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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 150 KB, 1242x1216, WV9r9wr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8541410 No.8541410 [Reply] [Original]

what is the best breakfast to prepare to a girl after you gave her a night of deep dicking?

hardmode - no bowl of eggs

>> No.8541415

dont give her a blueberry muffin shell get back at you

>> No.8541416


Cash for a taxi with enough left over to stop for coffee and a sausage and egg mcmuffin.

>> No.8541423

Tea bags, on her face preferably.

>> No.8541430

is this really what taxi's do in america? stop at mcdonalds per people's request?

>> No.8541435

taxis in poor land don't take people where they want to go?

>> No.8541468

In the US, taxis exist in a sort of tit-for-tat situation: basically, you give them legal tender, they give you a ride to wherever the fuck you want to go.

>> No.8541514

try buttermilk pancakes or waffles

>> No.8541518


I'm the guy you replied to. Where the fuck do you live that a taxi doesn't bring you wherever the fuck your want to go?

>> No.8541554

Different girls like different food but most of them enjoy bacon eggs and biscuits. I made one some rice custard out of the left over rice for the stir fry we had the night before and she thought she was getting the royal treatment lol. Another girl had never had an omelette before. I fuck some trashy girls.

>> No.8541800

Tell her you want juice and scrambled eggs and buttered toast and bacon and coffee and it'd better be good if she wants more creamy sausage roll.

>> No.8541806

If its not your gf dont bother man.

>> No.8541811

a swift kick out my door and a stern "do not contact me again". if I feel nice I will throw $10.53 cents in coins at her so she can get the fuck off my lawn and back to the roastie factory.

>> No.8541932

I think he was asking if the taxi will stop off at McDonald's on the way to the final destination

>> No.8541951

>a girl
Now that's funny.

>> No.8542041

Taxis do this any where. Do you think your the taxi driver's hostage until you arrive at your destination? No wonder people pay so much for taxi fare.

>> No.8542055

scrambled eggs, egg whites, sausage and cream.

>> No.8542065


My apartment is literally within view of a McDonald's drive thru pick up window, and there is almost constantly a cab there. Fucking hate those fuckers! Seriously, they need to start accepting foot traffic. I'm not going to drive 50 feet when I'm drunk just for a few mcdoubles...

>> No.8542068


a door

>> No.8542104

>a girl

More like what do you give a guy after a night of deep dicking?

What would you guys suggest? What would YOU like?

>> No.8542108

French toast (make with really good bread and dipped in rich custard batter before cooking) topped with macerated berries and powdered sugar, with a side of bacon or good link breakfast sausage. Followed by more dicking and couples shower time.

>> No.8542111

Your pic reminds me of back in the day, when my husband and I were dating, and he'd come in to my work when I was closing and we'd have sex behind the counter and in the office. Good times.....

>> No.8542115


Real French toast is just shitty toast that thinks it's better than all other toast...

>> No.8542118


French toast is just bread soaked in egg and then fried in a pan. Isn't this the same everywhere?

t. strayan

>> No.8542120


Ya to non-French people, but to french people it's just shitty toast that thinks it's better than other toast.

Quit being gay.

>> No.8542124

You faggots know nothing. If you think french toast is just toast dipped in egg, you might as well just eat scrambled eggs on toast. You don't deserve french toast. Gays.
Also, girls like french toast. But hey, by all means, give her a meal that means you don't fucking care about her at all. See how far that gets you.

>> No.8542147


Why would we care about her? Faggot

>> No.8542156

Because you want to get laid again in your sad little lifetime, don't you? Pathetic.

>> No.8542158


>implying I want to fuck a girl more than once

Fat beta neckbeard virgin detected. HAHAHAHAHAHA FAGGOT!

>> No.8542159
File: 15 KB, 201x300, picture-4-201x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I dip some bread in runny eggs girls will want to have sex with me
It's funny what kinds of weird shit people say on 4chan when they're roleplaying as normies

>> No.8542168

In your fantasies, sadboy. You'd be lucky to have my relationship and my life. But keep dreaming.

Again, you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about, samefag.

>> No.8542175


I got my dick sucked by some bitch who has been begging for my cock for weeks tonight. Know why I didn't fuck her? Because then I wouldn't feel like getting my dick sucked by her again. Fuck off you fat loser. No one gives a shit about your morbidly obese beta hunter girlfriend. Congratufuckinglations, you're dating the girl absolutely no one else wants...

>> No.8542177

You think your life is great because you have to work get laid with your own girlfriend? Sorry dude. In my culture there's no concept of "getting laid" with someone you're already dating, it's called sex and it's a given.

>> No.8542192

Samefag strikes again.
The fact that you're so adamantly against french toast in a thread about cooking for a girl just proves that everything you're typing is the sad, misguided ranting of a virgin loser. Sorry you're socially inept, but try not to take it out on normal people, it's unseemly. You don't come off as anything but sad and ignorant. Try to take an active interest in bettering yourself, that's the first step to adult relationships and social ease.

>> No.8542193

take a cab

>> No.8542195
File: 109 KB, 1334x750, IMG_1197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are such a beta faggot...

>> No.8542197

only a girl could be this retarded

>> No.8542200


Naw dude, no girl could be that retarded without calling me a shitlord...

>> No.8542201

Only a total cuck would keep samefagging like that. Get a fucking life, dickstain.

>> No.8542202

>Samefag strikes again.
I guess it 's entirely impossible that multiple people think you're an idiot. And given that you need to yell at people for being virgins and losers in a thread about breakfast while bragging about banging your own girlfriend, you'd know all about sad and ignorant. Don't try to make this about French toast again because I couldn't give a shit, I jumped in when I saw you acting like a wanker.

>> No.8542203
File: 74 KB, 1334x750, IMG_1198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You keep using that word but I'm pretty sure you don't know what it means...

>> No.8542206


Hey, how fat is your girlfriend? Has she cheated on you? Ya, she's cheated on you. But you stayed with her, because she won't do it again, right? Just a one time thing, right? She was just really drunk, and he took advantage of her, right? Faggot...

>> No.8542207
File: 434 KB, 1600x1200, frenchtoastbake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French toast is fucking awesome, IDK what you assholes are on about.

>> No.8542211

Some permavirign got it in his head that if he convinced 4chan he's had sex, his life will improve. He must have heard someone say "fake it til you make it" and took it to heart

>> No.8542218

Nice try.
And I don't have a girlfriend, I have a wife. Of nearly 20 years. And it's more than you'll ever have. And if I wasn't sitting out here watching the smoker, (amusing myself with you, idiot) I'd be in bed with her right now having epic morning sex. I just feel sorry for you. You'll never know what love is or what great sex is, either.

>> No.8542219

I think I made him kill himself. Oh well, no big loss. I mean that figuratively. I'm sure he was abundantly large...

>> No.8542220

is this thread still about food?

>> No.8542226

You mean this dumbass?

>> No.8542227


So if you have been married for 20 years, I'm guessing her son is right around... 17

>> No.8542228

No, the guy who keeps screaming samefag at everyone making fun of him

>> No.8542230
File: 85 KB, 1334x750, IMG_1199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You mean these dumbasses. I don't know what makes you think there's only one person here making fun of your fat faggot ass...

>> No.8542234

OUR son is a teenager, yes. So is one of our other sons. And our third son is a preteen. If you didn't come from a broken home, maybe you wouldn't be such a dumb asshole now.

>> No.8542236

Unless you all went to the same school of faggotry typing, you're one person. All the posts sound exactly the same. It's like reading the fake comments on Yahoo.

>> No.8542237


This is /ck/. There are literally no threads that are more than 15 minutes old and still about food.

>> No.8542241


Maybe we just sound the same because you are just used to everyone calling you a fat faggot.

>> No.8542244

>this much projecting

>> No.8542245

I have a girlfriend of 6 years and I wouldn't brag about having sex with her like it's some achievement. But now I feel like you know that and you're just trolling me.

>> No.8542248


You're the one so much in denial that you have to keep telling yourself we are all just on person samefagging. I bet you tell yourself your wife isn't fucking around on you too, or that your kids actually came from your nutsack. Do you also tell yourself you and your wife are perfectly healthy because you are believers in HAES? I would feel sorry for you if I wasn't a sociopath who literally couldn't give a fuck about anyone but myself. If I saw your fatass get hit by a truck, I would feel worse for the insurance company than I did for you...

>> No.8542250
File: 95 KB, 1128x863, zero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filename: your level of self-awareness, and the number of times you've "gotten laid" as they say in high school (the last time you spoke to a woman who was not a cashier or your mother)

>> No.8542252

I may be trolling you, but the facts remain. I have been married for nearly 20 years, and if I wasn't watching the smoker, I'd be having sex with my wife right now. But I literally have to take one for the team, and watch the pulled pork and brisket out here. I probably wouldn't even be trolling you if I wasn't bored and buzzed. But, I saw some lights come on inside, so I imagine my youngest is going to come running out here any moment to see what's up. He's still young enough to want to hang out. That all ends at 13.

>> No.8542253

>drive 50 feet

>inb4 obsessed

>> No.8542257

If you were a sociopath, you wouldn't care about the insurance company either. You're just a sadass who makes himself feel better by trolling other people. I actually do feel sorry for you. You're going to have a shitty day.

>> No.8542258


Not sure what you're implying here. That the file name is one number higher than the last pic I posted showing i wasn't alone making fun of you? Wow dude, good job. You're a regular Sherlock, that is if Sherlock Holmes was a mentally retarded and morbidly obese cuck...

>> No.8542261
File: 829 KB, 3096x1741, killyourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you drunk? Or stupid? Probably both.

>> No.8542264


I'm Canadian actually. We use feet and meters. Would you prefer if I said 16.6 meters?

>> No.8542267

You're not talking to the person you think you're talking to. Goddamn, this thread is full of fuck.

>> No.8542272

>and now I'll punch myself in the face as a distraction

>> No.8542274


Dude I'm fucking wasted! Give me a break! The only thing I'm focused on right now is making fun of that fat cuck faggot who keeps implying we are all the same samefag. I really need to sleep. I shoulda stuck it in that bitches ass. Next time. Next time...

>> No.8542276

I'm a girl and I like it when my boyfriends make biscuits and gravy.

>> No.8542278
File: 3 KB, 465x108, OBSESSED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go eat a dick nigga.

>> No.8542281


HPV detected

>> No.8542284
File: 190 KB, 516x480, 1257873428576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8542288


I bet your dog doesn't even bark at your wife's boyfriend anymore

>> No.8542314

Why do you wanna make her breakfast?

Do you WANT her to stick around?

Let her get her own damn breakfast.

>> No.8542326
File: 128 KB, 248x284, 1464765142978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give her some of the Best BBQ Sauce You'll Ever taste

gals can't get enough of the stuff,
you'll thank me for it

>> No.8542338


Is that his wife? Holy fuck she looks like one of those troll dolls with the hair that sticks straight up!

>> No.8542344
File: 878 KB, 1280x720, tammy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, and yes you are not wrong

overfeed them, a fat girl is one that won't run away

>> No.8542373

This guy's bait game is really strong lads, be careful

>> No.8542379

The thing you're best at making.

Can you make good pancakes? Make her a short stack of pancakes with some kind of fruit on top or on the side. Make sure whatever you make is plated nicely.

Omelettes also have a low ratio of how difficult they are to make to how impressed people are by them. Lots of ways to make omelettes, lots of things you can stuff them with; herbs, cheese, onions, peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, sausage, bacon, ham, etc. Go down the list and ask the girl what she likes, assuming you have multiple ingredients on hand.

>> No.8542408


>> No.8542479

Get some pizza hut delivered man. She'll love you.

>> No.8542633

i don't even know what these faggots are arguing about

this entire flame chain was started by a shitty pun at french people's expense

>> No.8542640

trolling is a art

>> No.8542645

honestly yeah

i enjoy peoples company, especially sharing a meal

>> No.8542654

Just give her a poptart and send her out the door.

>> No.8542660

Girls generally like the sweeter stuff. Pancakes or french toast with a side if bacon is good. I usually do french toast because I don't have to make batter, but sometimes I just feel like eating pancakes. Crepes are good too, chicks love french shit.

>> No.8542671

does Rihanna really sleep around a lot? I mean is she sexually promiscuous?

>> No.8542697

A nice hot cup of BYE BYE

>> No.8542711

How do you make your French toast senpai?

>> No.8542734

We both know neither of you faggots are fucking anyone but your anime body pillows.

>> No.8542766
File: 37 KB, 600x600, 2dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying you would stick your dick in an animal graveyard.

2017 strikes again

>> No.8542788
File: 88 KB, 314x294, __ponponpon___by_ironystrikes-d4e5qem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is containment board level.

>> No.8542825

>a night of deep dicking?
If the dicking was good, it's HER that makes you breakfast.

>> No.8542878


>> No.8542942


>> No.8543518


Resulting to personal attacks on an anonymous person you know nothing about because you have no substantive thoughts on the matter?

Sounds about right...

>> No.8544318

Cab fare.

>> No.8544324

Have some fresh fruit on hand, berries preferably, and some meat. Sausage patties instead of links because we don't want to be vulgar about it. Lastly, if you have the skills then some pancakes might be welcome.

>> No.8544339

I thought the girl was supposed to cook me breakfast.

>> No.8544735

Jack isn't exactly a prime catch either, he's lucky for what he got. Dude looks like a bullfrog.

>> No.8544771
File: 52 KB, 570x350, 570_Plan_B_Reuters_Edit[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothin quite like it

>> No.8544779
File: 55 KB, 700x251, hero_pdt_6_nuggets_no_sauce[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't prepare anything.
Have her make some chicken nuggets for you.
If she won't, then kick her out because she's trash.
If she makes you the nuggets when you ask, she's a keeper.
If she makes you nuggets without you even having to ask, she's the one.

That's how I got my wife.

>> No.8544781

Prepare something high in fiber, it will help clean her out so you can fuck her right in the asshole later

>> No.8544788

>t. trailer trash

>> No.8544816

I don't cook girls anything, they cook me breakfast after a good dicking and everyone who's not a cuck will agree

>> No.8544835

How many men did you fuck before you hit the wall and settled down with your husband?

>> No.8545047

I haven't been dicked before, but crepes would be nice.

>> No.8545093

Yeah well if I totally didnt have like a dozen chicks all totally epically blowing me right now Id be tracking your ip and readying my helicopter to go all mercenary on your ass. But Ill settle for pussy and crab legs.

>> No.8545096

For me its the mcchicken. The best fast food sandwich ever.

>> No.8545168

and... scene! Great job everybody, especially you, pulled pork anon. Same time next week?

>> No.8545237

They'll stop wherever the fuck you pay them to you cuck

>> No.8546075

buttered toast
pinch of salt

>> No.8546187

>What would YOU like?

order belgium waffle plate from the corner diner pls

>> No.8546265

i use my bicycle to get everywhere, and tried to go thru the drivethru on a bike, and there were NO CARS BEHIND ME and they told me I had to come inside. i didnt even go, i went to taco bell instead that shit pissed me the fuck off

>> No.8546351

I've walked through a drive through and ordered, wasn't a problem.

>> No.8546437

>f-f-fuck you guys, I'm going to taco bell!

Wow, you really showed them!

>> No.8546458

Nigga, wtf am I witnessing in your picture?

>> No.8546477

Have fresh blue berries and syrup/molasses on the side

>> No.8547334

just walk your drunk ass inside

>> No.8547453

Calling bullshit on this. Most drive thru lanes have sort of a magnetic sensor under the pavement which alerts the person at the window. There's no way you could trigger that unless you're made of metal.

>> No.8547538



>> No.8547541


Flavored drinks and sugary shit like waffles and pancakes.

more variety of drinks and syrups/toppings trick the feeble female brain into thinking you have your life together, so she'll be ready for more dick in the future.

>> No.8547543

Girls love sweet stuff. Maybe some blueberry french toast and pepper bacon. Have a variety of fruit juices to choose from as well as a fresh pot of coffee and milk.

>> No.8548498

Light and sweet
Pancakes and strawberries; c'mon man

>> No.8548506

they use a camera retard

>> No.8548636


>> No.8548656

Plan B

>> No.8548673

I don't live in America, and I can't think of a single drunk taxi ride home where the taxi drive hasn't taken us through the drive-thru.

>> No.8549631

>16.6 metres

15.24 metres...

>> No.8550707
File: 181 KB, 800x800, SFS_PotatoesOBrien-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Potatoes O'Brien with ham, an over-easy egg, toast, and a cup of coffee.

>> No.8550923

Just like actual French people lmao

>> No.8550998

Did this guy think at all when he posted this?

>> No.8551011

Strawberry crepes with a cheeky line of blow on the side

Coffee, OJ, champagne

>> No.8551021

No eggs because she's vegan? I would want pancakes.

Whatever the breakfast, tea with honey if my throat is sore :)

>> No.8551401

a bowl of captain crunch and skim milk.

>> No.8551443

The last girl got lucky, rye toast with avocado slices and this chipotle sauce with salt and pepper, it was really good and I kinda wish she left that night so I could enjoy the entire avocado.

>> No.8551446

you can literally ask any taxi to stop anywhere in any country

>> No.8551451

then WALK to the mcdonalds, and call a cab from there

>> No.8551459

>epic morning sex
le 9gag army strikes again xdddddd

>> No.8551500

Is this the return of old man rambler?

>> No.8551532

>Hey, how fat is your girlfriend? Has she cheated on you? Ya, she's cheated on you. But you stayed with her, because she won't do it again, right? Just a one time thing, right? She was just really drunk, and he took advantage of her, right? Faggot...
Funny how the /pol/ crowd are obsessed with being cheated on, despite never having a gf let alone being intimate with a girl.

>> No.8551537

>Is this the return of old man rambler?
doesn't sound like him but made me lol, I'd forgotten about that guy

>> No.8551615

Too coherent, not enough commas.

You'd think with the way kids used to get hit with a stick for shitty writing, old schizo anon would have better punctuation.

>> No.8551630

>falling for the marriage meme
>trusting the female jew
nekk minute, out on your ass with nobody to fuck and all your shit gone

>> No.8551639

I'm gonna call you "Dad-anon"

>> No.8551776

Why don't you take a seat over there?

>> No.8551918

There's a very easy solution to your problem here anon, you just don't know it yet.