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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8520261 No.8520261 [Reply] [Original]

mfw i open a box of pancake mix and there's no bag, the mix is just loose in the box

>> No.8520274


>> No.8520278

It's hard to repackage for later use.

>> No.8520281

Stop grocery shopping at The Dollar Tree. Enjoy your pancake mix made in China

>> No.8520283

sue the company

Also dubs

>> No.8520284

mfw I mix milk, egg, and flour, and create pancakes without requiring weird industrial powders

>> No.8520286

I have to put it all in a ziploc and use a sharpie to write the water/mix ratio when I could have just used a clip to close the baggie.

I will admit that it's my fault for buying the cheapest pancake mix that Walmart sells.

>> No.8520301

No, it's your fault for not checking the box. Every box with loose contents has the area with the dotted lines on one corner and something like "push here and pull up" written on it.

>> No.8520303

get the fuck out of here you hipster, no one cares.

>> No.8520310

>"push here and pull up"

>tfw this never works

>> No.8520321

I like to imagine most if us do this as its so much better tasting and dead simple.

>> No.8520337

>thinks cooking an unbelievably simple, traditional breakfast food from scratch instead of industrial waste products is hipster


>> No.8520349

looks like washing detergent

>> No.8520396

it tasted pretty good

>> No.8520400

if they don't sell it in a bag, you don't need to store it in a bag. it has so much shit in it you could leave it out on the counter in a big pile and it wouldn't rot. just leave it in the box.

>> No.8520408

i live in a apartment so if i leave unsealed food out it's basically inviting roaches over

>> No.8520436

>push here and pull up

>pushes there and...
>bends cardboard...
>then rrrips at weird angle

>> No.8520437

>cardboard rips and and pushes inward
>blocks all interior contents from flowing out


>> No.8520445

What are the ratios for each? I'd like to make some.

>> No.8520466

>The year Our Lord two thousand and seventeen
>Not having plastic containers to store loose ingredients

It's like you intentionally want to be a pleb.

>> No.8520476

>put in bag
>put bag in box
or alternatively
>put in bag
>put piece of box with instructions in bag
or even better
>don't be a retard

>> No.8520643


>> No.8521038

I always tape the hole up, but you ripped the whole lid off, so find a plastic sealable container or a large ziploc bag and put it in there.

Doesn't take rocket appliances to figure it out.

>> No.8521045

Why the fuck wouldyou need to buy boxed pancake mix

>> No.8521095


>> No.8521135

Just mix all the dry ingredients from a basic pancake recipe and throw it in a ziplock

>> No.8521139

I found a bunch of weevil larvae in one of these.

>> No.8521146

How long does it take to mix flour, salt, maybe baking powder, and spices in a bowl? Less than a trip to the store id imagine

>> No.8521537

i live in an apartment and have never seen a roach in person in my entire life

>> No.8521566


>> No.8521666

why the fuck dont you make your own mix? It's super easy and it tastes better.

>> No.8521706

Canned mix usually sells out pretty quickly

>> No.8521734

spotted the faggot

>> No.8522378

what area? im in Florida and roaches are a big problem in the state.

>> No.8522385
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>mfw there are no faces ITT

>> No.8522387

you mean like it always has?

>> No.8522399
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>> No.8522415



>> No.8522416

>buying pancake mix when it's the most fucking simple recipe in the world
get the fuck out of /ck/

>> No.8522418

put the box in a plastic bag

>> No.8522433

How fucking hard is it to make pancakes from scratch it's literally like five ingredients, pancake mix is one of the biggest food memes of all-time

>> No.8522444

You are correct. On weekends, I make my daughters pancakes from scratch usually on Sunday. Takes like 5 minutes to mix it up and they love it way more than the boxed stuff. Their mom only makes the boxed stuff and burns them every time and the girls hate them and they come out like crepes not pancakes. I've asked why she wastes money on the mix instead of just making them and she said she had no idea you could make them on your own without a premade ready mix. She still won't make her own.

>> No.8522448

fucking bullshit

>> No.8522460

>she said she had no idea you could make them on your own without a premade ready mix


>> No.8522461

It's not hard at all, but when I'm very busy I like mix because I just need to add water.

>> No.8522486

She knows nothing about cooking hence why she over milks them and makes them watery and burns them. You should see her steak some time.

>> No.8523859

Ayyy floridabro. Fuck roaches and fuck sugar ants too. I always put this kinda shit into big ziplock bags with the original package, like with brown sugar. Works like a charm if you keep the bag itself clean.

>> No.8523882

Enjoy your bugs OP.

>> No.8524376
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>> No.8524394

My dad knew the guy who invented these and we got like 7 free cans. It tasted like shit so we threw 6 1/2 cans in the trash after letting them fester politely in the garage for like 3 years.

>> No.8524395

That's ungodly.

>> No.8524592
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>not making your own mix.

>> No.8524596


That's what I call my dick

>> No.8524800


Not that I'd expect someone who actually uses pancake mix to think of something like that.

>> No.8524801

I just make pancake batter then put it in an old ketchup bottle to squeeze it out. It is the best way to make perfect pancakes.

>> No.8524933
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