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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 73 KB, 800x533, Young-woman-cooking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8494485 No.8494485 [Reply] [Original]

This board's average age is probably the highest on this website.
Why aren't young people interested in cooking anymore?
21 here

>> No.8494507

>This board's average age is probably the highest on this website.
I don't know about that, it seems to me half of this board still lives with mommy

>> No.8494526

I think it is just one of those things that go in and out of fashion, although it shouldn't be. IMHO simple cooking skills hould be basic knowledge, like tying your own shoes. Or driving a stick shifter car ... oh wait ...

>> No.8494532

that would probably be /diy/ or something

>> No.8494534

because they're neets

>> No.8494541

> "young people"


>> No.8494544

cause dishes

>> No.8494547

I still look young and cute senpai dont ruin my illusion

>> No.8494554

They aren't? I feel like people in their twenties are more knowledgeable about food and cooking then any previous generation was when they were that age

>> No.8494556

25yo here.
Cooking since am 5.
>Waking Up my dad everyday at 4am
>Pop gettin tired of that
>Show kiddoo how tout use stovetop for Eggs.
>Didnt cause any housefire. Yet.

I guess it comme from education. I Grow up cooking for my familly.

>> No.8494557

this board is proof that's not true

>> No.8494637
File: 744 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2017-01-01-22-52-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having browsed since insception, the makeup of this board nowawdays seems to be
40% NEETs comparing fast food
20% incompetent cooks asking stupid questions and posting jack
10% weebs arguing bout sharps and bastardising eastern cuisine
10% autists getting triggered over preferences
5% alkies
5% depressed industry chefs
5% home cooks with an ounce of skill and inspiration
5% or less semi intelligent discussion of food or drink.

Can't imagine many are over 30, but the lack of porn and pretentiousness (relative) discourages the likes of say, /b/ aged youngsters

>> No.8494643

Try /vr/.
They're a cool bunch of old nerds, helpful as fuck and the moderation is great if you like retro games.

>> No.8494644

>Can't into comprehension

>> No.8494757


21 here as well. Cook 95% of my meals, have not eaten from a fast food chain in years, proud to say I have never eaten and will never eat McDonald's in my life. After I finish up grad school I think I want to go to culinary school for some fun courses.

>> No.8494759

>proud to say I have never eaten and will never eat McDonald's in my life
That's pretty silly. You should try everything at least once.

>> No.8494769


No. I will never give them my money. I don't care how good it possibly tastes, every time I walk into a McDonald's restaurant with a friend I legitimately feel nauseous from the smell and find it disgusting.

>> No.8494771
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>anon's life and grip on reality shattered after partaking for the first time

>> No.8494791

I find India disgusting but i'd still try their curry if I was there

>> No.8494803


And you'd probably get poopy pants. But I would absolutely try the curry in India too and happily shit myself. You know why? Because at least their curry is made with decent ingredients and not packed with artificial shit.Do you think the people at the top of the McDonald's corporate chain eat the shit they push on others? Guarantee you they don't. Probably have their own private chefs at home, the best ingredients, with the millions they pull in. Don't be a stupid asshole who falls for advertising.

>> No.8494842

underage b& reporting for duty

>> No.8494856
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Whatever do you mean, old pickle? Indians bathe too.

>> No.8494869

can confirm..am 24
>still don't know how to make those eggs that aren't scrambled..i forget the name of them

>> No.8494878

>mcdo execs don't eat mcdo food
In the UK, there's a chain of "supermarkets," if you can call them that, called Iceland (pronounced ice-land, as if two words, not ice-lind, as the country). Iceland started off by selling decent quality frozen whole foods by weight at reasonable prices. One freezer would have frozen beef shanks, another frozen heads of broccoli or cauliflower, a third frozen whole chickens and a fourth frozen gammon and so on. That sort of thing. And customers would go from freezer to freezer filling up bags with the items they wish to buy and bring them to the till to be weighed and paid for, much like a green grocer or the produce section of a typical grocery store.
Nowadays, all Iceland sell are ready meals like horsemeat lasagne and bangers-and-mash plates where the sausages are only 42% meat and the rest being filler.
An interview a few years back with Malcolm Walker, founder, owner and CEO of the chain revealed that he only eats organic, non-GMO, locally sourced food from his own private gardens and farms and never eats anything from his own supermarket. He wouldn't touch the rubbish he peddles to the poor with a bargepole never mind actually eat it. And I suspect McDo execs feel the same about the stuff they sell at people, too.

If I wouldn't eat it myself, I'd never serve it to a guest never mind sell it to a customer as I find it a violation of personal integrity.

>> No.8494908


Indeed indeed. People need to realize that corporate fast food chains do not care about quality, the health of their customers or anything like that. Their main goal is MORE PROFIT and they achieve this by clever, arguably false advertising. They don't give a shit if the stuff they are pushing can barely be considered beef or if it's packed with god knows. They want your money. Now if you know this and still want to eat their food on a regular basis I am no one to tell you not to, if there is one thing I hate in this world it is people pushing their views upon others, but you should all know that your health will eventually suffer. It is logic. If they are able to sell a "meal" for so cheap, imagine what it actually costs them to produce the food. Probably pennies. There is nothing in there good for you. Even the fucking pickles for god sakes PICKLES contain

>Cucumbers, Water, Distilled Vinegar, Salt, Calcium Chloride, Alum, Potassium Sorbate (Preservative), Natural Flavors (Plant Source), Polysorbate 80,Extractives of Turmeric (Color).

>> No.8494918
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>> No.8494933

38 here, so I guess I probably count as your dad.


I don't know what your basis is for thinking you know what things were like in the last generation, or the one before that, but if anything younger people are actually more interested in cooking (or at least the idea of being into cooking) due to mass media turning it into a spectator sport, much like football or whatever.

Among people my age, I tend to be better friends with people who are "into cooking" because we have that in common. But there are lots and lots of people my age who are not into cooking. When I was in college we had plenty of people who were utterly hopeless in a kitchen. This is not new. It is not reasonable to expect everyone to have had the same experiences growing up as you. Some came from broken homes. Some were discouraged from trying things on their own. Some grew up poor and didn't have much opportunity to try new things or experiment with exotic ingredients. Some grew up rich and were cooked for by "the help".

If it seems to you as though older people care more about cooking, you should consider the fact that some of those older people were forced to cook from circumstances that they were exposed to throughout their relatively longer lives than people in your own age group. They may have had the same thoughts at your age as you are having now.

>> No.8494941

I can't speak to McDonalds but I've met some execs from Yum and Darden and I can assure you they do eat that garbage. You can't live in that world without internalizing at least some amount of tolerance for the shit you inflict on the public.

>> No.8494945


>Let's take a picture eating what the common man eats so maybe I'll be appealing and they'll vote for me!

He also apparently loves his steak "well done"

>> No.8494949


Stupid man, stupid food choices can't be surprised

>> No.8494958

People who live with their parents have literally no reason to be interested in cooking.

>> No.8494967

I was interested in cooking for as long as I can remember

The only thing that changed when I no longer lived with my parents is that I got to upgrade the gear I cooked with

I have to try to control my autism when I visit my parents because they don't have absolute top of the line cookware and their knives aren't stropped on chromium oxide

>> No.8495015
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>Because at least their curry is made with decent ingredients

>> No.8495019

what a peculiar coke bottle.

>> No.8495039

>People need to realize that corporate fast food chains do not care about quality, the health of their customers or anything like that. Their main goal is MORE PROFIT

I don't think anyways have ever argued against that. No one believes fast food is healthy. You're an idiot.

>> No.8495051

Don't you get it? Anon has spoken truth to power. He has discovered the reality that lies beneath the veneer of consumerism. Advertising is done to serve the interests of the advertiser! Someone call the Washington Post!

>> No.8495151

I like that this place is a bit nicer than other boards. There's also way less pol shit and /b/-tier """humor"""

Also I like food. I'm 31

>> No.8495156

>if you like retro games.
I don't tho

>> No.8495163

I'd say /m/, /trv/, maybe /tg/ are older

>> No.8495190


The board where hotels and showers are for soulless squares who gave up on life, "Singabore" is a fascist shithole unworthy of interest for any Real Traveller, 5 out of 10 threads are made by 18 year olds posting escapism garbage, and any actual travel experiences are shouted down as surely a figment of the poster's imagination?

Yeah no.

>> No.8495207


It's a can sized bottle i believe

>> No.8495215

I feel this way too. Young people now seem far more interested in food/preparation than a lot of older people I know.

>> No.8495222

Average age, m8
Of course there are /b/ tier kiddos, they are everywhere in fact.

>> No.8495224

19 here
i doubt it's the highest age.

>> No.8495225


>I don't think anyways have ever argued against that. No one believes fast food is healthy. You're an idiot.

A lot of fat fucking Americans would probably not have a clue if you asked them what the main goal of McDonald's is.


Just stop and go back leddit. You are not funny and it's cringe worthy when you try to be.

>> No.8495233
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>> No.8495237

Average age on /trv/ is probably around 20
Joke's on you I've got it open in another tab. But I've been on /ck/ longer than you've been alive, so there's that

>> No.8495255


>I've been on /ck/ longer than you've been alive

You say that as if it's some kind of achievement. You should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.8495257
File: 395 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170122-181358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8495260

What makes you think I'm not?

>> No.8495261

>Average age on /trv/ is probably around 20

there's no way this is true

>> No.8495268


Good point. You have my pity.

>> No.8495269

Then you haven't spent much time there. Or at least, not lately. First few years were a good run, but anything as general interest as a travel board has had its fate sealed from the first day.

>> No.8495285

>Why aren't young people interested in cooking anymore?

I'd argue young people are far more interested in cooking than older people are.

Boomers are happy to eat out every meal or just make shit out of a box. Younger adults are much more health conscious and interested in cooking from scratch like our great-grandparents did.

People under 22 usually live at home or in a dorm though, so it's not like they would cook even if they wanted to.

>> No.8495302

man sjws are more obsessive than europoors, but anyway its always been on record that Trump loves shitty food.

>> No.8495316

You're not wrong but I'm sure some posters fit more than one of those groups so it's kinda messy

27 sperg boozer idiot who lives with his parents here - the food I cook is pretty much the only thing I have going on aside from my job

>> No.8495318

Barley anyone who come to /ck/ care about cooking either.

>> No.8495321

turning 25 in a month

kill me

>> No.8495727

/n/ seems to have a lot of old people on it, but the bike threads are probably a lot younger than the train ones.

I'm 23, which I consider pretty young, but you seem to have much lower standards.

>> No.8495741

The train threads are mostly posted and bumped by a teenager with crippling autism

Most of the bike threads are posted by people in their 20s and 30s

Then there's the angry shipfag, who is probably in his 40s

And the airplane threads, which, like the train threads, are teenagers with autism

>> No.8495750

/diy/ or MAYBE /o/ has the highest concentration of old people

>> No.8495752

>every time I walk into a McDonald's restaurant with a friend

How many times have you been, and what did you order? Nothing? Water?

>> No.8496013

29 yo living on my own, I also cook for myself on a daily basis
/ck/ is a bunch of dildos most of the times, its only redeeming features are grentext stories and those threads made by that guy who cooks with the cats on the counter

>> No.8496019


/biz/ probably has the highest median age, I am 33. I fell for the Culinary School meme and work on a cruise ship, my 13yo daughter cooks just as well as I do. She's bright.

>> No.8496029

Um, inspiration is measured in FLUID ounces retard

>> No.8496034

its not like i can move out im 12 lol

>> No.8496036

31 here. /diy/ is my main board, /ck/ is number 2 in my heart.

>> No.8496042

That sounds fucking terrible and supremely autistic

>> No.8496403
File: 61 KB, 600x400, romney-shopping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least it worked for him unlike Mitt

>> No.8496409

My little brother is 17 and he runs a small kitchen in a pub

>> No.8496444


>He called Trump stupid he must be an SJW!

I hate SJW's, I hate Hillary, I hate Trump, I hate stupid Americans like you. Kill yourself. Fucking waste of oxygen. Only candidates that have ever even been half decent have been Sanders and Ron Paul. There has not been a good president since Kennedy and he was assassinated for reasons.

>> No.8496445

I'm 24 but unlike a majority of my peers, I own a house, a car, am in a stable relationship, and most importantly, cook our meals most nights per week. All of this of my own volition, didn't get any help on the house/car from mom and pops. For the most part taught myself how to cook too.

>> No.8496452


I've been in there I don't know 50 times in my life? Maybe more? I usually order nothing but I actually am incorrect in my original post. I technically have had McDonald's. Coffee. Just once. It was ok. The food still looks and smells like absolute shit though I'm sorry never going to have it

>> No.8496473

Honestly I almost was about to agree with your post, thanks for playing.

>> No.8496482


>Implying Sanders is THAT BAD

He's not perfect but he was far better than Hillary or Trump. He got cheated out of the nomination due to corruption and fucking greedy corrupt fucking assholes who don't want life to improve for the common man. You're all fucking slaves how does it feel?

>> No.8496492

Show me your whip nigga

>> No.8496502



Couple things to get straight. You most likely live in a shit hole and have mortgage. If the latter is true you don't own anything, the bank does. Furthermore


Nigger what are you doing? Are you fucking stupid? She's going to common law you, cheat on your (probably already has) and take half your shit. You know how many girls I have gotten to cheat on their boyfriends? Easy as snapping your fingers. Do yourself a favour and dump the broad.

>> No.8496503


It's a 2016 Subaru Impreza sedan with a sunroof, heated seats and remote start (I splurged a bit). Dark here so I'm not gonna go take a picture

>> No.8496664


>> No.8496686

>Base model Impreza

No hate, but just why? You could have gotten a WRX considering all the unnecessary options you added. Is it automatic?

>> No.8496698
File: 195 KB, 1400x815, 1478057831817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ron Paul and Sanders
>only good candidates
Bernie was fucking horrible.
Ron Paul was amazing.
Rand Paul and Jim Webb were the best candidates of the election
>muh free college for the common man!!!!
Free college would make everyone's taxes cost more than bread during the Great Depression

>> No.8496701


Yeah, it's automatic. I can drive stick but I live in a very hilly city so it wouldn't make sense for me to bother with stick. Tbh I didn't research much into the WRX so I prolly did fuck up there

>> No.8496710

Well, the Impreza is a reliable car and the AWD from Subaru has gotten pretty advanced, so it's not all bad. Hope you have fun with it.

>> No.8496724


Money is an abstract invention created by greedy fuckers. It has no true value, just their promise. Fuck it.

>> No.8496725


Thanks, I really am. Upgraded from a 99 Ford Taurus for it so I appreciate all of its features, and I did need the reliability+ AWD since I need to get to work in all weather.

To keep this cooking related, I made spicy baked chicken breast for dinner with some baked beans. Chicken was cooked excellently, 7/10 would eat again

>> No.8496728

30 years old here. I actually mostly come here when I'm hungry for fast food threads and food porn desu

>> No.8496736

>airplane threads
>teenagers with autism
The /gag/ threads are fine save for baconrider.
t. Pilot

>/o/ having a high concentration of old people

>> No.8496739
File: 529 KB, 559x773, 1484438835767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no case of Busch in the camo can

Weak candidate, dropped

>> No.8496744
File: 30 KB, 250x324, 250px-We_Can_Do_It!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bread costs more than during the depression.

Uh, when you spend the majority of your GNP on bombing and killing people and destabilizing entire regions of the globe, there's not much left to help your own citizens living under the 37th ranked healthcare system in the world.

And yes, the US laborer today lives under your oppression, just like the circumstances of the depression. Don't worry. People are coming to realize the disaster that has befallen.

>> No.8496745

>having a relationship at 24 is bad and every girl is unfaithful
Nice meme

>> No.8496951

>has a job
>lives with parents
Do you live in NYC or something? Why not move out?

>> No.8497085

I didn't know /ck/ had this many communists.

>> No.8497186

>work on a cruise ship
I almost got a cruise ship gig when I was in a Beatles tribute band. I was gutted when the band split up. Really wanted that job.

>> No.8497273
File: 60 KB, 170x215, 170px-Bakunin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, the current climate has been a godsend. Labor will finally realize they've almost nailed the lid on their own coffin with a vote for orange man. Things will progress.

>> No.8497276

>have a job
>have two condos and a house
>live with parents

>> No.8497293

Not that anon but:
>rent a one-bed flat
>live alone
And genuinely not jelly of anyone that lives with their parents or anyone else. Hell is other people.

>> No.8497301

this guy gets it

>> No.8497302

33 year old house husband here I come for the slowcooker threads

>> No.8497306

Romney should have gone on WWE like trump did. I unironicly thing flyoverfags voted for him because of that

>> No.8497312

I would think the oldfags going on anniversary tours and shit would balance out the trust fund 20 year olds

>> No.8497355

29. Live with my fiancé in NYC we cook and eat at good restaurants constantly.

Anyway people are not interested in cooking at a young age because its difficult, especially if you're teaching yourself. If you're learning from home ec or parents or something sure, but the discipline required to self directedly learn a skill is a lot to expect from young people.

>> No.8497856

My parents can't really cook.

>> No.8497861


because of >>8494507

25 here

>> No.8497865

Lol, where do you live that this isn't true? I'll move there tomorrow morning.
Women here are still cheating on their BF/husband at age 30+ with children in the picture...

>> No.8497875

Different anon but working 45 hours a week for much higher than minimum wage I could only barely afford an apartment, vehicle, insurance, phone, gas, internet, electricity, and food. I had maybe 50$ left at the end of the month for clothing, other supplies, and things like dating. Where do you live that its possible to live on your own without a 100k a year salary?

Not in NYC btw, i live in a rural area.

>> No.8498029


>> No.8498306

>He got cheated out of the nomination due to corruption
Hillary had 3 million more votes than he did in the primaries.
>Bu Bu But it was rigged!
Maybe it was. But he would have lost even if it wasnt rigged.

>> No.8498316

Old people go to tripadvisor. Trust fund kids ask each other. /trv/ is for the same kinds of autists who ask /ck/ how to cook. And like /ck/, where we have retards who turn into condescending pricks because they figured out how to make hard boiled eggs, /trv/ has its share of asshats who get pissy if the destination is insufficiently dirty or poor, if someone mentions sex, if someone mentions a hotel, or if the travel being discussed is not gap year tourism or escapism fantasies.

>> No.8498335

How the fuck is 21 not young?

>> No.8498338

That's why he said "christ"

>> No.8498339

What a pretentious faggot

>> No.8498345

Sanders and Ron Paul are completely different from each other, not sure how you can like them both

>> No.8498353

I've never gotten the appeal of Ron Paul. He has a few good positions, but for the most part his platform is uselessly abstract. And all the 4chan NEETs would not last in a Ron Paul fantasy world.

>> No.8498358
File: 1.17 MB, 1836x2448, IMG_20161110_1636247-1836x2448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/trv/, /o/, /vr/, /po/, /diy/, and /biz/ have the largest concentration of older people.

That said, I'm only 22 and come here to learn about things that my shitty job as a galley cook that the Navy will never teach me.

>> No.8498361

I'm pretty sure OP implied that was young

>> No.8498362

He was the dog whistle candidate back when dog whistles were still fashionable

>> No.8498364

What do you think the average age at /pol/ is? 12?

>> No.8498366

Op: why aren't the young interested in cooking? I'm 21
Some guy: Whippersnapper, you can't say 'the young' if you're 21
A bunch of aspies: but 21 is young! Some guy is wrong!

Does that help?

>> No.8498367

Haha what does that mean?

And another thing that bothers me about Ron Paul is his weird interpretation of libertarianism on some issues. If I'm not mistaken, he doesn't really believe in seperation of church and state.

>> No.8498369

24. Old enough to vote but young enough to still live with their parents

>> No.8498370

But OP considers himself part of "the young", I would imagine. I'm pretty sure he's not just referring to 8 and 9 year olds.

>> No.8498378

No but he's wrong. And so are you. Ur wrong! Everyone is stupid but me! Retards!

Does that help?


>> No.8498384

You're also wrong and you sniff buttholes

>> No.8498386

I'm 32

>> No.8498398

So what's his real target group? I do know that there were some left leaning or at least moderate people who liked him, but probably didn't realize he's a hardcore right winger.


>Ron Paul pretending he didn't write 17 years of racist newsletters


>> No.8498472

18 Aus fag here, just graduated and about to move out. Saved up for some quality gear so I can cook like i can at home. my mama taught me to cook from a young age and now I do it daily, agree with OP tho, so many cunts are retarded and cant cook for piss.

>> No.8498485
File: 1.68 MB, 332x332, 1484196190910.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25 here.

I cook all the time but I don't hassle taking pics to post here because you memers only respond to booze, having an animal in the kitchen, fast food, or ridiculously plated food. Regular dishes go ignored or shitposted.

>> No.8498509


Just because someone does not like the smell of disgusting deep fried American shit does not makevthem pretentious

>> No.8498511


Both have likab qualities

>> No.8498513


Do you realize how many Sanders supporters voted for Trump in spite of Hillary? Believe it.

>> No.8498540

Bernie lost to Hillary because the voters speculated that Hillary would stand a better chance against the then likely Republican opponents. No-one at the time seriously thought Trump would be the opposition. If given the choice between real reform (Sanders) and faux reform with pillaging and general madness (Trump) - people would overwhelmingly come out in favour of Sanders.
In the choice between business as usual with continued corruption, double-speak and more wars (Hillary) and flipping the fucking tables (Trump) - the people chose Trump.

This is what strategic voting gets you. This is what first past the post voting gets you. Jesus fuck, America, when will you fix you God damned voting system?
t. Rest of world.

>> No.8498572


I'm not trying to argue that Sanders wouldnt have beaten trump, I think you might have misinterpreted what I meant or maybe i didnt make myself clear enough.
I'm not talking at all about Hillary vs. Trump.
I'm saying that the guy I was responding to>>8496482
was trying to say that Bernie lost the nomination because of corruption. That isn't true. He lost the nomination because Hillary won a shitload more states and had 3 million more primary votes than he did.
Does that mean our system isnt fucked or that Bernie wouldnt have been a better candidate? No. Does it mean that strategic voting didnt fuck our country? No.
It just means that its extremely disingenuous to say that Bernie lost the nomination because of corruption or that he was screwed out of the presidency. He lost the primary, he wasnt fucked.
Yes, this had implications for the general (Bernie bros voting for trump, etc.). But it wasnt unfair, its just how it worked out.

>> No.8498579

>young enough to still with their parents
lol "kids" these days

>> No.8498598

Every single McDonald's I've been in has smelled like fries and whatever chemical they clean with. There is almost zero smell variation across any one within all the states I have traveled through.

>> No.8498602

Lol no. Most the people on this board are pretentious millenials who think they're the world's best cook.

>> No.8498620


You have autistic senses

>> No.8498624

20 year old just learning how to cook here

Delivery is cheap and easy now that websites like beyondmenu and grubhub exist.

Tbh I only started because I have tried everything on the Chinese restaurants menu and want something good.

>> No.8498626

/vr/ as well, surprisingly.

It's more adults than hipsters.

>> No.8498658

Bill Clinton was known for eating a big mac after going for a morning jog.

>> No.8498663
File: 93 KB, 1178x850, hillary-and-bill-clinton-the-10[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if Bill Clinton, the apex of health, does it...

>> No.8498665


Bullshit. He did that for approval polls

>> No.8498673

because cooking online is a hellhole. Tried to find toddler friendly recipes where they can help an adult cook, and you get slideshows of hippie food like "mango salsa salmon." the fuck outta here with that shit

>> No.8498680

>hippie food like "mango salsa salmon.

Mango salsa was huge in the 90s, it's hilarious that to this day it still is triggering people who live under rocks somewhere in flyover land.

I wonder when the cupcake fad will hit your area.

>> No.8498687

was it a hit with toddlers? because fuck you.

>> No.8498703

Why wouldn't it be? Are you afraid mangoes will give your toddler autism because you didn't have it vaccinated? What exactly is the issue?

>> No.8498710

I think the current generation of 20somethings cooks more than our parents' did at the same age. I'm 22, been fed processed microwave crap all my childhood, moved out at 17 and learnt from scratch.
There's a growing distrust towards "big food", and most people I know generally tend to like knowing what they are actually eating.

>implying men before or after 30 don't cheat
>implying your attitude towards women isn't what keeps you out of relationships
Ha !

>> No.8498714

>house husband
Shit man, switch from the slow cooker to the pressure cooker. Get the same quality or better as a slow cooker in a fraction of the time.

>> No.8498716

1) Kids shouldn't be having fish until 2 1/2 - 3 years at the earliest because their digestive systems are still developing & because of potential mercury poisoning issues
2) Sounds like an overly fancy meal for kids to cook, eat or appreciate when they're looking for hands-on recipes with dough or cheese sprinkling for kids to participate.

>> No.8498718

My son is 13 months old and he eats whatever we eat. Last night we had pesto salmon, baked acorn squash, and steam broccoli and he really like everything. Last week he had gyoza, rice, couscous, meatballs and spaghettini, roast chicken, mashed potatoes, sweet potato, avocado, etc.

Granted he isn't at the picky age, but if you don't offer diverse foods to your children you won't know what they like. Also, keeping them on hot dogs and chicken tendies is not going to promote healthy diverse eating habits.

Kids like fish in many parts of the world, North Americans typically don't eat much fish or associate it with a child's diet. Mangoes taste good and children like those, so why is it ridiculous that a child wouldn't like this?

You don't have to feed your child what you ate when you were younger. It's fun to give my son different foods and see what he likes, it's also good in terms of reducing food allergies and ensuring good nutrition.

I think I had my first mangosteen like 3 years ago, but some of his baby foods were "coconut mangosteen amaranth quinoa" or some shit. It's good that kids are eating better and more interesting foods.

>> No.8498727

>Kids shouldn't be having fish until 2 1/2 - 3 years at the earliest because their digestive systems are still developing & because of potential mercury poisoning issues
This isn't true at all. You have to be intelligent about what fish you feed them, where it's from, how frequently they eat it, etc.

As for the "developing digestive system", what exactly are you talking about?

>> No.8498780

Dude do you know how many asian and pacific islander kids have fish at a young age? That doesn't add up.

>> No.8498784

Bubble baby will grow up with severe allergies and he'll hang on the future version of 4chan making REEEE threads about "the newfangled shitskin food getting shoved down our throats by white-guilt SJWs"

>> No.8498817

>their digestive systems are still developing
No. Mercury and lead are a hasard to developing brains and fetuses because they cause developmental retardation. It has nothing to do with the "digestive system".

Your mom obviously gorged herself on tuna while having you.

>> No.8499045

Not many. But some stayed home or voted for Jill Stein.

>> No.8499052

You are also a pretentious faggot

>> No.8499058

Your massive oversimplification of this election is cute

>> No.8499326

Clinton's camp used the media and party influence to force both Hillary and Trump into the US general election. They assumed Hillary, their chosen candidate, would win that contest. It's ironic that they are crying about it being rigged after doing more underhanded shit than any other group to influence the election.

Read the Wikileaks sometime, they are very revealing, and it's not illegal to own a copy, despite what CNN said.

>> No.8499513

I thought something was different. I came back after a few years of no 4chan and the boards I browsed has changed a lot.

>> No.8499657

>was trying to say that Bernie lost the nomination because of corruption. That isn't true. He lost the nomination because Hillary won a shitload more states
The latter does not disprove the former. If the latter happened because the Democratic party early on decided to discredit Sanders and push Hillary, then yes, it might indeed be said to have been the result of corruption.

>> No.8500802
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>You're all fucking slaves how does it feel?

How's that 2nd semester of freshman year comin along there dude

>> No.8500851

>older people

Pick one. /o/ has one of the greatest concentration of 14-18 year olds who either ride a bus or drive a shitbox.

>> No.8500956

Like slavery, Drumpf cuck.

>> No.8500983

Wasn't there a thing that showed that millennial are eating out less? IMO it seems learning to cook is becoming more popular.

>> No.8500989

t. underagefag who thinks 21 is old

>> No.8501009

See I don't understand this post. It's like you're ALMOST there, but then
and it's just so depressing ya know?

fyi, the same powers that got Kennedy are the ones going after Trump

>> No.8501303

Kennedy was a progressive and Trump is a hardcore right winger, I don't see how they're even remotely similar

>> No.8501309

>Trump is a hardcore right winger,
Nah his protectionist measures are diametrically opposed to free market capitalism.

>> No.8501379

His platform overall is very right wing, his VP is a hardcore right winger, his cabinet is filled with hardcore right wingers, and he is a hero for hardcore right wingers (including white supremacists)

>> No.8501403

>5% alkies
It is definitely more than that.

>> No.8501409

I don't know why but the only people over 40 who know shit about food are professional chefs or flaming homosexuals.

>> No.8501412
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Was this meant to look like someone covering their ears

>> No.8501414

23 here.

I wonder if i should have gone to cooking school.

>> No.8501430

Actually, I'll add first-gen migrants from non-Anglo countries to that.

>> No.8501449

NEET about to turn 21 here. I could probably fry an egg if you held a gun to my head.

>> No.8501450

Ive been here since 16 m8

>> No.8501533

19. When I 15 I moved to Italy for a brief amount of time and I attended a cooking school there for one year. Unfortunately I had to move back to the USA, but ever since then I've been really involved in my cooking, and I try to cook every night.

>> No.8501728

21 here also
srugeling to keep passion for cooking alive

fresh food is just too expensive, when I can buy a huge pizza for $5
every year food bets more expensive, but my wages arn't rising

as a result I have to work more hours, I barely have time to cook anything that takes more than a half hour

>> No.8501759

18 here fgt

>> No.8501761
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not proud of it

>> No.8501779

Why does this meme perpetuate that fast food companies are some nefarious conspiracy to poison the poor? They sell cheap, good tasting food to people across the world. They are totally up front about the nutritional content of their products. There's no deception. And furthermore most of it is fine to eat regularly provided you're conscious of your portioning.

>> No.8501780

27. It wasn't a big deal when I was 18, and then some how I've aged almost ten years.
You're here for life.

>> No.8501782

Does your GF queef at night?

>> No.8501783

tw I've a relative who holds a reasonably high ranking executive position in McD corp and yes he does eat at the restaurants about as often as the average person. Every time he has a good experience he personally thanks the staff.

>> No.8501785

ew, one of those

>> No.8501828

Coming back to this thread and yeah, there's no way in hell this board is one of the older ones.

>> No.8501846
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As someone who post booze and animals on here I agree with you.

>> No.8502166

>and happily shit myself.

pajeet pls go

to the loo

>> No.8502181

Sounds about right. I used to spend way more time on /b/ when I was 14-16. Currently 26 now with a stable-ish life/career and this and /sp/ are the only boards I'll occasionally visit.

>> No.8502185

what, no /k/?

>> No.8502195

Oddly enough, while I am into guns, I'm not all that into discussing/posting about it. Actually never even bothered to visit /k/ until just now to see what you were talking about.