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File: 21 KB, 544x400, 1291305696162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8516706 No.8516706 [Reply] [Original]

>the UK is contemplating the possibility of graphic warning photographs and plain packaging appearing on bottles of alcohol
>'It’s an absurdity. It will crush the craft side of the industry' says bearded craft beer faggot

overpriced shit beer and their meme labels BTFO

>> No.8516755

Im glad I dont live in a nanny state.I like collecting craft beer bottle.

>> No.8516760


>I like people seeing how much I have spent on meme beers

>> No.8516769

>wah wah wah I need plain packaging on beer bottles
>wah wah wah but muh health and maymays
What the fuck

>> No.8516771

Its not much. Craft beer is cheap here. Also who cares? People spend money on things they like.

>> No.8516834

Just ban it already then, ban alcohol, cigarettes, junk food, fucking anything "bad" for you. I double dare those government pricks.

They won't though, they just want to bully their population and get as much tax revenue and as little people using health care as possible.

>> No.8516851

I'm still more amused at britcucks banning pissing porn (and other types).

This doesn't really surprise me desu. I hope this is the last straw to trigger Scotland to tell you britcucks to fuck off.

>> No.8516870

Watching the UK flounder and dissolve is really fun.

>> No.8517148

I hope they do this. Also for any products with excess sugar. And they should increase taxes on these unhealthy "products".
Plan packaging on cigarettes was a genius idea.

>> No.8517264

>britcucks in charge of making their own decisions
>can't 'ave that u cheeky wanker
Cucked again

>> No.8517279
File: 481 KB, 1937x1227, new years eve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's going to be photos like this then I'm for it

>> No.8517294

There is literally no reason to do that. You can drink alcohol responsibly without going down the /alc/ shitter

>> No.8517303

they should make graphic labels for how it looks like when you choke on that food item, so people will chew better

>> No.8517307

And they should put graphic labels on butter and margarine and cheese to show all the fatasses who ate too much

>> No.8517315

I see where this is going. Ban alcohol, pork is bad for you, next burkas prevent skin cancer

>> No.8517326

Kek. And the laws are just too lenient. There's a lot we can learn from Sharia.

>> No.8517329

Who the fuck is Sharon?

>> No.8517334

Watching America become the world's laughing stock is fun too.

>> No.8517359

We already were for decades

>> No.8517559

Fuck off, Muhammad.

>> No.8517897

Yeah, we were in pretty bad affairs after eight years
Things are looking up for the US though

>> No.8517941

Ez captain. We can still wipe you clean off the face of the earth if we wanted.

>> No.8518068
File: 242 KB, 800x1202, 800px-Johannes_op_Patmos_Saint_John_on_Patmos_Berlin,_Staatlichen_Museen_zu_Berlin,_Gemaldegalerie_HR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ez there, sergeant, there are several other countries who could do the same to us. Be careful what you wish for, unless of course you're an evangelical christian who still believes the ravings of a hermit from the island of Patmos.

>> No.8518228

>graphic warning photographs
What did he mean by this

>> No.8518244

>it's a Brits are boot-licking cucks who defend their police state FOR FREE on the internet

>> No.8518267

>My government controls every facet of my life

We're sorry, Mr. Orwell.

>> No.8518944

As a guy in the UK, I can confirm this, it's bloody hilarious.

>> No.8518947

But it's not just the UK is it? It's Western civilization in general

>> No.8518957
File: 48 KB, 550x400, cigarette-warning-labels-uk[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We put gore on our cigarettes so that degenerates can degenerate while they degenerate.

>> No.8518979

Do people still make porn in the UK?

I thought the Brit government taxed the fuck out of it that a lot of stars went to US. The ones who didn't were just using porn to advertise their escort services.

Also kek when Ben Dover was sending legal letters to Brits for torrent his porn.

>> No.8519403

be well john spartan

>> No.8519447

Scots are British - and they're generally more lefty than English

>> No.8519472

Scotfag here, bits of Scotland, Glasgow especially, are much further left than England. You already aren't allowed to buy alcohol in a shop after 10pm or before 10am which is a total pain, but allowed in England. Obviously pubs / restaurants etc are exempt.

They will never implement it, the whisky industry is huge here and that would seriously harm it. It's a stupid idea, why not focus on education and attitudes than just banning things you don't like.

>> No.8519480

They did that to smokes and it did not stop people smoking, the insane rising prices and indoor smoking ban did that.

>> No.8519495
File: 136 KB, 325x325, 1460484507970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The UK will have the most metal fag packets and beer bottles
I can't wait

>> No.8519551


>>8519472 gets what I was aiming at. The whisky industry. I don't think they'd like ugly pictures on their fancy bottles.

I don't think your conservatives care about personal freedom more than labour btw. They can both be controlling (on different issues tho).

>> No.8520565

This is so fucking stupid.

>> No.8520568

>Trumpcucks actually believe this

>> No.8520595

This is what happens when women are allowed to be vote.

yeah allowing your government to dictate beer labels is really badass, bro

>> No.8521465

mexico cancelling a meeting and refusing to pay for our wall and iran banning travel is just cus they can't handle all the winning XD

>> No.8521479
File: 13 KB, 1280x640, union jackoff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>british fag packets
pic related

>> No.8521508

>why not focus on education
Because that leads to a populace that's actually capable of critical thinking.

>> No.8521731

Oh I had not heard about Iran closing travel to us. I hope I can get a refund on the air fair for that vacation i was going to take in iran. Oh wait iran is some shit hole I don't want to go to.

>> No.8523345

Cause "winning" is having pages about people protesting against you, or is "winning" being Putin's bitch boy

>> No.8523356
File: 90 KB, 724x960, 1477044117085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Many people support the new TEMPORARY (60-120 days) suspension of travel from select (not all) Muslim countries.

We knew Trump was going to do this (temporary ban was one of his goddamn promises) and we voted for him. The protesters are sore losers; there is no "national" outrage as CNN likes to tell you.

Also, there is still no proof that Russia tampered with the emails which were leaked, which its contents should've disqualified Clinton anyways.

Now please shut your mouth.

>> No.8523395
File: 31 KB, 265x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related
>not a Union Jack

>> No.8523423

>fucking beaner with a beef patty stuck to his neck

everytime lads

>> No.8523432
File: 1.34 MB, 800x533, meftV0q[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bearded craft beer faggot

oh fuck. that made me spit oak aged imperial stout out my nose

>> No.8523581

Alcohol is evil.

I am 2 days sober. I'm still very sick. Nothing else in the world can make me as sick as alcohol. I wish I never drank it in my life. It ruined my life and made me lose all my friends and family.

Warning labels would not have stopped me.

>> No.8523669

oh boy another angry britbong who has never had a good beer! how sad

>> No.8523697

>Muh craft beer microbreweries

Fuck off you stupid yank.

>> No.8523704

>The neo-temperance movement is good because it will piss off hipsters

>> No.8523966
File: 42 KB, 624x349, ciglol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but have you seen what they did to cig packets? And the cigarettes themselves, are literally banded with what looks to be a MS Word print-out of the brand.

Apart from not being a deterrent, it just looks weak and shit. Equates all products to Sainsbury's Basic tier.

>> No.8524071

me too

i want to an hero at the moment