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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 206 KB, 620x1214, Nasty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8507483 No.8507483 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people pretend to like liquid salmonella? It's fucking disgusting. Cook your eggs all the way through, retards.

>> No.8507489

i dont eat eggs im vegan

>> No.8507490



>> No.8507491

A lava consistency yolk is cooked through, dum dum. A solid yolk is over cooked.

>> No.8507492

Salmonella is really only present on the outside of the shell.

I bet you cook your milksteak well done.

>> No.8507496



>> No.8507548

I choose to not eat steaks because I don't eat under cooked meat and I don't want dry flavorless over cooked steak. best to just not have it at all.

>> No.8507555

Wow if only there wasn't some kind of middle ground between rare and well-done.

Learn how to cook, faggot.

>> No.8507556

germophobes are fucking pathetic

>> No.8507563

medium rare is still under cooked for me, faggot. Cant have any pink in the middle.

>> No.8507565

An egg is basically a couple tablespoons of liquid. I think a gentle boil or fry could cook them well enough. You don't need high heat for a thin little bit of eggy snot.

>> No.8507570
File: 624 KB, 722x525, 1485107915493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't have any pink in the middle.
I think your aversion to pink goes beyond food you dumb hypochondriac, girl-brained cocksucker.

>> No.8507575

Salmonella in eggs is pretty much only on the shell, in US. At least that's what I tell myself when the yolk is runny

>> No.8507579

It is, the bacteria can't penetrate the shell.

>> No.8507590

You are honestly retarded if you believe any of the shit you say.

>> No.8507594

Salmonella in eggs isn't a problem in first world countries and third world countries other than the US. The US permits corporate egg producers to farm eggs in conditions that promote the growth of pathogens like salmonella. But thank god and Drumpf, we're not going to be tightening those regulations anytime soon.

>> No.8507596


Not him but ya, I automatically assume any dude who eats well done steak must be a cum guzzling bottom bitch.

>> No.8507598
File: 24 KB, 315x325, 1485298333400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are beyond retarded if you can't thoroughly cook a steak medium done without over cooking it.

What's the matter? Did I touch a nerve, faggot? Hit too close to home?

>> No.8507601


>implying president Trump isn't god

>> No.8507611

Clearly you're also illiterate since anon stated he doesn't like well done either.

>> No.8507614

clean yo eigs with soap
it's sterile inside

>> No.8507620

You come across as the whiniest of narcissistic teenagers. Please do us all a favor and eat rat poison.

>> No.8507624


And clearly you cannot cook, since he said he can't have any pink in the middle, which means well done. He can continue cooking it into a crusty piece of shit well beyond well done, but if there is no pink, it is well done. Fucking idiot...

>> No.8507629
File: 337 KB, 1144x888, 1484118133366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even brain-dead, illiterate illegals making $2.50 an hour under the table know how to cook a fucking steak without over/under cooking it. Lmao.

Sounds like you're the one who should eat rat poison, at least you don't have to cook it brainlet.

>> No.8507644

Which is why He chooses not to eat steak due to having standard and won't eat pink meat. All you're doing is bitching about something he's not doing and dragging out a useless argument like the child you are..

>> No.8507649

underage ban

>> No.8507652
File: 205 KB, 3340x3176, 1485125438957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>samefagging about yourself in 3rd person to make it seem like someone agrees with you because you know you sound retarded
Toppest kek
Pic related, it's you

>> No.8507659
File: 22 KB, 400x460, 1483943760844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't cook something as basic as a steak
>calling other people underage

>> No.8507661

but he is underage.

>> No.8507666

>11 poster IDs
Stop samefagging, it's sad.

>> No.8507672

Retard. read your post and then the posts you were responding to. Then tell me how you are making any sense.

>> No.8507674
File: 287 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You got me!


>> No.8507677

I'm not the one samefagging in a desperate bid to not sound retarded.
You're underage as fuck if you can't cook.
>Lmao is a bad word
>I only use cool 4chan buzzwords unlike those fucking normies!
Again, you are a faggot.

>> No.8507679

>using the basic 4chan browser with spyware ads
And you're calling other people underage.

>> No.8507683

He didn't call anyone underage. I did. Stop being so fucking defensive.

>> No.8507686

>>Lmao is a bad word
>>I only use cool 4chan buzzwords unlike those fucking normies!
>Again, you are a faggot.
How old are you? Honestly, i'm gonna go with 15.

>> No.8507687

I hope your entire family gets cancer in the pain center of their brains you retarded piece of shit. Nut up and kill yourself you'd be doing the world a favour.

>> No.8507688


I never called anyone underage. I only said he (or you) can't cook. Also I called you a faggot. You are a faggot who can't cook. I highly doubt you are underage tho. A virgin yes, obese yes, morbidly obese highly possible, but I don't think you are underage...

>> No.8507692

I'm a 29 year old electrical engineer. I bet you're about 17, at best.

>> No.8507693

Jesus christ dude get a therapist or some helium

>> No.8507698

Stop projecting and pick up a cookbook, brainlet.
I can't imagine all the fast food and frozen dinners you slam down your gullet since you would burn boiling water, you retarded, AIDS-ridden cuck. Go stick your head in an oven.

>> No.8507701

Yeah I bet you think about suicide all the time you retarded faggot. Go OD on your SSRIs.

>> No.8507702


>electrical engineer

You mean wire puller...

>> No.8507709

I mean I make 95k a year while you can't even manage to not fuck up a steak. KYS

>> No.8507712


Yup, once again you got me! Nothing screams "I don't know how to cook" like actually knowing what a well done steak is. I won't eat it, but I still know what it is. Fucking well done faggots...

>> No.8507719


>$95k a year

Congratulations, you make almost as much as my survey assistant with a high school degree.

>> No.8507722

If you've never had a juicy, well-done steak you are a flyover poorfag who can't cook to save his life or even afford to eat at a real steakhouse.

>> No.8507726

You are oddly specific leading me to believe youre going through something terrible right now.

Sincerely in as non-condescending way as possible, i wish you the best, get well soon.

>> No.8507728

>your survey assistant
Don't know why you need that at a gay gloryhole but sounds like he makes more than you. Deluded cockmongler.

>> No.8507729


Yes because only a top tier steak house knows how to ruin a steak while still managing to make it eatable. Rare for me thx

>> No.8507736

I sincerely hope your parents wrap their car around a concrete divider for raising such an impotent, insipid cuck of a child. You missed the mark you condescending faggot.

>> No.8507738


What if I told you that by lowering your exposure to foodborne pathogens, you raise your risk of becoming ill from foodborne pathogens?

>> No.8507739

t. poorfag that can't afford to eat at a steakhouse that's not Lone Star
enjoy your prion disease you earned it

>> No.8507740

You have people that love, whether you know it or not. Remember that, always

>> No.8507743

And they love me as much as you love sucking dick. Thanks.

>> No.8507744


I love you.

>> No.8507745


Sounds like the wire puller is butthurt, because that's all you do, isn't it? Pull dead wires. i will admit, you do make a lot of money considering what a joke your job is. Still not as much as my assistant makes for hammering stakes and nails into the ground, but he also didn't have to get a degree for it...

>> No.8507747

love what?

>> No.8507750

A well done steak

>> No.8507752

Except it's a risk in the whole goddamn world except Japan.

I get you want to hate the US to be edgy and all, but please stop being so stupid.

>> No.8507754

You don't even really know what electrical engineering entails, sounds like you don't really work to begin with.

Do you give him part of your paycheck to hammer your ass as well? Because your butthurt is palpable.
>no degree
Kek, I had scholarships, he can enjoy being unemployed and not finding a job in the future.
Go attend your glory hole.

>> No.8507762

You had scholarships and now youre working a dead end job. And to compensate and displace your increasingly suicidal tendencies you lash out on 4chan because your life sucks


>> No.8507773

I don't have to be an electrical engineer to see the faulty wiring in your projector, casting-couch Freud.
>You're on 4chan haha what a loser
Very intelligent argument, redditor.

>> No.8507777


Oh I know what you do, and I know that if you only make $95k a year you aren't even mid-tier. all you do is take orders all day from your chief engineer, or surveyors like me depending on what kind of work you do. That's how I know you are nothing more than a wire puller. You don't even get to hit the power switch and test everything. You are long gone by then, off to the next wire pulling job...

>> No.8507781

You really don't know what I do at all.
Unlike you field cucks my job isn't ephemeral, stay mad glory hole attendant.

>> No.8507782

>n-no its you!!!
Great comeback faggot. Spare us the whining and get your Smith and Wesson retirement plan done with

>> No.8507790



>> No.8507791

I wouldn't spare your autistic faggot ass IRL with my S&W that's for sure.
Sounds like your retirement plan is inheriting your mom's trailer and cashing welfare checks. KYS.

>> No.8507794

nice reference. Saw that episode earlier today.

>> No.8507795


>proud to not work in the field

So obese? Or morbidly obese?

>> No.8507798


Lol. Say kill yourself like a man then actually kill yourself you worthless cuck

>> No.8507799

Thanks. I didn't know about the show until I saw it on r/television

>> No.8507806

Say cuckold like you do in your porn searches like a nu-male, you retarded genelet.

>not toiling like a nigger means you don't diet and exercise
I'm sorry to hear about your weight problem though, I think the doctors probably said morbidly obese on your chart.

>> No.8507808

Say "im gonna do it this time i mean it!!!" Then do it this time. Your mother will thank you ;)

>> No.8507811

Whats with these psycho drumpfniggers on ck lately?

>> No.8507819

t. suicide-obsessed teenager

Since you can't cook a fucking steak here's a recipe for you.
>1 gallon of bleach
>1 gallon of ammonia
>mix together and huff
Your mom won't even notice you're gone.

>> No.8507824


>> No.8507827

>t. suicide obsessed teenager
Obviously you are, loser, I could tell since you started telling people to die over a steak, you pathetic fuck lol
I'll be sure to enjoy a white wine and well done steak dinner with your family once you finally step off the stool ;)

>> No.8507831


>> No.8507832

Imagine getting suicidal over a steak

>> No.8507833
File: 2.04 MB, 237x304, 1480640427629-tv.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your post is fucking disgusting. Go back to your overcooked eggs, and trap porn you degenerate.

>> No.8507835

You're the one creating scenarios in your head about your mom not caring about your suicide, you autistic incel.
>white wine
My family don't eat at gay clubs, sorry.

>> No.8507840

I wasn't asking for what other subreddits you're subbed to I was recommending you go back to your home board. Cheers.

>> No.8507843

>no you!!!

Lmao bud.
That mom thing really got to you didnt it?

>> No.8507845

I wasnt telling you a subreddit i went to. I was telling you to go there. I shouldnt have expected an aspie like yourself to get it though. Sad!

>> No.8507846

>No u!
>Obviously you are!

You're the one with mommy issues considering you brought it up in your suicide fantasies ITT. Pretty sad!

>> No.8507847

Lol @ this booger eating suicidal dork

>> No.8507848

Delete this retarded fucking thread and ban all posters above me.

>> No.8507851

I'm sorry I don't want to browse the subreddits you moderate or reddit at all but thanks for the invitation! You should try going back if you don't like /ck/ or 4chan.

>> No.8507854

>literally no you AGAIN

Ive turned you into my own personality puppet! Go ahead and repeat yourself again

>> No.8507855


Nice damage control fatty. Guess you're still pissy you thought making less than my assistant was impressive. Probably a lie anyway. You probably still live in the basement of your mom and stepdads house. Anyway I'm sure your life is what it is because of the decisions you made, so you can thank yourself for your misery. Faggot

>> No.8507857

This isn't r/cuckold, you don't get to moderate here.

>> No.8507858


Just in case suicidy gets any witty ideas ;)

>> No.8507862

You know what a cuckold subreddit is like? LOL

>> No.8507868

He's no older than 16 tops or once institutionalized 29 year old

>> No.8507871

The only thing you've turned is your grandparents and ancestors in their graves you little autist.

Seems like you're jealous I get paid quite good to work in an air-conditioned facility while you have to toil in the fields like slaves. Enjoy your chronic back pain!

>> No.8507873

Of course! Everyone on 4chan has seen your ads. I hear you do a great job over there! Don't personally visit myself.
t. 17 year old who goes to a child therapist

>> No.8507875

Lol you absolutely suck at this you miserable cuck. Go turn your neck a couple rotations. Dont at even @ lmao

>> No.8507885


>doesn't get to write off a truck
>doesn't get to write off quads
>doesn't get to write off sleds
>doesn't get to run a chainsaw
>probably never held an axe before
>sits around all day
>makes less than my assistant
>grows fatter by the day

Ya man, I'm so jelly...

>> No.8507887

>t. Literally institutionalized 29 year old

>> No.8507890

>of course!

Of course you do

>> No.8507891

You're the one who can't seem to find anything else to say. I just hope your family has disowned your are dead because they must otherwise be extremely disappointed in how their manchild turned out.
Go chug down a few bottles of aspirin to wash down your eggs, you deserve a slow and painful suicide my man. You've earned it.

>> No.8507893

>im 29
>acts like a teenager
way to go.

>> No.8507898

Ive unironically broken you down this point lmao
Bring another one at me

>> No.8507901

>having this much shit taste

>> No.8507903

>has to do manual labor that unskilled migrants can do
>will have chronic back pain and arthritis by the time you're 40
Enjoy gaining 200lb because you're in too much pain from doing all that menial garbage 30 years from now!
I'm 6'6 and weight 195lb but feel free to keep projecting your weight disorders Bubba.

>> No.8507908

The only thing you've broken down is into tears from the truth I'm telling you.

Your life won't get any better man. It's sad but it's the truth.

>t. literally 17 year olds with personality disorders

>> No.8507911

I'll never understand people who like runny eggs. It should be cooked til it's a creamy custard at best. Having it runny is flat out morbid.

>> No.8507912

Lol please give another. I really love the fact im this deep in your head. Like are you gonna think about me for a while

>> No.8507917

>spends the entire thread being a faggot

>> No.8507919

>spends entire life being a faggot

Topkek, you wish. Nobody thinks about you.

>> No.8507925
File: 180 KB, 777x656, image(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting this mad.

Lol cant you guys just get along?

>> No.8507929


Sure you are. You're totally not a 5'9 300lb waifu claiming fedora wearing basement dwelling redditor. We all see the truth. Your lies impress no one...

>> No.8507932

Cant you jsut fucking kill yourself you stupid piece of shit underage faggot. You spend the entire thread acting like a fucking cuck like you having a fucking job makes you better than anybody newsflash you mouthbreather KILL YOURSELF. Now fuck off with your weebshit

>> No.8507935

keep going please

>> No.8507945
File: 6 KB, 250x203, 1480240206815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're totally not a 5'9 300lb waifu claiming fedora wearing basement dwelling redditor.
LMAO, feel free to tell yourself whatever helps you sleep at night kiddo.

Don't stop, this is hilarious.

>> No.8507951
File: 301 KB, 1551x1599, 1479015459219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoken like a true effete teenager.

>> No.8507954

Bud please keep going this is honestly one for the record books lmao

>> No.8507956


Actually I sleep quite peacefully. You're the one spending his time making up lies on the internet to justify eating well done steak...

>> No.8507959
File: 8 KB, 244x206, 1481070237417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I'm delaying your suicide by making you giggle so sure. Anything I can do to help!

>> No.8507963

Another one, bud

>> No.8507964

I haven't posted a single lie, why would I lie about making $95k a year? It's good but it's not THAT good. Don't project your failure or shortcomings onto other people man, it's unbecoming of you.

>> No.8507968
File: 218 KB, 1200x1800, 1473892038279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why take your anti-depressants when you can get (You)s huh?

>> No.8507971

these are getting slightly less creative but i appreciate your efforts lol

>> No.8507973

Shut the fuck up with the dick measuring, you insufferable fucks, it's clear that you aren't gonna be making the centimeter mark jealous anytime soon.

>> No.8507983
File: 58 KB, 500x492, 1477477104313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What else is there to say? You're a suicide-obsessed, underage faggot that can't cook. There isn't anything remarkable about you

>> No.8507988

I know all you think about is dicks but make up a better metaphor next time, reddit.

>> No.8507989

another pls

>> No.8507997


>> No.8508002

Wow real original amerishart. At least I have universal healthcare so I can afford to get salmonella unlike you...

>> No.8508014

report all shitposting.

>> No.8508021
File: 179 KB, 600x828, 1485368501375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying im american
>implying your """(((healthcare)))""" system isn't a fucking joke
Range ban Canada from 4chan NOW
also pic related, my favorite meal to cook

>> No.8508028

>you aren't on my side exclusively so you must be reddit!

Nice boogeyman accusations, newfag.

>> No.8508032

>making fun of america with assumptions that the poster is even american
As an American I would like to let you know how much of a fucking faggot you are.

>> No.8508033

You should start by reporting your own meta posts.

At least it's free unlike what you amerisharts have.
You must need to go to the doctor 6 times a week from eating all that raw beef and salmonella eggs. Yuck

>> No.8508039


That was my post and for the record I have no issue with you being American. You did just vote in god king emperor Trump. Best thing that could have happened for my work prospects!

>> No.8508045
File: 11 KB, 418x405, 1485217493516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you even read, you knuckle dragging maple nigger? I'm not American

>> No.8508046

>god king emperor trump


>> No.8508047
File: 128 KB, 348x301, 1485297110202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8508049


Trump is the man! Anyone who disagrees is a redditor, Tumblrina, or brown.

>> No.8508050

Rules 1 and 2, Reddit. Learn em' and shut THE FUCK up.

>> No.8508051

Trump is the man for little dicked people like you

>> No.8508059

your bull is coming over, hope you're ready to prep him

>> No.8508061

I'm dyslexic and my phone is charging while I'm in bed so no I can't really fucking see too easily the cord is a meter away and I'm twisting my neck like an owl trying to post right now. Canada is the safest and healthiest country in the world.... go back to Iraq or whatever shithole you crawled out of, bud.

>> No.8508063


>illegal Mexican detected

>> No.8508073

No need to project your fantasies, cupcake. Im well aware of you alt-right type

Oh, dear. Youre embarrassing yourself again

>> No.8508074

>literal retard

>> No.8508079

>tfw you overcook your steak
>take one bite

Seriously, worst thing ever. I don't understand how people can live with this shit.

>> No.8508083
File: 228 KB, 400x400, 1485380693052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that you, Bess? The be/ss/ is ready!

>> No.8508085


Yes all of you literal retard ameritards should be gassed.

>> No.8508097

And no, it could not have been used for something else

Overcooked steak is ruined forever. If you re-heat steak that's pink in the middle and it turns brown, it's still juicy to a degree. Overcooked steak is dry shit that tastes like a rusty nail now and forever. Don't even put it in a stew. I've tried.

>> No.8508099

but if you kill your enemies, they win!

>> No.8508100

>reddit reddit reddit reddit!

Your boogeyman obsession is not healthy, newfag.

>> No.8508114

It's not a boogeyman when you have reddit cookies that give off your newFAG status pretty damn clearly.

Rules 1, 2 and 7. Oh wait you don't know what they are huh? Lurk moar

>> No.8508118

>some 10k/day ceo arguing with a wire puller on a japanese cooking board.

>> No.8508119

Oh honey dont you realize people laugh at you when you say stuff like this?

>> No.8508125

The only ones laughing are oldfag /b/ros like myself who see redditors like you and shake our heads. I've been on /ck/ since 2013 so I think I know a little bit more about 4chan culture than you sweetie.

>> No.8508129

>$1million/hour world governor lurking and making fun of both sides on an American cooking board that weeaboos think is Japanese
o i am laffin :p

>> No.8508131

Kek, must have hit the mark with that first post saying you had a small dick, that's the only reason you would be this defensive.

>> No.8508132

Oh, angel, its alright that no one cares.

>> No.8508152

My dick is NOT small. Its not the longest but unlike you needle dicks I have GIRTH. I don't know where the fuck that came from but believe me if I wouldn't get banned I'd post it right now and prove you wrong but since I can't I can assure you it is 4" but its basically a coke can its 1 /half inch around

>> No.8508158

You don't have to cook them if your eggs are fresh enough, but in the US you should.

>> No.8508168

Obama had 8 years to tighten those regulations, and you know it.

>> No.8508172

>admitting your dick is small

>> No.8508181

>4inX1.25in is "small"
stop watching porn jealous dicklet....

>> No.8508328

>Putin's bottom bitch


>> No.8508366

In other countries its a 1 in 100,000 chance in the US its a 1 in 10,000 chance

>> No.8509174

>not cooking your milk steak over hard

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.8509234


>> No.8509242

What? I get food poisoning 3x a month and I cook everything through but steak.
I eat 12-24 eggs a month and 3-4 steaks. Rest of my diet is vegetables, potatoes and pasta.

1 in 10000 does not add up. It's 1 in 30 meals for me. You guys think too highly of america's culture of eating and serving poison.

>> No.8509252
File: 72 KB, 647x435, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>food poisoning 3x a month

What the fuck dude. You're doing something horribly wrong.

If you're not making shit up you either have an allergy or are regularly eating things waaaay past their expiration.

>> No.8509272 [DELETED] 

Yeah some allergies and horrifying stomach problems.
I'm autistic, I buy one meal at a time because of walking distance and prepare it carefully.

But it's been happening every ten days for as long as I can remember.
>it's the synthetic wheat additive folic acid

In fact I just shot 16oz of water out of my ass.
I haven't had an egg this month, or a steak in 12 days. I don't cook chicken because of this shit.

>> No.8509302

probably failed to mention ass to mouth before eating steak

>> No.8509331

>ck is not the worst board

>> No.8509349

America pls

>> No.8509406

This thread gave me cancer.

>> No.8509947

>eyem so sfucking stupid I dont know what salmonella is
salmonela, you waste of fucking human space, is found and contaminates your food from the outside of the egg inward, not the other way around.

>> No.8509950
File: 288 KB, 480x550, 1482614270154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats wrong with a girl's brain you fucking faggot?

>> No.8509972
File: 291 KB, 1970x1303, racism shame of america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Americans wash the eggs making the shell weaker. that's why they have to refrigerate them like plebs

>> No.8509984

Runny eggs is the best.

>> No.8510008

What the fuck happened here

>> No.8510158

Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of hard-boiled eggs. But STOP BEING A FUCKING PUSSY.

As long as you buy eggs from a decent market, not even in Latin America salmonella is a concern. My father used to eat two crude eggs every fucking morning, and yet he had zero salmonella through his whole life.

>> No.8510164

We also don't have literal chicken shit on our food

>> No.8510342
File: 34 KB, 400x300, IMG_0336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit and vaginal fluids on your eggs


>> No.8510356


>Any engineering job
>"dead end"
Are you retarded?

>> No.8510357

vegans don't understand the immune system and will happily deprive themselves of zinc without supplementing and then complain when they get ill

lol try not starving yourself faggot

>> No.8510369


I put 3 raw eggs in a blender with some other shit for a breakfast shake every single day for the last 5 years and Ive not been sick once.

Enjoy your shithole country op

>> No.8510524

unless the eggs are tainted the only place you're gonna get bad microbes are contact with the surface of the shell; calm your tits fucc

>> No.8510863

Is ck where the Omegas go to argue because they have been shunned out of other boards? Fuck this is pathetic.

>> No.8511016

do you think you are clever by spouting that oliver cuck shit?

>> No.8511110

>waaah, mommmm, someones making fun of our orange tinted emperor again!
Don' ya' fret nun, Cletus, we can still get dat 'ar ditch weed when we'all don' have no mo' veggies.

>> No.8511111

Seriously nigger?

>> No.8511127

Good lord /ck/ is a fucking train wreck right now.

Does this board even have a janitor?

>> No.8511523

That looks tasty as fuck.

>> No.8511554

Washing, in this case, refers to chemical washing. Of course the eggs are washed with water, just not with chemicals like in the US.

>> No.8511557

I remember when I was 11 too.

>> No.8511594

I always find it painfully hilarious when weebs post smug animu girls calling other people gay or sissy.

Like, do you basement-dwellers have no self awareness at all?

>> No.8511653
File: 58 KB, 570x855, EggsSoldiers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks delicious.

I love my yolks runny, if I accidentally hardboil eggs for my breakfast, I'll throw them away. I can't stand cold toast either so I'll throw that away too and start from scratch. Once I was super distracted for some reason and did this three times until I got a breakfast I was satisfied with.

Soft boiled eggs and soldiers is my ideal daily breakfast, my ideal weekend breakfast is eggs benedict with nice runny yolks. I basically never fuck up poached eggs, maybe because they just require more attention than soft boiled eggs where (in theory), you just come back at the right time.

>> No.8511660

>Salmonella in eggs is pretty much only on the shell,
This is true in 99.99% of cases

>in US
In the first world generally, supply chains and food safety procedures mean that Salmonella isn't endemic as it is in most countries. For commercial battery farm chickens anyway.

>It is, the bacteria can't penetrate the shell.
Not technically true, there are cases of the bacteria being inside the shell and not by some accident when breaking it. It's been proving that salmonella can occur inside the shell before cracking it. It's unknown whether it starts there or penetrates the shell through a defect or before it's fully formed or something but both are technically possible.

It's super rare though so basically forget about it.

In general, just washing the outside of the egg before cooking it is adequate. And you only really need to do it if you can see shit on it.

>> No.8511774

You know shit like this doesn't make you look clever, or of even average intelligence, right?

>> No.8511781

Stupid yanks. Probably eats all his meat grey.

>> No.8512087

>medium rare is still under cooked for me
>for me

No one cares about your personal defects.

>> No.8512135

Niggas why are you making such a big deal out of some salmonella?
That shit isn't dangerous if you're not elderly or a young child. Worst case scenario you'll be sick and puking for a couple of days. It happened to me a few years ago after eating meringue batter and it's not something to freak out over like this.
If you're a true cu/ck/ the extremely slim risk of salmonella is worth eating eggs in superior ways.

>> No.8512246

>you'll be sick and puking for a couple of days

Well gee, not everyone is bulemic and tries to avoid things like that.

Though the people saying you get it from runny yolk are fags.

>> No.8512281

>oh hey, the only downside is I burn through a significant fraction of my sick days.

>> No.8512284

Why do people troll then jerk off to stupid trolls like this one.

>> No.8512300

I wouldn't if you hadn't shown me how good it looks, retard.