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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8534458 No.8534458 [Reply] [Original]

What does /ck/ think of my home made from scratch Raman. I made the noodles and the broth then add what ever kinda shit i have lying around.

>> No.8534467
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Op here.
Here's the noodles

>> No.8534487

good fucking job. impressive.
10/10 id eat

>> No.8534502

Thanks, Anon

>> No.8534505

Shit dawg, what pasta machine is that?

>> No.8534509

Its a lightly used imperia i got off ebay for 24 bucks.

>> No.8534536

Fuck, that looks good

>> No.8534663

This is too nice for /ck/
BTFO, Op!!

>> No.8534673

what's the broth?

>> No.8534689
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Tonkatsu......pork bones, chicken bones garlic, ginger, green onion some soy sauce.

>> No.8534711

marry me anon

>> No.8534771
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>> No.8535350

Any good recipies to try/follow?
I'm not much of a weeb, but I do love me some soup, and Ramen is always nice, but I have never tried it at home.

>> No.8535465

Where can I get some scratch? I want to try your recipe.

>> No.8535472

Noodles are flour and water.
Broth is meat and water.

>> No.8535474

I tried your recipe. Now I have a meat cake.

>> No.8535490

Mmmmmmmmmmm meatcack

>> No.8535537

To make noodles you need to make your own KUNSAI.
To do this you bake baking soda like a crack chef would do. Spread baking soda out on a clean cookie sheet and bake at 250 F for one hour.
After you have created Kunsai put one teaspoon of it into 250ML of warm water & mix till dissolved. Now add 4.25 cups of high quality bread flour to your crack head water.
Start mixing untill it becomes dough.... once its fairly doughy you can pull out of the bowl and start kneading it.
The dough is very sticky and crumbly and you need manly hands and arm guns to knuckle beat down the dough into submission for like 20 minutes or so untilll the whole things is pretty homo androgynous.
Assist the homo androgynous lump in Asexually reproducing itself by cutting it into 4 seperate androgynous equally stupid and unlikable lumps.
Then wrap up your lumps in plastic wrap and let their lazy bitch faggot asses rest for about an hour.
Pick up a lump and roll it out a bit with a rolling pin.
Then run it through your pasta maker through all the settings untill you reach the second to last thickness. Cover with more flour as you go while visually scanning for the wet spot so you will know where to put your dick.
Once you get to the second to the last thickness setting on the pasta maker you then Run it through the thin cutter and out comes your fucking little noodles.
Sprinkle them with some rice flour so they don't stick.
Boil the noodles in a big hot boiling pot of scalding water. They will sink to the bottom then rise to the top. Use a chop stick to help seperate the noodles while they are in the scalding hot water. pull from the water within 30- 45 seconds and then Run cold ass water over the noodles.
You put the broth in a bowl then ad the noodles. adding them to the broth allows them to get coated in all the sticky flavorful fats & oils.
Prepair for Disappointment as your first attempt is probably going to end in failure.

>> No.8535550

>beat down the dough into submission
But only if I have the written consent to such acts beforehand I guess. Otherwise this could be considered rape or at least opression!

and what about the broth?
Its probably a bit more complicated than just meat and water…

Dont the japs also often use dashi or various combinations of kombu, bonito flakes and miso?

>> No.8535572
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Yeah the japs put all sorts of different fish shits in their raman. I didnt say you couldn't put fish shit in your ramen. You want me to explain to you where babies come from too!?!? Jesus fucking christ!
The broth needs to be cooked in a pressure cooker. If you dont have a pressure cooker then you probably have a neighbor whos a terrorist that you can borrow one from.... just ask the closest darkskin named Mohamed. Trumps new policy isnt going to help you in your efforts with that any.
Once you find a suitable vessel for some Haji's DIY I.E.D. You fill it with pork bones and chicken bones from a butcher shop. Ad a clove of garlic, a stalk of green onion a bit of ginger and fill a little under 1/8 to the top with water. Bring to a boil then Reduce to a simmer and cover with the pressure cooker lid... let it cook for an hour; then open stir & crush. Repete 3 or four time.
If the police come to your house asking about your terroist plots then play stupid and offer them ramen.... the cheap 25cent packaged stuff not the good stuff you worked so hard on.
Or you completly fucked up cooking the ramen then offer the police your fucked up failure bowl of sarrow and they will probbaly leave even faster.
Good luck anon! Allah and many virgins are waiting for your success.

>> No.8535586
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Really appreciate the writeup, thanks!

But I have no pressure cooker and all the terrorists in my neighbourhood have been removed in a raid last weekend (not kidding…), so I guess I can also use one of my normal pots, and simmer it for 5 hours or so?

>> No.8535601

you should teach that other guy how to make actual fucking ramen and not steak and eggs

>> No.8535603

>asks for recipe
>gets unironic bloviating /pol/emic
You have to go back

>> No.8535619

>cooks something actually edible
>posts recipe on /ck/
>told to leave by libcu/ck/ who can't cook
I don't know why you think this is your board...

>> No.8535620
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I dont think so. You should invest in a cheaper 30 dollar pressure cooker off ebay... pressire cooker is gonna raise the boiling temp a lot more and this will reduce boiling over and evaporation and it probably aids in the wuality of the broth.
Fuck all the /ck/ slow cooker crock pot fags and just invest im a pressure cooker otherwise put your head between your knees and brace for failure.
Dont cut corners being cheap or just stick to cup o noodles.

>> No.8535625

I have noticed.

>> No.8535639


op is just following the example set by the great Donald Trump and doing his part to make /ck/ great again, and like President Trump, he's doing a great job!
Thanks op!

>> No.8535645

Steak and eggs is being waaaaaay to nice..... i know exactly who your referring to and that was shit with corn in it.

>> No.8535653
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Precisely, Anon.

>> No.8535660

Better set of recipes https://washoku.guide/categories/ramen

>> No.8535664

That looks great, I would've cooked the steak more but that's just personal preference.

>> No.8535686

I wouldnt call it better as much as i would call it the same fucking thing.. there is some other broth information, that would be worth bookmarking so thanks for the link, but the recipe for tonkatsu raman is literally the same thing. How you pulled "better" out of your ass im not sure. Most of the recipes call for chinese egg noodles or packaged store bought ones.
I feel like some of my free thinking opinionated ranting instructions offended you into using the word "better".

>> No.8535694

>Most of the recipes call for chinese egg noodles or packaged store bought ones.

[pleb] here, I actually prefer Chinese egg noodles, I can get them freshly made in Chinatown at a good price.

>> No.8535701
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I like rare beef, biut also it cooks a bit more in the broth, but that is a personal preference. I like to use pork belly but all i had was some random chunks of steak in my freezer so i used those.

>> No.8535714

Is the yolk fully cooked through by the time it's in the bowl or do you crack the yolk into the soup?

>> No.8535725

stop liking what i dont like, anon you salty little bitch.
You probably like corn and dried up ground beef with your chinese noodles....
Its japanese raman so i made japanese noodles.
T. Poor college fag.
I really dont see what your going for here other than some kind of passive aggressive personal vendetta based on something I said about crack use or mohameds.

>> No.8535730
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you sound... upset.

>> No.8535747
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I like the yolk to be runny so it mixes with the soup . You can do a hard boild egg... you can do anything you want. You can do doo doo with corn in it and barelli shell pasta. I like mushrooms in there too but i didnt have any around. You can put some fish cake and seaweed in there.
Your only limit is your complete autistic lack of talent.

>> No.8535760

Being insulting and mean to people can be construed as upset. For the record though i am just being mean and insulting.

>> No.8535762

ITT angry 20 yr old virgin weeb tries to "fit in" on the Internet. It's hilarious.

>> No.8535777
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What an amazing thread!
trumpist shitposting that actually has content related to cooking.
Here, have some boobs as a thanks!

>> No.8535808

Goddamnit Jesus

>> No.8535860
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I saved you from a terrible sin!

>> No.8535870
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What would people say the best veg and meat combo for ramen is?

>pic unrelated.

>> No.8535883
File: 72 KB, 612x370, IMG_6192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Havent tried a predominently veg ramen yet. I would assume you could make a veg broth and heres a pic insaved of some veg ramen that looks promising. Maybe add some thinky slices scallops to whats pictured. If you make a meat based broth with shrimp or scallops in it i would calm that surf & turf.

>> No.8535891

I mean like would spring onions, pak choi, peppers and ginger be good with certain meats for example and what other combos?

>> No.8535893


The problem I see with a veg-only broth is that it would lack the gelatin from a meat-based broth. That would give it an unpleasant watery texture. I have no problem with veg "toppings", but I I think the broth would really suffer if there was no meat involved.

>> No.8535904

Yeah good point.
Nothing vegitarian is as good as vegetarians ever say it is though, so i am already braced for failure when vegans and veg fags cook food for others who arent strict leaf Nazis.

>> No.8535913


That's a completely objective question. I like a boiled egg with a runny yolk, pork, green onion, carrots, and some kind of cabbage or bok choy in miso broth. My wife doesn't like the egg, and prefers mushrooms and beef instead of pork and carrots. She also prefers beef broth, but she certainly won't complain about miso.

>> No.8535923

But generally does compliments each other?

>> No.8535930

I think it's just personal taste. If you like two things, they will usually compliment each other. If you don't like one, it won't go well together. I can't imagine ramen without green onion, for my wife it's cilantro. I'm one of the genetic mutants who thinks cilantro tastes like soap...

>> No.8535932

>Corriander tastes like soap
I unironically feel bad for you, for me it's the shit

>> No.8535938

Ya, from what people with normal taste buds tell me it sounds like the shit. But it's in my DNA apparently. It tasted a lot better when I was a smoker, but then again a lot of things did. They say food is suppose to taste better when you quit smoking, but I found the opposite to be true. I actually lost weight when I quit smoking, and considering I was 5'11 and 160 pounds, I didn't really have spare weight to lose...

>> No.8535962

This, not a smoker but it has always tasted like soap to me.