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File: 78 KB, 2048x1365, la-fg-china-chopsticks-snap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8528402 No.8528402 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder if you use these, you're a pretentious cunt. Get a fork faggot.

>> No.8528413

i went to a honky vietnamese place one and ordered pho and they served it with a fork

was fucking lame

>> No.8528416

Daily reminder that OP is trailer trash.
Learn to use international utensils and dining habits, you piece of shit.

>> No.8528422

t. takes a photo of himself using chopsticks and posts it to instagram

>> No.8528442

I'm way too old to ever use Instagram, or fucking care about what other people think, you brainless twat.

>> No.8528446

>only the way i eat food is correct!

>> No.8528448

t. cares a lot about what others think

>> No.8528455

OP, stop being a fag for a while, ok?

>> No.8528462
File: 9 KB, 223x164, ohlord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8528465

>Eating ramen with a fork like some kind of faggot
>Eating salad with a fork and having an overall shit experience compared to chopsticks

>> No.8528467

I'm Japanese-American and grew up using hashi you white trash cunt

>> No.8528468

>here is a utensil that does everything. However it is boring.
>here is a utensil that does some things but has zero advantages to utensil 1. It is exciting and people will think you're cultured.
Only faggots who want to appear cool would choose the inferior utensil.

>> No.8528486

You mean a fork? Yeah, you're right, it IS the inferior utensil.

>> No.8528493

It doesn't matter what you use to eat. The only thing that matters is that you don't cook your steak beyond medium rare.

>> No.8528495


can you please explain to me how chopsticks could ever do anything a fork couldn't?

they're one of the worst culinary memes

>> No.8528504

You shouldn't be using sticks to eat in 2017.

>> No.8528506

that's not even the right syntax for that meme.

>> No.8528508
File: 11 KB, 265x190, ohshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did they come up with two sticks nigga.

>> No.8528509


Kill yourself at any time

>> No.8528513

Yeah, I can, and I will after I finish my sandwich, cunt.

>> No.8528521


I can't stab you in both eyes at the same time with a fork

>> No.8528526
File: 42 KB, 600x450, CLRfVq-WsAAYjtN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take that back

>> No.8528537

>Go to japanese place with friend
>Order stuff
>Get chopsticks
>Try and fail
>qt waitress giggles and asks if I want a fork


>> No.8528546


Well played...

>> No.8528553

Wtf is wrong with you faggots? You're arguing over how chinks, nips, and gooks use sticks to eat their food, and why that is the superior method. Who the fuck cares?

>> No.8528565

fork faggot detected. Go eat a tuna roll with a fork you fork fag...

>> No.8528568

how the fuck do you stab me in my both eyes with a chopstick?
i seriously want to know cause that's some next level shit

>> No.8528574


>can you please explain to me how chopsticks could ever do anything a fork couldn't?

Because there's two of them?

>> No.8528579


>> No.8528599

ok, then how the fuck can't someone stab both eyes with 2 forks then?

>> No.8528602

but im chinese

>> No.8528604


>can you please explain to me how chopsticks could ever do anything a fork couldn't?

Because there is only one fork?

>> No.8528641

Have you ever tried to eat something crispy as shit with a fork?

>> No.8528692

This is why you go out of your way to learn in your spare time, so you don't get laughed at by the qt waitresses. Fucking hell anon I'd expect you to already know this.

>> No.8528694

hahah what a faggot

>> No.8528799

if you are going to compare things, you should either use the same amount (1 chopstick vs 1 fork) or 2 chopsticks vs fork&knife
either way, chopstick loses the battle.

it would be retarded to compare what 2 chopsticks can do against 1 fork, that's like saying you can run better with 2 legs than 1

>> No.8528802

Suck my ass dude.

>> No.8528804

But you get 2 chopsticks with a meal, you don't get 2 forks (barring multiple courses of course)

>> No.8528805

no thanks bro

>> No.8528807

only reason anyone would have to dislike chopsticks is being ashamed of not being able to use them

>> No.8528817
File: 31 KB, 958x383, 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Year of our Lord 2017
> Not using a Knork®, the greatest utensil invention since ever.

>> No.8528819

>I like to make things needlessly more complicated so people think i'm cool

>> No.8528821

What if I wanted to pick things up easily without piercing them?

Oh right, you're a trailer trash retard that can't even pick something up with them without just stabbing it.

>> No.8528823

t. Pretentious hipster cuck

>> No.8528824

>doesn't even deny it
>the autismo complaining about them actually so fucking retarded he can't use chopsticks

>> No.8528829

Wow anon, you sure showed me how using chopsticks is bad, clearly my logic is facetious and next time I'm in asia and get given chopsticks I'll throw an autismal fit and demand a fork, otherwise I'm just a pretentious hipster.

>> No.8528830

I can use them faggot, there's just literally no point.

Are you trying to argue that it's not more complicated than literally stabbing something? Because you'd be lying.

>> No.8528836

And what if you either want the object to remain intact or it's floating in some form of liquid?

>> No.8528848

There's like a handful of foods in existence where stabbing it would affect something. Serve those few dishes with chopsticks if you want.

>> No.8528850

There's a legend that states that one man alone has been able to put the fork into the liquid, lift it out of the liquid, and place it in his mouth, all without piercing the item or dumping the entire bowl's contents like an over-acting infomercial presenter....

>> No.8528853


I'm not the one who asked what can be done with chopsticks that can't be done with a fork. I merely answered...

>> No.8528895

ok, but one shouldn't compare 2 chopsticks to 1 fork either way

>> No.8528908


No one eats with one chopstick. No one who isn't retarded eats with 2 forks. Quit being retarded.

>> No.8530091
File: 88 KB, 300x277, 1472066313615.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these triggered weebs saying eating with chopsticks is better than eating with a fork.

>> No.8530117

Whether or not something is pretentious has a lot to do with what the norms are where you happen to be. Apparently OP lives in a place where eating with chopsticks looks pretentious. All I can say is I'm glad I don't live there.

>> No.8530118

then compare chopsticks with fork&knife then fucker. generally you don't eat with just a fork either you retarded cunt

>> No.8530129


No one is saying chopsticks are better than a fork. They are saying that chopsticks have their time and place.


I think it's pretty much confirmed op lives in a place where chicken balls with sweet and sour sauce are the pinnacle of Asian cuisine.

>> No.8530137


I'm not the one who compared chopsticks to a fork. If he said "what can chopsticks do that a fork and knife can't do" I would have compared chopsticks to a fork and knife, but he didn't, so I didn't.

>> No.8530139

>They are saying that chopsticks have their time and place.
I agree with that. I'm just saying I wouldn't want to live in a p[lace where using chopsticks was considered pretentious.

>> No.8530144

Weasel words. Also the fork knife combo isn't both shoved into your mouth like 2 chopsticks would be you degenerate. False comparison out the ass. L2logic

>> No.8530148
File: 129 KB, 1000x812, 1346683841389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But using chopsticks is part of the fun of eating oriental food.

I still always use a fork near the end of the meal to pick up the scraps i cant get with the sticks

>> No.8530149

>Superior eating utensil coming through


>> No.8530161

>using chopsticks is complicated
>pinching food with two sticks so you dont get your fingers dirty
>is complicated

Exactly the sort of thing some faggot with spaz hands whos retard hands are too retarded to use chopsticks would say.

>> No.8530163


Ya, my reply for you was the one about the chicken balls. The first part of my post was suppose to be for the guy above your earlier post, but auto update fucked me and I didn't notice. Some people are just so fucking retarded that they get angry at someone using chopsticks just because they never bothered to learn how to use them...

>> No.8530212

Just like if you use needlessly complicated shoelaces instead of velcro it's only because you're a pretentious hipster who wants people to think you're cool.

>> No.8530218

>Asians learn to use knives and forks when appropriate
>westerners not allowed to return the favour

Far as I'm concerned chopsticks are just another eating utensil, no comparison necessary because they're not seeking to compete.

>> No.8530233
File: 1.23 MB, 1000x800, 1480749021757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo forks are fucking retarded, just get a spork!!!! it can do everything a fork AND spoon can!!!!!! you're a PRETENTIOUS RETARD if you ever use just a fork or spoon!!!!! utensils are a big deal!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.8530244

Don't even get me started on using wine glasses and champagne flutes and whatever show off glasses when my cup holds every liquid perfectly well AND has the added advantage of being spill proof.

>> No.8530247

Or a weeb.

>> No.8530297

>they get angry at someone using chopsticks just because they never bothered to learn how to use them...
Maybe. Could be xenophobia as well. Some folks get angry about things they see as foreign becoming commonplace. They don't like the idea of people eating with chopsticks, speaking other languages or getting too enthusiastic about foreign foods because they see that as a threat to their identity.

>> No.8530311

I went to a sushi place last night and there was a big family throwing everything back with forks, the dad drinking his large Sapporo right out of the bottle, eating their miso soup with Chinese soup spoons... It was disgusting.

All I could think was: "Trump voters".

>> No.8530313

>he's using chopsticks! He's a Muslim! Build the wall!

>> No.8530316

More like
>He's using chopsticks! What a pretentious nu-male hipster libcuck!

>> No.8530319

>he's doing something differently than me! He must be a libtard numale cuck! I bet he only owns 3 guns...

>> No.8530338

>I'm one of those faggots that is proud of lacking a simple skill

>> No.8530347

it's still a better comparison than 2 chopsticks vs 1 fork. you really should l2logic
that's like saying you run faster with 2 legs instead of one.
jesus christ, where's natural selection when you need it.

>> No.8530379

>a fork is commonly used on its own
Not by people with good table manners.

>> No.8530381

>while a fork is commonly used on its own

Only by fucktard inbred hillbillies with no table manners. It's always a Fork + Knife unless you're some kind of infant.

(I'm not the guy you're replying to BTW, I just saw a comment I felt I needed to address)

>> No.8530383

Do you not try new things?

I bet you got sandbagged for using them like a chimp.

>> No.8530384

You have no idea how easy it is to pull girls in the ghetto by using chopsticks. Literally all you have to do is use them and you're half way in already, if you know a few words in an Asian language you're all the way in.

I use them anyhow though, they keep your brain elastic :)

>> No.8530396

But it's fun to use them. I also squint all the time when I'm at an azn restaurant, and give no tip.

>> No.8530409
File: 490 KB, 449x401, LaughingWhores.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like someone got triggered when everyone laughed at him when he tried to eat sushi with a fork.

>> No.8530422

You call that a spork? Now this is a spork.


>All hail Sporkeza!