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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8503917 No.8503917 [Reply] [Original]

Whats proper bar etiquette?

Recently turned 21, started going to bars, today went for a beer after work, crazy lady next to me starts balling about her life, and starts praying for me and some other shit.

Whats the right thing to do in this situation if I just wanted to be by myself and not talk? I didnt want to be rude.

>> No.8503957

Go to better bars that aren't full of pathetic old people.

Ask her if she has a daughter or niece she could introduce you to.

>> No.8503968

Tip for good service, don't be on your phone. All I can think of.

>> No.8503978

why would anyone tip in bars is beyond me.
what exactly constitutes "good service" in a bar?

>> No.8503980

pay for your drinks and nothing else. there's really no etiquette apart from common manners such as saying please and thank you

>> No.8503988

$1 per drink is the traditional amount. Good service would mean the bartender is responsive and quick to meet your needs.

>> No.8503990

Talking to people, being attentive to everybody, not forgetting your order or your card or some shit

>> No.8504002

sounds to me like that's just him/her doing the job they get paid for but ok. just sounds upside down for me that the customers tip for people doing their job.
reminds me of greece where they apparently got bonuses for not being late for their job

>> No.8504011

>Whats the right thing to do in this situation
Fuck her.

>> No.8504014

she was like 65 years old, no thanks. Also almost got into a fight last week, because I laughed when the home team was losing, im not off to a good start

>> No.8504020

You sound like a fucking sperg who never leaves his house.

Tipping was started in bars, To Insure Promptness. Pay people in service industries a little more money and they start doing more for you.

>> No.8504022

Where the fuck do you live?

>> No.8504039


>> No.8504056

are you gay or something mate?

>> No.8504059

in which countries exactly?
you shouldn't hire lazy shits that has no work ethic anyways.
good workers don't need a tipping system

>> No.8504077

really love your style, skip thinking alltogether and just go straight up for insults without knowing anything about the situation.

>> No.8504081

Do you tip your cashier and janitor too?

>> No.8504090

A whole state full of assholes. I'd move desu

>> No.8504092

bars are miserable. the only other people there are lonely losers like you, or a group of happy friends

>> No.8504142

Cashiers and Janitors make minimum wage. People who serve alcohol typically don't.

>> No.8504146

The dive bar by me is the best, people tweaking from meth, people falling asleep on the bar from heroin and literally steps away from the beach and casinos.

>> No.8504161

Sounds oddly comfy like somewhere a gondola would be

>> No.8504172

Hi, Charles Bukowski, I thought you had died!

>> No.8504211

I was kinda scared to go in there at first turns out it's pretty comfy

>> No.8504243
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Move down a few seats.

Beautiful thing about bars is, there is an understanding that this is your time to do you. For every person who just needs to chill out, there's two loudmouths that want your companionship and they want it now. Which is a function of a bar, but you are not in the wrong to just move.

Then it's up to the bar staff to handle it. You're a paying customer. Granted, they will not interfere unless you're really getting fucked with, but that will be a subtle gesture.

Between you and me, Anon, I hate those fucking people

>> No.8504275

what's the point of "minimum wage" if it's not actually a minimum?

>> No.8504298

Does he live in Atlantic city too?

>> No.8504319

Well bartenders and waiters should stand up for this shit if they're really not making minimum wage, instead of relying on customers to fix their issues.

also they do make minimum wage as I have friends who work as waiters. They just enjoy getting those 100+ bonuses on the daily.

>> No.8504330

>go to school
>everyone tells you to fuck off
>go to public spaces
>everyone tells you to fuck off
>go to work
>everyone tells you to fuck off
>go to the bar
>everyone tells you to fuck off

Jeez, no wonder there's so many school shooting these days.

When did America become a hive of introvert autists who sit at the bar all day and stare and wish life turned out different? I don't honestly get it.

>> No.8504420

Nah, he was an LA fag.

>> No.8504431
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>Cashiers and Janitors make minimum wage. People who serve alcohol typically don't.

>If an employee's tips combined with the employer's direct wages of at least $2.13 an hour do not equal the Federal minimum hourly wage, the employer must make up the difference.

>> No.8504440

Bars have always seemed weird to me, especially if its not busy. If its busy, its easy to just go watch a game and bullshit with however you are sitting next to, but if it isn't, wouldn't it just be better to drink at home alone? Why go to a bar and just sit in silence staring at nothing while paying for overpriced alcohol?

>> No.8504456

>Going to bars alone.

I could see older people, 35 and above maybe doing this to meet other singles. Young people I feel think it's kind of pathetic unless you're some vlogger or some shit.

>> No.8504473
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>Can't make friends without going out
>Can't go out without making friends

Hope you're all enjoying the society of NEETs you're slowly building.

>> No.8504494

>To Insure Promptness
>Insure Promptness
>not ensure
This was an acronym made up after the fact, evidently by someone illiterate.

>> No.8504526

In case you hadn't noticed, any metro area of any size at all has multiple shootings, robberies, rapes, carjackings, thefts, assaults and molestations every single, fucking day. Couple that with the fact that the individual is raped by the medico-pharma-insurance industries for a return of 37th ranked healthcare system in the world, corporations are given a free hand to run over the individual like a knife through butter, kids attempting to get a 4 year degree are saddled with $150,000 debt or more, a war budget greater than the next 30 highest defense spending countries combined, and you see why the US is a damn grim place. Naturally that spills over to cause an antisocial psyche among the citizens.

>> No.8504530

stare down into your drink and grunt whenever a response is required. don't look around too much and definitely don't make eye contact if you want to be left alone

>> No.8504537

This is one of the most honest posts I've ever seen on 4chan.

Stop being so fucking autistic and enjoy your surroundings.

>> No.8504542

tip a dollar per drink and two if it's hard to make

>> No.8504548

Please go back to pol

>> No.8504550

>go to 4chan
>everyone tells you to fuck off


>> No.8504558

Good tips

>> No.8504562


Typically if you're doing so poorly on tips or are so slow that you cannot make up that difference and are asking your employer to make it up, they'll just fire you rather than pay that

>> No.8504659

wait, how do the employers keep track of tips?
also how can a minimum wage be that low anyways?
i don't even know anyone who has ever gotten anywhere near that little

>> No.8504676

You have to report how much you're making in tips when you finish a table.

>> No.8505040


I tip my fedora to you, good sir

>> No.8505043

I'm 21 and I go out alone sometimes when my friends are busy or broke/being cheap fags, if local I usually run into people I know.

>> No.8505053

If you tip for every drink, you might get buybacks depending on the bar/bartender.

I always tip the bartender at the local place I go to and he gives me my third drink for free.

>> No.8505058

You go to Rutgers, bro?

>> No.8505088

insure and ensure have been used interchangeably in english for quite some time, anon.

>> No.8505357

They really haven't, they have distinct and different meanings.

>> No.8505513

All words are interchangeable when you're a fucking illiterate like that jerk off.

>> No.8505547
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>Open thread hoping for bar stories.
>End up reading about American tipping etiquette for the at least the 50th time in my life.

Ways /ck/ beats you down?

>> No.8505550

why go to a bar if you want to be by yourself?

are you married and trying to avoid your wife and kids?

>> No.8506081

Don't put that guy on a pedal stool anon. Maybe he has old-timer's disease and gets words confused easily.

>> No.8506105

fuck off

>> No.8506172

he tells the truth and you tell him to leave?

why tho?

you must like being lied to

>> No.8506371

>doesn't into wrongful dismissal legislation
The only reason poor people let this slide is because they don't realise their legal high ground.

>> No.8506391

But why in the fuck do you accept that the employer deducts your tips from your wages in the first place? That's just asini...
Oh, american. Carry on.

>> No.8506910

Hold up two fingers but ask for 5 beers.

Tell them you're Roman.

>> No.8506940

Damn was she ballin doe?

>> No.8507316

>old timers
Ik its a joke and I'm not gonna lie it was pretty funny

>> No.8507381

>why go to a bar if you want to be by yourself?

You don't need bar etiquette OP so much, just need to understand that talking to someone is kind of interesting and should pass your time while you drink or dine alone. Don't put all your angst out there to not find the person not worth your time if they aren't a hottie. So, just need to know how to handle attention in a respectful way. As a female, you should know what I know, about not being rude to strangers when you "reject" them.
1) If you wish to talk with others, sit at the bar. You can undoubtably at least feel like your bartender is your friend/companion with an occasional chat as they work their other customers. Ask for menu advice, whether dinner or drinks. Talk about some shit related to alcohol, the weather, the new place you discovered. Compliment them on something if you find they are aloof. They should treat you well, like a great waiter would, that when they are with you it is undivided. They can get GREAT tips.
If you wish to be alone, request a table, and occasional go up to the bar and order, and side up between people you DO wish to talk to, and maybe just sit down a moment while you order, so if they do talk to you for doing that, ohhhkay, but if they don't, whatevs, you weren't staying.
2) If someone sits next to you at a bar that you don't like, just welcome them, oh hey, let me move over one, you stay there!, I'm expecting a friend, want to save a seat, blahblah. Anything you want if you don't like their appearance, or proximity.
3) If someone talks to you, and you just don't give a damn, but polite. But, nothing precludes you from being an exceptionally good conversationalist. Just take it easy on the comebacks, or digging questions. "Ohhh, that sucks" and then be silent. And, if they talk more and more, just nod. And, eventually they should just find you boring. If you need to excuse yourself to the bathroom a moment, kind of chat to/fro and move.

>> No.8507407

4) If you go often enough, you will make some polite acquaintances/ friends, provided you aren't a jerk even once, or seen being disrespectful to any employees or other regulars. Don't ever be impatient with bar staff, and give that big thank you, with some eye contact and a grateful smile.
5) One way to not feel a loser alone is to go on band nights, like you're just a hardcore metalhead or whatever kind of bar it is. Those people will always show when their friends band is up, and you'll see regulars that way.
6) Another thing is figure out in your town which is the slow or happening night somewhere, like wing night, or a trivia night. You'll eventually figure out which has a vibe and crowd that pleases your comfort level best. There are a lot of sorryass bad bars that seem to only stay in business because of something nefarious going on in the back room, but have rude as shit employees, high turnover, bad, really bad food that is never cooked right. Skip those places. A restaurant that is also a bar is a good middle ground. The bar that is close to the courthouse is usually a bit classy, haha. Like me you might prefer being around people who aren't just drunks, but intellectuals who handle their booze okay, but don't like to drink alone at home. I guess...

Anyway, know that being alone can make you more approachable and actually lead to having a better experience sometimes than with your friends.

>> No.8507422

The Charlie face is really the best answer.

Otherwise, you could excuse yourself and move to a different seat, or pay your bill and leave... or try to outweird her, but that's 50/50 at best.

>> No.8507430

North or South?

>> No.8507432

>Excuse me, but I don't want anything to do with this. I'm just here for a drink.

>> No.8507735

>$1 per drink
You mean $1 per mixed drink. I'm not going to tip someone for pouring a beer.

>> No.8507769

No. Fuck no. If you don't want to tip, go live in France. We tip here in the states.

>> No.8507787

but you tip here, in France

>> No.8507821

you have to look at the history of it. certain service workers were paid a regular (albeit low) wage and received tips. the practice became standard and it was deemed unnecessary to pay those employees a regular wage because john q. public was just going to tip them anyway. the minimum wage for service jobs that receive tips is lower to account for the public subsidization

>> No.8508019

no buybacks 4u then

>> No.8508025

so the French tip?

And is there a quick guide for tipping in Europe? My most recent experience was Ireland and I didn't see anyone tipping at the bar so I didn't tip.

>> No.8508057

europe isn't a country, it's different from where you are

>> No.8508065

in France you tip only when you leave
in Italy you don't tip
for the rest I don't know

>> No.8508068

did u faggots really need to turn this into tipping?

>> No.8508116

No shit. I meant like a quick chart for all the countries.

Tipping is generally done when you leave with food and per drink at bars in the US. So explain the French process a little further to me please.

>> No.8508134


>going to the bar by yourself

just get a six pack and drink at home for cheaper

>> No.8508144

>So explain the French process a little further to me please.
it's simple, you tip only once when you leave and you don't tip when you're just in a tiny popular bar you only tip when there's actual service

>> No.8508187
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>implying I'm buying multiple drinks at a bar instead of pregaming
>implying I frequent any one bar enough for a bartender to know me
>implying I give a fuck

>> No.8508273 [DELETED] 

naah,i'd much rather stay here and not tip.
still don't get tipping people for doing what they are supposed to do.

>> No.8508304

i do that after going to the bar

>> No.8508526

Drink a bunch, you'll figure the rest out later
Start with concerts with bars, places you don't care about being thrown out, etc

>> No.8508547

I pregame too, but I still tend to have 3+ drinks at the bar. Also, you sound like a giant douchebag.

>> No.8509003


At-will employment friendo. You have no legal high ground in most states.

>> No.8509034

>legal high ground
what are they gonna do, sue? I don't know many unemployed waiters who can afford an attorney.

also this

>> No.8509057

>waitstaff doesn't make minimum wage

When will Trump kill this meme?

If their tips do not make up the difference between their normal wage and minimum wage, then their employer makes up the difference.

>> No.8509066 [DELETED] 

that's kind of like saying "if the posted speed limit is 55, the average traffic speed is 55"

I don't know why people think reality works this way

ironically you probably are over in /k/ arguing that gun laws don't work because people can break them

>> No.8509068

Why would you tip a bartender? It's an even easier job than being a waiter

>> No.8509073

I don't feel sorry for someone who gets screwed over by his or her boss, illegally, and just takes it like a little bitch.

Little bitches deserve to be treated like little bitches.

>> No.8509074 [DELETED] 

Because when there's one bartender for a 40 foot bar and 100 customers are jostling for service, being that guy who didn't tip guarantees that you'll get "accidentally" ignored for about 20 minutes

>> No.8509077

>100 customers
>barkeep will know who throw the crumpled dollar bill on the bar

>> No.8509078

You wouldn't go to such a shit bar in the first place

>> No.8509080 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8509085 [DELETED] 

>he thinks tipping for a drink works like that
Come back to this thread when you're old enough to drink
>I've never been to a beachfront bar
>I only go to le mysterious silent gentleman's bars

>> No.8509094

Well obviously a criminal doesn't care for laws. It's so simple a caveman can get it.

>> No.8509186

Have a tab, tip at end of night in credit card
>don't tip

>> No.8509270

what kind of 3rd world country do you live in where that actually happens?
how the fuck did the bartender get hired with a workethic like that?

>> No.8509298

Anyone here ever been kicked out of a bar? I have a few times.

Anyways, I go to bars alone on occasion. One time I went to my local dive and met a qt who was there drinking alone and nearly in tears because she just found out she could never get pregnant. Got her drunk enough and went back to my place and I fucked her bareback. No idea why she was at that bar since she lived on the opposite side of the city.

>> No.8509324

this, unless im in a bar with barely any people in it (and to be honest i probably wouldnt be in the bar if that were the case) i constantly have to wait for drinks no matter what i tip so i stopped

>> No.8509419
File: 150 KB, 1004x769, tipped wages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that tipping isnt required and that anyone who argues for it is a greedy entitled kike

>> No.8509437

There it is.

>> No.8509449

lmao at dumb americans getting scammed daily

>> No.8509501

lmbo at 3rd worlders without money to burn

>> No.8509509
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do you also tip to post on 4chan?

>> No.8509518

You sound like a faggot

>> No.8509521

We have plenty of gun laws on the books and guess what criminals don't follow them

>> No.8509535

>tipping some bar bitch to get a beer out of the fucking fridge

>> No.8509546

I tip almost anywhere acceptable, and well, I've worked many jobs in my past, both for tips and not, I know what it's like to work a shitty job and how little things like an unexpected extra $5 can lift your spirits. You obviously know the struggles of being a poorfag so try to have some empathy, maybe some day I'll be in the position to throw you a few dollars and help brighten the gloomy pile of feces which is your life.

>going to a bar and ordering a bottled beer
>bragging about being a cheap ass
it's like you aren't even trying to hide how low class and tasteless you are lol

>> No.8509554

>american workers literally starve if people don't give them mercy money
a whole nation of poorfags

>> No.8509555

No, they haven't, and I'm a descriptivist.
Ensure = to make certain something happens
Insure = to sign something up for insurance

>> No.8509569

you cant make peoples life decisions for them, but you don't have to be a snobby cunt, Ill gladly give extra money to someone that got up and went to work rather than some lazy hobo that expects a handout for nothing, I also tip well to make up for the people like you they have to serve with a smile even though you're a cunt, just to help even it out

>> No.8509579

I don't give money for nothing to no one man
restaurant waiters, pizza delivery guys and so on are guaranteed a minimum living wage from their employer so they're paid enough to not rely on tips or handouts from customers in general. They work and they get paid, anything else is just a bonus, not an essential.
I don't give money to hobos or beggars in general because I hope that if no one gives them anything they'll go bother some other part of the city

>> No.8509630

Maybe in the US. Here in Spain bars are a place to socialise and meet new people.

>> No.8509637

like i said I tip to make up for them having to deal with poorfags like yourself, tipping is for people that have to work with the public, a lot of the public such as yourself are annoying cunts, this is why I get great service mostly in the US, opposed to parts of europe where the waiters do the bare minimum and look depressed as shit usually. Like I said continue to not tip I dont care, I tip well and get top priority at the places I frequent, and I can spare the money I understand you may not be able to afford it but like to go out to eat anyways and act like a nigger

>> No.8509648

Most food/drink industry workers such as bartenders and servers only get paid $2.13 and hour in the US. Tipping is supposed to be a part of their wage.

>> No.8509650

oh poor sods they look depressed
Depressed or not they still provide a quality service. If they provide a shit service you just call up their manager and make a formal complaint. That usually keeps them on their toes.
But hey, I imagine that in America all it takes is one girl to smile at you while pouring your coffe to make idiots like you pay double

>> No.8509679

Nobody forces them to work there, right? Holy shit though lol, even a 14 y/o in a shitty supermarket job gets paid like €3-4 an hour over here (the Netherlands).

I'd kill myself before I'd work for that type of money as an adult. We're not in fucking India.

>> No.8509684

Ive waited tables, I have no interest in trying to win over a waitresses heart, like I said I am a bit more charitable with people who have to deal with the public, the public is shit, you are proof of that, No matter what mood they were in if it's a place I frequent and they see me sat in their section it genuinely improves their mood, people like to know that they are appreciated, you may not know that feeling I get it, I treat humans with respect and dignity, I do not know their reasons for working as a servant but they will not feel like an underpaid slave while they wait on me

have you ever donated money or anything for unselfish reasons? even a kind gesture? are you actually one of the depressed servers in europe and this is why you are so bitter/jealous of the way we treat waiters/etc here?

>> No.8509708


Those situations are actually the reason I go to bars. I get comfortable, get a good buzz, and wait for people to start spilling their problems at me. I listen and try to give advice, with my social anxiety made easier by being intoxicated. In this way I can practice social interaction with others, and learn how to navigate other people's feelings, and even how to get them to do, say, or think things based on feedback I give them when they're exposing their emotional weaknesses. Then, I apply these lessons I've learned to my own inter-personal relationships.

>> No.8509711

I've donated blood a few times if that counts
thing is tipping culture is completely absent here, no one expects you to tip them. They do a good service and are nice to you because that is their job, not for the hope that some nice charitable guy, even if he's a regular, will give them something extra. If they don't they lose their job, it's simple. They get treated with dignity and respect like any other job. If you see them as slaves who need your pity that really shows how their work is viewed in the US

>> No.8509747

Good shit, anon.

>> No.8509751

I don't understand how companies get away with it.
I can make $200 a night sometimes and they know that, probably why they've dropped it so low. However, many servers must tip out to bartenders and bussers (sometimes hosts too.) I could make $150 and walk out with $120 because of tip out. They use our money to pay their damn employees.

>> No.8509758

>If they provide a shit service you just call up their manager and make a formal complaint. That usually keeps them on their toes.
Sorry but this quote kind of ruined your "dignity respect not a slave yada yada" bullshit. I would never make a complaint about a server unless they flat out were insulting, everyone has a bad day or maybe they had just waited on someone such as yourself, which can effect a persons morale. :^)

now stop yuropoor, Im really growing bored with this, Im going to grab something to eat soon and Im going to tip 50+% in your memory, and I'm going to let the server know it's because there are miserable depressed waiters in EU making shit money with no hope left and they have to deal with miserable yuropoors everyday, and we're both going to have a chuckle at your expense

>> No.8509760

You're a beautiful person.

>> No.8509788

If you wanted to be by yourself why did you go to a social place like a bar? Just get a bottle and go home.

>> No.8509789

>non-tipping countries have poor service

You've never been to Japan or Korea where the service at even a run of the mill hole-in-the-wall blows away any and all service you'll ever receive in the US, from top rated Michelin restaurants on down. I shit you not.

>> No.8509793

that's what I meant by shit service. If they fuck up your order and don't try to fix it, if they act rude to you, of they inconvenience you in any major way that's when you do a complaint to their boss and see them out of the door. Having a bad day happens but you should show some fucking professionality and not let that affect your customers.
Go ahead, I'll be getting some pizza this weekend and with the extra money we won't spend on tips we'll watch some movie too.

>> No.8509809

The fucked up thing is that it's so deep rooted it's actually even cultural.

That, and people still working those jobs keeping the system intact. So glad I don't live there haha.

>> No.8509967

I have to claim all tips at the end of night. However, no one is ever standing over me as I count and claim. So lying is definitely doable for most.
I know some people will not claim as much because they pay bills in accordance with how much they make. Some people claim honestly or more if they're about to apply for a loan/home/car etc.

>> No.8510005

which parts of europe? i've at least been to spain,portugal,france,austria,italy,switzerland,germany,norway,denmark,sweden,finland,estonia,czech republic and latvia and haven't come across waitressses or waiters looking depressed as shit apart from a handful of situations.
i'm guessing you've been to some sort of eastern european countries and poor parts of those countries to boot.

>> No.8510015

>she was like 65 years old, no thanks

>> No.8510270
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>$1 per drink is the traditional amount

>> No.8510296 [DELETED] 

inb4 surprise child support payments

there is nothing I distrust more than a female who wants to fuck without a condom

the second they start menstruating it's a hunt for them, to trap a man into a life of domestic slavery

women are garbage, the day of fuckbots cannot come soon enough

>> No.8510597

I always tip after a beer so the bartender will serve me before others when I need another one.

>> No.8511237

If theyre good at their job tips usually work out much better for bartenders

>> No.8511244

Stand up, turn 360 degrees, and walk away

>> No.8511273

know a little something about sports. know which sports season it is. this helps a lot with small talk. most people will leave you alone in the bar if you sit far away. drunk people like to talk. be friendly, be empathetic. just nod your head and agree. know what you like. if its slow make some small talk with the bartender. try new stuff. if its busy, tip well and be polite.

>> No.8511301

and when others tip, you tip more than the others and when they do the same you tip even more, right?

>> No.8511509

You sound like a mega faggot

>> No.8511513

you are such cheap faggot

That's terrible, that's like 4USD an hour.

>> No.8511708

It is

>> No.8512089


>> No.8512928

What do you think it is then?

>> No.8513092

I think it's shitty to ignore everyone, but you gotta realize that a lot of people have been putting on a smile all day and maybe even for work. Granted, you should have one anyways, don't be a sadfag, but if there's one person in the bar who is obviously bothering everyone and projecting their bullshit on paying customers, then I can't blame them.

Balance, Anon. I respect that you are a living breathing human being, I really do. But that does NOT entitle me to interact with you, specifically. If someone can have good convo, awesome. I'll talk. But "AY YOU *burp* y-y-YOU LISSEN TO ME, YOUNG MAN....I....I...ITS THE DAMN GOVERNMENT, and al-*belch*- IM NOT A RAAACCIIISSTT" is just bad social skills and alcoholism.

Come to New Mexico and let's see how long your social services ass lasts

>> No.8513126

>Come to New Mexico
wait till we send you back to old mexico u chili chokin pepper belly

>> No.8513180
File: 123 KB, 403x324, eJwFwdsNwyAMAMBdGAC7dkxotkGACHmBwP2qunvvvuYzLrOZXbXPDSDVGdtIdmoboWRbWitXDr1OG9sNQTXE_c6PTiB2zOjYv4lY0CEDrQs5_xJcUUR4QQ9p1Oe0Ry_m9we9tSHQ.OqDy8O9uhirFeQYoNqhGMcc5jRo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel sorry for burgers having to tip in a pub

>> No.8513416

Hardest I've laughed all morning.

>> No.8514357

Oh man you're a nasty piece of work.

>> No.8514371 [DELETED] 

baconrider is that you?

>> No.8514392

I get free drinks, top tier service, and greeted warmly just by tipping a dollar a drink every time. I also get "industry" discounts by talking about beer with the bartenders and listening to their stories. There's one place I'll go to where one of the owners will hang out with me, let me sample expensive ass shit like Pappy, and give me free food/buy me drinks. I've known him since he ran a liquor store.

Building a relationship with your bartenders is very rewarding. I can't recommend it enough. I was a NEET ass faggot for years but befriending bartenders and other bar goers has really helped.

>> No.8514929

I don't like talking to strangers, but I enjoy being in the presence of other people. I love to just park my ass at the bar and drink while browsing on my phone. The noise from the people around me makes me feel comfy

>> No.8514941
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How did you even think of that.

>> No.8514958

Hey since >>8508144 is being no help at all and I was wondering the same questions, I looked it up. Rather than 20% like in the states, you would tip 1-3 Euros at the end of a stay, (whether eating or drinking doesn't matter) if you're at a casual spot, or 5% if you're in a fancy place.

>> No.8514988

Bartending is way more difficult than waiting. You're not only waiting on guests (for both food and drinks), but hauling ice, mixing drinks, washing and polishing glasses, cutting garnishes, hauling kegs, carrying boxes of beers, wines & spirits, cleaning up spills, making drinks for your servers' tables, cleaning out fridges, etc. It's really dirty and grueling work.

>> No.8515686
File: 102 KB, 627x672, hwJYuWp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Tip the bartender for doing his job

Only in burgerland

>> No.8515861

Yeah. Remember that Spongebob episode where they had the Frycook Olympics and Spongebob was telling how hard it is to be a frycook and Patrick just went flip, psssssh. Yeah, that one.

>> No.8515944

What an unfunny screencap. Was this your own post?

>> No.8516253

This! I get buybacks all the time

>> No.8516478

It's an old joke

>> No.8516496

I don't go to bars. Maybe, in America it's ok to go, but here they sell drinks for 4x price and food for 5x price (that's the cheapest bar ever full of criminal scum and minorities). I can go to grocery store and drink at home. Or don't drink at all, because it's bad.

>> No.8516522


No it wasn't and my isn't intention wasn't to post something funny eithrer, just to ridicule you dumb burger "etiquettes"

Also learn how to use a knife and a fork, everytime I spot amerilards in a restaurant they look like they normally dine with their hands

>> No.8516561


The owner has the make up the difference if not enough tips are received.

I don't tip, but I'm not a burger, either.

Should I go to the US, I'll only tip for outstanding service, or if I'm at an expensive restaurant, since I'm not poor.

>> No.8516602


Don't forget to tell him that waiters in the EU make significantly more an hour, and still get tips, with few exceptions like Greece because they decided to fuck their own economy.

On average, menial labour is far more rewarding in the EU than it is in the US.

>> No.8516607


He's a burger, probably doesn't know that most countries in Europe have it better than in the US.

t. danefag

>> No.8516611

Reminder that tipping is a European invention and part of European culture, but in murrica it's just silly. They contort and twist everything good.

>> No.8516618

>Americans prove once again that they can't handle the bantz

>> No.8516646

bartender is such a joke of a job. some bitch at a hipster place threatened me into tipping because I didn't tip on the first drink.

>> No.8516901
File: 25 KB, 500x388, 4522621+_656ecdd05964d9ba340206cbf127d75e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goes to a bar to be alone and not talk

just go to the fucking liquor store and drink at home then

>> No.8517066

serving others is a noble occupation.

>> No.8517081

I mean, yeah it's basically de facto required in the US. If you tip in other countries though, where it isn't the norm, then they'll usually give you a drink on the side. At least in my experience.

>> No.8517082

Should I pay for them to open a fucking twist-off bottle too for me, lad?

>> No.8517141

Don't go to the bar and browse your phone. You kill the atmosphere. The regulars and the bartender fucking hate you because you offer nothing. Just another kid on his phone. There's your problem. Learn to chat it up a little bit or stay the fuck away from dives.