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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8539358 No.8539358 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /ck/ I'm gonna cook, join me for this wonderful trip

>> No.8539362
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pan, nice n hot

>> No.8539368
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while I wait for the oil to get heated, I season my patties with Old Bay™, the best spice you can buy at a supermarket

>> No.8539374
File: 507 KB, 1440x1080, 1456137708837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can already tell these are gonna taste great,

>> No.8539383

>non stick pan
>pre-formed patty
>what looks to be chili oil

well, when you have dogshit parts, you do what you can to make it edible. good luck, op

>> No.8539391
File: 53 KB, 460x379, disappointed admiral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wonderful trip
>Electric kitchen
>Doesn't make his own patties
>All that fucking oil when the patties' fat should suffice

Who let you near a kitchen, OP?

>> No.8539401
File: 656 KB, 1440x1080, 1481482586652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright one side of the patties is cooked, time to flip them

>> No.8539413

Why are you cooking in the dark? Turn on some lights.

>> No.8539437

I'd like to say you're doing at least 1 thing right, but I just can't find it.

>> No.8539446

>whats in the oil?

>> No.8539451
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Alright burgers are fully cooked, time for the bread and condiments

>> No.8539454

>no cat

>> No.8539458
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>> No.8539460

looks like brown shit on top of curry

>> No.8539463
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onions ON the bread

>> No.8539464

op, the fuck you doing?

>> No.8539468
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And now time for condiments.

>> No.8539471

please kys so i can stop feeling pity for you

>> No.8539473
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I find the sweetness of the ice cream, mixed with the spice of the chili sauce really brings out the flavor of store bought meat

>> No.8539477
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finished product, without the burgers

>> No.8539478


aaaaand he's meming us.

>> No.8539480
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of course, this is the most important part, the meat itself

>> No.8539483
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and enjoy! the flavor is an acquired taste but all in all I enjoy it

>> No.8539493
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>all that fucking oil

>> No.8539494
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>> No.8539497

>ice cream and burgers
>premade burger patties

>> No.8539501

>Raw onion
>Not even on a chopping board
>Realize just now I'm in a sweet ramen thread

>> No.8539502

good try op, you had me up until this point

>> No.8539508

there's nothing wrong with pre-formed patties. kys


>the sperg who doesn't like a ceramic glazed nonstick pan for literally no reason.

>> No.8539518


>> No.8539519

preformed patties have bad fat content, end up thin as christ, and are dry as hell

>> No.8539521
File: 6 KB, 252x200, DENVERDIDYOUDOTHIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the ever loving fuck

jesus christ

>> No.8539525

>there's nothing wrong with pre-formed patties
Everything's wrong with preformed patties, bad meat, bad fat, bad processing, you name it.

But we're in a Sweet Sundae Ramen thread anyway.

>> No.8539539

what's the white stuff on the mustard side? is that mayo?

>> No.8539544
File: 65 KB, 427x700, 1407268835854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did we go from this

to this

>> No.8539611

hes probably american

>> No.8539860

This was pretty disappointing. Boring ingredients. No prep to speak of. Final product doesn't even look tempting

>> No.8539983

haha this was epic it will now be part of cringe threads :) very cool!

>> No.8540078

looks like saffron