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File: 50 KB, 808x382, drive-thru-day1-e1434619680696-808x382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8502223 No.8502223 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else here prefer to go into fast food restaurants instead of using the drive thru, even if it's really close to home?


1) not stinking up your car or risking spilling a soda in it.
2) Get to eat your food piping hot
3) Can easily go back to the counter if something is wrong/you want more
4) Free refills



>> No.8502230

sit in line instead of stand in line.

>> No.8502232

>Drive through gets priority in terms of service speed
>get to listen to radio and eat in my car

>> No.8502239

>Burn gas instead of calories

>Both get same priority. In fact, it's easier for them to ignore some schmuck in a car than someone standing in their face
>Wear headphones if you like music so much, and don't stink up your car

You can't refute this logic.

>> No.8502258

I agree OP drive thru is for faggot chump retards

>> No.8502262

>Both get same priority. In fact, it's easier for them to ignore some schmuck in a car than someone standing in their face

Nope, drive-thru lines are timed and they are basically the main metric by which corporate chains judge a franchise without a physical inspection. Managers (and employees at non-shitty places) also have their bonuses tied to drive-thru times.
In store service is not timed. Atleast it wasn't 10 years ago when I had my first job.

>> No.8502264

never claimed >>8502230 is a strong point.
But it is an advantage, even if a crappy one.

A stronger advantage is no screaming running kids. I avoid McDonalds because seriously, entering that place I feel like I enter monkey pen at a zoo.

>> No.8502268

This. If you use the drive-thru they get your shit to you FAST. 30 seconds or less. Go inside to order and they'll get to it whenever they feel like. You'll spend 10 minutes waiting.

Ordering inside is for cucks.

>> No.8502271


>> No.8502295

This is simply not reality. If you get behind diabetic trailer trash with 8 kids in the van or just lazy employees, you could be waiting 15-20 minutes. This happens all the time. The employees are SUPPOSED to tell these types to pull ahead or park and their order will be brought out to them, just this often times does not happen.

>> No.8502311

They ALWAYS tell the person to move ahead, but sometimes you get assholes that won't move because they don't understand that their food is being cooked.

>> No.8502327

I fucking HAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaate drive-thrus. I can seldom hear them well or they can't hear me well or, most common of all, they barely speak English, instead speaking some garbled guttermonkey dialect far removed from even regular AAVE.
I know that drive-thru customers get their orders more speedily than do walk-ins, but thankfully, I don't eat fast-food often enough where using them would save me a lot of time.

However, I would happily use a drive-thru if there were a blue-tooth enabled app where-in once I get in front of the displays that tell me what the restaurant has, I tap my order in on my phone and it goes through to the workers inside with no fuss. I suspect it would not only speed up efficiency and accuracy but also open up the drive-thru to a currently untapped potential drive-thru consumer base: the deaf, the hard-of-hearing and those with other communications difficulties, such as stroke sufferers and others.
Some fast food chain really ought to get on that shit.

I knew I wasn't crazy and that they go much faster for drive-thrus than they do for walk-ins. Motherfuckers.

>> No.8502336

I don't like eating in my car. I never go to drive thrus.

>> No.8502337

They need to continue telling them until they move. This "Customer is always right!" bullshit needs to stop. If people want to act like fucking children, they need to be treated like children. Proper customer service is one thing, wiping customer assholes after they shit is entirely different.

>> No.8502338

OP clearly does not have children.

>don't have to unbuckle kid(s)
>don't have to worry about them getting run over in the parking lot
>don't have to try to hold a 3 year old's hand while balancing a hot or cold beverage with a bag of food in your mouth and your car keys precariously held in your armpit

>> No.8502343

DT cashier here, like half of the people that come through have kids or babies or dogs with them.

>> No.8502349

You never worked for Whataburger.

>Please pull up ro the window and wait 30 minutes, sir.

Fuck that worthless chain.

>> No.8502355

In my experience, actually going inside is far quicker. Maybe it's just my area (flyoverland) but the drive-thru for almost any fast food place around here is usually swamped, 20 vehicles deep at least, and not moving. All the lazy assholes use the drive-thru because actually exiting the vehicle is far too arduous a feat. If you do actually go inside you will often find there is no line at all.

>> No.8502359

>Having children

It's not our fault that you fucked up. Enjoy your entire paycheck going to those kids for the next 18 years, and that's if you lucky.

>> No.8502365

enjoy being alone and full of regret when from your mid 60's till the day you mercifully die.

>> No.8502372

Most fast food places will have at least two full lines worth of equipment. During peak business times they'll have two crews making food so they can serve the lobby and DT at the same time.
During slower business times they'll only have one crew working and switch back and forth between lobby and DT orders.

>> No.8502378

>Implying your kids won't move across the country and do the same to you

>> No.8502383


You can always spill soda on something don't be a clutz. Don't reccircle the A/C while something smells in it. It's like you don't even own a car.

How in the fuck do you get cold food inn drive through. It's only cold if you drive it home which is the same result with any order to go from the counter.

I don't need to go to the counter. I check, and they RUSH to get it right because everything stops and if not, I get it brought to my car.

So you're that kind of nigger, asking for refills when you eat inside, eh? Then you can be the kinda nigger that walks from where he parked out front to get the refill too.

Disadvantages of eating inside:

People see you eat the kind of shit you can get at a drive thru.

>> No.8502385

>If you use the drive-thru they get your shit to you FAST. 30 seconds or less.

What parallel dream universe is this
I've never had a drive-thru anywhere near that fast, not even when I'm rolling in during graveyard shift and I'm literally the only customer

>> No.8502398

Taco Bell has the fastest DT times that any company asks for, iirc. 2 minutes, on average, from when the customer pulls up to order to when they roll off with their food.
This includes the time they spent UMMMMing and HMMMing because "I haven't been to Taco Bell in 10 years, everything is so different, do you still have Mexinuggets?" Headset operators get coached on "encouraging" people to hurry up with their order.

>> No.8502401


>t. Mommy and Daddy Issues

>> No.8502406
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OP Here, just thought of another advantage of eating inside:

At a place like Taco Bell, I can lift as many fire sauce packs as I want. Sometimes I'll shovel like 40 onto my tray, sit down, use 8, and take 32 home with me for use on food I make at home.

>> No.8502423


You're such a nigger.

>> No.8502429

Nope, just smart. Reducing their profit margins with all dem free refills, fire sauce, and having to maintain a dining area/restrooms, causing them to raise the price for all the drive thru cucks.

>> No.8502434


You know who is smarter?

The execs that decided to leave it accessible so you don't think about the mark up on your soda.

Keep taking them, you'll never make up the difference. Better hot sauce is a dollar a bottle.

>> No.8502439

>It's like you don't even own a car.

I own a nice car, which is why I don't use the drive thru.

Enjoy your greasy steering wheel, fries dropped between the seat and console, and mayo-covered lettuce dropped on the seat between your legs.

>> No.8502451


I mean....do you even use napkins? It's obvious you eat like a 4yr old and think burgers and tacos are the only drive thru ever despite allegedly owning a "nice"car, so you should integrate them into your hot sauce packet stealing routine too. You can fill your nice car up with hit sauce packets and napkins so you feel less greasy and extra smart when cooking with taco bell hot sauce at home.

>> No.8502453

>dirty tables and booths
>sticky floors
>squealing kids
>shouting parents
>miserable employees
>300 lb women in yoga pants
fuck all that
I'll stick to the drive thru

If I have time to sit in a place to enjoy my meal, I'm sure as shit not going to be eating at some fast food shit hole.

>> No.8502461

so dont go three faggot

>> No.8502470

I already do take extra napkins, I just forgot to mention it. I use them as tissues for when I'm in my car.

No way I'm buying those stupid mini-packs of tissues. Those things are a rip.

>> No.8502506
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Right, have a lot of idiots hold up the drive thru because they don't know how to use their phones or the app, even with piss easy graphic step-by-step night to the menu. People would hold up the line and you'd have to have a McIT guy standing next to the thing speaker anyway and help the idiots out.

>> No.8502578

No one said to get rid of the speaker box, just to add an app. Or, you know what? How about being able to order /before you leave the house/ and have a McWorker bring it to your car when you get there, like the Shop From Home app shit so many supermarkets do now.

>> No.8502609

>McDonald’s has been lagging behind competition in its digital initiatives. As the company increases its focus on technology as part of its transformation program, it should see a positive impact on sales and customer traffic in future.
>McDonald’s will soon be launching a rewards program and mobile ordering should complement this initiative.

>> No.8502635

Only I don't really like McDonald's much. Still glad someone's doing it. What I wanna know, though, is this: the article says McDo is lagging behind competition when it comes to tech, right? So which companies are already doing this?

>> No.8502645

Yes. Eating in your car is degenerate.

Just look at that fat fuck Joey

>> No.8502651

>feeding your children garbage

You should've been sterilised

>> No.8502665

again, clearly somebody who has no children.

>> No.8502671
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>> No.8502677

i don't mind the drive thru if line is short

but in the morning rush for crappy coffees, and gross food when there's a line around the block of cars, i usually make a note of which car is on the end and go inside to the counter where's no line to order my bad tasting black coffee

usually they've only moved 3 or 4 spots and i'm lmaoing at all their fat, pathetic lives

>> No.8502685

my children don't know what fast food is because i'm not a shitty parent

>> No.8502698

why not just get a coffee maker

>> No.8502700

implying that only "fast food" is available in a drive thu

but unless you're making your own hummus and babyfood from raw vegetables in your vitamix, you're just another fucking hypocrite.

>> No.8502712

beer is the only thing i can think of that's not fast food

and buying hummus and baby food is what poor retards do

>> No.8502723

McDonald’s sources its fresh ingredients from the same places my supermarket does. Bagged Greens? Yes. Blueberries from the Central Valley? Done. Major Brand Apple Slices? You got it. Also, the egg McMuffins are made with eggs that are cracked right onto the griddle. Sure the strawberry banana smoothie has a lot of sugar in it, but so do smoothies everywhere else and the ones at McDonald’s have the most vitamin C. For the record, my kids order the small strawberry-banana smoothie which is a 12 oz drink clocking in at 210 calories.Not to mention the fruit and walnut salad, a great snack for kids. It is the most hidden item on the menu. Even most employees don’t realize it’s there, but if you ask for it by name, they can find it. Above all, the kitchens and pantries at McDonald’s are immaculate.

>> No.8502738

you've never decided to press the sleep button for 45 minutes instead of getting up and making coffee?

>> No.8502758

there's this mysterious beverage called coffee available at drive thrus nationwide.

and no, buying hummus and babyfood is what people who actually have jobs and don't have 13 hours a day to make everything for their children do. And unless your kid has been lobotomized or beaten senselessly into submission, you're aware that kids will randomly decide to like, dislike, or go on a kick where they will only eat one thing for weeks. All the more proof that you're a kidless liar.

>> No.8502772

children don't drink coffee, genius

and if you have time to shitpost on 4chan, then you have time to blend 13 milliliters of vegetables for 20 seconds

>> No.8502823

>local McDonald suppose to have one of these
>went there it wasn't there
>find out from employees that it confused too many people and people smashed it cause of it

>> No.8502824

Wtf, all you guys eat your food in your car? Everytime I use the drive thru I just order my shit, and drive home, sit in front of my pc and eat there while enjoying a nice tv show or something. Eating in a car is boring as fuck isn't it.

>> No.8502871

Cold brew the night before, you degenerate.

>> No.8502884

taco bell already does this

>> No.8502886

I can watch a movie in my car, browse the internet, and infinite possibilities, what seperates that from sitting in front of your PC, you mobile luddite?

>> No.8502887

>press the sleep button for 45 minutes instead of getting up and making coffee

yet you have time to wait in line for 10 minutes at a drive thru to get coffee?

>> No.8502892

i like to really focus on the taste of my food. i wouldn't dare mindlessly eat my McDonalds while watching TV or shitposting.

>> No.8502894

It's not as comfy as your couch, afterwards when you are stuffed you still have to drive home and can't just relax in the walls of your home reminiscing about the shit fast food you just ate.

>> No.8502897

Yeah, I do have kids, and I don't feed them fucking fast food.

"But...but...It's cheep and eezee!!!!!!"

Man the fuck up and start buying healthy foods and preparing them actual meals. You created them, now take fucking care of them.

>> No.8502901

You're less likely to get jacked behind closed doors rather than out in the open and in a parking lot.

>> No.8502902


You can get in and out while the cuck-thru line has hardly moved. People are lazy and don't want to actually go inside. If you do you usually find their is no line.

>> No.8502907

The shilling is real as fuck

>> No.8502909


When I go inside I can use the Free WiFi.

Also when I order my food I stand right there at the counter and wait for them to give me my food. I make eye contact, letting them know im not simply distracted by my phone or music and that I am keeping track of them.

I wait a slight bit longer than the drive thru but I never get the food late

Also I DONT have a CAR so I have no reason to go through the drive through.

> I actually walk to the restaurant, bike there, or catch the bus back to leave that part of town.

...I wonder
guys... is it possible to walk through the Drive Through?

Because sometimes the store lobby is closed but the Drive Thru is still open and maybe I want some food but I dont got a car.

>> No.8502913

My dude, if you're willing to stop and actually go inside for (by your own admission) shitty coffee, why not actually stop and go inside a dedicated coffeehouse (bonus if it's non-chain) and get a cup of something of better quality?

>> No.8502916


20 Chicken Nuggets for like 6 fucking bucks

- You can but a whole bag of Chicken Tendies for the same price

> Tendies > Nuggets
And also you get more (about 1.5 pounds).

I buy Tendies on food stamps and stick em in steak sauce.

>> No.8502919
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1) not stinking up your car or risking spilling a soda in it.
>stinking up your car? Food smell doesn't last. Also, car windows roll down, dumbass.
>Risking spilling soda? What are you, a child?
2) Get to eat your food piping hot
>why would it be any less hot from the drive thru?
3) Can easily go back to the counter if something is wrong/you want more
>check your order before pulling away.
>If you had a special request and have to unwrap and take the top off of your burger/sandwich then so be it, but again what are you, a child?
4) Free refills
>You got me there but I personally rarely drink soda and when I do, one is plenty

>have you ever been in a fast food restaurant? They are terrible places to spend any amount of time
>kids everywhere
>loud as fuck
>booths and tables always uncomfortable and dirty, wiped down with a dirty rag
>car is infinitely more comfortable

I would much rather eat peacefully in my car, listening to the radio or a podcast. OP, you really are a dumbass

>> No.8502929

or ya know... make it at home in 5 minutes

>> No.8502930

because i leave for work before 5 am
only chains are open unless i want to drive way out of my way, which i won't want to do if i'm already running late

not everyone lives in the exact same area and has the same schedule you know

i work outside in canadian winter, cold brew can fuck right off

are you stupid? i said i DON'T wait 10 minutes, i just go in and grab one

>> No.8502935


>> No.8502936

It's probably fine to walk through the drive through, but you should be very embarrassed to do so. I mean how fucking badly do you want that shitty Big Mac™ at 2AM?

Can't you just ride your rascal, fatass?

>> No.8502948

It's not. Most chains have a policy that you can't serve anyone not in a car.
Shit like this is why:

Every now and then I have to deal with some pissed off guy on a motorcycle who's mad that we won't serve him.

>> No.8502949

Who actually goes inside a Mig Donaltz to sit and eat? They usually have some right-wing Fox Cuck News blasting on the TV's and all the old flyovers sitting there masturbating as they eat their cheeseburgs covered in ketchup and believe everything they see on the screen.

>> No.8502960

Where the fuck do you live that the fast food places have TVs?

>> No.8502964

i've never not been served on a motorcycle

i'd be pissed off too

>> No.8502974

>Feeding your kids processed hormonal feedlot nuggers

Or you could spend less and buy real food to feed them (oats, rice, beans, potatoes).

>> No.8502979

Most places won't allow it, even on a bike.

>> No.8502986

>Working outside
>During winter

Maybe you should have gone to school and qualified yourself for employment better than construction or some flyover surveying bullshit.

>> No.8502994

then cry to the corporate office instead of giving me shit about it, you fucking prick. it's not worth my job to serve some loud asshole on a bike

>> No.8502998

Why can't you serve motorcycle riders? That's a vehicle. They may have a backpack or cargo bin to put the food in.

>> No.8503006

Fucking kek

>Have you ever been so hoodrat you yank the other nigger clean out of the drive-thru window by her weave

>> No.8503012

Pretty much ever McDonald's has televisions in the dining room and they are usually turned to Fox News or Sean Hannity or Bill O'Reilly because old people love McDonald's and tend to be conservative (especially in flyoverland).

>> No.8503017

i love my job

i just don't want to drink cold coffee at it

is that okay?

>> No.8503023

new copypasta?

>> No.8503173

Stop being fat.

I currently have two pistols and a rifle with two 30 round detachable magazines in my car. Also I don't live in Mogadishu, Detroit, MI.

>> No.8503271

I like to watch tv at home and eat

>> No.8503319

>Muh gun

A lot of good those will be when some crackhead gets the drop on you at your window because you were too busy watching Thomas the Tank Engine on your laptop.

>> No.8503516


Bitch, I got a custom script to overwrite the gimp job done on my infotainment center, it plays right in the dash.

>gets a drop

Again, I don't live in an impoverished ghetto, and I have great situational awareness. Sorry for your shitty life and senses.

>> No.8503629

Oh, right, no one could EVER get the drop on you. You're far to fucking BADASS. Go on, post the Navy SEAL copypasta is you need to.

>> No.8503766

So angry, I'm keeping an eye on you.

>> No.8504961

I don't like to go inside where people can see me.

>> No.8505005

>Eating fast food at all

Come on, it's like you're not even trying.

>> No.8505319

This is the best solution, every fast food chain needs to start putting these in all their restaurants.

>> No.8505324

Why is it spelled 'thru' and not 'through'?
Is the short spelling supposed to indicate speed?

>> No.8505385

Drive through is slow as fuck as of around 10 years ago. I have no idea what the fuck happened.

I'll still use it though, I clean my car so it doesn't stink, drive through is prioritised so you get fresher food, I'm not a fat fuck/I can plan on how much I want, don't do refills in my country.

>> No.8505413

New in fast food, and just got into an argument with my manager, what do /ck/?

>Lunch rush
>Me and 1 other new guy
>At the start it was about 20+ orders
>Finish maybe 7 orders
>Get drive order
>Instead of making the food in the order they were placed, i have to drop everything and do the drive order
>It brings our times up
>From then on I just didn't drive orders until the others were done
>Times were decent but drive times were really fucking bad
>He got mad and told me drive > everything

Is he right, or should orders placed before drive get more priority?

>> No.8505419

who the fuck goes back for more at a fast food place. whale detected

>> No.8505421

He's wrong but thinks he is right because as others have said above it fucks with the stores expected performance as well as his potential bonuses.

>> No.8505427
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Late to work

Oh that's right, NEET's don't work.

>> No.8505429


>having to see disgusting fat fucks like op while I eat my food

I will take the drive thru.

>> No.8505435


I can tell you've never worked fast food.

>> No.8505438

is that a challenge

>> No.8505503

Mate you would need to refill your soda like hundreds of times to make a difference

>> No.8505507

I ate fast food alone in a car once

The shame was pretty high

>> No.8506045

Seems like every idiot in this thread assumed OP was talking about going inside to get food and then leaving with it, when
>2) Get to eat your food piping hot
CLEARLY shows he's talking about dining in.


>> No.8506068
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>> No.8506086
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>Fuck that worthless chain

No, fuck YOU! At least my food is fresh and hot. The wait is maybe ten minutes max at my local Whataburger.

>> No.8506093

>be broke collegefag
>go in and order a Five Buck Box
>get three or four refills of unsweet tea
>take handfuls of hot and fire sauce and enjoy them on my microwaved eggs and poorfag canned beans

It's good.

>> No.8506103

Found the guy who gets handed seven orange and white plastic bags through the window.

>> No.8506438
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>Microwaved eggs

>> No.8506447

I eat in my car in the Parking Lot, I eat my food then and there, then I throw the garbage out into the Lot, it has no time to really make my car smell because im not driving with it, and I order a drink with no ice so I don't need refills

>> No.8506523

> ride your rascal

ive never heard of this expression

and if you're referring to a bike, I dont have one of those either

>> No.8506527
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>> No.8506555


>> No.8506573
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>Microwave on HIGH power for 1 minute.

>> No.8506592

No they usually don't. Where I worked all the orders went into the same system for the people to make, but the runners (the managers) prioritized getting the drive thru stuff bagged first. Window cashiers were regularly helped by having the runner pour if they can, where as register people always had to get their own drinks. When there was only one runner and cook this resulted in the drive thru being slightly faster, but all the food was still made in order so it wasn't a huge difference but it was there.

During busy times there were usually two runners and two cooks and the faster/more experienced people were always told to work exclusively on drive thru stuff unless there was no one in the drive thru line

>> No.8506657

If I'm being so lazy as to eat Fast Food, the least I can do is fucking walk inside to get it. If I stoop so low as to go to any of the Burger chains, they either 9/10 forget an item, or fuck up my order.

If it's Chick-Fil-A
>the only fast food worth getting
It's much, much faster to order inside and carry out. There's 2 drive-thru lanes and around 4-7 they are slammed with cars around the building, full of usually fat fucks smoking or gabbing into their phones like apes (bonus points when their passenger has a bag from the fast food next door, jesus christ)

The only people who I can understand not going in (not even sitting and eating, just ordering inside) are people with small kids they have to shuffle in and out. Other than that, get out of your car and go talk to a human being, you fat autist. You need both the exercise and the interaction.

>> No.8506692

>fat fucks smoking or gabbing into their phones like apes (bonus points when their passenger has a bag from the fast food next door, jesus christ)

CFA customers described beautifully.

>> No.8506864

There are tons of drive thru places within a 10 minute drive of me, some of them local. I'll go through the drive thru, then take it home to eat, still hot. I also call ahead to local restaraunts close by and get takeout, I'm home in 5 and get to watch whatever I want in my comfy house while eating the takeout and drinking a big glass of milk from the fridge.

>> No.8508634

I think it's less convenient

>> No.8508655
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I have decent social skills, can do friend gatherings and all that, had girlfriends whatever

i just feel less comfortable around people I don't know. Same reason I don't go to malls.
Favorite recreational activity is going to music festivals/shows/raves but I have to be drinking to enjoy myself

So yeah, personal preference I like to get my food to go and eat it at home

>> No.8510327


This is the only way I can bring myself to order my usual 13 cookies + large mcdouble meal

If I have to order from a human the shame is too great

>> No.8510362

>1) not stinking up your car or risking spilling a soda in it.
>implying food smells worse than your fat ass.

>2) Get to eat your food piping hot
Takes way longer
>3) Can easily go back to the counter if something is wrong/you want more
I order off the menu so nothing is ever wrong.
>want more
Fucking fat ass
>4) Free refills
waiting almost three times as long while you watch 10 cars go by in the drive through because they all have priority.

>being proud of eating in a fast food restaurant

Objectively kys

>> No.8510371

>stink up your car

Stop this fucking meme

>> No.8510386

>I happily go through the drive through with 4 or more people

Fucking kys. You are the problem fatass

>> No.8510417

No, idiot. No one thought that.

>> No.8510424

>However, I would happily use a drive-thru if there were a blue-tooth enabled app where-in once I get in front of the displays that tell me what the restaurant has, I tap my order in on my phone and it goes through to the workers inside with no fuss.
Taco Bell and White Castle both have this app. EZ when I have changes that I don't want to try to explain to Javier.

>> No.8510447

>If you had a special request and have to unwrap and take the top off of your burger/sandwich then so be it
>I'm the nigger that goes through DT with the most complicated order possible, and needs to check it for 5 hours before driving away

>> No.8510568

the insides of fastfood restaurants are always filled with niggers and I dont wanna get stabbed

>> No.8510618

Diablo is the superior sauce fire is still great though

>> No.8510628

Must be a lot of niggers in your area

>> No.8510656

Coming from somebody that works in fast food, you are wrong and you're talking out of your big fat ass. Drive through always receives priority.

>> No.8510686

The drive-thru is a lardass american invention, because fast food wasn't unhealthy enough, now you don't even need to walk, that's just wasted calories.

God damn it when will you get off your fucking ass and stop being so God damn fat?

>> No.8510700

Lol europeans
You fags get mad as fuck

>> No.8510802


>> No.8511482

This but you are a fucking retard, the fact that you go in means you are getting our full attention and skill instead of just shat out as quickly as possible, Everyone, EVERYONE who works fast food hates you drive through fucks if you ever order anything we cant make easily in 50 fucking seconds, because thats how long we are given. but in the store? no pressure, order whatever the hell you want.

>> No.8511535
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I would use the drive thru more if I could ever understand wtf they're saying through the speaker.

>> No.8511544

cuz we gotta work bitch. You wouldn't know a damn thing about that.

>> No.8511571
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>I throw the garbage out into the Lot
you best be trolling you fucking litterbug

>> No.8511585
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>Eating inside a disgusting disease ridden fast food joint
>Eating fast food at all

>> No.8511595

Try again. Taco Bell for the last 4 years.

>> No.8511605

I work at the busiest TB in my state, so I guess there's that.
>tfw we keep getting our shit kicked on DT times because we have 3x more customers than the least busiest store, which has the best DT times

>> No.8511630

>go inside to order
>take food back to car to eat at home or wherever
How can you guys stand eating alone at a fast food place?

>> No.8511794

lol how about you betas for once try to act like hung dick alphas and straight up say to the minimum burger artist' face that your standing right there, don't fucking turn your back. I'm standing right here and I just ordered food. Fuck the 500 lbs. trailer trash with her baker's dozen kids at the drive-thru, I'm standing right here in front of you and I'm paying fucking money you're going to stand here and interact with ME until I get everything I ordered hot and fresh and exactly like the menu portrays it or I've got call and emails and yelp reviews coming in spades.

Let some grease-stained "manager" try to tell me otherwise. He's topping out his pay scale at $12.50 per hour and he's got another 30 years to go of late nights and fryer grease before he can drop dead.

>> No.8511976

I work and I make my own food. Stop using excuses for being a lardass.

>> No.8512024 [DELETED] 
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>miserable poor people wishing misery on other poor people
This is why the middle class has stopped going to fast food restaurants

>> No.8512781

no dumbass, you're going to get out of the line, and I'm going to help the next customer, because we here at mcdonalds value every customer and if I did what you just said they would all leave upset.

>> No.8514641

Who cares if I eat my shitty 4 dollar meal by myself?

>> No.8514649

good luck with that, chubs
the only thing they care about at Taco Bell is the online surveys. you need a code to do the survey and you only get ONE per order
they shut down the phone line a few years ago, I hate it because now I have to try and pitch surveys to old people that have probably never touched a computer in their lives