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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 120 KB, 1024x576, Cincinnati-Chili-in-bowl-Copy-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8497228 No.8497228 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw Midwestern cuisine becomes the trendy food of the year.


>> No.8497229

Midwestern cuisine is fantastic! Do you think Midwesterners are fat because the food sucks?

>> No.8497309

It's cause they're all stupid and eat garbage. All of them.

>> No.8497315

Why the fuck is there just a plate of spices in the background? What is that for?

>> No.8497318

they're fat because you have to drive for ages to get anywhere.

>> No.8497323

That looks fucking gross

>> No.8497325

>raw onions

>> No.8497454

>tfw superior spanish cuisine is too hard for normie retards

Feels great to eat literally statistically best food in the world that the average cu/ck/ can't cook.

>> No.8497455

All the food there consists of meat, cheese, and simple carbs. Every dish is piled to eye-level and is shaped like Jabba the Hut.

>> No.8498246


I'm pretty sure you could teach a chimp to cook paella.

>> No.8498270

>Ohioans ruining everything for everyone, again

What a shock

>> No.8498272

>spanish cuisine
>better than italian and french
lmaoing @ ur life m8

>> No.8498313

>at all

The french are gaywads who convince themselves that all the food they took from other cultures is their own and that it's original, for example, crepes were Breton (a kind of celt) peasants food before the french fags claimed it for themselves.

They're like those kids on deviantart recoloring shitty anime templates or shitty pony templates.

Literally the culinary equivalent of OC DONOT STEAL

>> No.8498317

I kind of want to try cincinatti chilli...

>> No.8498321


>> No.8498325

I dont know whats wrong with me

>> No.8498331

I think your brain might be broken

>> No.8498375

I thought Cincinatti was the chili capital of the woild?

>> No.8498377

it just looks like regular spaghetti and it makes me hungry and I am all like
>eh, a mountain of cheese on top of some heavily cinnamon flavoured chilli, I'm sure its fine

>> No.8498385

I dunno man, from what I've heard Texas is, I have no clue though man, I'm from Australia but cincinatti chilli sounds kinda fucked considering they put chocolate in it

From what I've heard they put chocolate or in some cases peanut butter is used apparently

>> No.8498400

nah, those are rumours
also from straya

>> No.8498553


>> No.8498583

Why does /ck/ of all places have the highest concentration of buttblasted left coast libtards?

>> No.8498586 [DELETED] 

>he doesn't realize both coasts are shitting on him in these threads

No, WIDF. Not everyone who doesn't like your ''''cheese'''' is from California.

>> No.8498597

>Implying I give a fuck what Jews think
The bombs can't start falling soon enough

>> No.8498611

Midwestern food won't be cool. It's too based on meat, it's too carb heavy, it doesn't even have an ironic appeal of fast food or total white trash food.

You might see reinterpreted white trash flavors like ranch mix or something, but Midwestern food is too bland to even engage with on an ironic level. Your casseroles will still be called gratins, your streaks will just be regular grass fed etc. just look at spoon and stable as a foodie Midwestern restaurant and you'll see it's not ironically reinterpreting anything Midwestern housewife tier.

>> No.8498615 [DELETED] 

Why would anyone bomb a food desert? There is nothing there except factory farms which can be eliminated by cutting the subsidies. Get a hold of yourself, WIDF.

>> No.8498630

I moved to the Midwest a few years ago and haven't figured out yet what midwestern food is even supposed to be, other than pre-made stuff from walmart

>> No.8498640

>why are people interested in cooking and different foods generally left?

Because to be creative and interested in international foods you have to be open minded and willing to progress outside your comfort zone. I think we all clearly understand that doesn't describe much of the right.

>> No.8498949


A bit of both. Once you enter "flyover" territory, you're talking trips ranging from 1-25 miles for basic shit.

>> No.8498957

Bretagne is a part of France, fuckwit

>> No.8499807

It is genuinely my favorite food. It tastes so good

>> No.8500452

It wasn't in the past, the french took over at some point, people in the region still feel a strong connection to their Celtic roots also the name is Breizh, fuckwit

>> No.8500461

Cocoa powder is in skyline's recipe, as is

People here mostly like the cheese though.

>> No.8500507

Trendy? Never. But some Midwest foods are commonplace across the country. Breakfast cereal is one. Sweet BBQ sauce is another. The style of pizza most national chains serve is Midwestern. So is any recipe from Betty Crocker.

>> No.8500527

>breizh instead of Brittany

What alternative view of history and language that disregards facts, do you subscribe to? I know it's become the rage in the US to dismiss reality, but how has it invaded Brittany?

>> No.8500564

Breizh is the proper Celtic name faggot, Brittany is just the English translation, it was in the "Mad War" that the french invaded, the war was over and Brittany was officially taken over when the french forced the duchess to marry some french fag which meant that Brittany was owned by the french after the duchess died due to some gay inheritance laws the french had.

>> No.8500575

Seriously man, do some research I know it's become the rage in the world to not do research but heres a wiki article so you can educate yourself https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mad_War,

>> No.8500577

Hipsters are starting to eat spam unironically and do stuff like potlucks so I'd keep Midwestern on your meme radar

>> No.8500597

>hipster tier

what is wrong with this board

>> No.8500605
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>> No.8500616

Sick gelatin mold bro. Would eat. Needs a sharp ass knife though.

>> No.8500628

San Antonio Texas has a long history of chili making, as does New Mexico. They are very different though. Chili con carne as most people are familiar with it is a purely Texan invention. It is based on North African tagine brought by early settlers from the Canary Islands, and changed to suit the available ingredients. Cincinnati chili is nothing more than makaronia me kima, a Greek dish brought there in the 1900s by immigrants. They jumped on the chili craze of the time and since nobody knew any better they got away with it.

>> No.8500629

>hipsters have started to eat limes instead of lemons.

>> No.8500634
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>> No.8500638

WTF is this. Limes are 10/$1 while lemons are 4/$1. Why wouldn't you buy limes instead?

>> No.8500641

Lemons are usually a lot bigger than limes

>> No.8500642 [DELETED] 

Limes over lemons symbolize the reconquista for mexican extremists

That's why hipsters love them, because they are ashamed of the white race

>> No.8500648

Because Midwesterner, they are different.

>inb4 they're just sour fruits.

>> No.8500657

I don't know, guy. Did a google on Breizh and the first thing that popped up was an article titled, "Brittany." I think you may need to pray a little harder to your Druid gods.

>> No.8500661
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>> No.8500667

South Texas actually, you know, where they grow a whole shit ton of citrus? I'm quite familiar with the difference between the two, but for many applications, especially those where just the juice and not the zest is used, there is no difference in the final product. If you actually cooked and didn't just shit post all day you would know that.

>> No.8500676

>mexican extremists
Things That Don't Exist for $500, Alex.

>> No.8500677

Brittany (/ˈbrJtəni/; French: Bretagne [bʁə.taɲ] ( listen); Breton: Breizh, pronounced [bʁɛjs] or [bʁɛχ];[1] Gallo: Bertaèyn, pronounced [bəʁ.taɛɲ])

That's from the wikipedia article on Brittany here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brittany

In Irish Brittany is "an Bhriotain", in Scotttish Gaelic it's "a' Bhreatainn Bheag", in Manx it's "yn Vritaan" and it keeps going with all the other Celtic languages

>> No.8500697 [DELETED] 

That's what the liberals want you to believe

>> No.8500699
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KEK at number 7.

Also like how they show a fruit in the most bland way compared to the others on the list.

>> No.8500717

>bragging about a national fast food chain

Fucking midwesterners.

>> No.8500738

/ck/ was /pol/ before /pol/, we're clearly not reading the same board.

>> No.8500742

I drive 25 miles for class

>> No.8500761

This. Most people who are into food on the level of a gourmand live in cities with good restaurants and are likely to have done some traveling. That would not be your average conservative who thinks good things are a scam and foreign things are suspect. You can't have eating well be a priority if you write off other places with great food cultures because of your political views. That's just not going to work, because you'll miss out on too much of the good stuff.

>> No.8500806

>What? The nearest grocery store is 8 miles away? Fucking flyover
>Mine is only 2 miles away and only takes me 25 minutes there and back walking

>> No.8500813 [DELETED] 

>I found an exception therefore I'm not a flyover

Let me guess it's surrounded on three sides by a 15 foot high concrete wall, and a moat for good measure, just in case anyone even THINKS about walking directly there from the adjacent housing-only zone

>> No.8500829

>Breton Celtic nationalist detected, still butthurt the french have owned him for a very long time.

Sorry, my dude, but you're a frenchfuck.

>> No.8500861


Looks good, I'd eat it. Where's the problem?

>> No.8500862

Lel, my ancestor fought in that war, got wounded really bad so he rowed on a little dinghy to Jersey, no french blood in me.

The Bretons still feel a strong connection to their Celtic past and some have been campaigning to reunite the two Breton regions, they deserve to have their land handed back from those jewish french bastards.

>> No.8500941

>jewish french bastards.

Cool. I guess I learned a little world history today about Brittany (Briezh) and France. Nothing like tribal hatred to get the fires stoking. It worked pretty well here in the US in the last year.

>> No.8501026

It's basically that and """salads""" that consist of 50% mayonnaise and/or sour cream.

>> No.8501034
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Don't forget the ranch!

>> No.8501210

the population of the US in general is concentrated around its coasts anyway

>> No.8501214

I can afford a car so I'm 5 minutes from anywhere.

It's 5 minutes to the ground floor for your poor faggot ass.

>> No.8501371

1/3rd of the country is located between Arlington and Boston with the next biggest concentration being on the west coast. The US is is mostly empty space

>> No.8501398

Empty space filled with living trash bags who smell like ham named Bertha for women and out of work, dumb as shit, meth smoking faggots for men.

Everything between Texas, California, and New York could fall into the sea and nothing of value would be lost.

>> No.8501897 [DELETED] 

>of value
weak bait, I give it a 1/10

>> No.8501919


>discounting Colorado

Califags are ruining the place, btw

>> No.8501925

Ohioan here, fuck Gold Star Chili, they suck compared to Skyline.
Also cheese coneys and chili cheese fries are amazing

>> No.8501926

I like spam and I'm not a hipster
I liked spam before it was cool

>> No.8502018

Fuck off you cityslicker metrosexuals.

>> No.8502020 [DELETED] 

I'm eating an avocado with a squeeze of lime RIGHT NOW, while smiling in the general direction of Mexico

How does that make you feel, cleetus?

>> No.8502030


Avacado is great with honey mustard chicken though desu

>> No.8502033

Texan here, agreed. Califags are a fucking plague, their arrogance and misguided sense of self worth really is only rivaled by brits.

>> No.8502034
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Not him, but I'm glad there is tribal hatred. Globalism is just the new fascism and communism. Collectives larger than a nation of people are dysfunctional and are how dystopias start like with Nazi Germany or the USSR.

>> No.8502041

>being a nationalist

>> No.8502043


At least Brits are fun to listen to, Califags speak in a constantly condescending manner... the good news is, most of them don't know how to fight

>> No.8502081

chilimac is the shit

>> No.8502149


>> No.8502177

Euro living in Ameriland for nearly 15 years now here.

Despite my length of stay, I only had ranch for the first time sometime in spring or summer. Not sure when. I know it was after Easter but before Dormition. Anyway, I liked it. I really don't understand where the extreme contempt so many Amerifriends seem to hold for it comes from.

Not quite true. The area you're talking about is called the Megalopolis and it holds about 20% of the US population. Adding California's 12% makes the two combined /almost/ (but not quite) a third of the US population. And they live on only 6% of America's total land, so yeah: saying that the 94% of the US that's neither of those two regions is sparsely populated is a bit of an understatement.

>> No.8502217

seeing my classmates slathering their pizza in that shit made me hate it. seeing ranch covered faces still turns my stomach

>> No.8502222

Nice presentation. Could have fooled me into thinking the food is actually good, but if you look closer, it's actually horrible.

>> No.8502456

Thing about ranch dressing users is that they completely submerge their food in that garbage. It's disgusting as well as the ranch breath that comes after.

>> No.8502611
File: 358 KB, 1349x774, retarded godzilla concern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only liberals such as myself like to travel and eat good food

>> No.8502654

are most of these comments ironic, or do libcucks really sit on ck and get super pissed off about chili on noodles?

>> No.8502706

Looks like something from a 70's cookbook

>> No.8502711

That's not what I'm saying. People suspicious of foreigners and immigrants often carry that over to prejudice against cuisines of other nations. These are people who would rather hit a steakhouse or a BBQ joint than a restaurant specializing in a specific kind of cuisine. And they often have a chip on their shoulder against anything French, which puts them at a disadvantage when it comes to fine dining.

>> No.8502719

Not true, food is the one thing immune to racism.

t. racist

>> No.8504244

Then you're not a true racist.

The midwest is very apprehensive to stuff that doesn't have ground beef, shitty cheese, potato, or some shitty pasta/white bread.

>> No.8504254
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>too based on meat
>too carb heavy

what the actual fuck do you eat then? ice?

>> No.8504258

libcucks are currently their equivalent of cornered animals it's fascinating.

>> No.8504269 [DELETED] 

yeah I am literally stomping on a hipster lemon right now to symbolize the end of multiculti cuck food

brown microwave slop for everyone, we don't have to be PC anymore!

>> No.8504283
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>tfw you once online dated a q t 3.14 midwestern girl with that fucking hellaciously cute midwestern girl accent but you never got to eat her chili covered midwestern spaghettini


>> No.8504296

I'm from Iowa.
I have family in Minnesota, Missouri, Illinois, Colorado, California, Georgia England and France.

I have never seen anyone do that with spaghetti.

I was taught to make italian meatballs, pesto, marinara and Alfredo from scratch.

I think you might know some real retards.

>> No.8504317

>I've never been to Steak & Shake or Skyline
The pasta isn't the focus, the chili is.

>> No.8504337

It is actually very good. I would eat it over traditional tomato spaghetti sauce with spaghetti

>> No.8504370

This isn't supposed to be a replacement for spaghetti with marinara you idiot, it's a different dish entirely.

Also, the dish is from Ohio.

>> No.8504401

Now we're talking, cut me off a slice.

>> No.8504404

>A flyoverfag and Dustfag shitting on best state

>> No.8504408

Alternate Facts invader.

>> No.8504409

>implying anybody gives a shit about the cuisine

If you're whining about the Americans who go to mcd's on travel, that's due to sheer convenience above anything else.

>> No.8504441

I've spent lots of time in Texas visiting family.Texans protest too much, and over compensate for obvious reasons.

>> No.8504448
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>Califags are a fucking plague, their arrogance and misguided sense of self worth

>says the texan.

>> No.8504453

>this is what calicucks actually believe

Why don't you do us all a favor and secede already.

>> No.8504455

>arrogance and misguided sense of self worth
Sounds like Texans too.

>> No.8504457

It's hang-over food or something you eat after the bars close. Check out "Real Chili" online (if it's still around) in Milwaukee.

>> No.8504460

>I'm from Iowa.
>I have family in Minnesota, Missouri, Illinois, Colorado, California, Georgia England and France.
>>I've never been to Steak & Shake or Skyline

How is this fucking possible.

lives under a fucking rock.

>> No.8504463
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Say it to my face not online and see what happens...

>> No.8504467 [DELETED] 

Uh, not that guy but if that's a Midwest chain, I've got family in MN, WI, IL, and OH, lived in several of those places, and I've also never been to either of those

I'm not even sure what they look like

>> No.8504500

>shitty chain restaurants
I've ordered a burger on my way down the interstate.
I didn't study their menu.
Excuse my disbelief.
Oh god, that's what's wrong.
Ohio is a shit hole and actually does exemplify many of the 'flyover' memes.
>doesn't care to eat at my shitty chain
>obviously has never lived
Must be another unfortunate wretch from Ohio.

>> No.8504508

Cincinnati is the south, its basically in Kentucky

>> No.8504516

You have to keep in mind that the upper midwest like Minnesota and Wisconsin is a much different and more civilized place than the lower midwest states that border the south

>> No.8504518
File: 836 KB, 1079x1082, heCantTellTheDifference (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Must be another unfortunate wretch from Ohio.

They are the state with the most astronauts... Because something about the state makes you want to get as far away from it as possible.


In a rocket to get away from the entire planet!

But seriously... eveyrone should have found themselves at a skyline or a steak and shake at one point or another. Even if you hate chain restaurants... Are you so alone and sheltered that no one has ever invited you out to be drunk at either of these places at 3 in the morning? Thats just sad and fucked up...

>> No.8504533 [DELETED] 

I've lived in both the 'civilized' and 'uncivilized' midwest. Still haven't had those restaurants.

>> No.8504554


There's the laugh I needed.

>> No.8504556

>eveyrone should have found themselves at a skyline or a steak and shake at one point or another

Why would I be in Ohio?

>> No.8504568 [DELETED] 

>everyone I know is a total degenerate that instinctively seeks out the scummiest most horrible places when the inhibitions have been lowered, surely everyone else is like this too

Thanks I'm depressed now

>> No.8504584

It's a Cincinnati thing. Google skyline chili

>> No.8504607
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>a "dish" that is so shit, not even the entire state wants that slop, that they need to quarantine it in some containment city so it will not spread nation wide.

>> No.8504719

Naptown here. Never been to Cincy but Skyline is one of my favorite comfy foods. Spaghetti and that shitty chili is the best. We have a chili parlor, a hometown original but it's more normal chili than anything.

>> No.8504722


I met a person from Ohio for the first time in my life

She was the most boring person I have ever talked to. Never fucking again.

>> No.8504729

Maybe if I end up down on my luck in Cincinnati.
Though I'm not in any hurry back after my last couple weeks in Cleveland.

>> No.8504730


>> No.8504731
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They ship it all over now

>> No.8504733

I'll eat your spam then luv, I love it

>> No.8504739

Trump flipped the traditionally left-wing blue-collar White vote in swing states.

I don't understand while its so hard for people to understand why he won; like lmao it's fucking obvious, he polled them one what they like and he told them what they wanted to hear.

>> No.8504745

Suburban white people (as if there is another kind of suburban person) are gonna vote Republican regardless because they are mostly educated and well off. Its the shitty blue collar white people who reliably vote democrat until this year that you have to blame

>> No.8505068

>left coast

>> No.8505083


Turns out Obama wasn't able to force enough of them onto welfare. They still want retarded stuff like "opportunity". What a bunch of retards right?

>> No.8505098

Skyline cheese is like crack. I'd pay $200 right now to be back in the midwest eating Skyline. Best stuff in the world.

>> No.8505101

I have three cans in my cupboard right now.

It's comfort food.

>> No.8505102

I'm socially right-wing and I love traveling. I'm in Vietnam right now, just got here from Indonesia. Lemme tell ya, Indonesians are crazy but Nasi Goreng is incredibile. Vietnamese food, on the other hand, is bland and tasteless.

>> No.8505125

That's not what I said

If you ever misquote me again I will fucking find you

And I'll let you figure out the rest

>> No.8505131
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>Nasi Goreng

>> No.8505270

>not just overpriced spanish food
Lemme guess you think all spanish food is paella.

>> No.8505600

both califags and texans are self-centered and arrogant as shit. And I see an equal amount of you bring your diseased attitudes into other states. You don't get any sort of moral high-ground here.

>> No.8505634

I love how Texas wants to be like modern day Wyoming or Montana by making people believe they're still the reflection of a cowboy lifestyle. When in reality the whole state was essentially neutered in that sense by the growth of it's metropolitan areas.

>> No.8506032
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Sad but true. We're still better than most states though.

>> No.8506042
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>tfw the horseshoe will never become big

I just want to get a nice one of these without having to drive home to one of the two restaurants that make good ones

>> No.8506358

>Walking 6:15 miles
Found the bullshitter

>> No.8507770

No you're not.

Houston is shit, Dallas is shit. Austin is becoming the next San Francisco, and San Antonio... lol.

>> No.8508667
File: 294 KB, 600x448, HudFCarton2013BlueMoon-600x448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wisconsin, blue moon ice cream

I'm okay with this!

>> No.8508680

Ranch is terrific but I can only have a little bit of it.

>> No.8508746

>not acknowledging Wyoming

Coastfags are the worst about this, though in some ways this is for the best. If people knew how wonderful Wyoming is they would be migrating and ruining it even more than the already are. Laramie is basically Portland Jr.

>> No.8508751
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>Blue flavor

What the fuck does "blue" taste like?

>> No.8508770
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>> No.8508907

Cordon Bleu.

Moon blue - you know Moon is made of cheese. Which cheese is blue?

>> No.8508918 [DELETED] 

Isn't Wyoming one of those places where 80% of the land is owned by like 11 people who mostly don't even live there? I know a rich coastie family who owns some land out there, it does sound wonderful (for them), but I don't have a private jet and a staff to manage my "mountain home" when I'm busy doing real life stuff.

>> No.8508930

So like a feudal system, where peasants pay the land owners in produce they grown on rented land?

>> No.8508933

Cordon Bleu means blue ribbon, dingus.
Unless it tastes like a denim nylon blend in bow form, it doesn't taste whatever you are describing.

>> No.8508937
File: 78 KB, 900x600, Ranch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I think of TEXAS, I think of "RANCH".

Doesn't George Bush live on a ranch in Texas?

Midwest = Farms
Texas = Ranches

Is there really a "Hidden Valley"? It must be hiding somewhere in Texas.

>> No.8508982

Eh, yeah. I belive Harrison Ford has land here too, but even for averagefags, it's great. Because of the miniscule population, scholarships are plentiful, and most places are 20 minutes away from somewhere much prettier, and the news is endearing. One time a bear climbed on our Mc Donald's M. The only downside are the butthurt injuns.

Oh and there are hardly any black people

>> No.8509103

kys lol

>> No.8509359
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But we are, m8.

Agreed it's all downhill from here, though. San Antonio is still nice, and Dallas still has spots that aren't TOTAL shit, but Houston and Austin just need to be nuked at this point.

>> No.8509400


> fish, nuts and vegetables (as well as whole grains and unprocessed carbohydrates) aren't part of your diet

t. flyover.

>> No.8509427

Isn't Texas like one of the worst places to live in the US?

>> No.8509433

No, it's quite nice living here.

>> No.8510537

Texas state rankings (includes DC):
#1 in hazardous waste generated
#1 in population uninsured
#1 in executions
#2 in births
#2 in uninsured children
#3 in subprime credit
#3 in population living in food insecurity/hunger
#4 in teen pregnancy
#4 in percentage of women living in poverty
#8 in obesity
#47 in voter registration
#50 in percentage of high school graduates
#50 in spending on mental health
#50 in percent of women receiving prenatal care
#51 in voter participation
#51 in welfare benefits
#51 in percent of women with health insurance

>> No.8510596

it's bad, but
>to the west is a couple states of cultural and literal desert
>to the east is everything bad about Texas made uglier and more depressing for two states
>to the north is nothing worthy of mention for a few hundred miles
>to the south is fucking mexico and filthy seawater
that's why I moved across the country and why I didn't think Texas was too bad while I lived there.

>> No.8510641

The only other state with worse statistics is Mississippi, and god forbid you reach that level.

>> No.8510978

t. Califaggian

>> No.8511344
File: 94 KB, 554x415, provel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had a long email thread with my family recently about pizza with Provel cheese a la Imo's in St Louis

apparently there's a pizza place in Brooklyn that sells Provel pizza

not even fucking kidding

>> No.8511379

they put cinnamon in the chili in cincinnati

>> No.8511439

so is this stuff decent or not

>> No.8511442

about as decent as spaghetti with meat sauce minus the tomatoes can get

>> No.8511576


I've got news for you, bud

Cincinnati chili contains tomatoes

>> No.8511626

Its not a Hershey bar m8. Cooking chocolate is bitter with deep notes. Used properly it adds a great flavor to savory food thats hard to explain.

>> No.8511633

I know I was really looking forward to that war with Russia. Now I'll never know what its like to die over a no fly zone in Syria. Fug

>> No.8511652


>> No.8511762

it's not a good dish. The pasta contributes nothing to the chili other than making you hate yourself a bit more afterwards. Also 90% of the time you get it at 'authentic' places the pasta is overcooked to shit and fucking watery.

>> No.8511768

>literally cannot comprehend the concept of a vegetable

>> No.8511784


that stuff looks like something ido nly eat when very drunk or hung over or high or all three.

Doesnt the midwest have a lot ofp oles and germans? where all the meat and cured stuff and sausages etc.

>> No.8511788

Fuck I want that
>dat spice blend
>dat bean texture
>dat mountain of dairy on top

>> No.8511789

Ok, but what about the chili itself?

>> No.8511791

yup, upper midwest especially has tons of germans. some poles. lots of swedes and norwegians too, two more countries who aren't exactly famous for exciting food.

we do have some good sausage up here though. and minnesota and wisconsin are two of the top states for drinking, so it stands to reason that drunk food would be pretty popular.

>> No.8511797


>> No.8511807

The chili itself is the same as any other chili. Usually sweet and mild. Not saying that there isn't good chili in the midwest, but Cincinnati style is a poor vehicle for it.

>> No.8511811

Cured meat culture largely disappeared since most of the inhabitants were (and still are) farmers with access to fresh meat year round.

>> No.8511813

>implying I was referring to the election

>> No.8511867
File: 326 KB, 715x960, Behold the magical fruit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they don't think the chili is hot enough they set out some chili powders.

I don't really like Cincinnati Chili. I like Indiana Chili which is more like a soup.

>1lb Ground meat browned
>1 package of McCormick Hot Chili seasoning
>1 onion julienne
>4 Tomatoes cubed
>1 large can of Chili Beans w/ spicy sauce (add sauce too)
>Any additional beans you want.
>Mushrooms (my addition)
>1-2 liters of Tomato juice, like the big plastic jug of Campbell's tomato juice.
>Add water if it's too thick for you.
>Heat until boiling
>Add 2 cups of your favorite pasta
>Add salt, pepper, chili powder etc. to taste.
>Boil until noodles are soft.
>Serve in a bowl like soup with a heaping scoop of cottage cheese that's been salted and peppered and a nice buttery slice of cornbread.

Since it's just me and my husband if I make a pot I usually end up eating off of it for about 3 days.

It also makes my shit red.

>> No.8511905

Trump won, that means you have to eat his supporters' food.

>> No.8511917

>Ohio represents all of his supporters

>> No.8511918

>Is there really a "Hidden Valley"? It must be hiding somewhere in Texas.

>> No.8511932


I'm with this pic in a shameful way up until the spaghetti, why couldn't they use literally any other noodle?

>> No.8512666


And yet it's actually pretty good here. Imagine that.

>> No.8512672

So Cajun and barbeque? Hell yeah

>> No.8512717

it's just fucking meat & cheese

>> No.8512728

You voted for Trump didn't you.

>> No.8512744
File: 386 KB, 735x628, trump inauguration obama anguish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you love your country don't you

Of course.

>> No.8512760

Thats bullshit. Mcdonalds makes you fat as fuck and its usually gross

>> No.8512766
File: 1.25 MB, 320x180, tmp_29051-1477877993308690183050.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8512769

You realize theres millions of centrists, libertarians and paleocons in cities too, right? Just because im not a George dubya voting mudding redneck doesnt mean im carl the cuck

>> No.8512783

IE. Fence sitters with no opinion
So cucked they don't even realize their own party has been invaded by leftists who don't know what libertarianism is
A literal meme ideology

>> No.8512797

>So cucked they don't even realize their own party has been invaded by leftists who don't know what libertarianism is

It's why I jumped ship, that and they care way too much about people.

>> No.8512813

I have a lot of libertarian leanings, but I just don't think it can work when half the country is constantly begging for an intrusive nanny-state. I'm unironically starting to believe we need a period of severe right-wing fascism to make the left appreciate a libertarian approach again.

>> No.8512998

Nothing wrong with being a centrist. I simply don't agree with everything (key issues) on both sides.

>> No.8513007

Sounds delicious

>> No.8513016

>I'm unironically starting to believe we need a period of severe right-wing fascism to make the left appreciate a libertarian approach again.
Interesting. You might get it. I guess my views are the opposite of yours. I'd like to see the government taking carfe of education and healthcare instead of corporate and military welfare. Not at all a fan of authoritarianism.

>> No.8513050

I realized 2 months ago that what the people in big cities think doesn't fucking matter because us mudding rednecks can outvote you so by all means, please encourage as many faggot progressives as you possibly can to crush in there.

Here I used to just think it'd be good for you all to be making targets of yourselves in the unlikely event of nuclear war but now I see the every day benefit too.

>> No.8513055

>what the people in big cities think doesn't fucking matter
I assure you people in big cities feel exactly the same way about what you think.

>> No.8513071
File: 96 KB, 512x334, 3141-trump-counties[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Difference being it turns out you're wrong. Surprise!

>> No.8513082

Doesn't look like it if you know where the population centers are.

>> No.8513084 [DELETED] 

unless you manage to implement a pol pot style purge, the ones who will bear the brunt of this retard's policies are going to be you, as has happened in past recessions and will happen in this one. us city hipsters have been buying overpriced localvore crap and domestic made-by-real-hillbillies dry goods for a good part of the last decade, so we're used to expensive. just wait until walmart can no longer vomit endless chinese trinkets into your double wide for practically nothing, and you'll be screaming for heads to roll in washington.

>> No.8513088

That's my point. It doesn't look like the population centers matter if you know who's in the white house - so keep subsidizing your local bloodthirsty baboon population and posting all over the interwebs about what a thinking man's paradise it is and how every intelligent college educated person such as yourself should move there.

>> No.8513091

>thread about food turns into a shitshow of political ballyhooing
Unsurprising. Most of the food in the Midwest is exactly what you'd expect to find most other places, depending on where you are, regional heresies like the OP aside. That looks fucking awful and I'm sure the texture contrast is equally nauseating.

>> No.8513095

>if you know who's in the white house
A New Yorker.

>> No.8513111

Joke's on you, I come into the cities and buy the shit that you don't have the space to keep - and I already have more than enough of it. In the unlikely event that Trump's plans do collapse what'll take the hit is the value of the currency. Land and guns will be what's valuable and people like you don't have any but I hope you feel real smug about being right as you're eaten alive.

inb5 "It won't ever get to that point but paying an extra 25 cents for beer is gonna kill you"

>> No.8513119
File: 87 KB, 600x600, BnbpelaIQAMrmcj[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny. He doesn't LOOK like a New Yorker

>> No.8513130

Fucking Americans

>> No.8513135

He and his son in law own a nice chunk of it.

>> No.8513137 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 650x487, ff6678dbbf61a4dc8c0b71c07691a5ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know you've got nothing left when your best-case scenario is for the global economy to collapse and guns to become the most valuable commodity in the country

stay useless, middle america

>> No.8513147

>reading comprehension

>> No.8513152

Everything is so bland that you try to eat something to cancel out the bland thing you just regretted eating.

>> No.8513158

>muh rural whites
>muh urban blacks

I wonder what the US is gonna do when they run out of poor people to screw over and the middle class has had enough.

>> No.8513159 [DELETED] 

that and they're perpetually suffering from low-grade malnutrition from the fact that everything is so processed and refined, so they overeat as their reptilian brain constantly shoots signals to their stomach that they MUST EAT MORE OR THEY WILL DIE

>> No.8513173

It already happened and we got Trump.

The lower class voted Hillary, the middle class voted Trump, and the upper class was virtually tied.

>> No.8513192

>The lower class voted Hillary
>muh poor urban blacks

I don't recall the people of Appalachia voting hard for Hill.

>> No.8513206

Just make it yourself, it's not like it requires any special equipment or uncommon ingredients.

>> No.8513230 [DELETED] 

>poor urban blacks
You mean "illegal voters", along with anyone remotely brown who voted Hillary

Don't worry they'll gerrymander those "illegal voters" to the point where they won't even bother voting in a few more rounds. They won't even need voter ID laws or restricted voting hours to eliminate the risk of losing the popular vote again.

>> No.8513237

>even if we cause the collapse of america I'll just hunt down and eat those stupid liberals with muh guns fro being smug about being right
wew kid, get some therapy.

>> No.8513260
File: 78 KB, 1202x421, trump income.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-b-but this super fucking tiny appalachian population!!

>> No.8513315

I'm sorry.

>> No.8513320

I have plenty of wild animals to eat and land on which to grow crops. The same can't be said for your pet baboons, to which I was referring.

>> No.8513408
File: 220 KB, 600x795, EXTERMINATE THE WHITES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking should be.

>> No.8513426

Hey city dweller here, I can grow crops.

(keeping out the pillaging baboons is a different matter).

>> No.8513446

midwesterners are fat because they know no concept of portion control.

>> No.8513572

>no concept of portion control.
I wouldn't say that. It's an antique sense of portion control. Back in the days when they all lived on family farms people consumed 4000-5000 calories a day and burned it off working. That was normal eating for farm people. Take the farm work away and eating even remotely like that will make you obese pretty quickly.

What happened is the standards of portion size changed as fewer people did hard physical work all day. Those who continued to eat like farmers because that's just how their family ate ended up with obesity as a new family tradition.

>> No.8513623
File: 27 KB, 700x840, 1485479902640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jesus Christ, is fear mongering and being fat all there is to do in middle of America?

>> No.8513670

Surefire way to ruin any dish.

>> No.8513680

wtf kind of food can you cook WITHOUT onion?

>> No.8513682 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 225x281, Nichols2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, you can also go outside and shoot off hundreds of rounds of ammunition while fantasizing about a hypothetical scenario that would allow you to kill people with impunity

in the 80s it was based on the "red dawn" teen action film, in which the bad guys were communists

in the 90s it was big gubmint and janet reno's UN thugs

in the 00s it was a "left behind" scenario based on the kirk cameron religious drama film

these days, evidently, it's "big city liberals"

since the mechanization of agriculture, hillbillies have just sat around twiddling their thumbs, their imaginations running wild as their internal organs fester in a broth of high fructose corn syrup and transfats. they cling to the trappings of the rough and tumble frontier mentality that their grandfathers experienced, by purchasing souped up pickup trucks and state of the art weaponry. but with nature conquered, they have nothing left to give their lives meaning, so their existence has, for the last few generations, been a fruitless struggle for an imagined enemy. some part of them recognizes that this way of life, this mindless repetition of long-irrelevant and poorly remembered "traditions", is a repugnant lie, something like the cat from Pet Semetery. and that part of them gives birth to apocalyptic fantasies, an outside force that would wipe this world clean. today, that force is embodied by the man they elected President. but they'll grow disillusioned when the fantasy fails to materialize, and move on to some new fantasy, modeled after a straight-to-DVD hollywood abortion, or perhaps an interactive video game.

>> No.8513684 [DELETED] 
File: 190 KB, 1920x1080, pet-sematary-burial-ground.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, you can also go outside and shoot off hundreds of rounds of ammunition while fantasizing about a hypothetical scenario that would allow you to kill people with impunity

in the 80s it was based on the "red dawn" teen action film, in which the bad guys were communists

in the 90s it was big gubmint and janet reno's UN thugs

in the 00s it was a "left behind" scenario based on the kirk cameron religious drama film

these days, evidently, it's "big city liberals"

since the mechanization of agriculture, hillbillies have just sat around twiddling their thumbs, their imaginations running wild as their internal organs fester in a broth of high fructose corn syrup and transfats. they cling to the trappings of the rough and tumble frontier mentality that their grandfathers experienced, by purchasing souped up pickup trucks and state of the art weaponry. but with nature conquered, they have nothing left to give their lives meaning, so their existence has, for the last few generations, been a fruitless struggle for an imagined enemy. some part of them recognizes that this way of life, this mindless repetition of long-irrelevant and poorly remembered "traditions", is a repugnant lie, something like the cat from Pet Semetery. and that part of them gives birth to apocalyptic fantasies, an outside force that would wipe this world clean. today, that force is embodied by the man they elected President. but they'll grow disillusioned when the fantasy fails to materialize, and move on to some new fantasy, modeled after a straight-to-DVD hollywood abortion, or perhaps an interactive video game.

>> No.8513686

>liberals are this butthurt about getting swept in the Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches
tip top wew lad

>> No.8513705


Kek. Is this some /pol/ pasta or something?

>> No.8513712

Perfect hiding spot, nobody would think to look for it there if people associated ranches with Texas.

>> No.8513715
File: 63 KB, 564x775, 7608e6b12fd7490eabda4a34c45566d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chili con carne as most people are familiar with it is a purely Texan invention. It is based on North African tagine brought by early settlers from the Canary Islands, and changed to suit the available ingredients.

Completely fucking wrong and retarded.

Chili was developed by the Mesoamericans as a bean and chili pepper stew to which meat could be added if available.

>> No.8513720

>as most people are familiar with it
>con carne
>meat optional

You fucking moron.

>> No.8513738
File: 56 KB, 504x361, Mesoamerican food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ignorant Texas whitetrash, please go.

Do you really think White people invented chili, when the ingredients are native to the Americans and were being used by the Indians for thousands of years before White people even showed up?

>> No.8513836

I'm having the spam, spam, spam, baked beans and spam.

>> No.8513841


>con carne
>meat optional

Just shut the fuck up you retard.

>> No.8513846


The dish is just called chili, you fucking autist.

>> No.8513848

>thinks those ingredients make "chili"
get a load of this fucking know-it-all spic

>> No.8513855


Your own fucking post


How do you even manage to breath on your own?

>> No.8513865

This. Celtic pride world wide.

>> No.8513871


regardless it's from San Antonio, and doesn't have beans or fucking corn in it

>> No.8513939

>oh look guys, I didn't mean what I said earlier. Now I'll just spout an off the cuff nonsensical idea that a dish that existed prior to colonization, was invented in a city, in a state, in a country that didn't even exist when it was being eaten as everyday food.

After all, historical facts are relative nowadays.

>> No.8513954

Nigga go hide in shame already.

>> No.8514242

>Midwestern cuisine
If it does not transcend national borders, it is not viable.

>> No.8514383
File: 119 KB, 945x800, 1430709710402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


get over yourself and learn some history

>> No.8514611

I wonder how people from Cincinnati feel about their only famous dish being the most shit-tier version of the easiest goddamn food to make? I love pissing off Texans with their stupid "no beans in chili" horseshit, but at least they get it right as far peppers, spices, and tortilla chips go.

>> No.8514650
File: 33 KB, 220x330, thomaskeller1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pesto, marinara, AND alfredo from scratch! Get a load of Thomas Keller over here.

>> No.8514667
File: 40 KB, 300x300, kentucky-burgoo-ck-x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't burden us with their shitty chili. I'll take a bowl of burgoo any day.

>> No.8514879
File: 58 KB, 500x804, original[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the 20s, maybe we won't need a "reason". Twist ending.

>> No.8515744
File: 13 KB, 227x192, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Austin is becoming the next San Francisco

mfw flyovershits act like this is a bad thing

>> No.8515751

You think eating a spiced meat sauce with spaghetti is retarded, yet you think marinara sauce goes well with spaghetti. Hmm.

>> No.8515937
File: 270 KB, 750x728, 1485453401673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw aid ravaged sodomites act like this is a good thing

>> No.8516008
File: 159 KB, 476x345, 1454020812094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Midwestern american cuisine
>it's just some preexisting, non american dish with an absurd heap of some random unhealthy ingredient excessively shoveled on top

>> No.8516048

> fish isn't meat
> grains and unprocessed carbs aren't still carbs

>> No.8516118

in what way is this different from a typical stew or casserole?

>> No.8516132


>> No.8516138

>Traditional burgoo was made using whatever meats and vegetables were available—typically, venison, squirrel, opossum, raccoon or game birds
>Burgoo is a spicy stew, similar to Irish or Mulligan stew
>Mulligan stew is a dish said to have been prepared by American hobos in camps in the early 1900s


>> No.8516174

>As a urban and coastal resident I tend to think of the Midwest as a subpar par of America, hence the nickname "flyover" that it carries. I find the coasts, and espacially the coastal urban centers to be preferable locations to live for many reasons. I immediately think of the dynamic urban envrionment. The vibrant diversity is also one of the perks of the urban lifestyle. I could not educate my wife's son as easily in a small town in the Midwest either. For instance, last week I visited a museum of black history so he can be well aware, and that at a young age, of the privileges he carries as a white male in Trump's America. All in all, I simply think that the Midwest should simply exist as a provider to the cultural hubs that are the coastal cities.

>> No.8516876


>> No.8516890

>it's a self-righteous coastie hipsters talk shit about tater tot hotdish episode

>> No.8516941

AZ fag here califags are subhuman trash

>> No.8516963

Glad I'm in Chicagoland so at least I have a few things I can brag about. Midwest has been slow but even here the food is getting more interesting. For me I'd say the closest thing I know to be midwestern food is things my uncles shot or caught from the river.

>> No.8517100

I don't hate ranch, but I'd never go out of my way to put it on anything. People like that are the absolute fucking worst though

>> No.8517112

Western NY
Flyover? Y/N

>> No.8517893

scrambled eggs
baked potato
fruit pies
creme brulee
this list goes on, much like you're mother's waistline

>> No.8517968

Born in AZ, moved to CA for work. I would move back to AZ if only there were jobs for me.

>> No.8518000
File: 54 KB, 736x551, 1452060371473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your making me hungry ><

>> No.8518051

>calorie dense
>bantz on somebody else's waistline
I could make three out of those 4 things with onions and they would be better than how you make them.

>> No.8518252

so what? the question was what foods can you cook without onions. Those are foods that you can cook without onions. You can make all sorts of calorie dense foods with onions in them too.
Less calorie dense foods for you
Hardboiled egg
Steamed Asparagus

cookable without onions.

>> No.8518376
File: 132 KB, 891x670, 1418537541420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is that condom looking abomination of nature

>> No.8518401
File: 77 KB, 203x300, 1354591037720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cinnamon in chili

>> No.8518409

a big bug. copepod? isopod? chaetognath? i forgot what they're called

>> No.8518470
File: 122 KB, 600x800, 1430344783107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread confirms a division in the USA. I truly believe we'll have a civil war in my lifetime.

The people in a fucking thread on a board about cooking is talking about which groups of states are better and why one is lesser than the other.

I guess it's something that has to be.

>> No.8518494

That looks more like some pepper and not cinnamon.

>> No.8518498

They put cinnamon in Cincinnati chilli, look it up

>> No.8518502

Literally nothing wrong with that, it's just every other thing about their chili that's fucking horrid.

>> No.8519209

Ranch is GOAT.

>> No.8519226

I wouldn't use an anonymous forum as a gauge, considering half the shit people on this board spew they wouldn't have the nerve to say to another human's face in public.

>> No.8519556

They're fine when eaten in small pieces like that. I put them on hot dogs.

>> No.8520669
File: 246 KB, 484x605, 1484405086996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's that fear mongering again.

>> No.8522213

>ITT Coasties get mad we have comfort foods for our long winters and they have to suck up to whatever overpriced trend Buzzfeed tells them to swallow

>> No.8522216

>Be from Indiana
>Age 21
>have traveled to more countries than most americans will in their life (15)

Nice try friend.

>> No.8522231

Yeah Indiana Chili is great for meal preppers.
Really more of a stew.

>> No.8522235
File: 586 KB, 800x712, 1483247555558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You take that back

>> No.8522364
File: 9 KB, 219x94, GraetersIceCream[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay tuned