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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 93 KB, 720x1280, boneapptheteeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8534235 No.8534235 [Reply] [Original]

Some chick on my Facebook feed just posted this

>> No.8534239

and it caused you to sperg out that quickly, huh?

>> No.8534245


It doesn't really bother me at all but on my facebook at some point this woman posted her breakfast which was nutella, peanut butter and sliced banana's all in a tortilla. I kind of laugh not because she posted it but because she posted the steps on how she actually made it. She was like "take a flour tortilla and spread some nutella in it, then add some crunchy peanut butter. Slice a banana and add it i, then roll it up."

Had me laughing I don't know why.

>> No.8534250

Eh, that wouldn't be so bad if she just left out some or all of the sour cream.

>> No.8534266


>> No.8534269

too much sour cream but I bet it's delicious

>> No.8534281


I'm glad I am not the only one haha

>> No.8534302

I'll be her wife op link me to her so we can make arrangements

>> No.8534303


Clearly this is a cry for help. She is showing everyone what an awful cook she is and how she desperately needs a man to take care of her. Fuck that shit. She probably ate 17 of them. Plus she uses fb...

>> No.8534304

this cunt seems like she's an easy lay.

>> No.8534313
File: 41 KB, 497x401, beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spotted the bitter, lonely, conspiratorial alcoholic

>> No.8534314

Send me her link. I'd wife her for a night or two if you know what I mean.

>> No.8534318


Married with kids actually. They are even my own kids.

>> No.8534326
File: 27 KB, 808x810, 8489596848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using facebook

>> No.8534332

this also makes perfect sense

>> No.8534340

>he doesn't understand irony

>> No.8534341

best jpg of the year

>> No.8534357

Shut it bitch.

>> No.8534522


Because I wouldn't be interested in a woman who can't look after herself and pathetically shitposts on Facebook? Ya dude, I don't believe in HAES. I don't want some worthless bitch turning my kids into lard balls while I'm at work. Donald Trump wouldn't marry her either I bet...

>> No.8534532

why do you have facebook you normie piece of shit

>> No.8534534

Let me guess, you married the first girl you fucked and now you're jaded and life is basically over for you.

Should have sown your wild oats bro.

>> No.8534569


Ha! You spend too much time on the internet... faggot

>> No.8534877

So she's fat AND a smoker right? Who can imagine why she's not married.

>> No.8534892 [DELETED] 

why do you have niggers on your facebook

>> No.8534905
File: 86 KB, 400x533, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw this beauty the other day

>> No.8534909

Makes a guy wonder why there aren't more gay men, until you remember the gay sex...

>> No.8534918

I can get uploading nice foods, but when it's something like a fucking wrap, what's the point?

>> No.8534930


Why people put a hot filling in a tortilla but don't warm the tortilla beforehand?
Is it so your hands don't get burnt? (I believe this is a stupid reason not to heat it)

>> No.8534941

Food is food, its fine to send a pic of a quick meal to someone you are close to, but its not appropriate to post it on a worldwide, high-traffic site like this.
And OP's faggot ass did just that, and we are seeing it completely out of context.
She did not intend for the whole world to see that pic. You are just an asshole who has some deep seated anger against her and you desperately wish to publicly shame her. She probably rejected your sorry ass advances, here she is begging for anyone to wife her, and you got utterly rejected, so you come here for support. You just shamed yourself, great job OP.

>> No.8534942

That flour tortilla is suitable food for an 8 year old. Toooo much sour cream.
Having to eat all of it without my gag reflex going off and this chick going deeper into her depression just sounds like a horrible way to spend my evening.
No thanks.

>> No.8534948
File: 75 KB, 600x475, IMG_1176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for enlightening us.

>> No.8534955

I'm not defending her whatsoever. I'm simply calling the OP a huge faggot.

>> No.8534962
File: 2.85 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8534966

Nah, you're a faggot. Posting shit on Facebook isn't intimately sharing it. If someone doesn't want to be made fun of for something, they shouldn't post it on the internet. Take your post for example. Faggot.

>> No.8534971

I'm not on her Facebook, you are. Because you are "friends".
I am not friends with this bitch. Yet, I am unintendedly seeing her photo. Why? Because you are a huge faggot. You liked it so goddamn much you saved it to post here, to show your "friends".

>> No.8534991

jesus christ what a faggot you are

seriously kys

>> No.8535020
File: 82 KB, 650x568, 12882549128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that looks like one of those god awful 'low carb' tortillas wtf

>> No.8535024 [DELETED] 

I'm not op. I don't even have fb. You should probably go ahead and mill yourself tho. Faggot

>> No.8535026

I'm not op. I don't even have fb. You should probably go ahead and kill yourself tho. Faggot

>> No.8535349

I am starting to notice a pattern that practicaly all cringe food pics are made under dim indoor lighting wich makes any food look terrible.

>> No.8537126

How do you know they havent warmed it beforehand?

>> No.8537155

people actually do this? Reeks of pathetic desperation to me

>> No.8537398

Part of what makes them cringe is the fact that people think they are good enough to post on facebook to begin with. The pic in the OP doesn't look great, but I'm sure it would be an okay snack to whip together in a couple minutes

>> No.8537406


>> No.8537411
File: 6 KB, 350x300, 1242308375149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait wait wait, you dont know WHY this is hilarious?

>> No.8537414

pics of girl? or description?

lighter making me think she smokes or does drugs.

could be for candles i guess.

>> No.8537427
File: 80 KB, 620x250, Souvlaki-plate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She hasn't been poisoned by feminism yet so get in there anon. Enjoy tasty food cooked by an untainted aryan waifu and breed some healthy kids to further the white race as the President demands

>> No.8537429

Maybe it's just for heating her food on the fly.

>> No.8537447

>not having a 12V hot plate in your car

you must not be from the US

>> No.8537453


looks fucking tasty, just needs presentation