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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8498455 No.8498455 [Reply] [Original]

I'd say brussel sprouts definitely make the list.

>> No.8498466

inb4 that guy who always goes "I used to hate brussel sprouts but now I like them the trick is to blah blah tl;dr"

"used to hate brussell sprouts" guy is worse than vegans

>> No.8498469

Every vegetable tastes good when pan seared or oven roasted with a little olive oil and garlic powder

>> No.8498470
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It's an acquired taste. Just like stuffed eggplants with tuna for me. Literal vomit.

>> No.8498473
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>> No.8498474

I didn't used to like brussel sprouts but then I started steaming them with a pinch of lemon juice and now they're my favorite veggie. Try it and tell me in wrong :)

>> No.8498475
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>> No.8498476

>"used to hate brussell sprouts" guy is worse than vegans

Why? the "used to hate sprouts" guy is trying to help you by suggesting an alternate means of preparation that doesn't taste horrible.

>> No.8498478

yeah? and vegan guy is trying to help you by suggesting an alternative diet that isn't morally abhorrent

you see the problem here?

>> No.8498486
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I can name several off the top of my head: sweet potato, turnips, broccoli, radish, or ANY Indian food.

>> No.8498488

Those marshmallow peeps that come around every Easter. Fucking disgusting.

>> No.8498492

brussel sprouts are nice you dropkick

>> No.8498494

>refusing to eat food
>you must be 18 years old to post on this website

>> No.8498497

And you'd eat anything at all right? What if you were served a plain plate of boiled tripe?

>> No.8498503

t. Vegan

kill yourself

>> No.8498512

not too bright are we

>> No.8498514

What's wrong with Brussels sprouts?

>> No.8498541

marinate them raw in a bit of olive oil, salt ,black pepper and honey and roast them on a tray in the oven until blackened.

thank me later.

>> No.8498544

ye ur dumb as hell

>> No.8498546

Can I ask what you don't like about Indian food? And what experience you've had?

>> No.8498549

let me guess, flyover?

>> No.8498557
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let me guess, retarded manchild?

>> No.8498562

I didn't eat my first brussel sprout until I was 25 and I like them. They just taste like mini-cabbages to me. I don't understand the rabid cult of brussel sprout hate.

Could it be I like them because I was never traumatized by them in my youth?

For the record I also enjoy broccoli but disliked it as a both a child and a teenager.

>> No.8498563

so the answer you'd give to the op's question is anything that isn't in this thread:

>> No.8498567

The only time I've ever knowingly eaten eggplant it felt like I was eating an oily rubber shoe sole.

>> No.8498569

It's pretty simple. If you don't like them, you're opinion is trash. Brussel sprouts are good, plain and simple. grilled or steamed with some salt, they're great.

>> No.8498585

That argument is so retarded. I bet you are the first guy who would sperg out if someone said that steak is disgusting because he ate a well-done steak.

>> No.8498588

thanks for proving my point retard

>> No.8498612

stfu tripfag

>> No.8498618

i like picckled eggplants
specially wit h toast

>> No.8498619

brussel sprouts can be fucking delicious

salt em, char em a bit, dip em in some nice balsamic vinegar


>> No.8498645
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>anon 1: here is something a vegan would say

Gongrats, genius. You defeated the vegan conspiracy. What would the internet do without brave soldiers like you?

>> No.8498669
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Just walk down the frozen "food" isle. Pretty much everything there is inedible trash suited only for end-of-days scenarios. Same with most canned "food".

>> No.8498674

Garlic powder will burn in the oven

just use real garlic you lazy cunt

>> No.8498675

Why do I get the burps from garlic powder but not from fresh garlic?

>> No.8498679
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Brussels sprouts are amazing. OP is of the lowest class of knuckle-dragging troglodyte.

>> No.8498690

probably suffer, but theres no need to thank me. I do it because i care

>> No.8498696

canned ravioli, which I got hungry enough to eat lately. microwave bowl mac n cheese, which I also ate recently.

>> No.8498698


You people are the worst. Brussel sprouts are the only thing worse. I'd rather lick a public mens room floor than eat that garbage.

I feel sorry for your dinner guests

>> No.8498702

Brussels sprouts are great.

I used to think they were okay because we only ate them boiled or steamed, but I tried this recipe and almost exclusively eat them in this manner with variations like chopped chestnuts, bacon, pancetta, hot peppers, etc. I don't usually add the sugar and I find it takes longer to make than the recipe states:



>> No.8498711

I feel sorry for your parents you tasteless fuck

>> No.8498729

>rather lick the floor of a mens public toilet than eat a perfectly edible vegetable

>> No.8498855

Nothing wrong with canned beans bro.

>> No.8498884

why are 10-12 year olds on the cooking board?
someone should call CPS on your parents if they are leaving you alone long enough for you to play with the oven before you burn your houses down.

>> No.8499030

Got some brussel sprouts from the store a week ago so wanted to cook with them.

Boiled for a couple minutes, then cut them up and put them in a stir fry. They were good. Sort of like cabbage. Which makes sense considering they are part of the same cultivar/family as cabbage.

Nice shit taste you've got there.

>> No.8499082

I had Brussel sprouts for the first time when I was 18 and I liked them.

>> No.8499096


raw celery. It just has no place in my life.

>> No.8499206

Cruciferous vegetables have bitter compounds that children are more sensitive to. So there are a ton of people who ate a boiled to death brussels sprout at age 7 who "hate brussels sprouts" and never try them again

Then one day when you're 34 your wife roasts them at 400 degrees with a drizzle of good olive oil and tops them with blue cheese and bacon and some sort of light vinaigrette and oh wow what do you know I actually like these things

>> No.8499210
File: 114 KB, 1024x683, soul food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love this shit fried

my mother can't stand it though because of the slime

>> No.8499246

eggplant parmesan is GOAT

>> No.8499247

t. fatty

>> No.8499249

It's all in your mind

>> No.8499253
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>I'd rather lick a public mens room floor than eat that garbage.
that means ur gay

>> No.8499258
File: 93 KB, 541x686, celery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how DARE you dis chewy water

>> No.8499264
