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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 236 KB, 444x445, mcdonalds-Sausage-Biscuit-with-Egg-Regular-Size-Biscuit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8528125 No.8528125 [Reply] [Original]

Diabetes is caused by eating too frequently... If you turn eating into a drug and have nothing else to do and start eating for enjoyment instead of when you are hungry...

that is what causes diabetes.

you can eat like shit but if you space out your meals then you will be healthier than the person who eats and eats and eats every 20 minutes

>> No.8528146


Well it's a shame that you didn't come to this concusion sooner then.

>> No.8528161
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yup that is right i have to take 5 shots daily now

im telling you exactly what i know right now

when i developed diabetes... it was when i decided i was going to start eating as a drug because i was bored and food became something that i did for pleasure and i ate and ate and ate very frequently 24/7 and i felt full to my stomach all the time

and that is what put me into the hospital with diabeeettus

it is not a genetic disease it is something that people do in the first world with high access to food in infinite amounts and if you dont have self discipline to stop eating and to take breaks inbetween meals u are fucked

>> No.8528214
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You can eat an entire 'zah to yourself if you wanted and just be a fat fuck but as long as you space out your meals and stop eating after you ate the pizza you will not get diabetes because the body knows what youre doing if you eat it at one time

but if you eat a pizza and then an hour later eat more pizza while youre still full is where you start to get problems

being fat is not even that bad .... if you know what youre doing

>> No.8528227

might be on to something.

drug addict here. when i try to stop/cut back on drug consumption i end up eating a lot more food than usual and more frequently

>> No.8528239
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>drug addict here. when i try to stop/cut back on drug consumption i end up eating a lot more food than usual and more frequently

depending on what the drug is

it could be better to just do whatever you got to do if it stops you from eating for fun

that is very very bad you do not want to be in this position i have found myself in

diabetic coma is like a drug overdose i almost died a few times

>> No.8528259

I hope you die.

>> No.8528273
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why do you hope that bro

its tough but humans need to have something that is sober that takes their mind away from things like this
atleast for a while so youre not constantly
unhealthy binging on things

even alcohol in moderation is 10,000x better than drinking all the time

>> No.8528285
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eating frequently can kill you quickly

it will kill you faster than most drugs

food is not the drug of choice you want

it is, if you know what youre doing and you take breaks. human beings need food. but they need to have it so the body knows what its doing . if you dont listen to your body signals and you eat when youre full. you kill yourself

>> No.8528300
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You can eat when youre full if its contained into a single meal at one time at one sitting. Over eating is ok.

The human body can eat very much and hold a lot of food inside of it.

But when the body thinks you are done eating and then you eat again too soon....... that is what throws the pancreas off and doesnt account for it

and you die VERY QUICKLY you can get diabetes in a few weeks in my opinion if someone wanted to

>> No.8528320
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if you say im going to eat this pizza and this pizza and this pizza and this pizza today then you get diabetes and you die

if you say im going to eat this extra large pizza in the morning and then another extra large pizza at night time. it would work. you would live. although thats a lot of food and you would think thats not healthy , it doesnt matter... thats how the body works.

only because you waited about 10 hours inbetween the meals.... it allows you to be a person who eats these big gluttonous meals

and if you dont want to be a glutton then thats fine too you can be a regular person who eats meals with hours inbetween or waiting until youre hungry again

>> No.8528379
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For a regular human who just wanted to eat 3 meals a day i would say give yourself 4 hours inbetween eating

the more snacks you have the more you fuck yourself

>> No.8528381

I feel you bro. I don't have diabetes but I do have clogged arteries from.fats. couple weeks ago I ate fast food and had serious heart pains for hours. Honestly thought I was going to have heart attack. I been living off of fruit and such for last couple weeks. Can't even afford a $30 blood pressure monitor which I need desparately.

Eat healthy kiddos

>> No.8528385

>tfw I wat every hour

I just drink a coke and eat 3 taquitos, how can I stop the craving?

>> No.8528392


What about doing sports?

>> No.8528397


Literally sports

>> No.8528398
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there are healthy fats out there fat is good if its a healthy fat olive oil/avocado etc it doesnt cause artery clogging but the opposite

but fast food can harm you certainly

you have to eat a meal with a food that will fill you up so you can feel full for hours

for me its protein. peanut butter does it ... carbs will leave you hungry again shortly thereafter. you need something dense and you need to eat a full meal

snacking is terrible for you

even drinking a coke

>> No.8528418
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but if you take my advice and eat a dense meal in the morning like i suggest

you MUST NOT EAT AGAIN for many hours, as long as you can go. For if you start snacking after you ate this large meal it is all the worse and I will have caused you to be harmed even more

>> No.8528420

this is the most /ck/ thread ive ever seen on /ck/

>> No.8528421

Don't forget the soda! 12 tsp of sugars per 12oz serving! How many do you drink daily?

>t. 'murican who hasn't had a soda in 5 years. Never felt better.

Get better fellow amerilards. 12th fucking fattest nation in the world and look who's in the top 11. Disgusting.

>> No.8528425
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drinking soda with your meals will not kill you
the extra calories might make you obese

but being obese is not the killer

you will only die when you drink a soda, and then 10 minutes later you drink a soda, and then you drink a soda and then another soda

that is when you die

people just dont like the look of obesity

to me it is not a matter until it starts to make walking difficult

>> No.8528433

OP we're gonna need some sauce on this besides the fact that you were dumb and gave yourself diabeetus

>> No.8528440
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drinking soda is not good period but it is really not good when it is not meal time and you drink soda. that is what makes soda so bad. when you drink it when it is not meal time.

if you drink it when you eat your meal, it is just extra calories and you could become fat and live as a fat person and it would be fine.

but if you drink soda when it is not meal time you will get diabetes

because it will throw the pancreas out of sync

not many people know this

doctors dont understand they say its genetic
i know why its caused
i know exactly what happened

>> No.8528471
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OP is spouting bullshit. If you eat 10,000 calories in one sitting and eat nothing else for the rest the day you're still gonna be in trouble. Eating continuously doesn't even make sense unless you literally do nothing but eat all day, in which case you're going to get be and unhealthy anyway.

>> No.8528474
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heres is my diagram

when you eat spaced out meals it makes insulin for each meal and everything works perfectly

if you constantly eat all day long the pancreas says idk what to do anymore and then it just cuts off

no you can eat one huge meal the body allows for it

that person would live

>Eating continuously doesn't even make sense

not to you it doesnt because you dont have this problem. some people do have this problem where they just want to keep eating all day as a addiction

>> No.8528475

But what about t1 diabetes? That's different from fat man diabetes.

>> No.8528488
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type 1 diabetes is a more severe form of type 2 diabetes.

type 1 diabetes says you completely fucked yourself and your pancreas doesnt work at all or at like 2%

type 2 diabetes still got partial function left they dont need long acting insulin they just need mealtime assistance with short acting insulin and sometimes they take a pill like metformin

type 2 diabetes can become type 1 diabetics if they decide they want to constantly eat and dont take any precautions....

theyre inbetween a non-diabetic and a full blown diabetic

doctors think this is all genetic they are blue pilled they dont know what theyre talking about they only know how to manage diabetes and not what causes it

>> No.8528489
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>tfw got bored on winter break
>lots of sweets lying around from family parties and after Christmas sales
>get in habit of snacking a lot
>school now back in session
>pack lunch to save money and try to keep healthy
>pack variety of snacks to cater to my potential cravings
>end up eating main meal, my sweet snack, and my healthy snack
>come home
>still snack between dinner and bedtime cereal

Fugggg. Someone stop me!! I never used to be like this. Before, I was able to calculate my intake very precisely and knew how to deny snacks. Now I snack because it's almost routine.

My water intake is poor but I'm working on it. I drink 1 cup of coffee in the morning. My sleeping schedule is fucked but I take naps to make up for any loss from the night before.

>> No.8528514
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and if there is ever a mom who says her baby got type 1 diabetes at age 3

what really happened is the mother fed her baby every 10 minutes and fed her baby too frequently and kept it full its whole life and never hungry

thats where childhood diabetes comes from

from the parents.

they arent born with it

>> No.8528536

type one diabetic is genetic/fuck up in the body, its not your fault if you have it. you can have a predisposition to type 1/2 if it runs in the family (genetics), but you can also screw yourself to the point where you get type 2 diabetes ie) eating like shit and being a fat fuck

>> No.8528538
File: 46 KB, 540x720, d1a68ab2-e388-4b05-926e-59a3ae10def3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is getting really fuckin creepy. I think OP did some meth or something.

Random pic

>> No.8528550
File: 90 KB, 800x532, tomato-basil-mozz-salad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not genetic

type 1 is a person who eats REALLY CONSTANTLY and never stops... right.

a type 2 is a person who eats constantly but then he stops. he eats constantly and then he stops eating.

a normal person eats and stops and eats and stops

that is the only difference... between all 3 groups.

type 1 is not genetic , that is a commonly held belief but doctors only know how to manage diabetes they arent experts in what causes it

no im good just spreading some truth of something that all men need to be aware of

>> No.8528557
File: 74 KB, 750x598, Cr67HHKVMAEnz1L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Diabetes is caused by insulin resistance. Pre-diabetics and early stage diabetics will see their symptoms disappear if they treat it.

Short term goals: Eliminate simple sugars, drastically reduce carbs in your diet. Begin intermittent fasting. Get a good night of sleep. All three of these things will help repair your insulin resistance.

Long-term goals: If you obese or over weight, get to a healthy weight.

Even a person who has been diabetic for a while can reduce their medication and maybe even come off it completely at some point

>> No.8528558

i am type 1 diabetic, i was diagnosed as a kid. ive been living with it for 15 years now. i wasnt fed constantly and i was healthy kid. i think youre confused on how the pancreas works and what being diabetic means

>> No.8528561


And by Diabetes I mean type II ofc

>> No.8528567
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type 1 pancreas is not working due to his eating patterns of too frequently

all the way 100% no more function


type 2 diabetics are in this weird half-assed state where their pancreas is still working a little bit but its thrown off because theyre still not eating how theyre supposed to , not spaced out enough but better than the type 1 .

sorry but at some point you ate too frequently and your pancreas didnt know what to do

it was your eating patterns, not a matter of how healthy you were eating or how healthy you thought you were

it was your eating pattern

>> No.8528590
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>Diabetes is caused by insulin resistance

and what causes insulin resistance?

its when you eat when youre already full after you already ate a meal

your body doesnt accept the insulin because youre eating too frequently

if you wait some hours for your blood sugar to drop and you get hungry again..... that is the prime way to get it so you are not insulin resistant.... when you are hungry and you eat, the insulin is accepted. no insulin resistance

>> No.8528608

i didnt have an eating problem as a 4 year old. i think youve just come to the wrong conclusion in your head.
type one is when the pancreas completely shuts down, there isnt much correlation to eating habits with it. youre just become insulin dependant/need to keep healthy and manage your blood sugars.
type 2 is when you begin to build insulin resistance, just like this anon >>8528557 explains.your body cant use the insulin thats being produced. this isnt due to eating too frequently, its due to eating too much/being over weight and having a sedentary lifestyle (although eating too often does seem to be a problem for these types too, so you're right there).
type 2 is loads better than type one because as soon as you start managing your weight and diet, symptoms go away. type 1 is for a life time.
here is a link on what actually causes insulin resistance, not your own version of what you think
its all on a cellular level

>> No.8528613

So you're telling me OP that I could go out right now and get two double doubles, animal style fries, and an extra large sprite from in-n-out and everything will be dandy with my insides?

>> No.8528621

also i want to add, just because you ate all the time and got diabetes, doesn't mean its the truth. you're just looking for something to rationalize it with. living with diabetes is honestly terrible, the needles and blood checking. its a big lifestyle change (especially if you're older and develop t1)
this is the main flaw in his argument. you cant eat all that for breakfast ,lunch and dinner just because you space it out. you're overeating like fuck, way over a recommended amount of calories per day.

>> No.8528629
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you were addicted to eating food 24/7 or your mom fed you too often

that is what happened whether you want to believe it or not.

that is what the doctors told you. doctors only manage diabetes they do not understand what causes it.

i know exactly what causes it.

when you eat and eat and eat the insulin is not used by the body because you already ate

thats whats happening .... its all about the eating pattern

type 2 diabetic is someone who fucked up their patterns but not 100%....

you can save early newly diagnosed type 1 diabetics if you tell them to stop eating so frequently and you pull them off the long acting insulin

and wean off the short acting and space out the meals

but they dont do that, they further confuse the pancreas by introducing tons of insulin so you are now a permanent insulin dependent

>> No.8528633
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>So you're telling me OP that I could go out right now and get two double doubles, animal style fries, and an extra large sprite from in-n-out and everything will be dandy with my insides?

yes you would live longer than someone who did this every hour of the day

you can do that as long as you dont do it all the time and you stop eating after

but you have to stop eating after... yes it would work

the body can filter out all the toxins

but the deep fryer is not good. you cant keep eating that all the time

>> No.8528636
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I didn't feel like making a thread and thought this thread was the most appropriate place to post this. Saw this bag of cardiac arrest for the first time today. Anyone else tried these?

>> No.8528638

So, got anything to back your theories up other than drug induced rambling?

>> No.8528648

well, all i can say at this point is good luck with your diabetes management. you have this weird fucked up version of diabetes in your head that you've accepted as truth. i can only hope you dont spread this disinfo to others, as diabetes is already a difficult enough disease to explain to others and live with.
you're literally speaking from you're own personal experience, and you haven't backed anything up with facts/sources, just your own inane thoughts and theories.
its not the toxins, its the sheer amount of calories and fat in a meal like that. you're essentially saying, that a normal person can eat that whole meal, 3x a day as long as they space it out? are you listening to yourself?

>> No.8528649

How is this a bag of cardiac arrest? Its just plain chips with seasonings. They are no different than any other flavor of chips.

>> No.8528651
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believe me i know this stuff
this is not just me rambling about nonsense

>its the sheer amount of calories and fat in a meal like that

it does not matter you can be a fat fuck and live till youre 90.

diabetes is caused when you are not spacing out your meals

fat is another subject , but fat is the best food group there is and fat does not harm humans

>3x a day

3x a day could be too much depending on how full they feel when their next meal arrives.... if they eat again when theyre full they will still experience consequences

>> No.8528653

You mean there aren't real bits of biscuits and gravy inside?

>> No.8528657

hey tin i love you man <3

>> No.8528658
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with fat the body only takes exactly how much it needs and the rest it shits out

you can cook with half a stick of butter on your morning bacon and it does not hurt you any more than a little bit of butter

the big amount of butter will be shit out

people have drank bottles of olive oil straight and not gained any weight

this is deep red pills for anyone who is interested in this

>> No.8528663
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hey XD

pls dont think im crazy i have deep knowledge

dont ask how

even this diabetic ITT didnt believe me but w.e

its ok he probably manages his shit good anyway but its good for people who are non diabetic to understand what not to do

because i was clueless before

>> No.8528666

type 2 is caused by a shit diet. fat is definitely one of the most efficient energies for the human body, but in moderation. being heavy is directly correlated to type 2, you are just further deluding yourself.
3x a day? how is that too much? breakfast, lunch and dinner? 3 square meals right?
do you know what happens to type one diabetics when they are in the early stages of experiencing symptoms? their body begins to shut down due to not having insulin. weening them off of insulin? you're insane. you're full of nothing but shit and fat logic.
maybe diabetes was a good thing for you, you'll stop shoving endless amounts of food down your gullet. keep "red pilling", idiot.
its just like how any normal person eats like a regular person everyday (~1500-2000 calories) and one day they go out for a heavy dinner. you arent going to gain weight in just a day, it takes a long period of time and unhealthy eating habits (eating too much a day, eating foods consisting of saturated fats, trans fats, sugar and sodium)

>> No.8528675
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type 2 is not caused by a shit diet its caused by eating too frequently to the point where they only need some insulin to help them

>how is that too much? breakfast, lunch and dinner?

it depends... if he ate a huge meal for breakfast he might not be ready for a huge lunch until his body says its ready. but ignoring your signalling is where you get problems

>their body begins to shut down due to not having insulin. weening them off of insulin? you're insane.

you dont mindlessly ween off insulin thats not what i said.

i said if you caught a early type 1 diabetic and you immediately fixed his eating patterns to where he was waiting a substantial amount of time in between meals you could save him. he would be a type 2 diabetic for a while and he would only need short acting insulin to be as meantime assistance and then you could ween off and be as a type 2 who defeated his diabetes, which does happen.

>> No.8528684

They tried that method with t1 diabetes. They died. Every t1 diabetic died until they developed insulin.

>> No.8528685

Holy shit, the fucking misinformation going on.
>type 1
A genetic, autoimmune disorder where your body eats the cells in your pancreas that produce insulin. Your body no longer can produce insulin, and as such can no longer self-regulate blood sugar.
>type 2
Your body becomes resistant to insulin because you're a fatty. It's like any other kind of drug resistance. As a result, your body can't regulate blood sugar efficiently.
While both kinds of beetix have similar symptoms they have VERY different causes.
Fun fact regarding type 1:
In a study of twins with diabetes, when one twin develops type 1, the other develops it only 75% of the time on average. It may be genetic but there are risk factors that trigger it.

>> No.8528698
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when they show up at the hospital in a coma its too late they need insulin.... if they corrected their eating patterns 1 month before they would have been saved

or in modern times im telling you this thing that i know. if they take this newly diagnosed type 1 diabetic and treat him as a type 2 diabetic and do not prescribe long acting insulin and space out his meals he will be saved.... he will be a type 2 diabetic for his whole life rather than a type 1

but they dont do that . they look at you and say YOU ARE TYPE 1 BECAUSE I SAID SO and they further confuse the pancreas with a permanent foreign long acting insulin

not auto immune
its a myth
the cells are still there and there is no virus

the pancreas stopped doing its job

>> No.8528702
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furthermore any type 2 diabetic can become a type 1 diabetic as soon as he says i want to take long acting insulin and i want to take short acting every meal

but if you are a type 2 diabetic, you space out your meals perfectly, and you ween yourself off insulin

you will no longer be diabetic

but they dont do that. theyre terrified and they keep taking the insulin

>> No.8528704
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theyre not terrified but

what they say is i want to keep eating and eating and eating

so they take the insulin

its an artificial bubble they live in where theyre doing something their body doesnt want so they need this man made insulin for when they eat when they arent supposed to

>> No.8528707
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they dont WANT to space out their meals

so that is why type 2 take insulin

they want to eat more than they should

they are addicted to food.

if they had the self control to space out the meals.

they could EASILY be non diabetic.

they have a huge advantage over someone who has been completely fucked over like the type 1s who they make dependent on long acting insulin

>> No.8528716
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they dont teach you about lifestyle in the hospital


they dont touch the subject.

they want to accommodate your unrealistic lifestyle with medicine

in some emergency situations its necessary but if they taught the right fucking way of life they could cure these diseases

they dont talk about it, they just treat it perpetually and let you keep splurging food in your mouth 24/7 and taking insulin for it

>> No.8528727
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>In a study of twins with diabetes, when one twin develops type 1, the other develops it only 75% of the time on average

that is because they eat at the same times because theyre fucking brothers

they always eat together at the same times

that is why they both get diabetes because the parents feed their kids too frequently

>> No.8528733
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i could make a trillion dollars i know how to cure both forms of diabetes

>> No.8528740

You do know that twin studies are often done on twins who are or were raised separately in order to prevent things like that? Learn what controls and an experiment is.

>> No.8528754
File: 1.10 MB, 1515x2000, Jessica_Jung_at_Incheon_Airport_on_May_22,_2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many twins are they stealing from parents to do these experiments on? holy shit bro

and how many of them got diabetes

you must have huge sample size generally my parents separate me from my brother at birth into different homes sounds totally ok . just rip my brother out of my home for an experiment and hope we get diabetes

>> No.8528755

Explain how type 1 diabetes is able to occur even in children who are extremely poor and are unable to have regular meals.

>> No.8528757

This isn't even true you fucking dumbass OP

>> No.8528759

>twins are separated by scientists and not by other things like divorce or cost or just mistaken identity at birth

Do you really think they go around separating the children themselves?

>> No.8528767
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that doesnt happen
they must have had a lot of frequent cheap food . they have poverty food but they still ate it frequently. some foods are cheap

dirt cheap foods. bread and empty carbs especially
its not expensive at all

woops we mixed up ur baby with another mam

they dont look the same anymore but this was your baby

>> No.8528776

>extremely poor and are unable to have regular meals.

Most "poor" people tend to be obese since oil, sugar and flour are cheaper to get sated off compared to carrots

Unless you're in the homeless-guy tier of poverty and in that case there are almost never any children

>> No.8528777

Stop posting you absolute mongoloid

>> No.8528784
File: 86 KB, 640x853, jessica-jung-weibo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also rice


>> No.8528788

perhaps your problem is that you eat so much junk food. If you actually ate food that had nutrition you might find yourself satisfied without being stuffed to the brim.

>> No.8529429

OP is confusing cause and effect. A prominent symptom of advanced diabetes is constant hunger without gaining weight no matter how much one eats. OP was diabetic long before he knew it.

Either that, or he's trolling.

>> No.8529477

Question, OP.

How many times do you drink soda or any sweetened beverage? Because I know there are faggots on here that can't live without sugar in their tea, coffee, cereal, etc.

>> No.8529536

>salmon roe
>no tuna roe
>no mackerel nigiri

this is the epitome of missing out

>> No.8529547


I believe these people are actually ant colonies that have control of a human.

>> No.8529554 [DELETED] 


>> No.8529701
File: 43 KB, 650x650, everything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is it.

I always knew I should "eat healthy", but I just assumed it was because it was "good for you". When I first started dieting and being strict with my calories, I tried to cut corners with low-calorie boxed/frozen junk meals, just for a quick lunch or snack or whatever. But I quickly realized that that shit actually ended up making me A LOT more hungry, to the point it was seriously distracting and I was having to fight myself not to just eat an entire bag of chips or something else garbage.
But when I would eat the same amount of food, or less, of something actually healthy and nutritious, I would feel completely satisfied for hours.
When I finally just stopped buying that garbage and started only eating healthy things, everything became so much easier, and eventually the cravings for that oily sugary garbage faded away entirely.

>> No.8529725

I smoke pot and drink icewater when I'm bored, so I think I'll be fine.

>> No.8529752
File: 479 KB, 467x593, ghjfgjhgf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>of something actually healthy and nutritious

it doesnt matter how healthy you are eating you can still get diabetes

are you stuffing your face with food 24/7 is what matters

food doesnt make you more or less hungry depending on how nutritious , thats what you think is happening but thats not the truth

you probably just changed your diet and now you attribute it to the food being more "Healthy" and satiating

>> No.8529760
File: 378 KB, 720x796, vegan dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I needed this thread, thanks.
>internet more helpful than anyone I meet irl yet again

>> No.8529762 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 600x600, 1473856089167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when in fact it could just be the fact that youre eating more dense and varied foods in your meals

you cant say to yourself I DONT EAT POTATO CHIPS ANYMORE THEREFORE i am exempt from disease

it doesnt work like that

>> No.8529815
File: 99 KB, 640x640, jessica jung (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it wasnt a symptom of diabetes to be in a state of constant hunger

it was me ignoring my hunger signalling and eventually it became a thing where you eat all the time despite being full

and i didnt know what i was doing so i fell into a trap to where i thought i could actually live and eat like i was eating all the time as a form of entertainment

i got away with this for about 1 year before i got hospitalized