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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8474720 No.8474720 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>8438514

Carry on with your posts on your petty addictions.

Pic related: the dragon

>> No.8474817

what coffe:water ratio do you use for cold brew?

>> No.8474914

1gram of coffee to 7 grams of water for 12 hours with lukewarm water. Then refrigerate or add ice cubes.
I use a French press

>> No.8474945

I made coffee using my pour over dealy today.

It's alright but I'm still going to get a new moka pot soon.

>> No.8474971
File: 117 KB, 700x487, hero_pdt_big_mac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coffee is a lot like wine in that its connoisseurs talk a lot about it, but it's all bullshit.

Coffee people are the worst.

>> No.8474990

Says the philistine with a Big Mac saved onto his computer.

>> No.8475439

Are you making meth?

>> No.8475475
File: 63 KB, 791x650, Brew_Guide-Chemex-Grid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was gifted one of these things recently. The coffee isn't near as strong as a french press, but I enjoy it. Is it a meme guys?

>> No.8475636

A brewing apparatus doesnt determine the strength of your coffee, you do. Change up your recipe to suit your taste.

>> No.8475653

i like any coffee black especially
the ones on the sweeter side of the spectrum i drink less often, and starbucks "coffee" i drink very rarely if ever (maybe a gift, or if its convenient and i just feel like it)

i grew up drinking shitty bitter overpowered coffee as a kid growing up in paris and thats like my #1 always
its funny how americans have to basically pour sugar bags into even weak coffee, but hey it tastes good too, its just not coffee to me

>> No.8475763

Best method to brew 20oz of coffee quickly, go.

>> No.8475776

French press works and makes no mess.

>> No.8475819

I have this and a pour over. Can't choose a favorite. I will admit i have a shitty pour over (bodum whatever) and SS press.

Virtuoso grinder / random kettle

>> No.8475831

>i grew up drinking shitty bitter overpowered coffee as a kid

Same, but in America.

>> No.8475883

Can relate. I'm from Puerto Rico and we give coffee to babies in their bottles. Coffee here is strong. American coffee is too watered down for my tastes. I personally like Espresso (have my own machine), french press and plain old drip in that order. Also can find very good specialty fresh roasted coffee grown here.

>> No.8476651
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I picked up some Terazza from Costa Rica. Trader Joe's sells it. It is delicious. I'm glad I picked this one, because I read reviews of several of their coffees when I got home, and a lot of them were panned. I'm going to try the Kenyan next time I think.

>> No.8478785

>7 grams of water
ayy lmao wtf.

I've reached the same conclusion concerning people who have an overly enthusiastic, general interest in food. At the same time, I realized that McDonald's hamburgers are, indeed, essentially a perfect food: sophisticated amalgamation of engineering, business, and most importantly taste! I haven't eaten fast food in the past six years, too.

>> No.8478791

I have a pourover coffee maker, and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but it's always really low quality. Is it just a pourover thing?

Maybe I need a better grinder or something.

>> No.8478814

>that sassy mug


>> No.8478822

>What is Density

>> No.8478824

My friend bought some Terazza, I tried it; it was fuarking delicious. I'be been meaning to cop some myself. Good choice.

>> No.8479116
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I forgot to add, McCafe is my favorite (semi) cheap coffee. I really do enjoy this one. Buy it at Walmart, they have the best prices for it.

>> No.8479224

Is it actually decent?
I like packaged starbucks blonde roasts, mostly because they taste absolutely nothing like how it's prepared at a sb.

>> No.8479229

I'll take your word for it, but it would hurt my soul a little to support both McDonald's and Walmart in one purchase.

>> No.8479244

>7 grams of water
Water has weight and that's the unit I use to do conversions

>> No.8479248
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>> No.8479310
File: 58 KB, 560x420, vietnamese_coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finna buy a phin 'cause moka pot's a little too much hassle, are phins actually any good?

>> No.8479314

Just had my second cup of coffee from a French press ever. I'm vibrating. Should I drink more?

>> No.8479320

isnt that a vietnamese coffee thing?
I like it but normal coffee comes out pretty shitty

>> No.8479363

rho = mass / volume

and don't even try to explain that b-b-but water is ~1g/mL at 25ºC

Seven grams of water per gram of coffee is retard strength, concentrated cold coffee.

People in Vietnam don't drink coffee without sugar and/or milk and/or ice. Hence, normal coffee is always lukewarm and overextracted swill.

>> No.8479421

>rho = mass / volume

>and don't even try to explain that b-b-but water is ~1g/mL at 25ºC

>> No.8479490

Moka pot is ez compared to the nightmare that is french press

>> No.8479503

Anyone ever get this weird taste/smell later on in the day?

Is crema possible in a moka?

>> No.8479513

It's very decent. I prefer it much over Starbucks by a longshot. It does awesome in a French press. If you don't want to support Walmart or McD's, that's your prerogative but when it comes to my wallet, I'm going to do me first. McCafe has been the best intersection of price and quality to me. I think it was $8.78 if I remember correctly with a $.50 off coupon. That Terazza was more than that whole container of McD's.

Finally, here's my other blend of local coffee that I use. Has chicory in it. I've gotten away from chicory coffees as I've gotten older, but I used to drink exclusively that type of coffee. Still enjoy it from time to time though. Chicory was used during the Civil War to extend out rations of coffee, and it stuck here after it ended. Really changed the taste. Bonus pic of cat :)

>> No.8479514

French press is easier I find, certainly quicker
I hate disassembling it to clean it all the time though.

>> No.8479515
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Oops. Community Coffee.

>> No.8479527


I didn't know single mothers browsed /ck/

>> No.8479529

Get a scale, use a coarse grind and a 16:1 ratio.

After letting it bloom for a few seconds (I never see a difference in taste with different bloom times) pour enough water to cover the grounds completely, let it drain, then pour again, repeating until you hit whatever weight you need.

I used to make bad pourover as well. Using the right grind really changed things.

>> No.8479540

When I started using a french press I went through this as well. I had no idea what kind of proportions I was meant to be using and I felt terrible.

>> No.8479555

Is crema a meme?
That golden brown foamy head pops up no matter how fresh or stale my beans are, especially if you drop in water at just below boiling.

>> No.8479566

Why does coffee become undrinkable shit as soon as it gets cold?

Tea can be served cold as is, coffee can't be served cold without loading it up with sugar and milk to mask the taste.

>> No.8479568
File: 5 KB, 296x171, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else own a Nespresso machine?

What's your favourite capsule? I love Dharkan. I only have one cup of coffee a day since I don't want to get addicted but I usually drink from a 300ml mug. I put one capsule in,fill halfway then take it out put in another capsule and fill the remaining half. I then put a small drop of milk in.

Am I doing it right? Either way,it's fucking delicious. (Expensive though)

>> No.8479613

Try cold brew.
Or if you've got a manual dripper of some sort, try making hot coffee with half the amount of water, dripped over ice cubes making up the other half.

>> No.8479729

How expensive are we talking here?

>> No.8479771

I did two heaping tablespoons of coffee for about a 9 ounce cup. I'm still feeling the affects hours later. I think I may just be a caffeine lightweight because I'm seeing people recommend much stronger proportions on a quick google search

>> No.8479790

It's 3 heaping tbsp per pot (8 cups.)
Not sure where you heard to put 66% of the coffee into 15% of the water.

>> No.8479800

I'll use your proportions then. I just used my drip coffee proportions. This guide says to use "a heaping tablespoon (7-8 grams) of coffee to the pot per 200 ml (6.7 oz) of water"

>> No.8479816

That's espresso. Drip brew is 2.75 cups water per heaping tbsp roughly.
Again 3 heaping tbsp and 8.1-8.2 cups of water go in the drip brewer.

>> No.8479845

Most places I read online recommend 2 tbsp/6oz of water. 3 tablespoons per 8 cups(and I'm assuming we mean 8oz each cup) is only 0.28tbsp/6oz. Does your proportion use a dark roast or something?

>> No.8479854
File: 223 KB, 1000x1000, dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm in love with this Dunkin Donuts Old Fashioned Donut coffee, and I don't know why. I guess they make it taste like their donuts? Although it doesn't really taste like it. I wonder what they put in it? Their regular coffee is pretty meh.

>> No.8479881

>Anyone ever get this weird taste/smell later on in the day?

Where? In your old coffee? You yourself?

>Is crema possible in a moka?
Look up Bialetti Brikka. It produces Moka with crema.

>Is crema a meme?
If you talk about espresso: no.
Anything else: yes.

>> No.8480216

>Seven grams of water per gram of coffee is retard strength, concentrated cold coffee
Which is then watered down when you add ice cubes

>> No.8480481
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Holy fuck I love this coffee
Do yourself a favor and buy a bag at the grocery store if they sell it and you like dark roasts

>> No.8480678

Is this Peace Tea?

>> No.8480698

>buying koffie from the grocery store


>> No.8481322

see my posts from previous thread >>8474720
my post >>8462216
that's what I use this glass for now

>> No.8481359
File: 1010 KB, 945x975, mold on coffee beans .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For your coffee drinkers please educate yourselves on this very serious problem with coffee beans: the molds.

that coffee industry is keeping secret from the average consumer.

>> No.8481382
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>all these autistic setups
boy just put 2.5 scoops of coffee in a filter and suspend it in the top of a cup filled with water overnight

>> No.8481398

I do 4 tablespoons per liter, turns out pretty tasty, waiting for my hand burr grinder for better results

>> No.8481451

It's been 2 weeks since I bought Lavazza espresso, and the taste has been getting acidic day by day.
It came to the point where it tastes exactly like gastric juice.
Is this a common thing?
I paid like 900yen and I can't accept this is what I got.

>> No.8481453

coffee goes stale, yes.

but it takes at least a month if you keep it in a sealed container.
maybe you just bought authentic japanese koohii folded over 1000 taimus

>> No.8481469

Seems like my country can't into coffee.
I want to move to Brazil or somewhere.

>> No.8481478

>Can't do coffee

Hario is basically the coffee connoisseur 101 provider. Good pour over, though I use my Clever dripper more now.

>> No.8481497

how you brewing it and how is grounded or you grinding it yourself?
maybe coffee is totally OK maybe you doing something wrong

>> No.8481505
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das the good shit

>> No.8481507

this one is much better in my opinion
is as good as normal coffee

>> No.8482053

Moldy beans? More like fermented and aged, primo beans––better in every way than literal shit-covered civet beans. b(´ڡ`d)

>> No.8482065

barista, I agree.

Had a customer get annoyed that they were delivered a flat white and not a latte, frankly they're the same thing Just in different shapes cups.

That being said. herbal coffee is certainly more tea like than arabica and much sweeter, beans make most of the difference in flavor.

>> No.8482091


Also, have you cleaned it out thoroughly?

>> No.8482165
File: 40 KB, 342x298, 1480524133172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy cheap French press
>Works great
>1 week later
>Dripping from bottom
>Tiny bullet hole in the bottom of the glass
I cared for it as instructed what the fuck

>> No.8482176

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.8482180

>Buy cheap French press
that will teach you to never have anything to do with the French.
I don't even buy their stupid wines they suck so much, and french style of coffee is so burned that tastes like like tar.
stay away from anything french,especially from french women they don't like to bathe to often so they are using lot's of perfumes to cover their strong body odorous.
gross people and gross french coffee

>> No.8482191

>gr8 b8 m8
take it easy with this stupid shit typing garbage indecipherable text, it's against the 4chan rules:

3. You will not post any of the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"),

you might bring attention of MODS if you push it

>> No.8482201

Wahhhhhh. You are obviously trolling us posting that instant Nescafé abomination in this thread, sperglord. Grow up, and acquire some better taste.

>> No.8482214

>Wahhhhhh. You are obviously trolling us posting that instant Nescafé abomination in this thread,
but this one is >>8482191

>> No.8482218
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>> No.8482227

Confirmed for aspergers

>> No.8482250

glad to know that more and more people are finally moving into the 21 century and using sophisticated methods to make coffee
no need to play
with stupid grinders that cost hundreds of dollars and complicated coffee making machines that brake down all the time,
with this method you only need to boil water

>> No.8482300

>stay away from ... french women they don't like to bathe to often so they are using lot's of perfumes to cover their strong body odorous. gross people
This is true but the coffee and wine are pretty good

>> No.8482318

>but the coffee

>> No.8482383

french use low quality coffee beans that's why they burn the crap out of it

>> No.8482438

>People in Vietnam don't drink coffee without sugar and/or milk and/or ice. Hence, normal coffee is always lukewarm and overextracted swill.

That is because they drink robusta

>> No.8483190

My new moka pot got here today.

I never actually used espresso beans for it since I figured it wasn't a real espresso anyway. Am I supposed to be using espresso beans for it or will any bean more or less have the same result? At any rate it turned out alright so I'll try not to break this one too.

>> No.8483221

There is no such thing as espresso beans

>> No.8483227

1 cup frozen coarse grind, preferably medium/light roast
5 cups water
18 hours then thru a paper & mesh filter

yes its the best

>> No.8483230
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Lido E-T sold out... should I wait?

>> No.8483251

You know what I mean dude. Aren't the beans marked as "espresso" roasted in such a way for use in espresso machines?

I guess I should have asked if I should be using the beans marked as "espresso" for my moka pot. Now I have to question whether I'm real or not.

>> No.8483279

No, m8, that's what I was getting at. You can use whatever

>> No.8483595

That's to do with the size of the grounds. As a vague and probably kind of wrong rule of thumb: Higher pressure -> smaller grind.

>> No.8483604

I drink Folgers black from a Mr coffee. How can I do better?

>> No.8483621

switch to instant

>> No.8483726


>tfw the breakfast blend coffee from a Keurig i have at work is more enjoyable than my french pressed, freshly ground, recently roasted certified organic peruvian single origin cup

fuck this gay earth

>> No.8483740

That because blends are for enjoying the flavour and single origin is for enjoying the autism.

>> No.8483755

Step 1: get a coffee grinder
Step 2: get a press like an Aero

>> No.8484116
File: 1.09 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_9838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just picked this up from a local roaster

>> No.8484136

Single origin is usually too subtle, but can be great depending on the geography/soil/bean quality
Blends have an unfair advantage since they're paired up to compliment each other

>> No.8484140

roasters are a meme

>> No.8484238

piece of garbage. not wort it.

>> No.8484383

Jesus, just get a mason jar.

>> No.8484392

I usually buy fresh roasted beans, so not really a problem.

>> No.8484514

you don'y understand the issue anon,
some roasting houses roast green beans that have molds growing on them, (maybe not as severe as in the picture) but even those can be washed off a bit dried and roasted,
they just not going to throw away coffee beans and lose money, it will be sold as grounded coffee for example or as beans.
even small roasting houses can have that problem, they buy green beans and sometimes beans can come with some molds and develop more, or they can develop molds in the roasting house storage area.
if roasting house has $5000-$10000 worth of mold infested beans do you think they will just throw them out,
no they will roast them and you will see no sign of it on the beans, especially if roasted to dark roast.

>> No.8484623

go to bed dave

>> No.8484656

coffee beans mold denier detected
>shame on you you shameless schmuck

>> No.8484942


>> No.8484945

Only a problem if you drink industrial swill like Starbucks or any large retailers. Buy from your local roastery

>> No.8484962
File: 94 KB, 880x960, jubilee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Collegefag with a Keurig and no kitchen here, what is the best brand of cold brew that I can buy in bulk/will last me longer than a week? I really like this Jubilee shit but it's 'spensive and the largest size is 12 servings

>> No.8484966

>roasters are a meme

Stay with your shitty instant coffee then.

>> No.8484972

Why not DIY? You need cold water, coffee, a bottle or large containment and coffee. It's not that hard.

>> No.8485038
File: 13 KB, 400x400, melitta-102-white-glazed-porcelain-pour-over-cone-drip-coffee-filter-holder-13f6d3df6cabde6f39705f4ec2e1a0b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing is probably the best coffee-related purchase I've done. Does exactly the same as the more expensive Hario/Kalita/whatever filter cones, and uses generic filters.

>> No.8485330

Specialty pourover cones are the biggest fucking sham

>> No.8485350

how so wise guy

>> No.8485628

Bought decaf beans because I want to reduce my caffeine intake but it's acidic as hell. I had to add milk to reduce the sourness.

What the fuck. Ive never had decaf coffee before so this is surprising.

Are there any decaf beans that taste good?

>> No.8485663

To make it less acidic use cooler water, don't go over 195 f.

>> No.8486042

I had a bag (regular coffee beans) of some 100%Arabica from Ethiopia (Yirgacheffe Chelelektu) beans from local roasting house roasted to medium and I didn't like the taste of it,
I re-roasted them on the frying pan to almost dark (not exactly dark) and taste improved for me much better.

If yours are medium roasted try it re-roasting them, but this anon's suggestion might do the trick also >>8485663

>> No.8487190
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Favorite reference to coffee in pop culture?

Mine is blur's coffee & tv

>> No.8487207

>the original french press
>plastic bits

>> No.8487216

It's from a roaster in Minnesota

>> No.8487232

Not the poster, but that's an original Brazil French press if I recall correctly.

>> No.8487253

Nope, still triggered.
I like Bodum just fine, but if they're going to claim THE ORIGINAL FRENCH PRESS™ they should stick to the original model.

>> No.8487419


>> No.8487607
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>preferring dark roast over medium roast
>not understanding the complex acidity complimenting certain flavours

Give it some time and you'll never want it without.

>> No.8487870

While I agree with you, acidity can rip some people's insides up.

Using cooler water (180ish) can help while still providing great flavor

>> No.8487882

My dad got a Nespresso machine and it's coming in tomorrow. What should I expect?

>> No.8487883 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 236x354, IMG_8479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried Ethiopian coffee?

>> No.8487898
File: 66 KB, 390x377, IMG_8480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried Ethiopian style coffee? I heard it's good

>> No.8487919

>What should I expect?
Lost of girls.They love Nespresso

>> No.8487928

>What should I expect?
expensive coffee that is mediocre at best

>> No.8487978

I go t fed up with it, with the making process and with cleaning.
You must pay attention not to let it sit too long, longer then 4-5 other vise coffee becomes over brewed, to strong to bitter.
Many times I was doing something else and forgot about it, then I got timer.
Also unless you get really good quality screen (double screen type) you get coffee grinds coming through, then you have to ground them courser, that reduces flavor.
I know people raving about them, but I'm not crazy about french-press.
Month ago I got AeroPress and after getting used to it I love better than french-press.
Very easy to clean, frenchpress you have to play cleaning the strainer part.
AeroPress is a breeze to clean.
Most times I use the metal screen that come with A-press, sometimes I use paper filters.
I use moka pot grind size coffee in my AeroPress and have very very little stuff on the bottom of my cup, with french-press I was getting tons of it.
But A-Press is just for one cup at the time, in french-press you can make more but you have to transfer coffee after is made to thermos.

If you want to but the best french-press style coffee maker look into this model, Espro-Press, they use different style double filters, and you don't have to transfer coffee after is made to different container.

Home page:

Read reviews and you will understand why is the best.
P.S. I would buy the glass model,not the stainless steel.

>> No.8487987

BTW, I do not own that model french-press coffee maker, but if I was to buy it again it would be it.

>> No.8488002
File: 176 KB, 1096x1096, Espro P5 Glass French Press Coffee Maker ..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>P.S. I would buy the glass model,not the stainless steel.

French Press Review - Espro P5 with Thick & Durable Schott-Duran Glass Carafe

>> No.8488007

>I would buy the glass model
>no vacuum insulation
you're a a dunce

>> No.8488032

no you are a dunce a double fucking dunce for not understanding advantages of glass carafe.

>> No.8488386

Who makes more coffee than he needs?

>> No.8488392

You know, sometimes I feel like I might be stupid, but then morons like this who type out a butthurt novel about how something is shit because they can't remember to check something in four minutes come along and make me feel better at myself.

Honestly you should kill yourself

>> No.8488400

About myself* I might not be as retarded as this guy but I still need sleep.

>> No.8488403

>One cup a day
>doesn't want to get addicted

>> No.8488589

Question... At what point does excessive coffee consumption become a problem?

>> No.8488599
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When it disturbs sleep and anxiety gets so bad you make shit up.

You don't have to quit, just get it under control.

>> No.8488755

>You know, sometimes I feel like I might be stupid
anon you are not the only person who fells that you are stupid, we feel that about you every time you post,
so don't worry too much about it we can use village idiot, glad to have you around.

>> No.8488795
File: 326 KB, 765x768, Coffee_addiction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon in this thread >>8438514
there are few very good very informative posts that warn people about drinking too much coffee,
like this posts >>8441747 is talking about negative effects coffee and caffeine has on human body, caffeine in coffee is causing people to have headaches and several other health problems

This is a very good article for those of you who would like to drastically restrict intake of coffee or to quit all together.

How I quit coffee cold turkey & the first 7 days without caffeine.

following by this very informative article:
7 Negative Effects of Coffee & The Healthy Drink You Should Replace it With.

>> No.8488798

>person who fells that
*correction* person who feels that

>> No.8488890
File: 152 KB, 2048x1234, 14682051_1451133944914509_2187991836177192900_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminded me of this lol

>> No.8488903

anyone with the Rancillio Silvia recommend getting a 18g VST basket? how about the new 2014 18g basket offered by Rancillio? is it an improvement over the V3 stock 14g basket?

>> No.8489015



>> No.8489218

I see you've turned your fearmongering down in a covert attempt to appear as if you are actually concerned and not insane. Good for you, but unless you actually link some decent study to support these """""health sites"""""", nobody will actually care.

>> No.8489234

Why you are so violently denying the well known problem that coffee industry is trying to hide from population?

Yes I'm concerned and everybody who is drinking coffee and cares about their health should be concerned as well.
Anon, please stop being shill for the "BIG COFFEE" industry.
Let the truth to be known.

>> No.8489237

ayyy you figured me out, I am a paid BIG COFFEE shill in this here jamaican, hemp growing community.

>> No.8489238
File: 498 KB, 891x768, why caffeine is bad for you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8489254

you do have some dishonest interest in hiding the facts so you are a shill for sure,
if you were honest person you would not try to wash down the issue, simple as that

>> No.8489259

Can you get like a tripcode, so that nobody will impersonate you to promote BIG COFFEE? That would be like, really helpful.

>> No.8489266

>Can you get like a tripcode,
no I'm fine like that
I let the truth to speak for it's self

>> No.8489334

I have a cup of Folgers Columbian brewed in a kcup machine. I use the little diy metal kcup where you just put the grounds in yourself and save exponential amounts of money. I kind of want to buy my own machine instead of using my parents, and get a grinder, so I can have patrician tier sipps in the morning. Any cheap ass coffee machine recs? Also maybe good places to buy decent beans for cheap online?

Also my friend who is cutting is drinking like 12 espresso shots a day. Like, at that point, why not just do meth?

>> No.8489999

The only motivation for a person to post that much anticoffee pseudoscience has to be a Jehovah's Witness, right?

>> No.8490048

Or Mormon.

>> No.8490094

No matter what I use to grind (shitty $10 Krupps, manual burr grinder that came with the set etc.) there's still a ton of powder that ends up in the coffee. Because of this I just end up grinding relatively finely anyway, do I need to adjust my brew time/water temp for this, buy a better electric burr grinder or what? In addition, should the water be just coming off of a boil? I've been experimenting a lot with temperatures and can't seem to settle on something.

>> No.8490097

>(shitty $10 Krupps, manual burr grinder that came with the set etc.
electric Krupps OR the shitty manual burr grinder that came with the press. Tired

>> No.8490127

>At the same time, I realized that McDonald's hamburgers are, indeed, essentially a perfect food: sophisticated amalgamation of engineering, business, and most importantly taste!
No wonder they're expensive for what you get.

>> No.8490154

why don't you join 21 century and start using instant coffee like millions of civilized people already do and skip all that my grinder suck drama.

>> No.8490162

I know you're trolling but this perplexes me
>durr I don't have a few extra minutes in the morning so I'll just drink twice the amount of awful-tasting "coffee" for the same amount of caffeine

>> No.8490176

Also if you're at the point where you're drinking instant coffee, just buy fucking energy drinks or caffeine pills.

>> No.8490184

No anon I'm not trolling, in blind test studies done in France 70-80% of the baristas were not able to distinguish instant coffee from regular coffee.
That was so shocking to the coffee industry executives that instant coffee technology develop so much.

>> No.8490195

Is this one of those "there are more female gamers than male gamers because anybody who has played a game on their phone once in the last six months is a gamer" things

>> No.8490245

How do I quit coffee cold turkey? Any tips?

>> No.8490275

Try not drinking it

>> No.8490283
File: 134 KB, 1024x641, chamomile_tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look a this gross story that BIG COFFEE is hiding from innocent consumers >>8481359
and this health hazard fact
that should be good start to total freedom.
I switched to drinking chamomile tea now, and max one cup of coffee per day.
Chamomile tea has so many healthy benefits, just read about it and you will love it.

>> No.8490413

Throw away all your coffee
Say no when someone offers to buy you or get you a cup of coffee
Don't go to coffeeshops

>> No.8490807

In my professional life I observed that heterosexuals drink normal coffees and homosexuals drink all those overpriced fancy coffees.
Why is that I wonder.

>> No.8490814

Just don't drink it you limp wrist bitch. It's not even a real drug

>> No.8490948

Pour over.

>> No.8490980

cold turkey is stupid, you're going to get some pretty bad headaches. Weaning yourself off is better. if you've got no other choice, take over the counter pain meds preemptively.

>> No.8491228

Wtf do you think this is, heroin?

You don't need to wean off of coffee. Oh my oh me the stupiditie of this board

>> No.8491266

actually some ways of brewing just taste better than a drip machine, like a french press with fresh coarsely ground beans, and some beans are better than others, but there's a point where it's all good enough

>> No.8491523
File: 103 KB, 1024x576, caffeine-powder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wtf do you think this is, heroin?
yes addiction to coffee it is almost on the same level as heroin

>> No.8491529
File: 117 KB, 1024x683, 18th+Snuff+Sniffing+World(...).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't you think this addiction is serious enough to deserve public attention but somehow media is silent about it

>> No.8491531
File: 61 KB, 800x581, snort-kellianne-hutchinson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

men women, this addiction has no boundaries

>> No.8491532
File: 107 KB, 1024x696, Snorting Instant Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lately instant coffee is getting more popular as a snorting form due to it's fine powdery composition

>> No.8491540
File: 450 KB, 960x720, IMG_1856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warm drinks are haram, brother

>> No.8491546
File: 108 KB, 600x800, The Poppery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else use an old air-popper to roast coffee beans?

This was the model we used to pop popcorn when I was a kid. It's noisy and powerful. This particular one is so powerful, in fact, that it's apparently sought after today as a coffee bean roaster; later models apparently reduced their wattage and overall service quality. I had no idea until I casually Googled it.

Consequently, I had to pay a bit of a premium, even though I've no intention of using it for anything other than its original purpose.

>> No.8491566

I got a moka pot and its the coffee I'm getting out of it is pretty good.

>> No.8491595
File: 92 KB, 789x960, bialetti moka pot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I got a moka pot
do you have the old model moka pot or the newest moka pot Bialetti Brikka

>> No.8491610

Got a cheap one, equivalent to the old model.
I'll need to invest in something better that seals properly now that I know I like how the coffee came out.

>> No.8491642
File: 526 KB, 1995x889, KAMIRA MOKA Espresso maker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy smoke anons look what I just found surfing the net looking for pictures of the Bialetti Brika.

KAMIRA Moka Express 1/2 Cups Stovetop Espresso Maker, MADE IN ITALY!

Here is video with the Italian inventor of this machine:

KAMIRA home page:

-that looks like a great stove top machine.
I need to read more reviews on it from the Amazon site and from other sites, but wondering if anyone here has this device and how you like it.

>> No.8491815

look at this freaking thick crema coming from this machine >>8491642

moka caffe KAMIRA piano induzione.

crema starts at 4:15

>> No.8491848
File: 247 KB, 1024x512, coffee_confusion-chaos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting so fucking upset and stress out at the huge selections of different coffee grinders and of different coffee making machines and of different types of coffee beans
that I'm very fucking close to quit drinking coffee for ever.
Fuck this confusion, who needs this stress.

It's morning here 6:15 am and after breakfast I'm drinking wine already from all that stress, the whole bottle is almost gone

>> No.8491866


I think you found the solution.

>> No.8491912

I was sick for a week and didn't have any.
And then I did not return to my habit when I became healthy. I drink coffee occasionally now.

>> No.8491919

very smart anon

How I quit coffee cold turkey & the first 7 days without caffeine (hint: it sucked)

>> No.8491987

Fell for the aeropress meme, was good but not revolutionary like the hipsters claim

I have a bunch of shit i never use like that, a lot of manual drip stuff, some vacum devices.

The only thing i never put away is my french press. Its a fucking ancient bodum i got as a handmedown from granny. I have paired this with a good grinder and a kitchen scale. This combo never fails me.

>> No.8492052

Since I started using Aeropress I think french press is piece of garbage comparing to Aeropress.
Coffee tastes better with Aeropress and cleaning is much faster and coffee making is like 30-40 seconds with Aeropress not 4-6 minutes with frenchpress.

I'm using my french press now as a pissing container

>> No.8492057


I've tried French press, Aeropress, moka and a full espresso rig at home and I always end up doubling back to my Chemex.

I just prefer the brights you get in a pour over to the oils you get in a press pot. Aeropress is a fuckin worthless meme.

>> No.8492070

looks like you will enjoy instant coffee anon
it's the newest trend with the coffee baristas

>> No.8492134



>> No.8492248

A French press with a paper filter and coarsely ground beans and water that isn't boiling won't produce oils

>> No.8492416
File: 81 KB, 827x768, Brewing the Perfect Cup of Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

french press is grossly overrated crap.
I just experimented with my Aeropress, they say that after pouring hot water to stir it for 10 seconds and to start pushing on the plunger, but I let the water to sit for the same amount of time I was doing with my french crap press (around 4-5 minutes)
just to simulate french press method to see what it will happen to the coffee
and coffee from my Aeropress did not come bitter it was perfect in taste, so you don't have to press it right after stirring for 10 sec,
you can let the coffee sit for a bit before plunging to pick up more strength.

Operation of Aeropress is much simpler than fr-press, cleaning is much quicker and simpler, and using metal screen that comes with A-press lets the oils into the coffee same as with frenchpress , or you can use paper filters for clear brew,
and I use almost espresso grind in my Aeropress even with metal filter and I get very little crap on the bottom of the cup,
with frenchpress bunch of it gets on the bottom of my cup so you have to use courser coffee grind but that doesn't give good extraction in my opinion.

So Aeropress has dual brewing option.
As I said before my french press unit is now used as a container that I piss into it at night if I'm too lazy to go to the outdoor bathroom.

>> No.8492994

>bunch of it gets on the bottom of my cup so you have to use courser coffee grind but that doesn't give good extraction in my opinion

You can leave it longer than 4 mins (I've never found that more than 4 was necessary) but again :
>water temp has to be somewhere from 185 to 205 or else you will get oils
>coffee must be course or smaller particles will create oils
>paper filter can stop most, sometimes all of the oils

But yeah mean, if you like you Apress, good on you, but I will never switch from my French press. It creates a cup with the perfect amount of body (to my tastes)

>> No.8493100

i just started a few days ago with the Poppery II. its good

>> No.8494007


I kinda want to start roasting beans with a popcorn maker but I live in the third world so I can't find the exact same model as the one you use.

Will something like this work?


>> No.8494008

1:5 and then dilute to 1:10 or 1:15 as needed

That's a Dragon brewer IIRC

FP is objectively one of the messiest MOP

They are a good novelty piece and brew a decent cup. I break mine out every once in a while for some ca phe sua da or ca phe trung

The reason Vietnamese coffee is largely garbage is because 90% of their coffee production is commodity robusta

Not crema in the true sense but a decent facsimile

Expensive enough that you might as well just buy a real espresso machine

Outside of espresso ratio really doesn't change. around 1:15 is where you should be for drip, pour over, FP, etc

Japan is one of the largest specialty markets in the world

flat white =/= latte. You're a shit barista

>herbal coffee is certainly more tea like than arabica

The fuck does this even mean. The most floral tea like coffee is an Arabica offshoot as is 99% of specialty coffee.

beans marked espresso just means they were blended with espresso in mind.


That bullet proof coffee bacteria bullshit has been disproved time and time again, fool.


What does any of that have to do with the Lido grinders?

You either need to get a decent grinder or invest in some screens to sift the fines out

>> No.8494020
File: 21 KB, 350x350, 1274019879705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Freshly roasted a week ago
>18 in 36 out
>Bitter, dry, can barely taste any real notes

>Moka pot
>20g leftovers from my dialing across the week
>Tasty, vibrant, great aftertaste

Glad I spend 1000$ on my espresso gear just so I can appreciate my $10 moka pot more.

>> No.8494304
File: 911 KB, 3238x2053, _20170121_191412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here. It is not as bad as you describe it, but the different flavors are much more present and distinguishable in my Bialetti Brikka as with my Espresso machine with e61 brew group.

Pic related. I'm drinking the Ethiopian in the moment. The berry-like sweetness is yet to be found with my machine.

>> No.8494754
File: 156 KB, 711x717, African-worker-spraying-coffee-crop-with-open-cab-tractor-and-no-safety-A8H6N1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
>What does any of that have to do with the Lido grinders?

Thanks for catching that anon, somehow I attached wrong post to my response post.
I was responding to the two top posts about french press.

>That bullet proof coffee bacteria bullshit has been disproved time and time again, fool.
Not so fast here. I agree that the bacteria mold Mycotoxins issue was twisted enough to make it look non health threatening to the mass public,but as we know
since coffee is the second largest trading commodity after crude oil the BIG COFFEE INDUSTRY it working very hard to hide the issue from the public.

Same as they are hiding the fact that regular coffee is one of the most pesticide-intensive crops in the world.

Very important article to read for those who give a crap what goes into their body.
"Are You Sipping Pesticide Residues In Your Morning Coffee?"


Small quote from it:
"250 Pounds of chemical fertilizers bathe your coffee beans.
Did you know that coffee is one of the most chemically treated crops in the world?
According to the CS Monitor, up to 250 pounds of chemical fertilizers are sprayed per acre of non-organic coffee.
When you sip your conventional coffee, you are ingesting the pesticide residues, which contribute to many health problems including cancer and miscarriages in pregnant women.

Americans drink about 400 millions cups of coffee every day, and most of the coffee beans are imported.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture actually has little control over the type and amount of pesticides used on imported coffee.
The most effective way to protect against potential harm from the pesticides is to drink organic coffee."

--but the question arises how do we the consumers know if particular coffee is really ORGANIC ??????
Everything is ORGANIC now.

>> No.8494762


>> No.8494794

hrm, not really, it's still just a network of small farmers hoping for the best price for their beans. They aint organized.
>chemical fertilizers bathe your coffee beans.
People who use the word chemical willy nilly are to be ignored. You should also know the word organic on imported foods isn't regulated either, and could very easily be a big fat lie.

>> No.8494839
File: 54 KB, 1024x581, Coffee sprayed with glyphosate. .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>--but the question arises how do we the consumers know if particular coffee is really ORGANIC ??????
>Everything is ORGANIC now.
Well lets look into the ORGANIC claims of coffee.

Here is a very interesting response to the statement in that article that the solution to avoid massive amounts of toxic pesticides in coffee is to drink ORGANIC coffee.


Andrea Stern Himoff · Park City, Utah
"Wow, there are a lot of problems with this article.
I'll name a few: organic does NOT mean pesticide free or chemical free (they simply must use "natural" "organic" pesticides, which does not mean they are harmless to us or the environment).
Shade grown and bird friendly do not mean pesticide free either, though "Bird Friendly" certification by the Smithsonian requires products to also be organic.
Fair trade is not just a referral to the way workers are treated but also requires certain environmental standards, such as prohibited use of certain chemicals.
Fair trade is not regulated by the government but by third party non-profits. Check your facts here people.
There is simply no simple solution to keeping pesticides out of your food except to buy directly from a source you trust or grow it yourself."

As you can see we the consumers must be very alert who do we trust.
Just think about it. For many countries coffee is their biggest or one of the biggest income source, so of course they will do anything necessary to protect their coffee crops.
And that includes using whatever necessary types of chemicals (and whatever necessary amounts) needed to protect their only source of income,
and the health aspects of the final coffee consumers in the First World Countries are of no concern to them.
To feed their families is the main focus, not if the particular chemicals used on coffee plantations will harm you will give you cancer.

>> No.8494851

Coffee people are the worst

>> No.8494917

Nice gato

>> No.8494963
File: 97 KB, 1024x683, Does-Your-Cup-of-Coffee-Contain-a-Latte-of-Chemicals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But to be fair, we have to acknowledge and to agree that there are honest coffee farmers in those countries who do practice the ORGANIC coffee growing practices.
But do you really think that every bag of coffee that has ORGANIC label on it - is really ORGANIC ????

There is no way to check that at the store, they can put ORGANIC label on NON-organic coffee and average consumer would have no clue.

Just think about it, so much coffee on the market now has the ORGANIC label on it is that even possible to be true in every case.

So it's up to you to sit for a moment and look at your cup of java and think, do I also drink massive amounts of toxic cancer causing chemicals that come with those coffee beans.

Does Coffee Cause Cancer?

"On the other hand, there is also bad news: Coffee can really lower your body pH -- especially if you drink several cups per day -- and disease, especially cancer, thrives in an acid environment.
Caffeine consumption has been linked to breast cancer, and breast lumps have often regressed in women who adopt the caffeine-restricted Minton Diet.
When coffee is roasted, the carcinogen 3,4 benzopyrene is formed.
There have also been identified two other possible carcinogens found in coffee.

Many years ago, Professor Brian MacMahon of the Harvard School of Public Health found that the drinking of three cups of coffee a day increased the risk of pancreatic cancer by a factor of nearly three.
He felt that coffee drinking was the cause of 50% of all pancreatic cancers. In 1981, Dr. Tim Spencer of the St. Bartholomew's Hospital in London validated MacMahon's research.
Prior to 1948, the British people drank tea and very little coffee, whereas after 1948 there was a vast increase in coffee drinking in England. Dr. Spencer plotted the importation of coffee into England between 1948 and 1973."

>> No.8494968
File: 653 KB, 1080x966, Pancreatic Cancer .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Dr. Spencer plotted the importation of coffee into England between 1948 and 1973.
During that time, the importation of coffee increased by 120%. Also during that time the death rate from pancreatic cancer in England increased by 50%."

"Then there is the chemical issue.
Coffee crops are sprayed with up to seven different pesticides (as well as herbicides, fungicides,
and other potentially harmful chemicals), many of which have been banned in the US and Europe but remain legal in less developed countries -- including those that grow coffee.

"pancreatic cancer" -- picture related.

Anons enjoy your cup of coffee but don't over do it and chose wisely the beans you are buying.
There is a tasty pleasure in cup of coffee but also there are silent toxic destroyers of your health in it as well.
BE WISE ABOUT IT & DON'T DRINK IT EXTENSIVELY & don't drink commercial non-ORGANIC coffee.
Drink it less of it but drink it highest possible quality.
I have a friend who was drinking coffee in quite large amounts (2-3-4 cups per day) and eventually got pancreatic cancer from it.
Sad and painful story for him and for his family only over an "innocent few cups" of coffee.

>> No.8495042
File: 342 KB, 1024x536, Drinking Coffee on an Empty Stomach Have Negative Effects to Your Health.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And once again anons, never get tempted to drink coffee on empty stomach, that's the worst you can do for your health.
And how many of us were or still doing this, having first thing in the morning fresh cup of coffee before any food in our stomach.

Read this in previous thread:

couple of links:

THIS is what happens to your body when you drink coffee in the morning on an empty stomach.
YOUR daily espresso may be far more damaging than you realise.


>> No.8495066


Room temperature coffee is for Plebs

Cold brew/iced coffee is for patricians

>> No.8495094

very stupid post and poster

>> No.8495139

I had no idea there could be so many mormons spouting nonsense on 4chan. Where do you all come from? Jesus, just because your pastor sent you away to teach the diabolic evils of coffee and other mild stimulants to unsuspecting members of the public, leaving him alone with all the horny tweenie girls of the village in a cult conveniently promoting polygamy - Christ fuck anons, it doesn't mean any of it was true. It was a ruse. Get over it.

>> No.8495175

>it doesn't mean any of it was true.
start proving you asshole what is not true, or STFU !!!!!! you ignorant homo bitch.

>> No.8495195


Hold on. That website you just posted is the epitome of fake news.

>can't copy and paste the text
>no sources for any claims they make
>a total of two paragraphs.

Fuck off

>> No.8495231

give one example of their fake news you stinky lying swine
Fuck you you delusional village idiot.

>> No.8495247


Look at your own scam website


I can't tell if you're a retarded mother or a tinfoil faggot

>> No.8495271
File: 131 KB, 845x768, little poodle dog barking .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And precisely what's false about it, give solid statement or eat your own shit you stupid uneducated shill.
you have nothing, nothing at all, you just barking like a little poodle dog.

>> No.8495304

>Coffee breed hot enough to actually extract all the desirable flavors from the beans is for plebs
>Cold brewed coffee which can only make one dimensional coffee with no brights is for patricians.

No. Just admit you don't actually like coffee, or don't know how to extract it properly, you inveterate pleb.

>> No.8495308


Stop responding to him, you moron. He only posts in these threads to derail the conversation. Any time you spend responding to him is time you've wasted.

>> No.8495331

>to derail the conversation.
So posting scientific facts about harmful toxic aspects of the coffee industry is derailing, how so ?.
O, I guess is derailing the bullshit that BIG COFFEE is trying to brain wash the public with that drinking 4-6 cups of coffee grown (with tons of toxic chemicals and molds) per day is best thing you can do for your health.

Fucking dishonest cunts.
Tell the truth, the good and the bad aspects of drinking your coffee.

>> No.8495335


>> No.8495340


When you rip a hit on that thing is it smooth and mellow or totally in your face?

The last bong I had, Excaliber, looked a little like that... It was VERY SMOOTH.

Bitch to clean though...

>> No.8495362
File: 21 KB, 450x450, 51184267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The best way to have coffee is to by green coffee beans and roast them in a popcorn cooker till you hear the second crack and then let them got a little longer depending on how you like your roast.

Get a burr grinder and grind it how you like - start with medium if you are doing drip and go from there.

Use a nice drip or pour over system. French press is for faggots, and cappuccino/espresso is for rich faggots. K-Cups are for faggots that are going to literally burn in hell for being faggots.

You can do it right with 110 bucks worth of hardware.

$20 popcorn popper
$65 burr grinder
$25 dollar Mr. Coffee drip coffee maker

If you spend more, you aren't necessarily doing it wrong, but you are spending more than necessary.

If you do coffee any other way you are categorically doing it incorrectly.

>> No.8495369

and your point is?
you have to be very stupid to blame your bong for shitty rip.
maybe learn how to inhale first

>> No.8495374
File: 19 KB, 380x380, s0789169_sc7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My point was that this setup looks full retard and shitty as hell to clean.

Enjoy your autistic coffee setup.

Knows what he's talking about.

>> No.8495397

>If you do coffee any other way you are categorically doing it incorrectly.
Most stupid post in all of the coffee threads ever.
That poster must be some poor junkie who eats macaroni cheese every fucking day and has no money to invest in more sophisticated gear.

Poor people are often the most stupid people and that poster provided 100% proof of that.

>> No.8495422

This is what a butthurt faggot that spent way too much money on inferior coffee gear sounds like.

Spend your money on beans and roast them yourself. Grind them yourself. It will open your eyes.

The part that everyone on /ck focuses on is the part where you introduce water to grounds... Thats always the same... hot water or cold water + grounds = coffee. it doesn't mater whether you steep, percolate, drip, stew.... its all the same. temperature makes some difference, but its not near as much diference as roasting the beans fresh and grinding fresh.

its hilarious watching you autists aut-out on the most ridiculously inconsequential part of the equation.

"my mom buys me foldgers from the store and i use my chemex for a superior brew"

fucking lolling my ass off everytime a double hitler posts some shit like this... its fucking retarded on anti-semetic levels... its almost triple hitler bad.

>> No.8495449

>Pretending there is no difference between pour over and espresso on a Singaporean shadow-puppet symposium

kys yourself.

>> No.8495480

>Spend your money on beans and roast them yourself.
hey you you poor fucker, I'm wealthy enough to pay others to roast the beans for me.
Let them do their job and I will pay for it.
So maybe going with your "I'm poor fucker" philosophy we should also start growing our own coffee, fuck you.

>Spend your money on
I have plenty of money to buy expensive impressive coffee making gear and to buy expensive coffee beans from my local roaster.
I will spend my money the way I like it, and it's none of your business you poor faggot.

>> No.8495483


Being so mad you turn into Mr. President.

You're fake news.

>> No.8495503

>pay others to roast the beans for me.

That feeling when you think you are rich but are actually just middle class, and are too stupid to do anything for yourself... And you realize that because of this smarter people have better coffee because a fresh roast and grind makes more difference than your $700 dollar machine that just pours water over coffee grinds the same way a $25 Mr. Coffee does.

I feel bad for people like you, but I honestly think that if you just applied yourself a little more you could reach your full potential. Which still wouldn't be my potential on 50% effort, but hey, it's something for you to look forward to.

>> No.8495518
File: 317 KB, 500x582, first-nobel-peace-prize-winner-to-bomb-another-nobel-peace-prize-1629450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you turn into Mr. President.
yes you right anon, that fucking Obama was the worst President ever.
so glad that the asshole is gone.
now we can enjoy cup of coffee not worrying if the 2015 Noble Peace Price winner is going to bomb the coffee plantations.

>> No.8495519
File: 122 KB, 731x1500, 711ZCkNdozL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I need help.

Which three of these should I buy?

Capresso Infinity:

Baratza Encore:

Baratza Virtuoso:

They are all low speed conical burr grinders... I am just trying to figure out if the baratza is worth the extra money.... and then whether or not the heftier motor and zinc housing are worth it on the virtuoso...

>> No.8495527

The most expensive one of course. Although DESU anything electric is trash, you should get a Pharos to show how many hernias you gave yourself doing your "cupping" tests this morning

>> No.8495546
File: 69 KB, 1024x730, shutterstock_127785641-edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm this anon, the rich asshole
so I would buy the most expensive model and skip all the "poor me" drama like this poor macaroni & cheese eating asshole is whining here all the time

>> No.8495561

So I've been using a pour over cone for several months now and I notice that I like it better when I fill the cone with hot water to the brim and let it drip, compared to pouring water slowly as recommended by a bunch of youtube videos.

Is there a reason for this?

>> No.8495568

>Is there a reason for this?
yes it is!

>> No.8495584

If you're willing to spend the money, the Virtuoso is worth it. If not, the Encore will do fine. Not very helpful, I know, but there isn't really a definitive answer between the different Baratzas. Can't speak for the Capresso.
I'm guessing it's an issue of heat loss. How are you heating the water?

>> No.8495597


Sorry I'm a shitty ESL speaker so I don't really know how to say this.

What I was trying to ask is, is there any difference in the brewing process when you pour over a lot of water at once VS pouring water slowly when using a pour over cone?

Maybe something like overextraction or underextraction or something technical like that. I was hoping that the answer would inform me more about making coffee, and as a result I can make more delicious coffee.


I use an electric kettle. I usually wait about 30 seconds after boiling before pouring.

>> No.8495626


I've been doing some research online and a lot of grinder comparison articles put the capresso as quieter while also having a more uniform grind quality, creating better coffee...

I think I'll go with the more expensive zinc bodies version of the capresso and save some money while still having better coffee.

If you are wasting your money, you aren't as rich as you think you are. I guarantee I have more money in the bank and better coffee than you.

>> No.8495629

What I'm GUESSING is going on is that you lose more heat pouring it in gradually due to it having greater surface area, since by pouring it all in at once means there's more of a "center" to the water that isn't directly exposed to either the cone or the air. More heat loss=cooler water=weaker, less extracted brew.

Try running your cone under hot water to warm it up before using it. Hot tap water should work fine.

>> No.8495676


Can you find any reviews that compare the grind consistency? That is really the crucial question when comparing burr grinders, unless you are doing espresso and then how many steps of adjustment and how fine the grinder can go also matter.

>> No.8495682

>I've been doing some research online and a lot of grinder comparison articles put the capresso as quieter while also having a more uniform grind quality, creating better coffee...
The Capresso is a lot less adjustable. A marginally better grind (and I'm not even sure where you're getting that from, after doing my own research) doesn't mean much if you can't get the right size.

>> No.8495688


You should always be rinsing paper filters with very hot water before use anyway, firstly to try and eliminate any paper taste, and secondly to preheat the brewing vessel.

I use a Chemex, mainly, and with Chemex it's perfectly fine to fill the water up to the brim and let it drip, since the filters are designed to control the flow rate.

Can you try and describe the sense in which the coffee is coming out "better" filling the pour over cone? More flavor? Less sour? Less bitter? Etc.

>> No.8495693

>I guarantee I have more money in the bank and better coffee than you.
real poor faggot detected

>> No.8495710


Yes, there are many that say the capresso costs less while providing a better grind range and more uniform grind.

There are only 14 adjustable "notches" compared to the 30 on the virtuoso, but i'll take 14 with better uniformity and range than 30 settings where I don't care about 13 or 29 of the settings.

Only idiots that think they are rich would buy the virtuoso according to all the reviews I've read.

>> No.8495711

Recently graduated faggot living on his own for the first time with his first "real" job detected

>> No.8495720

>Recently graduated faggot living on his own for the first time with his first "real" job detected

Dude. I'm on my 4th job out of an engineering college and make 200k a year. My wife makes 230k a year and we both work from home in our 6,000 sq ft mansion that's paid off and we just fuck all day and drink good coffee.

Don't be jelly.

Smart making some smart life choices and maybe you'll get on my level one day.

>> No.8495725

>some day a woman will love me and we'll sperg over burr grinders and "second cracks"
Fantasies of a 2nd year STEM major: the post

>> No.8495736

>Fantasies of a 2nd year STEM major: the post

This is the depressing post of a person that is so far down the "i have a shitty life" path that he can't even imagine this being true.

The reality of some people's lives will never be anything more than a dream for some others... Sad but true...

>> No.8495747

>Yes, there are many that say the capresso costs less while providing a better grind range and more uniform grind.
I found one review claiming the Capresso gets a more uniform grind, but it didn't say by how much or how that was determined so I'll ignore it in favor of every other review that said they were about equal
>There are only 14 adjustable "notches" compared to the 30 on the virtuoso, but i'll take 14 with better uniformity and range than 30 settings where I don't care about 13 or 29 of the settings.
It's actually 40, and that's not how that works.
>Only idiots that think they are rich would buy the virtuoso according to all the reviews I've read.
Even the review that claimed the Capresso had a more even grind pointed out some major design flaws that kept it from being the clear winner. It seems like you set out looking for proof that the cheaper one is objectively better and are ignoring everything that contradicts that

>> No.8495755

Oh, also
>better grind range
Objectively false, even compared to the Encore

>> No.8495769

I'm doing just fine m8. Well enough that I don't have to start posting my rich inner fantasy life in a coffee grinder discussion. Hope things look up for you soon.

>> No.8495772

>so I'll ignore it in favor of every other review

Confirmation bias much?

Keep wasting your money.

>> No.8495794

>according to all the reviews I've read
because you are reading like a typical poor faggot always trying to save few bucks because you are fucking poor,
we the rich we don't pay attention to that silly faggotory.
We just buy the best the most expensive models without wasting our time on reading stupid biased reviews.

>> No.8495795

>1 reviews says something
>Every other review says something different
>Ignoring the outlier is confirmation bias
Are trying to troll us? It's very weak bait if you are

>> No.8495799


>> No.8495805

>My wife makes 230k
so your wife is Alpha male making $23K a year and you just make $20K a year.
>fucking loser bragging that his wife is Alpha male, lol

>> No.8495816


More like Alpha male, able to pull an Alpha female - but tell yourself whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.8495822
File: 74 KB, 880x495, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Every other review says something different

capresso is cheaper model

every other review says they are the same (according to you)

one review says the capresso is better (according to you)

cheaper model is still shit (according to you)


>> No.8495827

your Alpha wife is making $3K more a year than you you lucking loser
women always look with disrespect on husbands who make less money than they do.
you are playing fucking Beta female role in your marriage you incompetent faggot.

>> No.8495857
File: 97 KB, 1024x683, Does-Your-Cup-of-Coffee-Contain-a-Latte-of-Chemicals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to recent California Proposition 65 findings, all brewed coffee can be carcinogenic. In fact, the harmful effects found by regular consumption of coffee were so shocking
that law has made it mandatory for coffee shops to display warning signs to inform people about the presence of the carcinogen, Acrylamide (Proposition 65 requires the State of California to publish a list of chemicals known to cause cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm).
This toxic chemical is not added to coffee, rather it is created via the roasting of the beans and is found in high-carbohydrate foods baked or fried at high temperatures as well.
The risks found in studies have revealed that acrylamide is a carcinogen in laboratory animals, resulting in impaired fertility in male animals and nerve damage to humans exposed in the workplace.
Any such risks from acrylamide will result from long-term exposure.

>> No.8495861

Holy shit, man. I'd say something like "The first rule of trolling is to never let yourself get more upset than your target," but I feel like if you were to actually make a list of The Rules of Trolling it would be so obvious as to go without saying.

I mean, just look at >>8495816. You're spouting bullshit in an attempt to save face over a situation you clearly made up in the first place. It's just so vividly pathetic.

>> No.8495862
File: 109 KB, 558x559, gayest coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to ditch my blade grinder because I don't want to plug in 2 things to the wall just to make coffee.

What's a decent manual burr grinder that doesn't have plastic parts in it?

>> No.8495884
File: 85 KB, 1024x682, Grind Coffee Beans Without a Grinder .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's a decent manual burr grinder that doesn't have plastic parts in it?
here you go and fuck off now

>> No.8495940


She's making 30k more than me per year. the numbers are $200,000 per year for myself and $230,000 a year for her - I shouldn't have to explan what "k" means... but here we are. My base salary is higher, but her bonus structures are better and she gets some stock compensation as well. She just started at this new job so we'll have to see what her actual bonus amounts are. I might still be out earning her come end of year... But it's looking like she'll beat me handily... I'm proud of her and it's a good thing for our household.

Only a neck bearded NEET would worry about their woman making more than them. I'm super excited that I might just retire and let her be the earner - but it's hard to pass up the opportunity cost of forgoing a 200k salary.

All I did was quote you and show the obvious nature of your confirmation bias. I'm not upset at all, I have nothing to be upset over. You're the one that got caught in an obvious logical wanna be richboy fantasy about expensive shit always being better.

>> No.8495943

Wrong board?

>> No.8495949
File: 437 KB, 925x1417, Modulare Mühle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You poor assholes have no idea what world class grinder can produce.
I'm awaiting it's arrival in 3 weeks you cocksucking faggots.


Modular mill Flexibility in the laboratory.


>> No.8495968

>the numbers are $200,000 per year for myself and $230,000 a year for her
Stop fucking adding zeros just to make you look like one of us you poor depressed faggot.
We know that the real numbers are:
for you the Beta female faggot husband $20,000 a year,
and for your domineering Alpha wife $23,000 a year.

now go and cry on the pillow so your Alpha wife can not hear your sobbing and weeping
fucking wanna be

>> No.8495970

I want a programmable brewer with a built-in grinder for that early morning convenience, which one should I get?

Capresso Coffeeteam: https://www.amazon.com/Capresso-CoffeeTeam-Digital-Coffeemaker-Conical/dp/B002QG0RRC
Breville Grind Control: https://www.amazon.com/Breville-BDC650BSS-Grind-Control-Silver/dp/B00VGGVQCI

Also, thermal or glass carafe?

>> No.8495979

get the most expensive set up and you will be happy.
get both carafes, don't be cheap shit money pinching faggot, they both have their purpose that you will appreciate having depends on the situation.

>> No.8496004
File: 53 KB, 540x540, IDShot_540x540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need your help /coffee/

Just made a pot of coffee with a pour over dripper and filter. Fucking filter broke AGAIN, giving me a pot of bitter coffee with grounds in. I'm pretty sure it's the filter brand, since I had some other filters that came with the dripper and they rarely broke. They're all gone and I'm left with pic related, which might as well not be in the dripper half the time for the amount of grounds that escape.

Here is the basic noob system I'm using (it makes a decent pot when the filter doesn't break):
>dry filter goes in dripper
>hot water moistens filter
>wet, empty dripper+filter goes on pot
>coffee grounds go in filter
>pour on hot water for "bloom" and start stopwatch
>let bloom settle down into a "cup" shape of grounds
>gently fill "cup" and keep full until pot is half full or 2 mins 30 secs is up
>let remainder of coffee drain into pot
>take dripper off pot before 3 mins
wa la, enjoy your coffee grounds asshole

What am I doing wrong? It occurred to me as I typed that, I might be impatiently pouring boiling water onto the filter to moisten it (step 2), is that melting the filter glue or something? Are Melitta a shitty brand? If so, can /coffee/ recommend a less shitty brand?

>> No.8496017

I can't tell if you're being serious or if you're just continuing the prior shitposting

>> No.8496035

>If so, can /coffee/ recommend a less shitty brand?
once again faggots, that's why I always buy the most exzpensive shit and never have any silly problems like you faggots always have trying to save few dollars.
And stop with this stupid idea with moistening paper filters you fucking making them soft and not stable, only thing that needs to be moist is the pussy before arrival of the dick.

>> No.8496065

yes of course I'm serious especially with this big price difference between two units of course you will get much better quality.
Similar like with cars.

And the two carafes I'm also serious, I prefer glass, but if you need to keep coffee warm for few hours buy the stainless steel thermal carafe,
I would not use metal carafe but would buy proper glass thermos.
For me coffee staying for long time in metal thermoses get's that metallic taste, remember that coffee is acidic so it is reacting somehow with the metal.
Glass for me is the top choice.

>> No.8496178



>> No.8496191


Don't. They'll be shit. If you are going to use a fucking drip machine you might as well buy a dirt cheap one and use pre-ground coffee.

No matter how much you spend on one of those and how fresh your coffee is, its going to come out over-or-under extracted AND unevenly extracted due to lack of temperature control, lack of pre-washing the filter, lack of grind evenness, lack of even grind saturation, lack of blooming period, and lack of pour rate control.

>> No.8496194


Have you considered trying to stop using shit filters? I use a Chemex and have literally never had an issue with the filters whatsoever.

>> No.8496199

stupid asshole
now go and kill yourself because your contribution to the society is absolutely useless

>> No.8496210
File: 85 KB, 599x675, IMG_1888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your mugs, bitches

>> No.8496214

You're both retarded

>> No.8496216

hey village idiot,
if there was any truth in your shitty post than very expensive top class restaurants and World class hotels would not use them in their restaurants.
I just exposed how stupid you are trying so hard to be relevant in this thread but you are failing miserably every time you post your manure.

>> No.8496243
File: 155 KB, 600x800, emp11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really mostly find those shitpods in 1 and 2 star joints. They do it because nobody will complain because nobody goes to those places for the coffee, and because no one else is doing anything better. You might as well say you asked for a diet coke at a top restaurant and got one therefore diet coke is the finest beverage on earth.

Pic kind of related, a place that actually takes their coffee seriously (3 stars)

>> No.8496254


Not even (You) worthy.

>> No.8496271

stop bullshitting you Beta female,
I know the high end food industry very well and they all using industrial high end drip machines you fucking idiot.

>> No.8496280

Back to the dishroom with you

>> No.8496291
File: 189 KB, 1024x717, 0JmHd30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking lols. You dont have a fucking clue, do you, fly over?

>> No.8496295

I'm not working in the high end food industry
I have investments in it you moron.

>> No.8496298

I have more experience as staff in world class restaurants than you ever will even as a guest. I second this ↓

>> No.8496306

I have Very good clue.
What, do you think they have hundreds of Aeropress units and make every cup of coffee individually you goof.

>> No.8496307
File: 806 KB, 850x845, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind the flyover, he thinks Cheesecake Factory is fine dining

>> No.8496309
File: 59 KB, 740x385, cooking-fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt understand that its showmanship
I ... pity you.

>> No.8496315

The food they're eating is showmanship too. But also happens to taste good.

Now go on a rant about how you'll be hungry because the portions are too small ;_;

>> No.8496334

>The food they're eating is showmanship too.
I know. I'm the one doing it, remember? The point is - the weird coffee ritual is part of the show. It doesn't make magic super-awesome coffee, just like making """icecream""" with liquid nitrogen and a whisk at the table does not make amazing icecream. It is, however, an experience.

You wrongly believe they do this to provide superior coffee. I inform you that you're wrong.

>> No.8496347


>> No.8496351

Making ice cream at the table does not make it any more amazing than making it in the kitchen, but it does make better ice cream than Bryer's.

Serving the customer out of a keurig is the coffee equivalent of giving them Bryer's.

>> No.8496356


Considering that vacuum pots are a fucking meme with little-to-no control over the temperature the water contacts the grinds at, even I would have to agree that its done mainly for show.

A pour over would produce a superior tasting cup.

>> No.8496360

Look in the background of the image.

Guess why nobody took a picture of an apparatus that everyone has at home? That's right. It's boring. But they do use them.

>> No.8496377

>Look in the background of the image.

>> No.8496419
File: 48 KB, 600x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8496424

I don't know what Bryer's is but I'm assuming it's some supermarket brand. I didn't know what Keurig was either, but googling it turn up some coffee shot capsule machine - which it decidedly not what we were discussion. We were discussing drip brewers.

And no, serving from a drip brewer is absolutely in no shape or form like serving supermarket icecream.
What you can not get through your thick skull is that the coffee flavour comes from the coffee. Not the superspecialfancy machines you image you need to make the perfect cup from your dried out, pre-ground supermarket coffee grounds.
It comes from loading the machine, whichever machine, with good coffee.

The good restaurants buy good, locally roasted and freshly ground coffee. They then load their presses with it. Or their drip filters. Or their espresso machine, or whatever types of coffee they choose to serve.

You're I'll informed, fanciful, in possession of an overly inflated head, probably autistic and you have been set straight on this particular topic. I'm sure there are lots more where you hold strong opinions without actually having a clue. We'll leave those for another day.

>> No.8496425

aha, Thanks.

>> No.8496432

>I didn't know what Keurig was either, but googling it turn up some coffee shot capsule machine - which it decidedly not what we were discussion. We were discussing drip brewers.

Eh, no one cares about drip brewers, the keurig debate is an old and trusty thing that always comes up in these threads. Because for the most part, 1 and 2 star joints use keurigs. Because no matter how expensive your espresso machine is, no matter how good the beans, if you have an idiot running the grinder and the machine you might as well just use a keurig.

>> No.8496439

Very well said.

>> No.8496450

>replying to yourself because the response wasn't what you hoped for

Sorry I didn't address the rest of your post. Yes, Bryer's is supermarket ice cream.

>> No.8496464

>Because for the most part, 1 and 2 star joints use keurigs.
[Citation needed]
>if you have an idiot running the grinder and the machine you might as well just use a keurig
While true, what possessed you to believe that a one star restaurant (if we're talking about the little red book and not Yelp) would have a monkey doing the coffee? Have you ever even seen the inner workings of these places? Even the fucking potwashers are well organized enough to be restaurant managers at a typical joint.

>> No.8496472

>>replying to yourself because the response wasn't what you hoped for
that >>8496424
wasn't my post you female bitch paranoid snowflake.

>> No.8496481
File: 18 KB, 611x219, Screenshot_20170123_010730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being so full of himself that two people with actual experience agreeing that hes fucking wrong must be samefagging
m8, you must have had a rough childhood. Popular at school, were you?

>> No.8496494

>citation needed
So much for any credibility you thought you had
>While true, what possessed you to believe that a one star restaurant (if we're talking about the little red book and not Yelp) would have a monkey doing the coffee?
They don't, they either have the pods, or they have trained staff and the gear. In some cases they have the staff and the gear. But trained staff and a fully operational espresso station costs a lot and takes up a lot of space for something that, in the eyes of many of these places, is not a dealbreaker. So it's pods, for them.

This is a huge issue for people who (1) care about coffee and (2) eat at good restaurants. In your case, one or both is obviously missing.

>> No.8496496

>photoshopping THIS hard to win at an argument over coffee
How sad

>> No.8496510

>internet badass
Now, would you please tell me how often you go to Michelin star restaurants? I do daily. You will not find a fucking cap machine in the back. You're some trailertrash fuck who's dreaming up things you would like to imagine to be true in between chugging down your freshly microwaved hotpockets. Or an insufferable hipster. I don't know which is worse.

>> No.8496520

About once a month. And spare me the e-peening, anyone who eats well in the city and knows anything about coffee knows who's right here, and who's fantasizing.

>> No.8496525

>implying it wasnt aleady won
>implying that by continually contradicting, conjecturing, conjuring not outright admitting defeat you can keep pretending you havent lost
It doesn't work that way among adults, little fella.

>> No.8496532

No need to rush. You can shop another, I'll wait.

>> No.8496554

WTFuck you are talking about
are you that insane and paranoid
what are you trying to prove here, you are fucking insane

>>photoshopping THIS hard to win at an argument over coffee
what photoshopping you talking about
you got your ass whipped and now you are getting delusional.

I stay by my claim, here >>8496472
you can go and fuck yourselves in the ass now bunch of stinking raging faggots.

you should give each other coffee enema you sick homo perverts

>> No.8496565

lol, calm down friend, it's just coffee

>> No.8496581

>what are you trying to prove here
That >>8496424 is me and >>8496439 is you. What did you think I was trying to prove? It didn't work because the kid is too severely delusional, but you can settle down now. Never mind him. There are idiots everywhere.

>> No.8496587

>it's just coffee
but it's fucking robusta, not 100%Arabica,
and bunch of snowflakes who know shit about coffee and coffee brewing machines

>> No.8496602

Man this is taking me back to the good old days of cast iron autism

I think the coffee threads have surpassed even the knife threads

>> No.8496665

>What did you think I was trying to prove?
this post >>8496554 was not directed at your post here: >>8496424
it was directed to this asshole:
>>replying to yourself because the response wasn't what you hoped for
who accused me of posting your post,this: >>8496424 and replying to it,here: >>8496439

I was sincerely replying to your post, because it was very well said.
Now what this is all about: >>8496481
The fact is this, we have huge retard village idiot here who gets his ass whipped and is running around with his pants full of shit because he is shitting himself every time he is proven wrong.
This is that village idiot:

>> No.8496669

>I think the coffee threads have surpassed even the knife threads
yes we are much sharper, more on the edge

>> No.8496690

I'm also a blue eyed mestizo with an IQ of 135

>> No.8496704

in my eyes your are a fucking imbecil poser faggattzo

>> No.8496705

Strong words from a guy who can't tell pod coffee from real coffee

>> No.8496747
File: 71 KB, 1024x1024, Nescafe Espresso Freeze Dried Instant Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I indulge in instant coffee you cuck, the finest kind
but you are stuck in the past century and you know nothing about new 21 century coffee technology

>> No.8496808
File: 102 KB, 1024x661, BLUE MOUNTAIN COFFEE-INSTANT .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you only had enough money to buy the best you would discover newest trend in coffee drinking circles
where even the top baristas get
shocked and can not tell the difference between old style and high quality instant coffee in blind testings done in famous coffee bars in Europe.

>> No.8496844
File: 84 KB, 644x1024, mount-hagen-freeze-dried-instant-coffee-3-53-oz_3237428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only if you knew the richness of it,
but you are stuck in the past with your stupid coffee grinders and fancy espresso machines or other crappy devices like french press or drip machines.
plebs will need 100 years to catch up with the newest instant coffee technology

>> No.8496846

Sorry got distracted for a while. I make over five hundred dollars. Also I got to first base once. So there. Also coffee.

>> No.8497520
File: 111 KB, 1000x1000, asset.239296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Snobs who only drink traditionally brewed coffee don't understand what they are missing by not drinking instant coffee.
Instant coffee is real coffee noting is added to it to make it instant you thick headed fools.
just read this article and you will get your eyes open to this very exiting option of drinking your java.

Taste Test: The Best Instant Coffee.

The good news: Our tasters found that the top 5 finishers in our taste test weren’t discernible from regular coffee.

"Instant was invented in 1901 by a Japanese scientist in Chicago, but the business boomed during World War II thanks to a lucky coincidence — the same technology that produces penicillin and blood plasma,
which was developed during the war for military use, is what makes instant coffee.
So what’s instant coffee made from?
The same beans you’ll find in traditionally brewed coffee, roasted using the same method — plus two additional steps.
Not all brands use the exact same method, but most manufacturers A) dissolve the roasted beans in water to concentrate the coffee solution, and then B) dry that product out by either freeze-drying or spray-drying.
That final step is what creates either crystals or a powdery substance.

Essentially, adding hot water to instant coffee just rehydrates the granules. And voila, you’ve got a cup of coffee. (We should also mention that instant coffee is credited as making a pretty decent cup of iced coffee.)
But not all instant coffees are created equal.
We blind-tasted 20 brands to find out what tastes the best. See the results below."

I don't understand why you assholes are so against it, like you are racists or something, bunch of freaking barista snobs
refusing to join the old/new improved technology.
I think I know why.Because you like the poor suckers to buy your fancy bullshit grinders and coffee making machines.

>> No.8497590
File: 99 KB, 768x768, Royal Brewed Jamaican Blue Mountain .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this stuff any good, found it at Walmart at 30% off

>> No.8497640
File: 381 KB, 867x768, Dark Roast Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from here:

Carcinogens in Burnt Coffee.
I know the first thing that came to many peoples’ heads when reading the title:
“I like my dark roasted coffee and I don’t want to hear another ‘coffee guy’ tell me to stop drinking it.”

Honestly, I do like lighter roasted coffee beans (note: not weak coffee, just lighter roasted beans – there is a difference).
That’s another thought, for another day, however.
The truth is, you can enjoy a well roasted Dark Roast Coffee without ingesting cancerous substances into your body.
Dark doesn’t have to mean burnt. Nor do you have to sacrifice the health benefits of coffee when enjoying dark roast done correctly.

“Research has shown that if food is burnt or heated excessively then a certain group of carcinogenic substances are released which are known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).
Once these substances have been consumed by the individual via the burnt food then they also travel into the intestines and other organs of the human body via the process of blood circulation.
In such cases, these polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons not only cause cancer but also tend to increase toxicity of bone marrow, suppression of the immune system, reproductive toxicity, liver toxicity as well as cardiovascular toxicity.”

Coffee is known as one of the highest sources of carcinogens around, yet something as simple as NOT purchasing burnt coffee beans can drastically reduce this factor.
Coffee, roasted to a dark profile, can actually be extremely enjoyable (even for light roast drinkers such as myself) and still keep that dark nuance that so many people really enjoy.
The trick is to buy high-quality beans that are roasted to a balanced dark roast profile.

>> No.8497721
File: 761 KB, 847x1174, exotic deceiving silent killer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from >>8481359 toxic molds Mycotoxins on coffee beans to
>>8494754 toxic chemicals sprayed on coffee
to serious health problems by excessive coffee drinking
now to dark roast health hazards
it's so obvious that if we are serious about taking care of our health we must approach drinking coffee with much more respect and suspicion
and be very smart about our choices.
Coffee could be source of delightful seductive pleasure, but also could be source of a exotic deceiving silent killer combination of various toxic chemicals.

Choose wisely and practice moderation.