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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.80 MB, 2236x2236, 4743199c-597f-4a1e-8df3-e069521bacba1021530642-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8526907 No.8526907 [Reply] [Original]

im making sushi roles for the first time /ck/
what do you think, am i doing good

>> No.8526911

Are you really going to stay there until someone replies?

>> No.8526916

Needs more poptart

>> No.8526919
File: 2.84 MB, 2236x2236, 017865ee-a1be-4227-88f9-3b887d0db80c1483109314-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you i just rolled it, and i think i fucked up

>> No.8526920

>cream cheese in a sushi roll
>fuck off

>> No.8526923

It's time to stop.

>> No.8526926

What is this dogshit.

>> No.8526935

Never been to Japan then?
Seriously, they lap that shit up.

>> No.8526945
File: 2.59 MB, 2236x2236, 71637a92-09a1-4ed9-a843-95e2ec72648d-1939583277-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imma try another roll guys

>> No.8526948

Are you retarded? Cream cheese with shrimp is quite common.

>> No.8526952

Do it carefully, this is no competition

>> No.8526953

Go buy a fresh avo you mong. That shit is disgusting

>> No.8526957

the cado is like 2 days old

>> No.8526969
File: 3.04 MB, 2321x2154, 93bbea8b-b6cc-44c3-812d-d460351ce1452014920465-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roll 2 came out much better

>> No.8526975

Please don't.

>> No.8526988

looks great anon. Try it with the rice inside first to get the hang of rolling them, then do the inside out.

>> No.8527014

i bet you used fucking minute rice didnt you faggot

>> No.8527028

>undercooked shrimp
>rotten avocado
>terrible rice
>cream cheese
The only thing that can save this roll is you killing yourself

>> No.8527044

Don't quit your day job
You don't have to use such a huge piece of nori btw it looks like your roll is a bit bigger than it needs to be

>> No.8527054
File: 1.32 MB, 480x228, raw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that avacado
holy fucking shit
you know this faggot eats those all the time.

>> No.8527142
File: 88 KB, 960x720, 16402393_10154110477101861_420360490_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice rolls op

im about to make some dessert sushi

>> No.8527158

ty for saying everything that needed to be said.

>> No.8527347

made Oreo sushi, was pretty damn good. glad I added peanut butter

>> No.8527351


cream cheese with shrimp can fuck off.

>> No.8527357

Please end your life immediately.

>> No.8527464

fuck you

>> No.8527468

Why would you make sure to take the most unappetizing as possible picture of the sushi?

>> No.8527473

Your avocado is rotten

>> No.8527480

I'm not sure which would be more pathetic. If that's your real voice or if you're unironically doing "le funnay weird voice xDDD ecksdee"

Kill yourself, you fucking waste of oxygen. In a hundred years the worm shit from your decomposed corpse will help grow a head of lettuce and that lettuce will amount to more than anything you've done in your entire life.

>> No.8527483

Holy shit you fat fu/ck/ do you seriously weight like 500 pounds? Those fatass hands holy shit youre going to be dead in like 10 years, tops

>> No.8527527

Why would you use inferior shrimp when you could get some crab/imitation crab that tastes infinitely better?

>> No.8527537

>imitation crab
why would you suggest this?

Unless you live in a flyover, just get crab meat.

>> No.8527545

>let's add rice to my oreos and peanut butter so I can say it's a meal and not just a really bad snack

>> No.8527567

Watch some of the other videos. The autism is off the fucking charts

>> No.8527570

Imitation is cheaper and tastes the exact same in sushi
Its just fish thats made to taste like crab idgaf

>> No.8527591
File: 73 KB, 640x427, sushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure you'll improve with practice. I've always made rice-on-the-inside style, but one thing I'd think would help either way is if you start with your fillings near one edge of the nori, rather than in the center. Who knows though, like I said never made it with rice on the outside.

Fortunately, even with shitty rolling like your first try, it will taste as good as if you rolled it well. :-)

Pic: no matter what you do, it will be better than this

>> No.8527647

I learned how to make a tasty snack while laughing, subscribed!

>> No.8527669

Your mat is the wrong way around, lay the fillings the same ways the bamboo(?) go, then you can pack a tighter roll.

I agree with guy saying try rice inside the nori first to get the hang of it. I would also probably not place the fillings directly in the middle unless you're doing it with rice inside. Try a bit towards the edge?

What's it looking like sliced up? Proud of you for trying something new, OP!

>> No.8527694


>> No.8527717

I fucking LOVE the hatred you incited with your dessert sushi. +1

>> No.8528746

This is a good combo. Fuck you.

>> No.8529064

Why don't you fuck off you peice of shit. You don't know shit about shit you fucking fucker shit eating fuck pot. Dick licker.

>> No.8529114

>i think i fucked up
At least you're being honest with yourself.

>> No.8529123

Honesty cant save op

>> No.8530334

Oh god no, the avocados are disgusting looking.

>> No.8530346

rice goes inside you fucking amerinigger

goddamn can't you burger munching fat fucks do anything right?

>> No.8530351

Sushi is good either way, faggot. Are you mad that you lost 1 grain of rice in your little dish of soy sauce?

>> No.8530492

Dont joke, a god lives in every grain of rice

>> No.8530503
File: 6 KB, 251x201, 1205414141572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating japanese food even though you arent japanese and dont have to.


>> No.8530513

This haha

>> No.8530514
File: 185 KB, 624x347, 1330556355075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>undercooked shrimp
>>rotten avocado
>>terrible rice
>>cream cheese

Thankyou for saying exactly what i was going to say.

>> No.8530520

Wow. Please die.

>> No.8530540

This image has the makings of a /ck/ classi/ck/. My god.

>> No.8530602
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>> No.8530624
File: 112 KB, 559x559, meme4502779204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8530656

I fucking love when this guy shows up to a thread.

Was this any good? Im seriously thinking of making a dessert sushi roll and running it as a dessert special where i work, going to use something other than nori though

>> No.8530693


Epic meme bro xD +1000 internets lol haha FTW

>> No.8530713

I assume this is the shrimp hating guy.

>> No.8530726

truly a sacred japanese art

>> No.8530802

>doesnt like it cus he haet shrempf

>still frozen shrimp
>dirty slimy rotting avocado
>C R E A M C H E E S E
>mat is wrong way around

Youre doing fine bud Im sure we are all just salty.

>> No.8530804

I'll strangle you worse than Jack strangled his pot smoking son.

>> No.8530858

could fondant work instead of nori?

>> No.8531023

Good job at being a failure

>> No.8531130

>raw fish
God, you weebs are disgusting

>> No.8531137

I've never heard of this combination ever

>> No.8531140

Just looking online you'll find a half dozen higher end sushi restaurants in California offer identical or similar sushi rolls.

Shrimp, cream cheese, cucumber, avocado. Wrapped in sushi rice and nori.

>> No.8531146

I like this idea. I was thinking a layer of crushed oreos as the nori, rice crispy treats for rice, and not sure about filling and topping.

>> No.8531155

You forgot the KY Jelly and other stupid childish post artifacts. Can't we all just be fucking kids here? Can't we all just be babies?

>> No.8531178

No youre thinking of a california roll with crab. Shrimp and cream cheese foul. Doesnt look like ebi btw. Kys

>> No.8531184

A lot of high end restaurants pander to swine fag

>> No.8531207


Have you never heard of "cocktail shrimp" you absolute retard? Or are you only used to greasy fried shrimp you obese autist?

>> No.8531215

Like every sushi place uses imitation crab. It's white fish. Idiot

>> No.8531373

Fruit roll up nori

>> No.8531406


Protip: When you want sushi, eat raw fish and sushi rice, period. I stopped by the expanded Kroger "sushi bar" and what I saw made me gag. Seaweed wrapped crap drizzled with a mayonaise style sauce. Honestly, who the fuck eats that garbage unless you're just a fatfuck amerifat that wants to brag to their illiterate neighbor that they ate "a healthy lunch of sushi." I just don't get it.

>> No.8531502

You sound like pretentious bourgeoisie trash

>> No.8531507

maybe every sushi place YOU'VE been to.

Try finding imitation crab in a $15 sushi roll.

>> No.8531561

the most important thing in making sushi is the rice. your rice is awful no offense. Too much water

>> No.8531681

Why not rice inside the roll?

>> No.8531699

well its not the worst i have ever seen but it is close, dont worry anon i believe you can do it some day

>> No.8531703

Painfully unfunny.

>> No.8532214


>> No.8532331

setsubun tomorrow lads. I hope you are being good weeaboos like me and making some eho maki.

>> No.8532336

its a little funny

>> No.8532478

Are those even words you typed?

>> No.8532494

You forgot the main ingredient.

>> No.8532511


>> No.8532516

I will give this a try thanks anon

>> No.8532678

Just nuke this fucking thread at once.
OP is always a faggot.