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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8494751 No.8494751 [Reply] [Original]

Made my own perogies from scratch yesterday, I guess rank them. Just used a simple potato and onion filling since it was my first pass

>> No.8494758
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what'd u fill em with?

>> No.8494760

look rlly good broski

>> No.8494761


They look great considering it's your first try. Thank you for actually contributing both FOOD AND COOKING on this fucking board instead of tendies and McChicken threads. God I fucking hate man children so fucking much I want to kill myself after coming to this board for years.

>> No.8494765

A simple potato and onion filling since it was his first pass

>> No.8494767

Potatoe and onion. Dab of sour cream on the side. I'm ready to go in next time and make my own sauerkraut since I think they turned out well. I would also like to try deep frying them to get a uniform crust on them

>> No.8494768

i can't rank them unless you send me some

>> No.8494776
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Preboil, stuffing them was the most tedious part. I suggest having a friend help

>> No.8494780
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Post boil. I guess this is how you make pasta too...Learned something new

>> No.8494784


And make sure you have a bottle of wine with your friend too!

>> No.8494788
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They got a lot bigger after I boiled them. Here they are plated. I'm out of photos. What fillings do you suggest going forward ck?

>> No.8494807


Cut into one?

I suggest trying mushroom filling. Also sauerkraut is really nice.

>> No.8494812

These pics are from last night. I have a baker's dozen left over to fry up tonight I will post a picture of the insides

>> No.8494814



>> No.8494825

i love em fruit or jam filling.

>> No.8494829

Mince or mushrooms+cheese

>> No.8494837
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warms my cold cold heart.

>> No.8494838

Looks alright.
Would probably be pretty good with some nice fried pork sausage as a side.

>> No.8494845

Question for you food fags, is this essentially a form of dim sum

>> No.8494855

Minced or diced meat (beef or pork)
Diced mushrooms
Beans (I like kidney beans)
Crushed tomatoes
Diced or shredded carrots.
Cheese (I suggest something that melts well)
Rice (precooked, obv)
Black olives (proper ones, not colored green ones)

Any one of these, or up to three of the suggested ingredients. You can get pretty creative with these things, your only limit is your imagination, you could make like TexMex or Chinese styled ones and it'd probably work.

>> No.8494862
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assuming dim sums are made from wheat.

>> No.8494867

Potato and sharp cheddar or dry cottage cheese was the standard with most of my family (lots of polish and ukes)
I always do at least some with "kapusta" when i make a batch. (that's sauekraut fried in a pan with onion and optional small amount of ground pork, bacon, or kielbasa) don't forget to load the sauekraut with butter while frying.
I've also done papanka mushroom (not sure the spelling here, or what their real name is) which grows wild.
Grandma did ones with various fruits inside, but I prefer savory...
also I never boiled them until I was ready to eat. We'd usually stuff them, put on a towel in the freezer as we made them, then put in large ziplock bags once frozen (keep in mind this was for 16 dozen or so, might not be applicable to most people). Then boil from freezing, pan fry very lightly in bacon fat or butter.

Serve with fried finely chopped bacon and onion and sour cream. Goes will with 15 beer.

Good job OP, keep it up.

>> No.8494895


Polefag here, these look awesome, good job on going with potato and onion, can't go wrong with potato and onion.

11/10 my babcia would eat those

>> No.8494928

>boiled rice
>bacon, mushrooms and onion lightly fried
>all used as stuffing

>> No.8496189

Good job. Excellent for a first time. 100 % Better than all these other idiot posters

>> No.8496197
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>willingly consuming fried dough stuffed with potatoes

enjoy diabetes fatass

>> No.8496208

*tips fedora*

>> No.8496209

*tips scale*

>> No.8496218

>load as many sweet and savory carbs as possible into a bite size morsel

>> No.8496222

Why does it upset you? Does it trigger you?

>> No.8496228

being able to oversimplify things doesn't make you smart

>> No.8496231

yeah i get really bothered that people think it's difficult or commendable to make something tasty out of butter and potatoes and onions

small things amaze small minds i suppose. carry on.

>> No.8496258

Pole here

Traditional fillings i recommend are
Spiced mincemeat, onions, garlic
Smoked cheeses
Pickled cabbage and chanterelles

Some abstract ideas that worked beautifully
Shittakes, sage, thyme
Chorizo, roquefort
Curried goat

The last of these is currently on the menu of a bloody good members club I worked at where I ran it as a special.

>> No.8496323

>banal things can't be enjoyable
Sucks to be you, I guess.

>> No.8496524

don't you have a laser pointer to chase?

>> No.8496607
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Here is my filling, pretty much just creamy mashed potato

>> No.8496616

Sorry for bringing cooking to your fast food containment board

>> No.8496677

>Perogies aren't refined enough for an intelligent gentleman such as myself.

>> No.8496680

How fucking fat are you that you can fit an entire one of those in your mouth comfortably? Or did all that cock you suck just adapt you or what?

>> No.8496689


>> No.8496697


>> No.8496700


>> No.8496727

There is sour cream on my plate, he didn't request a photo of the sour cream tho. It was Daisy brand because I'm not a plebeian

>> No.8496741
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Whem im thinking pirogies, its like these. Anything goes. Yours look mighty fine

>> No.8496842

I want to make this filling
>mince pork

But I think it'd be too much to fit a nice part of each to a satisfying degree, I'd have to make them bigger.

>> No.8496858

Yeah, to much. Drop carrots, they dont do anything
Corn, to sweet
Beans, just no
Tomato, add to much fluid and bitterness

>> No.8496862

Are perogies hard to make or anything? I've always wanted them, they seem like east european dumplings and they look super tasty

>> No.8496881

Alright, but what about
>cubed beef
>black olives
>pickled onions

I almost want to add a sort of sauce or broth to it all but the perogie would soak and break I think.

>> No.8496887

Nah, they're not too bad if you're willing to spend a lazy afternoon stuffing them before stuffing yourself.

>> No.8496900

Cubed buuf, rather minced
Olived, finely chopped, might work
Rice, meh
Pickled onions, sure, chopped
Just dont get it too moisty

>> No.8496972
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based slav

>> No.8496977
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Looking good. Here's some I made a little while ago. Pretty much the same, just a basic potato cheese filling. Gotta have fried onions though.

>> No.8496997


>> No.8496998

anon please
I want pierogi :(

>> No.8497004

meat pierogi are dogshit and absolutely no one likes them.

>> No.8497026

If I wanted meat perogies I'd probably just make gyoza instead.

>> No.8497053
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This is probably a question with an obvious answer, but how does a home made one compare to a frozen one from the store?

>> No.8497092

9/10 they're garbage, the 1/10 being good if you buy them frozen from a Polish/Ukrainian hall.

>> No.8497104

>Whem im thinking pirogies

makin' some of these momentarily.

>> No.8497132

nice OP. The wife are now gonna be making some this week. Thanks for the inspiration!

>> No.8497171

Finns seem to like them just fine.

>> No.8497357

thanks for proving my point.

>> No.8497383

no bully suomi

>> No.8497689

>off topic shitposting
every board has it and it's always done by retards

>> No.8497982

It can end up being insufferable at times.