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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8514353 No.8514353 [Reply] [Original]

>buy cast iron pan
>get ready to sear a nice steak
>get the pan nice and hot
>apply my classic rub to the meat
>put meat in the pan
>the spices instantly turn black and glow like embers
>pan turning white from ash
>smoke coming out
>the spices burnt in like .5 seconds
>meat tastes like charcoal now

The fuck?

>> No.8514360

Scrape that shit off and eat your meat

>> No.8514361

There are blackening spices and then there are spices that just plain burn. Black pepper, for example, just plain burns.

>> No.8514365

Your mom applied her classic rub to my meat

>> No.8514366

What are you, black?

>> No.8514378


Get a load of this faggot! Next time try marinating it in BBQ sauce first! Don't forget to cook it well done while a large black man fucks you from behind!

>> No.8514396

you just got your pan too hot. You want it hot but not maxed out. Also did you use any fat?

>> No.8514416

I didn't use any fat cause I didn't want to fry it. I guess it was just too hot, I did max it out

>> No.8514422

First things first: you don't put rub on a meat that you're frying. Deep frying, maybe. But not in a skillet. Rubs are for smoking meat or in the oven.

Secondly, you can't call it "my classic rub" of you don't even know how to properly use the damn thing.

And last but not least, That shits not even burnt. It has a decent crisp to it on the outside, which is preferable.

>> No.8514425

Well an essential part of any good sear is at least a little bit of fat. That and how much heat you had is what you did wrong.

>> No.8514428


>didn't use any fat cause I didn't want to fry it


You use a small layer of fat in order to evenly conduct heat between between the pan and the food; otherwise the only parts that get seared are the odd parts of the food that are in direct contact with the pan, which will most likely stick.

>> No.8514432

>fell for the cast iron meme
Should of used a nonstick pan.

>> No.8514436

Well seasoned cast iron is non-stick.

>> No.8514439

Any fat would smoke well before the correct searing temperature though, would it not? The highest normal oil is 450F smoke point and searing is recommended at 600+ if I'm not mistaken

>> No.8514445

Holy shit. Youre going way way too hot.

>> No.8514448

Use canola or vegetable oil or even oil. Heat until just barely smoking. Keep it at that level.

>> No.8514454

Olive oil**

>> No.8514460

Your pan was too hot
You didnt use any oil in the pan
And a lot of spices just plain burn
Dont use olive oil if you plan on having a really hot pan since olive oil will catch on fire at high temps

>> No.8514469

>oiling the pan
>not oiling the meat.
ITT: Newbs leading newbs

>> No.8514475

Its better for the sear to get the oil to temp first.

>> No.8514482

>frying your steak
Might as well pound it out and bread it while you're at it.

>> No.8514483



>> No.8514507

Were talking about maybe a tablespoon of oil for at least a 10-inch pan. The only way to get a proper sear is if you have that fat there. I can probably find you video after video of professional chefs that use at least some kind of fat to sear their steak. A very traditional method is even followed up with fusing butter with aromatics and then spooning that over the steak to finish. Dont be fucking stupid. The reason kobe beef is so sought after is because of how much fat is involved.

Pro tip: I do this literally every day at my restaurant.

>> No.8514513



>purposefully making your food more radioactive by trying to make part of it into ash

You know people in the coal industry are known to have problems with getting cancer right?

>> No.8514514


With a piece of meat that size and shape, though?

It might be better to oil the meat instead.

>> No.8514515

Fucking hell tripfags are so obnoxious. Go back to redtit you faggot. And I actually agree with you, that's how much of an annoying cuck you are.

>> No.8514524


You're drunk, anon. Go to bed.

>> No.8514530

Doesn't star light give you cancer too? There no need to be a homosexual when it comes to food.

>> No.8514531

Absolutely. Getting the oil just barely smoking is the best way to perform a sear.

>> No.8514536

How about you stop being a fucking faggot

>> No.8514562
File: 55 KB, 316x317, britney spears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>breathing in smoke is bad for your health
>directly eating things that are burnt and created the smoke is very different and fine

>> No.8514570

This right here is called being a faggot.

Takes notes, it will be on the test.

>> No.8514599

I never said it was different and I never said it was fine. I implied that everything gives you cancer nowadays and then I specifically recommended that you cease your faggotry, and you deliberately disobeyed me.

>> No.8514616

Retards like you are why Universal Healthcare will never be a good idea

>> No.8514640

the only spice you need on a steak is coarse salt you fucking tard. grind fresh black pepper AFTER it's done. baste garlic and thyme infused butter AFTER it's done. ONLY SALT AND LIGHT COAT OF OIL BEFORE IT HITS THE PAN.

>> No.8514648



>> No.8514659

Keep changing goalposts, buddy. There's no need to post thought out arguments on a Mongolian basket weaving site, amirite?

>> No.8514662

already has rust on it.