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8516487 No.8516487 [Reply] [Original]

What are the manliest drinks? Scotch on the rocks?

>> No.8516490

scotch neat, or beer.

>> No.8516491

Whatever you want to drink at that moment regardless of societal pressure or norms.

>> No.8516492

>ice cubes


>> No.8516494

Pretty much this. But real beer, not some horrific super chilled pale yellow lager.

>> No.8516500
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reposado tequila with a lovingly homemade fresh sangrita for sipping

>> No.8516505

Mug vodka

>> No.8516540
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Whole milk

>> No.8516554

Rye whisky.

>> No.8516556

beer, liquor is for women trying to cut calories

>> No.8516566
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>> No.8516570
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tfw learning to drink whisky neat.
I can look you in the eye while I do it now though.

>> No.8516577

>on the rocks

>> No.8516586

Why the fuck would you want to ruin some perfectly good scotch? Neat or diluted with a small amount of water.

>> No.8517093

only pussies dilute scotch with ice cubes

>> No.8517115

If you must you should only dilute scotch with up to and no more than 3 drops of purified water.

As far as what the manliest drinks are, whatever you are drinking at the moment because a real man doesn't give two shits about the opinions of others he drinks what he enjoys and enjoys what he drinks.

>> No.8517118

t. beta

>> No.8517121
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>> No.8517122


Bitch piss

>> No.8517126

I'm currently enjoying a tequila sunrise.

>> No.8517152


>> No.8517171
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>Trying too hard

Scotch absolutely should be served with ice. It gains additional complexity this way. If you've had a long day, you might swallow your first glass while it's still room temperature even, which is fine but when you've had enough of that it's so enjoyable to sip your tasting glass as it cools and the ice dilutes it slightly, as you enjoy a cigar and the additional layers of flavors that introduces to the experience.

If you want to drink like a cowboy drink fucking sour mash.

>> No.8517235

There is no such thing. However there are tryhard insecure manchild things, like scotch, whisky, or beer.

>> No.8517242

>only pussies dilute scotch with ice cubes
Only ignoramuses insist you can taste all the flavors without adding water. Lolz

>> No.8517258
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>> No.8517265

Anything you drink for the sake of looking "manly" is automatically not manly.

>> No.8517269


>> No.8517312
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Coffee, black

>> No.8517340 [DELETED] 
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I'm a social justice warrior and this person is correct.

>> No.8517342

gatorade, the bluest flavor they got

>> No.8517506

this desu

>> No.8517523

i drink vodka tonic because i'm not an autist who tries to signal masculinity with my beverages

>> No.8517878

A cocktail made from whiskey and steer blood, served over literal rocks.

>> No.8518368

Scotch and Soda

>> No.8518423
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Real men don't drink.

>> No.8518435

lemon drop...neat

>> No.8518437

Real men don't have tiny hands or vaginas growing from their necks.

>> No.8518438

There are two occasions where it's acceptable to mix tonic with vodka, when someone has died and you are unable to procure gin, and when you're having your period.

>> No.8518441

LOL. You really showed him. Care to share what beard oil you use?

>> No.8518446


>> No.8518449

In cold climates I drink beer, in hot climates I drink mojitos.

>> No.8518453


>real men don't drink
>posts the literal definition of a manchild


>> No.8518505

Beer is beer, tuck your T-back panties into your jeans and fucking chug whatever you got in your mug.
manly beers don't fucking care what the flavor is

you ever see a millennial in a head sock and ear buds mowing the lawn with his craft beer in a yeti coozy?
didn't think so

>> No.8518507

oh shit, remember when these comics were funny?

>> No.8518510

still trying to live up to your dad's standards?

>> No.8518515

red wine and coffee

>> No.8518520


>beer is beer

Lol, no. Men don't drink shitty adjunct lagers anymore; get some fucking taste.

>> No.8518525

If your goal is just to get drunk without having to taste anything, why not just vodka from a water bottle? (added benefit of not looking like white trash while hiding your raging alcoholism).

If your goal is just to piss a lot and get a beer gut as fast as you can, why not just drink bleach?

>> No.8518678
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What's wrong with drinking lager?

It's fucking great.

>> No.8518689

If you are being serious, you have it the wrong way round. Cooling down scotch with ice makes it loose a lot of flavour, if you don't want to drink it neat then you should put water in it.

>> No.8518691

I enjoyed drinking ethanol for a while.
Also baiju shaken for 2 minutes with equal weight poppy seeds and 80mg codiene. It's good for your stomach

>> No.8518713

Rubbing alcohol.

>> No.8518734

I always feel grown-up and manly ordering a pint of guinness.

>> No.8518760

Lager is good, but that shit you posted is fucking vile.

>> No.8518787


>> No.8518804

moonshine 80%

>> No.8518811

>slightly bitter
>perfectly carbonated

literally the best lager on planet Earth.

>> No.8518987

aw nigga you're memeing too hard
whisky may "gain additional vomplexity" by being diluted, not by being chilled - the chilling makes the alcohol burn less, but also makes it harder to taste the flavors of the liquor
>as you enjoy a cigar
come on this has to be bait, smoke literally dulls taste perception by overheating the taste buds and making ash go over them