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8498984 No.8498984 [Reply] [Original]

A few questions for any vegetarians/vegans who may be roaming these boards.

What do you think happens to animals if we don't kill and eat them? Do you think they just live forever in magical fairy land?

They overpopulate, they starve, they dwindle, they inbreed then they can all be wiped out by one disease. A bullet is the nicest way a deer or any other animal can go

>> No.8499003

Animals do just fine on their own, arriving at a natural equilibrium. A lot of suffering may happen on their way to arriving at that state of equilibrium considering the human influence that has already changed their environment faster than they naturally adapt but whatever.

Feeling sympathy for animals you don't even own is a sure and easy way to recognize a retard though. Rare species can be protected and all but feeling bad for deer that hunters shoot is way up the list of dumb shit lots of people do right up there with not having kids.

>> No.8499004


the livestock raised for food mainly is bred for the express purpose of food. Those animals not being bred to suffer and die in the first place is a pretty good outcome.

most vegans/vegetarians don't really care about you overcompensating by hunting, you myopic dork. most object to the way animals are farmed.

Sorry to ruin your masturbatatory fantasy that jerkin it while holding your precious rifle is some sort of subversive anti-vegan act.

>> No.8499007

>not having kids is retarded
okay, please explain this one to me

>> No.8499013

If you never have children you are literally a failure as a human being

>> No.8499017

I knew a former vegetarian who worked at an upscale butcher shop selling meat from heritage breed animals. His interesting rationale was that these animals wouldn't even exist if we didn't raise them. Because we created them - we bred them to be eaten, and if we don't continue raising them for that purpose they won't exist.

>> No.8499018

Yeah all those unwed teen parents and welfare queens with more kids than they can count are really winning as human beings! Literally!
give me a fucking break

>> No.8499022

Sadly, they are - and your tax dollars are subsidizing the proliferation of their genes while yours die out.

>> No.8499028

One child costs over $250,000 to raise in the US.

>> No.8499031

>suggesting I pay taxes
I get a giant refund at the end of every year and I use that to take vacations and do other fun things that childless adults get to do.
By all means, have as many children as you want, please.

>> No.8499033

That's funny. It doesn't seem to cost those welfare queens anything. In fact, they get paid to do it.

>> No.8499037

If you don't pass on your genes, you are a failure of an organism.
Simple as that. From the simplest standpoint, you dying without heirs nullifies the progress of every one of your forebears.

>> No.8499040

>Happily being the victim of the white genocide
Aldous Huxley was so right.

>> No.8499042

>the proliferation of their genes while yours die out.
How does that matter in any way? Once you're dead it's over and nothing matters. If you see the purpose of your existence as to assure your genes are well represented in Future World the best bet would be to have as many offspring possible with as many different partners as you can. Most of us choose more interesting ways to live our lives. Because you're not going to see Future World anyways. Why give a shit about it?

>> No.8499044

keep trying to justify that cost

>> No.8499051

who has the patience for this retarded, half-boiled, sophomoric rhetoric?
While I don't agree with what you're saying at all and don't even agree with what I'm about to say, your stupid argument can be dismantled simply by asking you why you place more importance on individual lineage rather than a species?
By paying taxes to support a welfare queen's baby, I'm helping to propagate my species.

And what fucking "progress" are you even talking about? Having sex? lol
This sounds like some incel shit if I ever heard it.

>> No.8499055

He believes in the magical power of DNA, like all other breeders.
He sincerely believes that he will somehow be immortal, if he has children.
He's not intelligent enough to override the animal parts of his brain that tell him this sort of thing is true.

>> No.8499063

I'm comfortable that I'm an animal but I'm a thinking animal. I not only want to pass on my genes but also my values and my achievements to my progeny. If the laws were different, I would ALSO have bred indiscriminately to hedge my bet but unfortunately under the current system we must choose one or the other - which is the fundamental cause of the class divide.

>> No.8499072

>believing there's any chance of humanity dying out as a result of anything other than overpopulation
>wanting humanity to simply propagate rather than advance
>having no personal pride

>> No.8499074

Isn't the class divide caused by people having too many children they can't raise?
You take a poor person with six kids and take away five of their kids, suddenly they're middle class. Wow. Imagine that.

>> No.8499081

I'm not sure how any of that is responding to anything that I said, but good on you for trying.

>> No.8499103

>you dying without heirs nullifies the progress of every one of your forebears.
Which is an amazing power to have, when you think about it. Having the luxury to simply say fuck that and be the last of your line - the apotheosis of your heritage.Let the rest of the world treat life like it's some kind of serious business. Some of us just choose to play around and give zero fucks. Because we can.
>white genocide
Being white gives me a lot of privilege that I enjoy taking full advantage of. The best part of it is that I get these privileges regardless of whether or not I show any allegiance to my race. So why bother? Do I care whether or not there will be white people in the future? Not a bit. I don't even care whether or not there will be people n the future at all. I'm not going to live to see it, so fuck it. I'm just out to have as good a time as I can before I die.
I understand that, but I don't see any set of values in our culture that's so great as to be worth passing on. The stuff from the past that seems to have the most value is mostly the arts from what I can tell. So that's about all I'd be concerned with seeing preserved for the future. And even that I have a hard time giving an actual fuck about.

>> No.8499114

Or that they can only barely take care of and that spread their meager wealth so thin it becomes meaningless and ultimately absorbed by the 1%, who have exactly the right number of children to pass on their accumulated wealth to. Meanwhile the actual middle class is sitting around funneling money directly to the 1% by "doing fun things childless adults get to do" while they slowly, gently die.

>> No.8499125

I'm vegetarian for health reasons because I just saw my father pass away from heart problems five months ago. I could care less really about moral stuff

>> No.8499128

You can pass on YOUR values to your children, Anon. Not society's values. You, yes you can make a difference in the world. It's truly sad that there isn't anything you care enough about to want to die knowing it will carry on.

Then you really are retarded. You've been brainwashed into thinking all lives matter equally. You might as well just put a bullet in your head because that's the ultimate expression of that flawed logic.

>> No.8499145

I don't really have values beyond aesthetics. I realized in my teen years that I was born rich enough that I could probably get through my entire life only doing what I wanted, so I pretty much became a hedonist. It's worked out pretty well so far.

>> No.8499154

You'll realize too late that you weren't born quite rich enough. Hopefully your parents will leave everything to your smarter sibling.

>> No.8499169

>but I'm glad I have kids

>> No.8499192

He doesn't have enough wealth to see its value. Some people need more than others.

>> No.8499197
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And you need $250,000 per child

>> No.8499215

A bargain at twice the price.

>> No.8499217

It's not how much money I get from my parents, but the Ivy League education and the way of carrying myself they instilled in me. I'm not rich at all, but I speak and carry myself like a rich person. This means when I work I get paid like one. Because people see me as part of the elite, even if I don't have the bank account to back it up. And that privilege is one you can coast really far on before the inheritance comes into play.

>> No.8499221

You must make them so very proud

>> No.8499244

Mostly this >>8499003

And the fact that eating them and raising them to eat them is completely mutually exclusive to population management which is more necessary than anything due to human influence

>> No.8499251

Sorry to disappoint you, but we get along great. My sister gave them, grandkids, so there's no pressure on me at all.

>> No.8499256

What's the point of good genes if you and your ancestors have to live like trash?
You know what, back to >>>/pol/ with you, Nazi

>> No.8499257

Well that's fine then. They could afford to diversify their risk somewhat and it's paying off. Maybe they'll even live long enough to identify which one of their grandkids is worth a shit and leave everything to him.

>> No.8499261

>happily swallowing the poison pill
>the people trying to save you are the nazis

>> No.8499276

It's not like there's that much family money. The biggest part of what my parents gave us is being tall, well educated white people who are comfortable being in charge of others. If you can walk into a room and take charge of things people generally hand you the position of power if you ask. Very useful.

>> No.8499292

>thinks having 8 kids and living in poverty will save the white race

>> No.8499302

I think a few people in 1930's and 40's Germany including aryan Germans would disagree vehemently, if they hadn't been killed off, /pol/tard. Your containment board is that way.

>> No.8499307

Yes, yes goyim, lower your quality of life to that of a third world shitlander in order to save your race. Be a slave to the welfare state, after all it worked so well for the Boers.

>> No.8499318

>You've been brainwashed into thinking all lives matter equally.
I believe all lives are equally insignificant, yeah. I certainly don't believe some lives are worth more than others because none of them are worth anything. When the sun goes cold someday, none of it's going to matter either way, is it? Grow up.

>> No.8499350

>Implying humanity won't have left this rock for younger suns long before

Actually if you're not going to produce anything just go ahead and kill yourself now please. In fact, if you want to take out a whole ghetto with you that'd be great.

>> No.8499418

>When the sun goes cold someday, none of it's going to matter either way, is it? Grow up.
This. Life has no purpose or meaning. One can choose to find meaning in it if you feel compelled to do so. And you can do things that future generations might appreciate if being remembered is important to you. But you're not going to be around to see it. And it really won't matter in the grand scheme.

>> No.8499435

Are you going to be alive long enough to see whether or not humans leave "this rock"? Do you intend to somehow magically watch the future unfold through your great-great-grandchildren's eyes? lol

>> No.8499438

Whether or not there even IS a "grand scheme" there are infinite small ones. Wallowing in your own insignificance doesn't make you deep it makes you a cuck.

>> No.8499449

There definitely is a grand scheme, but not literally. It's a turn of phrase, you rube. Now fuck off back to twitter or wherever retards like you jerk each other off and post pepe memes all day.

>> No.8499454

Well, I personally tend to suspect reincarnation is a thing. Whether or not that's right though I still want what's best for my children and my children's children. That used to go without saying and was a major functioning drive for society.

>> No.8499464

>definitely figuratively
confirmed nonsense

>> No.8499493

>I personally tend to suspect reincarnation is a thing
and I personally tend to not, because I'm not retarded and I don't believe that something is real just because I've daydreamed about it.

>> No.8499499

You don't understand the nature of consciousness any better than anyone else which is fundamentally not at all.

>> No.8499503

>Wallowing in your own insignificance doesn't make you deep
It can help your perspective, though. We live in a society where there are lots of people telling you this or that is important. And whether or not you accept that is a matter of choice, not absolute truths. Knowing that there's no reason not to live a life of self-interest if you like the idea of doing so. Because it's really no greater or lesser than a life based on ideals and beliefs, even though many would tell you otherwise.

>> No.8499507

Sure I do. I'm conscious. And I know I've never seen magic or ever learned about any mechanism by which you could magically transfer someone's consciousness or soul or whatever after they've died from a human to a ladybug. Neither have you.

Do you have any legitimate memories from your previous reincarnations? By which I mean something you could actually validate in some way and not just a bullshit gut feeling? Give me a good reason to believe reincarnation is a thing and I happily will.

>> No.8499532

Believing in reincarnation is no more or less valid than believing in god, the tooth fairy ot trickle down economics. Believing in such things does nothing to change reality, but it will alter your perception of it. Knowing this you can choose your beliefs based on the perception of reality you'd like to have,

>> No.8499533

>Believing in reincarnation is no more or less valid than believing in god, the tooth fairy ot trickle down economics
You make it sound like any of those things are reasonable things for an adult to believe.

>> No.8499550

Reasonableness has nothing to do with people's beliefs. People believe shit other people tell them. People believe shit they like the sound of. Human beings are not reasonable creatures. They don't make rational decisions. Knowing this is a good starting point for dealing with them.

>> No.8499593

Read some of the research conducted by Dr Ian Stevenson and his team, there is considerable evidence to support the theory of reincarnation.

Maybe we don't remember our past lives for the same reason we don't remember dreams, the transfer of consciousness into a freshly "reset" brain pushes those memories down and out of reach. But lots of children can still remember their past lives with startling clarity, and often provide details of a previous life that can be confirmed as fact, even though their material senses had no way of discovering these details.

Some examples:


>> No.8499596

assmad liberal detected. the weak should fear the strong

>> No.8499605

>there is considerable evidence to support the theory of reincarnation.

>> No.8499615

I think you guys are missing the point. The difference between a belief and a fact is the fact can be proven, the belief can't.

>> No.8499631

Animals do fine without niggers like you

>> No.8499633

>he thinks getting a refund means he doesnt pay taxes

>> No.8499654

Bro refunds mean you paid too much in taxes over the year. It also indicates that you're in a particularly low income bracket and you have no real assets
You're basically bragging about the ability to buy a ps4 and take one three day vacation a year

>> No.8499675

How do you explain a child having information about a dead person that they couldn't possibly have found out through conventional means? When asked how they know, they assert in a matter of fact way that it's who they were before they died. And then strong emotional reactions can be observed in the child when faced with the claimed (and confirmed) manner of death? Explain phobias and birthmarks lining up with the apparent cause of death. The mother of the child recalling dreams, during pregnancy, in which she met the deceased, who said they would reincarnate as their child.

Now explain all of these exact same phenomena (and more) routinely manifesting in multiple diverse cultures that have had no significant contact with each other.

You probably consider yourself a scientific sort of mind, but your immediate dismissal of my claim, based on the assumption that you know better, is the least scientific attitude one can possibly have. I'm not asking you to believe, only to have an open mind. If that is beyond you then by all means, laugh away. Ignorance is bliss.

>> No.8499703

I mostly see this stuff as evidence for a jung style collective unconscious that at this point we can only accidentally access. There's no satisfying (to me) explanations laid out for where the new souls come from. We can't have as many napoleons as we do. He was only one man

>> No.8499712

i for one eat only animal protein that i kill myself. Its not any moral position or any uber macho thing. I just feel like as a cook i honor the protein better when i know how much effort went into harvesting it. So i kill about 6 deer a year and catch thousands of fish, plus a handful of ducks and geese. i treat myself to one prime steak a year at a stupid expensive high end steak joint.
>inb4 WHAT YOU KILL 6 DEER? i live in a place where they are overpopulated. I can get unlimited deer tags. any given day i see 40 or 50 deer from my stand.

>> No.8499715

I don't giva shit, lmao. I eat vegetarian for the budget and the challenge doing it pure.

>> No.8499740

I (and Ian Stevenson) agree that leaping to the conclusion of reincarnation may be a leap too far given the current evidence. Stevenson considered every other possible explanation for his data, starting with the mundane (eg. faulty research, fraud) and including a collective unconscious, before suggesting that it might be reincarnation.

And the hypno-regression studies are routinely debunked. I don't think I've heard of one case where the subject presented past-life information that was historically confirmed, and that they weren't exposed to at some point.

Here's an hour long lecture he gave, if you're interested:

>> No.8499765
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Cool, thank you buddy

>> No.8499879

Yeah I'm vegan but I'll hunt feet everyday. Those deer appear to live mostly full and free lives. Livestock on the other hand are born in a cell and die in a similar inhumane fashion. I don't think animals are better than people but they are aren't that much less. Also milk and cheese is fucking gross

>> No.8499891

>bringing life and suffering into being for my pleasure is ok because my feelings

>> No.8499901

>anecdotal miracles on TV

Only one of these could stand up to scrutinizing scientific study. Sorry but Noone cares about your spiritual nonsense.a

>> No.8499911

That's a myth.
Deer populations will be reduced in the short term by hunting, but the increased space and food results in a population explosion in the long term. Humans are no different, see the birth rates after the black plague or WW2.
The hunting and gun industries, plus involved government functions, thrive on the propagation of this myth.

>> No.8499928

It was an interesting way to put it. These breeds wouldn't exist if we hadn't bred them so their continued existence is our responsibility. You can imagine what the butcher shop was like: all humanely raised heritage breed meat where they knew which farm each chunk of meat came from. Pork chops were $10/lb, but you could compare the taste of Berkshire and Red Waddle breeds if you were willing to shell out that kind of money. Turns out most people weren't. They went out of business.

>> No.8499997

Reminder that if you are so doggedly committed to believing all souls/consciousness are/is obliterated at death (simply another untested spiritual belief) you are probably a shitty person.

>> No.8500022
File: 40 KB, 780x439, deerz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Animals do just fine on their own, arriving at a natural equilibrium.

And how do they achieve natural equilibrium without natural predators?

By going thru your windshield, that's how...

>> No.8500030

What if you don't buy into the idea of a soul in the first place?

>> No.8500044

I presume they buy into the "concept" of consciousness.

>> No.8500050

As in electrochemical signals processed in the brain? Sure. Something more mysterious than that? Not so much.

>> No.8500067

Well then you need to realize that is just one theory on the nature of consciousness that can not be any more tested or verified than many others. If you are dogmatically committed to that belief then you are either an evil person, or you have too much trust in evil people.

>> No.8500078

Don't believe in evil. either. Sorry.

>> No.8500082

So it is you then.

>> No.8500187

Reminder that if you believe the only consequence for being a shitty person is unfortunate reincarnation and afterlife you are definitely a shitty person.
I'll give you a hint to the greatest indicator of a moral compass. Empathy, you can do no wrong if you don't harm another living being

>> No.8500196

>you can do nothing if you don't harm another living being

For some to succeed, others must fail. To believe otherwise is delusion.

>> No.8500209

ive been veg for at least 5 years now
i literally cant eat meat and i dont even want to
i dont care if we kill animals or not, i know what my body wants

>> No.8500223

lol yeah I do eat meat but I could easily give it up if I felt like I had some real reason to. It certainly wouldn't be because I feel sympathy for fucking chickens though.

>> No.8500237

i ate fish like a month ago and i really felt the difference, i felt much heavier than always

>> No.8500246

What is me, then?

>> No.8500304

Disregarding the philosophical circle-jerk/ hate-fuck that this thread has become, I don't eat meat for a variety of reasons. Firstly, there is cost/ health. I could buy some shitty $1 steak, but it would probably give me ass cancer. A vegetarian diet is cheaper than a conventional diet which includes meat of average (i.e. not $1) quality, with vegetarian protein sources also having more fiber and vitamins than meat. Beyond this, there is the impact which modern meat production has upon the environment. Methane, gas used for transport, water contamination, et cetera. Beyond this, there is the moral concern which I have with causing unnecessary harm and pain to living beings. Animals are fucking stupid, but most of them can feel pain and more-or-less understand what it means with the notable exception of mollusks and possibly other seafood. I don't really care about hunting/fishing, as it has a minimal impact on the environment when proper regulations are in place and the animals are killed quite painlessly when the hunter knows what he is doing.

tl;dr I'm a hippie faggot but hunting is fine

>> No.8500365

Not a vegetarian, but I have the vegetarian sensibility and wouldn't eat meat if it wasn't for my laziness.

If an animal has a death that is full of suffering, then it shouldn't be in the hand's of humans. That is why the torturing of animals is frowned upon, it's what exactly is and isn't torture that people debate on. If they suffer before they die and it's because of natural means, then it is of natural means, it's not the humans job to interfere. Not until we have the technology to properly assist them instead of 'mercy killings.'

The nicest way for a deer to go is the way nature intended it to go, not the way man intended it.

>> No.8500384

>If an animal has a death that is full of suffering, then it shouldn't be in the hand's of humans. That is why the torturing of animals is frowned upon,
It's also why chickens aren't legally considered animals in America. Because the way we raise chicken is indefensible.

>> No.8500400

>not savoring the extra flavor in meat that was tortured to death

>> No.8500426

nice try

>> No.8500454

>Beyond this, there is the impact which modern meat production has upon the environment. Methane, gas used for transport, water contamination, et cetera.

I appreciate the fact that you're probably left leaning like me, so I'll be gentle. How do you think vegetables are grown and transported? If you eat coventional, vegetables, they're grown with petroleum based fertilizer manufacturing that includes animal byproducts as well as other industrial chemicals. If you eat organic vegetables, they're grown with animal manure, bone meal, blood meal, fish emulsion, etc. The elimination of animal pests to protect those vegetables has to occur on one level or another, whether it be wholsale application of broad spetrum insecticides conventionally or, in the case of reputable organic growers, other control methods.

The shipping of your carrots, peppers, tomatos, and lettuce across the US or from Mexico costs just as much or more petroleum.

Liberal views work for many things, but not supporting a vegan evangelism.

>> No.8500547

The man presenting this evidence is a highly qualified scientist, everything he does is subject to scientific scrutiny. Nothing I presented was based on anything that appeared on TV. I'm referring to peer-reviewed research.


>The Journal of the American Medical Association referred to his Cases of the Reincarnation Type (1975) a "painstaking and unemotional" collection of cases that were "difficult to explain on any assumption other than reincarnation."

>In September 1977, the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease devoted most of one issue to Stevenson's research.[40] Writing in the journal, the psychiatrist Harold Lief described Stevenson as a methodical investigator, and added, "Either he is making a colossal mistake, or he will be known (I have said as much to him) as 'the Galileo of the 20th century'."

How qualified are you to comment, really? I'm guessing not very. But I'm sure your blind certainty is enough to provide you with the truth, as it always has been throughout human history.

>Noone cares
Clearly wrong, and speaking on behalf of everyone else makes you look like a pompous ass.

>> No.8500567

I usually like to point out to people like him that the general secular non-spiritual assumption in most of Asia is that reincarnation is what happens. It doesn't seem to matter to them but I still like to point it out.

>> No.8501614

>there is considerable evidence to support the theory of reincarnation.
Hahahaha no there fucking isn't.

>> No.8501618

>le natural order
just admit that you like killing things because it makes you feel like a big man

>> No.8501651

hes right though. All livestock would not exist without human intervention. It exists to be consumed. When its gone, it'll be gone. With the exception of some feral populations.

>> No.8501679

Actually, there are pesticides in your "organic" produce as well. Rotenone is a very common one. You can find the full list of permitted "organic" pesticides at the FDA website.

>> No.8501684

Here's the thing. Does it really even matter if none of us can remember it? For all intents and purposes reincarnation is just like dying and there being no afterlife or next life. The outcome is different but to you it is the same.

If reincarnation does exist then its the biggest fuck you ever because there is life after death but you don't get to experience it and you might as well just be gone.

I mean, its nice to think, "oh, I'll come back" but really its no different and certainly no where near as nice as heaven in some form or any afterlife where you actually get to experience it.

>> No.8501688

for you

>> No.8502091

Of course you get to experience it. If you were an amnesia victim or aliens erased your memories or something and you just found yourself walking along the road not knowing who you were or anything you'd done in life would you want to just be obliterated? Of course not.

>> No.8502093

I don't really give a fuck about hunting.

I know hunters, and most are great about using most of the animals they kill.

My dietary choices belong to me alone.

>> No.8503222

It's not interesting, your friend would fail "Informal Logic for Pre-School 101".

>> No.8503225

Have fun building yourself a mausoleum, faggot.

>> No.8503263

It was interesting to hear from a former vegetarian working at an upscale butcher shop. Not because it's a convincing argument against vegetarianism, but because it shows the ethos of the small farmers who raise heritage breed animals. The idea is the same as those who grow heritage variety produce. The old stuff was bred for flavor. The new varieties of crops and breeds of livestock were bred to maximize profit, in many cases at the expense of flavor. If we want to more flavorful food to exist someone has to be invested in growing it and people have to buy it. The problem is that it ends up being MUCH more expensive, because it's all being done on a very small scale for a niche market - upscale purveyors mostly. But I'd still rather have these breeds exist than not. Because in most cases I'd rather eat no pork than the overly lean stuff at the supermarket, and no chicken than the weirdly textured weak tasting examples at the supermarket.

>> No.8503265

I'm gay :(

>> No.8503465

Call me all the names you want. You just referred me to some guy who went to college believed in radical reincarnation then was known for experimenting with psychedelics. Obviously we cannot disprove all of the cases of coached children he interviewed and spoke to but this is far from evidence. Even if any assumptions of reincarnation are true it makes absolutely no difference to any individuals life, does it?
>hey you were reincarnated from Jesus
>forgets at the age of 8 and it never affects their life

Kids also spit tons of Bullshit and no parent can claim "there is no where he could have learned that" because nobody has watched their kid 24/7 since birth and been responsible for random media they intake or anything else.

Also you really just seem like you know what your saying is total Bullshit when you continually rely on character attacks.
You can't deny the fact that reincarnation is not a popular idea in the western world.

>> No.8505301

No. They don't. Unfortunately you idiots seem to think that just leaving animals Malone isnalways the answer. We have fucked up the planet, there is no recovery.
Just fucking deer alone if not culled on a yearly basis would quickly over populate, consume all the edible resources in their area, starving not only themselves but also in their own ecosystems, and eventually go extinct.

Man has fucked up the cycle, most areas have very few natural predators as we mcfucking killed them all. Hunting is literally necessary.

>> No.8505310

You literally just spewed buzz words without providing anything to your argument. Explain to me how a population explosion leads to there being more space and more food available in a finite resource system.

>> No.8505317

Plants react to harm and are shown to actually be societal (trees sending nutrients to injured trees). I hate this excuse that plants are somehow better to eat because they don't feel pain.

Life is life and life is perpetuated by consuming death.

>> No.8505568

>what is carrying capacity the posts

>> No.8506838

I've got no issues with hunting, ecosystems need to be regulated. Hunters tend to have respect for life, since they train to take it and so I like the idea.

The only reason I'm vegan is because I don't like farming. I can't hunt where I live currently.

>> No.8506874

this thread is giving me a fat headache, yall braindead or what?

>> No.8506881

>plants react to harm

That's called reacting to stimuli. It's not experiencing pain

>> No.8506895


>> No.8506900

Please further explain this

>> No.8506907

What about people who are born infertile?

Please go back to your containment board

>> No.8506922

His most unique feature is that he identifies himself as a breeder, which ironically every living being in existance past present and future also has.

Basically he's a boring low class citizen that has not accomplished one thing in his life aside from breaking a condom.

>> No.8506929

Our species now has a population in the billions, and this cuck thinks his life matters.

>> No.8506952

So go ahead and prove plants feel pain then, retard.

>> No.8506981


Fine. I'll bite. So let's say reincarnation actually exists. If it does it must be a valuable component to evolution, do you agree? Each life has its own purpose and goals to accomplish, lessons to be learned. From one life to the next we build on our prior existences whether or not we are even conscious of our past lives and in our last breaths we hope to have gained something as we head into our next existences.

So how the fuck does any of this have to do with cumming in another girl cunt when aparently the God of reincarnation just does this for us? A You seem to be placing a huge amount of importance on putting your cumulative in another woman's vaginas, is this your life lesson as a reincarnate? To just fuck someone?

Sounds like an awesome life with awesome ideals. Good luck with that. I'll just have a better life and reincarnate better than you because you are so hung up on wife's tail dogma.

>> No.8506984

Pretty sure I already did, like two days ago. How is this thread still up?

>> No.8506995

If I'm going to be reincarnated, I expect it would be better/easier if I had some of my own genetic material to work with. Then of course I'm in a distinct minority on 4chan by not harboring deep self-loathing.

>> No.8507007

Because you're a freshcunt from /pol/ who should fuck off back

>> No.8507018

So you are gambling on reincarnating as your own offspring? Like inbreeding?

That's a 1 in over 1 billion chance btw. Good luck with that.

>> No.8507040
File: 5 KB, 239x258, 1473265240215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a vegitarian or a vegan? Cool. Just don't force me to give up meat and nutrients my body needs.

You eat meat? Great. Quit being a faggot and force feeding people shit they don't want.

I don't know why the fuck you guys go out of your way to force your lifestyle choices on others. It's pretty fucking silly.

>> No.8507171

Meh, I don't think it's random but even if reincarnation isn't real at all I still want to pass on my genes and my values to future generations

I'm not from /pol/ I'm from far more normal boards. It's true I started coming here recently, during the holidays and I find it incredible how left leaning this board is. Easily the most liberal board I've ever spent time on.

>> No.8507187 [DELETED] 

>left leaning
It's pretty centrist dude, the only reason it seems far-left is that your "normal" comes from boards like /k/ where greentext fantasies about shooting minorities are an old and proud tradition

>> No.8507198

My home board is /vr/ and my secondary board is /o/. I actually prefer the legitimately insane people on /x/ to the legitimately retarded people here. At least /x/-philes aren't smug - although in light of recent events I do expect a lot of liberals to be losing their minds soon.

/ck/ is libtarded as fuck though. If you think it's centrist you're definitely not a "flyover".

>> No.8507204
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>he doesn't think that the world wouldn't be a better place than it is currently if it instantly changed from how things are now to being populated only by animals that have been genetically engineered to be incapable of feeling pain while, being watched over to prevent and counter against the evolution of animals capable of feeling pain by a smaller than current population of humans that have been genetically modified to be incapable of feeling pain, being additionally watched over by an artificial intelligence program that aids the humans in preventing and counteracting the evolution of animals capable of feeling pain, and being the place of creation of an artificial intelligence program sent aboard various outer space vehicles along side populations of genetically modified humans to help the humans look for planets with being capable of feeling pain and trying to make them be populated by being incapable of feeling pain in a similar manner to Earth through the most ethical means possible.

>> No.8507211

Thanks /x/. Glad you're here too.

>> No.8507227

>Meh, I don't think it's random but even if reincarnation isn't real at all I still want to pass on my genes and my values to future generations

So your whole entire self created validation for your existance is to make mini-you another /pol/ faggot against his own free will because it justifies your time spent on earth?

Sounds pathetic in my opinion tbqh

>> No.8507234

All because his condom broke and now he needs to justify his harder then it has to be existance.

>> No.8507286


though engineering animals and people to be incapable of suffering may be a good thing to do, that isn't to try to say that killing animals to eat them or paying to eat animals that were killed to be eaten is usually or ever a good thing to do

>> No.8507300

You adolescents are so cute when you're in your rebellious stage

Yeah, no. I got to a point in my life I wanted my own family. Met a girl, fell in love, got married and had a baby - in that order. How fucked up, right?

>> No.8507334

Nature is a mother fucker and humans are part of nature.

>> No.8507494

>had a baby

Congratulations! You consumatted the most selfish act of which a thinking human is capable! Not only have you added to the destruction of the earth beyond your own paltry existence, but quite possibly that of the entire universe. Be proud, stupid. Spreading the insidious virus called homo sapiens should be a capital offense. If there were a just god, it would be.

>> No.8507622

No one cares. Please kill yourself already you actual smug autist

>> No.8507635

And now you're at a miserable point in your life where you're on 4chan desperately trying to convince people you've made a quality life choice.

>> No.8507636

Because vegans dont understand biology or nature. Why are you questioning this?

>> No.8507802

>literal self-hate

>No one cares
Funny, you keep posting replies.

I've been on 4chan the whole time, I like to stay current and for a decade there the people on 4chan really reminded me of myself when I was a teen and wanted the things that I, with great personal effort, had figured out how to get. They appreciated my insight on how to get it.

More and more, numale faggots like you guys have been trickling in. I had hoped it was stopping but /ck/ is absolutely lousey with them - or maybe there's a bunch of unattractive girls here throwing off the chemistry. Hm. Could it actually be that simple? God I hope so.

>> No.8507906


Vegetarian here, I support hunting deer. They're overpopulated in North America.

There's a difference between raising a cow in a pen that doesn't allow it to turn around, standing in its own shit all of its life VS. A deer that lives a normal and natural life in the woods and all of a sudden is dead.

One is humane and the other is a really shitty way to treat an animal.

Also if you can't down a deer in under 3 rounds, you need more practice.

>> No.8507922


This x1000

Hunting is moral. Automated production of flesh isnt.

>> No.8509106

if you're so concerned about overpopulation, be my guest to anhero. it's literally the only way to keep yourself from being a raging fucking hypocrite.

>> No.8509115

Coyote here. I was about to kill and eat my third house cat this week, but after reading this thread I've really reconsidered this moral stance. Obviously I should go vegetarian. From this point on i'll teach my pups to steal vegetables from people's gardens instead of eating their cats. Also I'll be sure to tell all the other top-level predators, charismatic megafauna, and basically everything thats not an herbivore that we're all doing it wrong. I mean, after all, it's better for my health and morally superior, r-right?

>> No.8509118

Agreed, considering he's also really really concerned about people having freedom of choice - unless that choice is to have kids and raise them in a traditional, loving home of course.

>> No.8509130 [DELETED] 
File: 158 KB, 900x1179, electricity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah because choosing not to contribute to population growth is the same as taking a life that's already been created

literally westboro-tier crazy right here

>> No.8509131

I don't like kids so I would be a pretty lousy parent. therefore if I had kids I would still be a failure. so if I'm going to be a failure either way, I would like to be a failure that can afford to eat out more than once a year.

>> No.8509132

Be careful man, you might frame your argument in a way that lonely pet lovers can actually grasp.

>I would kill every coyote in my county to protect my Miss Pickles. Wait, is that anything like those stupid breeders wanting to give their white devil children every advantage they can? Am I a colossal hypocrite? Nahhh

>> No.8509140

my genes are garbage, I'm not passing that shit on.

>> No.8509153

That's fine. For some to succeed others must fail. The big problem is that even though I don't know anything about you, just the fact that you're mindful and actually think about the future leads me to believe you would be a better parent than the people who are currently breeding the most which is a really bad indicator for humanity's current direction.

>> No.8509180

it is 100% the same. your very existence consumes resources, creates waste, etc. Your position supposes that we're all merely carbon, bone and sinew organized in a way that happened to evolve into a sentient being. You will die eventually. If you chase the logical thread, your worldview leads you to one inescapable conclusion - since you're going to die, not doing it as soon as possible is merely selfish. Every time you exhale you're bringing the planet one moment closer to extinction.

Disagree all you want. I've read more books than you. This is literally the logical and philosophical conclusion to your position. Take the time to think it though and this is where your literally retarded supposition will lead you.

Or, alternatively, stop being a child, read some Malthus or Fukuyama and realize the difference between arithmetic and geometric growth.

>> No.8509181

I am a vegetarian and I have no problem with hunting, just the cruel nature of factory farming makes me avoid most meat.

>> No.8509193 [DELETED] 

>it is 100% the same
No, it's 0% the same, the rest of your post is just self-indulgent masturbation and just goes to show how little you understood the writers you erroneously cited

>> No.8509201

o really? explain to me why your parents choice to have you is greater than my right to have my kids.

>> No.8509211 [DELETED] 
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>explain to me
Nah, I'd rather rub it in your face again that you tried to name drop people who you evidently either didn't read, or you did and managed to interpret them differently than everyone else. I'm not sure which is more impressive.

Have a nice day, I'm off to the gym.

>> No.8509215

Haven't you got some atheist subreddits to post in?

>> No.8509225

translation: you're right.

>> No.8510519

If people stopped existing tomorrow, there's currently no good reason to think there would be any other beings on Earth or possibly other beings in the universe as well able in the immediate future to try to help the rest of the animals on Earth and other beings that might exist in the universe that are or will experience suffering as humans. I think it's probably better for humans to not stop existing than to do so if humans in the future do enough try to help the animals on Earth with problems.

>> No.8510579
File: 321 KB, 1451x1290, antidepressants[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow animals did just fine for millions of years before people appeared.

>> No.8510757

Who will care for you when you're old?

>> No.8510770

Your kids' taxes

>> No.8510784



While death may often constitute the peak of suffering during an animal's life, day-to-day existence isn't necessarily pleasant either. Unlike most humans in the industrialized world, wild animals don't have immediate access to food whenever they become hungry. They must constantly seek out water and shelter while remaining on the lookout for predators. Unlike us, most animals can't go inside when it rains or turn on the heat when winter temperatures drop far below their usual levels. In summary:

It is often assumed that wild animals live in a kind of natural paradise and that it is only the appearance and intervention of human agencies that bring about suffering. This essentially Rousseauian view is at odds with the wealth of information derived from field studies of animal populations. Scarcity of food and water, predation, disease and intraspecific aggression are some of the factors which have been identified as normal parts of a wild environment which cause suffering in wild animals on a regular basis.[UCLA, p. 24]

And while many animals appear to endure such conditions rather calmly, this doesn't necessarily mean they aren't suffering.[BourneEtAl] Sick and injured members of a prey species are the easiest to catch, so predators deliberately target these individuals. As a consequence, those prey that appear sick or injured will be the ones killed most often. Thus, evolutionary pressure pushes prey species to avoid drawing attention to their suffering.


>> No.8510788

There's 7 billion people hanging around, crapping one out is no accomplishment

>> No.8510791

>Welfare for wild animals when

>> No.8510799
File: 62 KB, 850x400, quote-kill-one-man-and-you-are-a-murderer-kill-millions-of-men-and-you-are-a-conqueror-kill-jean-rostand-56-37-28[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More than you've accomplished, Faggot.

>> No.8510820

Not an amerifat kid, that's for sure. They've been taught take as take can, devil take the hindmost, including decrepit parents. You got screwed.

Sometimes asians and euros might treat them differently, but amerifag kids ship them off to the nursing home.

>> No.8510830

>homo sapiens: born between a pisshole and a shithole, through a moldy canal.

The image of god, everybody!

>> No.8510839


I expect my kids will take care of me the same way they see me take care of my parents but I'd still take the nursing home over being run over repeatedly

>> No.8510925

> like all other breeders

fag detected

>> No.8510986

>nursing home

No thank you. The wandering woods, collapse and natural death before that. You've obviously never been inside one.

>> No.8511070

I don't care.

I'm just a vegan because I think the food tastes better desu

>> No.8511200

Idiot, he's telling it like it is and your best retort is to call him a fag. So we now know where you fall on the mouthbreathing breeder spectrum.

>> No.8511312

Not a poor people one ew.

>> No.8512358

western people are already doomed. we aren't having kids at replacement rate (2.1 kids per person) and having them much later in life. while it seems like our population is growing, its actually shrinking. We're probably on a path at this point where it's too late for a correction. Muslims have kids at a rate 4x the replacement rate and have been for generations. if all westerners started pounding out kids as fast as we could, we probably couldn't ever catch up. We'll be overrun in less than 5 generations. it's a mathematical fact.

>> No.8512450

Sooner than that in terms of "whites" in the US. It's already estimated that "whites" will be a minority in the US by 2030. And you know what? I couldn't care less. I'm white and married, haven't had, nor will have kids. Fuck that. My wife and I have done our part to reduce our impact on the destruction of the earth. That's all we can be responsible for.

>> No.8512473

>yfw you realize "breeder" is gay slang for straights
