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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8512127 No.8512127 [Reply] [Original]

Why does it seem like every other country hates us for eating this stuff? I can't speak for everyone I guess, but I homecook a lot of my stuff, and I also eat lots of veggies and mushrooms too.

We eat more than just processed fried crap you know. Why does it seem like we get picked on so much more than everyone else? Why are they so mean to us?

>"Oh, look at that burgerfat over there, I bet he eats nothing but burgers and chicken tenders all day long."

I can't be the only one who's sick of these blatant stereotypes. Not all Americans are morbidly obese hamplanets who stuff our faces. There are plenty of people here who eat a normal diet.

>> No.8512128
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For ameriblubbers it is the McChicken, the best fast food sandwich.

>> No.8512130

Why dog you care about there opinion so much?

>> No.8512133


>> No.8512143
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I just think it's really mean. Why would you insult people that you don't even know?

The other day I made a vegetarian mushroom stew from scratch. And the day after I had fresh broccoli with chicken.

I'm just saying it's not very nice to be rude to us just based on some stereotype.

>> No.8512144

Stereotypes exist, deal with it. I'm pretty sure the French don't exclusively eat baguettes and onions but it doesn't stop everyone thinking that

>> No.8512146

Scientific fact that all French people smell of onions though

>> No.8512152

I'd worry less about national food stereotypes and be more concerned about the fact that the rest of the world believes Americans are all xenophobic, obnoxious morons

>> No.8512168

As a Dutchman, I stayed with an asian-american family. Most Asians ate pretty healthy, cooking a lot of their own stuff, eating the required amount of veggies and fruits each day, but white Americans seriously eat trash. Pretty much every white person I met over there was at least a little overweight, and I do remember being somewhat of an oddity for being white and low fat.

It was in Maryland, so I wouldn't know about the rest of the U.S.

>> No.8512289

Yeah but we know that amerifats exclusively consume government subsidised high fructose corn syrup, and that they're so 3rd world they have to pay tips so the servers can make some kind of a living

Isn't that enough?

>> No.8512340

It's obsession, OP. You'll learn to just laugh at it

>> No.8512362

I think that would be obviously untrue, unless they live in a country that doesn't report on what's actually going on here, i.e. continuing mass protests, actual facts about who won the popular vote, neonazis getting punched in the face (ahhhh.......I could watch that video all day), FBI and CIA probes into the election, and pretty much across the board unrest over what's happening here.
Good god man, why did you choose there? Did you not get a choice?

>> No.8512377

no, other countries hate us because we are hundreds of years younger than them but dominate global geopolitics. then they just extend the hate to fast food, sports, fashion and every other stupid thing.
>enjoy being overrun by ISIS and the towheads, europe!

>> No.8512417

Maybe we don't. Maybe we just hate you for this attitude. 2/10 I replied.

>enjoy your diabetes.

>> No.8512419

>lmao dumb americans haha they so far behind
>proceed to import american TV, movies, music, fast food and trends
europeans are patheticly jealous, that's all

>> No.8512444

thats the thing. no americans lose one moment of sleep over how anyone in any other nation views america. Like you think its going to offend us by telling us how you all think we are fat and lazy. yeah, no jimmies are rustled. not a single one.

>> No.8512448

cause you're very visible, especially on /ck/ with its completely american-centric memes like flyovers and stuff like that, so you naturally make yourselves prominent to the probably 30% of people here who aren't american, which is a lot less than usual for 4chan boards so it's a lot more exaggerated on ck

>> No.8512451
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>Giving a shit about what dumb europosters have to say

How awfully unamerican of you, OP.

>> No.8512452

>he posts this in a thread that directly disproves it

>> No.8512485 [DELETED] 
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says the guy who patrols 4chan 18 hours a day to spam OBSESSED

thank you for defending america on the internet, flyover bro

>> No.8512501
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Why do Americans shit themselves in grocery stores?
Is it a combination of junk food and beetus medication?

>> No.8512508

Why do Americans have even more of a spotlight on them here than they do on /int/?

>> No.8512514

Success breeds envy.

>> No.8512520

I think you should re-read the OP

>> No.8512522

So what you're saying is that out of all the board topics on 4chan, even the ones where discussing America is actually intended, food is the one that Americans are the most successful in.

>> No.8512526 [DELETED] 

I don't go to /int/, but I would guess because /int/ probably attracts people with a preexisting interest in interacting with people from other countries, and the americans who go there are mentally prepared to cope with cracks about american stereotypes. as a result the standard amount of amerifat, americlap, do americans eat HFCS jokes don't lead to a full scale meltdown.

whereas on /ck/ there are people who are so damm sheltered that the sight of an avocado causes them to experience an existential crisis. escalating that to interacting with someone who is (or claims to be) from another country is basically an all-out attack on things they've never given a moment's thought. it's difficult for some people to resist fucking with a person who has a big flashing "do not press" button that causes a predictable tantrum no matter how many times you press it.

>> No.8512573

And the americans who frequent /int/ are openminded and genuinely interested in other cultures, whereas a relatively high percent of amerilards on /ck/ are white nationalists who attempt to associate food with US nationalism and racial stereotypes. That kind of attitude makes you a target of not only foreigners but other americans as well.

>> No.8512626
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I find this annoying because I don't give a shit about the nationality of people I converse with online and never did, but Europeans certainly do. So much so that they sling nationality-based insults at you even if the argument has nothing to do with it. It's very childish.

>> No.8512704

>People from countries with poorer education are poorly educated

Never would have thought...

>> No.8512725

>american education
>common core
>let's just round pi down to 3
>pizza is a vegetable

>> No.8512742 [DELETED] 

without using google, prove to me that pi is not 3

protip: you can't, ergo, it is 22/7 or to put it simply, 3

>> No.8512745

This is the thing I don't get about you Americans. Your leftists are willing to dumb down the whole nation cause blacks and Hispanics are terrible learners. Where's the fucking logic? And the sad part is I know my country will go the same way with all these rapefugees.

>> No.8512750

pi is not 3 because if you roll a circular object once and then compare that length to its radius you can see it's larger than 3


>> No.8512754

>can't be the only one who's sick of these blatant stereotypes.
Americans stereotype other nations constantly. To an insane degree.

>> No.8512755


>22/7 or to put it simply, 3

>SIMPLY for simple-minded people
>21/7 = 3
>How can 22/7 = 3?

>> No.8512756 [DELETED] 

>some shit I just made up
your measurement was obviously flawed, god wouldn't make pi an irrational number. mankind didn't just randomly appear, so we can obviously agree that god is real. if god is real, then it follows that pi is rational.

atheists #btfo

>> No.8512761

Anon I can clearly see what you're saying, and I'm afraid these are all projections and rationalizations that stem from your deeply repressed homosexuality, which probably comes from your daddy touching you when you were little. I'm sorry.

>> No.8512763 [DELETED] 

>hey guys I'm totally smarter than Archimedes
things NEETs believe

>> No.8512765

Care to share the shroom stew recipe amigo?

>> No.8512767 [DELETED] 

you can't intimidate me with big words, atheist

go drink your mycotoxins and call me when your head has cleared up and you've accepted jesus

>> No.8512770

Why even bother rounding down to 3 though?

~5 digits of pi is enough for pretty much anything you'd need to do ever.

If you're autistic like me you can easily memorize 50+ digits so you can calculate the circumference of the universe within a few inches.

>> No.8512772

I see. It wasn't your dad, it was a priest. My mistake.

>> No.8512777

cause 1 digit is less than 5 and 1 is a lot easier than 5 if you can't think too good hurr

>> No.8512779 [DELETED] 

why would I ever need to memorize pi at all, poindexter? that's what asians are for. let the weak, womanly asians show off with their robotic repetition of digits, america has nucular weapons and we shouldn't be afraid of other countries.

>> No.8512780 [DELETED] 

we don't have priests in america, we have reverends. or in some cases reverend doctors. take your papist nonsense back to italy where it belongs, giuseppe.

>> No.8512782

It's not that hard at all, I memorized 50 digits in 8th grade.

By the end of highschool I was up to about 85 digits, and that wasn't even with chunking, just rot memorization.

>> No.8512788

because you're autistic

>> No.8512794

Pedophile reverend, pedophile priest, what difference does it make? They still caused you to be gay today.

>> No.8512798

I recognize that, still I can't believe you'd forego 3.14159, let alone 3.14 and just round it to 3.

>> No.8512799 [DELETED] 

gay is a choice, you liberal. just because I constantly fantasize about getting spit roasted by giant niggers doesn't mean I choose to act on these urges. people who choose to be gay are going to hell.

>> No.8512803

>I constantly fantasize about getting spit roasted by giant niggers
Americans, everyone.

>> No.8512811

Wanna know how I can tell you don't lurk /int/

>> No.8512814
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>> No.8512825

He's actually right. There's more people there who are reasonable about these things than here. The easily triggered idiot ratio is just higher on /ck/.

>> No.8512837

Maybe they're just used to the obsession over there.

>> No.8512844

Just like you're used to being obese here.

>> No.8512846

>7 current Americans threads on /int/
Yeah, the obsession is more hectic over there.

>> No.8512858

in the midst of europe being overrun by muslim refugees and ISIS, are you really going to kick off a debate over who's lowest 1% of society is worse?

yeah i didn't think so. I'll take out diabeetus ridden fat walmart shoppers over your AK47 wielding suicide bombers any day.

>> No.8512860

What, like this thread, just because it has america in the OP? lel >>>/int/70460630

>> No.8512877

It's fucking ridiculous. Europeans and Australians craving our attention on an American website dedicated to Japanese culture.

>> No.8512885

Muslims cause more problems in the USA though.
Just saying.....

>> No.8512888

who gives a shit about foreigners, fuck 'em

they're worthless and their opinions irrelevant

>> No.8512889
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> Why does it seem like every other country hates us for eating this stuff?

Because you 'Mericans basically stereotype yourselves.

>> No.8512890

What problems has a muslim ever caused you personally?

>> No.8512897

Well, 9/11 for a start.

>> No.8512904

Were you actually there?

>> No.8512905

>Why does it seem like we get picked on so much more than everyone else?
We have a massive obesity problem, the chain restaurants we export to other countries are garbage and our standards for food quality within our country are so low that much of our food wouldn't be legal to sell for human consumption in other parts of the world. Our influence is huge and rarely is it good when it comes to food.

>> No.8512911 [DELETED] 

>says the flyover who raves about Jew York is why he's not a winner
buddy I watched the towers burn and fall with my own eyes, and I am against the muslim registry and the trump ban against people from every country except the one that actually sent us the hijackers. it's feel-good nonsense that accomplishes nothing, ignores the real culprits, and sows distrust towards the government among the people who we depend on to snitch on each other.

there is a right way and a wrong way to handle islamic extremists, and people who have no dog in this fight should stay the fuck out and let the experts handle it. your petting zoo in Indiana is not going to get bombed, I am. so stop pretending you're more of an expert on counterterror than the intelligence community because you watched a few episodes of "24". a counterterror policy that can be written up in two sentences is a stupid policy.

>> No.8512915

this x 100

>> No.8512917

I watched the 2nd plane hit and I am against everything trump is "doing" to protect us against the Muslim "threat".

>> No.8512933


yup. I was actually there. i knew about 30 people who died.

>> No.8512939

kek gotta love lies on the internet.

>> No.8512941

Well that's sad, I hope you got at least a little bit of an appreciation for how people all around the world feel during wars and shit like that.

>> No.8512945

Me, too.

>> No.8513275

I hope they up it to a dirty bomb next time, coastie. Liberals won't win another election for a century.

>> No.8513280 [DELETED] 
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and they say liberals are the ones who hate america

>> No.8513282

> wouldn't be legal to sell for human consumption in other parts of the world

u wot m8

>> No.8513287

They know. They're just giving us shit because it's true about a lot of trashy people. But guess what? They have trashy people too. They only know about ours because they watch our TV because their TV sucks shit

>> No.8513313

A lot of things allowable in America are not approved in other places. Examples include pink slime, GMO crops, Carrageenan, Hormone infused meat and dairy, Brominated vegetable oil, Olestra and Brominated flour,.

>> No.8513322

Stereotypes are for laughs and giggles, it's funny in general,no matter what kind it is.

I'm Dutch, have always accepted that i'm a gigantic potato mashing jew.

>> No.8513587
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Thank you for providing yet another opportunity to ruin this board with cross atlantic shitposting

>> No.8513593


Europeans are insecure, anon. That's all it boils down to.

>> No.8513675


>> No.8513683

>I can't be the only one who's sick of these blatant stereotypes. Not all Americans are morbidly obese hamplanets who stuff our faces. There are plenty of people here who eat a normal diet.
you arent going to fix this with this post. best you can do is just troll to piss of europoors and hopefully turn this around into them trying to defend themselves for their shitty "culture" foods

>bangers n mash
pure trash

>> No.8514295


Shots fucking fired.

>> No.8514300

thx for speaking sense, wittily, ameribro.

>> No.8514310

To make you happy, my real life bro went to fattistan and was very impressed with the selection of stuff you have in supermarket. Top quality, ecological everywhere, top veg, stuff for vegetarians, stuff for whichever eating habit. Your problem seems to be vocal plebs, but that is similar everywhere. But I think your plebs might be fatter (well, equally fat to British ones), and your plebs actually think they are equal.

>> No.8514407

Have you looked at the top 11 countries that have a higher obesity rating than us at #12? You don't recognize any of them.

Instead of pretending the US doesn't have a severe obesity and health problem, you should be trying to point out to fatfucks they need to change. Assigning an erroneous nationalism does not improve the country.

>> No.8514759
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>nationalism does not improve the country


>> No.8515497

>a country that failed in a few years

>> No.8515750
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>did away with the jew bankers
>fighting the entire world a few years later
Really makes you think

>> No.8515755

>One time I had vegetables in water that I did all by myself and another time I had a vegetable with chicken.

>> No.8515764
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Why do you think they have an onion necklace on top the black and white stripey top???

>> No.8515850

Americans do it too. They call people europoors even though the person could be asian, south-american or even african.

>> No.8515866 [DELETED] 

Can confirm, asian here and I'm usually either being told to go back to KFC and my watermelons, or something about sharia law

People from certain parts of america can't really grasp how diverse the world actually is so when someone disagrees with them they get this picture in their head of "the enemy" which is usually based on whatever they read about on brietbart or stormfront

>> No.8516009

>lost everything
>half its descendants are rape babies
>eternally cucked in mentality

>> No.8516020

The baguette part is pretty true though. It's quite common in most households to buy at least one baguette everyday, or every two days.

>> No.8516074

Oh shit. From the thumbnail I thought it was the meme guy with the fucking retarded beard.

>> No.8516077

This isn't even good clever banter, it just sucks. When is this thing going to die where people insult the other by saying "haha ur gay because ur dad touched you". Certainly there must be something more clever to say than that, especially with all those fancy words you use.

>> No.8516085

Why should one person make the effort to be clever when the other one doesn't?

>> No.8516103

Don't know what the fuck OP is talking about. I a American and just spend $20 on fast food burgers, fries and shake. ALso bought a gallon of milk, soda, chips, and 3 different types of dip. I am lying down and just finished my fast food. I'm leaving the milk, and chips/dip out for when I wake up from my sleep coma to begin eating again so I don't have to get up.

>> No.8516129

Sounds nice. Hope diabetes doesn't eat away your legs.

>> No.8516228
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This one?