. less healthy than water beverages

I suppose you drink nothing but water and eat nothing but salad greens and lean fish?

>> No.8546588

stevia is suuuuuper expensive compared to sugar and sucralose/aspartame/etc

>> No.8546599

I'm actually on your side but he's arguing that it effects your bodies ability to absorb and use calories.... not that it changes the actual amount of calories.

>> No.8546785

>Implying I'm poor
>Implying I don't drink soda just because it's fucking gross
Dude, seriously, the only way i can drink coke is with Fernet, that thing is fucking nasty

>> No.8546805
File: 112 KB, 500x375, vomit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I willingly put HFCS in my body and I've conditioned myself to enjoy it, therefore I've Made It™
God this place is depressing sometimes

>> No.8546821
File: 17 KB, 500x500, Mfw+you+judge+kids+for+living+with+their+moms+_1cdf98ae70346fcd20bf30897ec0d72a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying i drink soda
>implying i made this thread
>implying I didn't just want to know where the big bad murrica basher lived
>mfw he's a nigger from Argentina
How do you even have the nerve to be condescending to anyone you fucking dirt farmer?

>> No.8546827

>Resorts to the "You're poor haha you're argument is invalid" pol tactic
Why do I even keep giving away free (You), I'll never know. Seriously dude, maybe so much sugar is fucking with your brain or something, drink some water haha :^)

>> No.8546869

>eat around 800 calories a day
>decide to buy a pepsi with my lunch (rice bowl)
>felt like someone melted a hole in my stomach
soda, not even once

>> No.8546881
File: 12 KB, 272x186, Gt+argentina+gt+cis+white+male+_f8fc850b4da1bbb8792e63c6af81e902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, have a nice day, shitskin.

>> No.8546952

I've got news for you, numbnuts, the higher up you are on the socio-economic scale, the less HFCS you consume, which is why we're generally in better shape than the lower levels.

Enjoy your syrup and beetus you poor fatfuck.

t. American who hasn't had a soda in 5 years.

>> No.8546973

You really need to go back to your containment board, where people actually care where you are from

>> No.8546984

Jesus Christ, this thread is intense like 90% of the posts are just one guy insulting another guy. /popcorn

>> No.8546990
File: 137 KB, 717x880, 6vScT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to go back to your favorite website.

>> No.8547007

>Le riddit boogeyman XDDDDD
Seriously, you run out of stuff to say and you just resort to memeing, you really need to kill yourself m'dude
>imgur url
That really boggles the joggles, doesn't it?

>> No.8547014

I hate how it is clear though. Something about a clear mixer that makes drinking feel more degenerate.

>> No.8547048
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>knowing imgur filenames

>> No.8547053

Drinking a lot of any soda is bad for you, however, Zero is way less bad for you in every way. I personally think Zero tastes like hot garbage, I think Diet Coke is the way to go.

Now, if you were asking me if Pepsi, Diet Pepsi or Pepsi Max, I would go with Max, because Diet Pepsi tastes like hot garbage...

Best Cola ever: Fritz Cola! Also their Coffee Cola is amazeballs. But everything in moderation. One every couple days at the most.

>> No.8547081
File: 125 KB, 1375x749, 1471661195464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not knowing them for ez redditor identifying
Le epic redditor has been shibbolethed ladies and gents. Not only are you a /pol/tard in training, but also a redditard, holy fuck this is too sad

>> No.8547102

>muh /pol/ boogie man
>not knowing an /int/ meme when he sees one
Not him, but you're quite obviously a redditor.

>> No.8547126
File: 67 KB, 230x230, 1444424561820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woew dude, lmao ahah

>> No.8547180

In low doses zero, in high doses classic. Sucralose is a carcinogen.

>> No.8547419

Yeah I have to agree with these two
You're definitely a tourist from plebbit.

>> No.8547790

worshipping academics as if they are infallible deities is a big problem in the west too

>> No.8547803


Negative Ghost Rider. Trump was elected president by almost 60 million people who think that Trump is an infallible deity. We need a lot more worshipping academics before it becomes even the slightest problem.

>> No.8548100

I voted for him because I knew it'd make you cry.

>> No.8548165

> adult beverage
> water
It's been a struggle telling my 5 year old he can't drink water until he's 18. Sometimes I catch him and his friends attempting to use the faucet, so I finally broke down and bought and case of water bottles. Sometimes, when he's a good boy, I'll let him have a bottle. I'd rather he do it here in a controlled and safe environment, rather then out at his friends place or worse, a house party.
Raising my wife's son has been a challenge, but I'm just trying to be the best dad I can be.

>> No.8548200
File: 79 KB, 405x380, 1476739251566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fat ass in-laws give me so much shit for drinking water instead of soda when the spouse and I eat dinner with them. They are also anti-science and anti-chemicals. It's absolutely infuriating being around them. Oh and they always try to lecture us about nutrition because they want us to become manatees like them and their entire extended family. Fuck that.

>> No.8549099

I drink zero when I 5:2.
So far I have never had any problems.

>> No.8549114 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 300x225, roast-recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when we used to have 5:2 threads alla time?
5:2 thread.

Post recipes.
Success stories.
Brag about being able to eat WHATEVER you want on feed days!

>> No.8549165


Aspartame has the same problem as MSG. That's the same problem as anti-vax. One study done by one fuckwad that is shown completely false still gets regurgitated by idiots who don't know shit and becomes "fact" among fellow idiots.

Aspartame is "healthier" than sugar. MSG is not bad for you. Vaccines are good.

It's such a joke that you idiots have the fucking internet at your fingertips but you can't spent 15 minutes to look up the answer and instead spout nonsense on a vietnamese dice crafting forum. Fucking scientific literacy is at pathetic levels and this thread proves it.


>> No.8549305

They're both shit filled with Chinese antifreeze and Swazi AIDS. Rather than waste years and money, you might as well go directly to Mecca, openly announce your love for gay sex, and get your head chopped off.

>> No.8549311


>> No.8549319

>vacinnes are good
>proceeds to throw an autism induced, Asperger's tier, spastic tantrum on the internet
You got vaccinated as a child, didn't you?

>> No.8549331

Michael J. Fox got his Parkinson's from his life supply of diet Pepsi . aspartame fucks with the nervous system too . It's bacteria poop man not meant to be eaten by humans !

>> No.8549646

depends on if aspartame really causes dementia or not.

>> No.8549694

Do what I do and take their kids outside to play after dinner, really run them ragged, climb trees, get in races, play tag, play football.

pisses their parents off to no end.

>> No.8549727

People shit on artificial sweeteners out of their own ignorance, they're largely harmless
Sugar is basically the #1 thing killing americans and making them fat, not only is it addictive, it's also just fucking awful in general. It's even worse nowadays the HFC is in damn near almost everything and it's the worst of the worst

>> No.8549767

I went from liking coke zero to hating it because I felt it stimulated appetite too much, to liking it again because it seemed it no longer was having that effect. Unless you get hungry as fuck from Zero, I'd say there's no reason not to drink it. The massive sugar level in regular coke is pathetic.

>> No.8549782

Why not just flavor soda with beet sugar

>> No.8549810

Artificial sweeteners mess with your blood sugar.
Did you guys even read any of the links in this thread?

>> No.8549878

One small study. Stop cherrypicking studies and treating them like gospels.

>> No.8549895

Because beet and cane sugar are functionally the same. In <everywhere_but_trumpistan> pop is indeed sweetened with beet- or cane sugar. You're the HFCS outlier there.

The caloric content of non-diet pop is about the same no matter HFCS or "real" sugar.

>> No.8549898

Ok but why is beet sugar any weirder/more evil than corn sugar or a random cane plant's sugar

>> No.8549932

Not a small study. Many studies point to the same conclusion.

>> No.8549964

>its okay to do it because everybody is doing it
you typed this unironically. not a vegetarian but wew lad

>> No.8549971

It isn't. If anything it's HFCS that's being given the evil eye by some scientists. Beet- and cane sugar is identical (sucrose) and metabolizes into roughly equal parts glucose and fructose.
HCFS already is glucose and fructose, and does not require the initial metabolism. It is speculated that this - somehow - makes it more likely to induce diabetes than proper sugar. Be it from cane or beets.


>> No.8550002

>Not a small study
it was 7(seven) people

no they do not.

>> No.8550104

That was a small part of it you assclown.
Quit trying to mislead people who are too lazy to read the article.

>> No.8550110

>131 posts on a question answered with a google search
this is probably the dumbest thread on /ck/ right now. not even gonna link the articles

>> No.8550192
File: 37 KB, 640x505, spoons rattling outside window.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aspartame can cause migraines. I drank it for ~6 years in ridiculous amounts before I started getting them. Most soda will give me a bit of a headache these days if I drink too much with no water.

The formaldehyde made by the body upon breaking it down is pretty minimal and is just spouted to scare.

It fucks with your pancreas like regular soda does though, which is pretty serious. Type 2 diabetes comes from 2 things: your body becoming immune to insulin or your pancreas giving up making it, so it's still playing with fire as far as diabetes goes.

>> No.8550270

Witch doctors would just steal it for their spooky voodoo.

>> No.8550928

>eat around 800 calories a day
are you auditioning for an Auschwitz documentary? You may actually have a hole in your stomach and it aint the soda's fault

>> No.8551078


Natural sugar is not harmful. I drink natural original coke everyday for twenty years and I'm fat but strong. Nothing wrong with that. It gives me energy. Coke zero is just like making love in a canoe: it's fucking close to water.

>> No.8551129

Fatty puhtattington detected