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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8490360 No.8490360 [Reply] [Original]

Do you feed fruits to your pets, /ck/?

>> No.8490372

Cats, no. But because my dog is old as shit, has a difficult time gaining weight, and I want him to enjoy the little time he has left, I'll let him eat just about anything that won't bring him harm. He goes crazy for bananas, blueberries and pineapple.

>> No.8490373


I had a chocolate lab who would eat the apples that fell off the tree in the back yard. As soon as an apple dropped she would gobble it down. Then she started jumping up to grab the low hangers. Pissed me off because I hardly ever got a fucking apple...

>> No.8490463

Of course, I give my dog grapes all the time

>> No.8490470
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>> No.8490596

My pet is a parrot, so yes

>> No.8490601

I have actually
my guinea pigs love the tart berries and the rind off watermelon (but not the melon itself)
not a fan of any other fruit I've given them

>> No.8490609

>not coating them in chocolate first

>> No.8490612

my dog doesn't really like sweet things so not really

>> No.8490641

I try to feed my dog bananas from time to time but he usually isn't interested in eating them so I have to mix it in with his eggs

>> No.8490654

no my cat doesn't care for anything besides unseasoned chicken and fish. She was feral and I never offered her human food so I figure she's only into meat

>> No.8491350

Our smaller dogs always seem to love bananas

>> No.8491352

This thread again? Fuck off >>>/an/

>> No.8491369

Yes I do. A moderate amount of fruit is actually a natural part of dog's diet.
My dog loves everything, from apples through tomatoes to citrus fruit and mango. She also loves carrots and almost every other vegetable, save for a few exceptions like parsley or salad leaves, which she vigorously wants to eat, but her mouth just scans it out:-)

>> No.8491544

Nice. Are weening your dog off meat too? My dog is still a bit mad about his vegetarianism, but I'm sure he'll get used to it ^_^
Does your Dog prefer Tofu or Seitan?

>> No.8492032

my cat goes apeshit for certain types of grass found around here. I don't know what the hell species they are so I just call them stick plants

other cats don't give a shit, otherwise I'd monetize that discovery, but it's just him

not exactly fruit I know, in fact he wont eat any people food except very rarely beef jerky (and like just a treat sized morsel)

>> No.8492383

Fed my dog a nibble of any fruit I had that wasn't bad for him
Mangoes were his favorite, mine too
We had raspberry bushes, he'd do the same thing with those though my mom would try to save some for us

>> No.8492386

Nice b8

>> No.8492409

haha yeah my dog like lettuce and carrots.
Funny stuff, dropped a carrot once and she carted the whole thing away and ate it like a bone.

>> No.8492412

My dogs love sweet potatoes, baked, steamed, fried, etc., which I guess could qualify as fruit since they have alot of natural sweetness.

>> No.8492455

I have gave my cat french fries on multiple occasions. He also has had some soup I made once, and ate a pepperoni off my pizza. It was very cute

>> No.8492499

I have about 23 stag beetle larvae under my bed. I give them a piece of apple every month

>> No.8492531

knew someone through a friend that fed her dog tons of cholate coated raisins, they were all kinda trashy though so the only response I got was 'lul u always have to be right anon, don't you'. dog's probably dead now

>> No.8492554

My dog loves berries, apples, and banana. She also likes dark leafy greens which I think is funny. I should try giving her watermelon as a treat.

My pet rats will eat pretty much anything including fruits. They like applesauce and bananas a lot.

>> No.8492566

I used to take tennis lessons at my pro's house which had a few acres planted with avocados for tax reasons :P

The pro's golden retriever would race around the yard, even across the court, and devour an avocado the moment it fell, just place the fruit between its paws and lick at it like it was ice cream, until done. That dog had the shiniest most beautiful coat.

I've had dogs that liked a bite of my banana in the morning, or would eat sweet potatoes, but not that keenly, just kind of trusting that if I was eating it, it was probably good. My macaw eats absolutely anything I give her, from chicken to grapes, to spaghetti to herbs. Favorite is watermelon and oranges though, will tip back her head and let the juices run down her throat and make happy noises "mmm"

>> No.8492589

Cats' tastebuds can't taste sweet things.

Can't imagine how bland fruit must taste.

>> No.8492604

hay my man take it easy. 4chan isn't for serious discussion 90% of the time. And this thread is cozy.

>> No.8492697

I gave a Labrador retriever some melon once (with owner's permission) and it spat it out and didn't eat it.

>> No.8492753

Sometimes my dog eats the onions in my garden.

>> No.8494614

They say sugar is fucking unhealthy for pets.
But I do give my old beagle watermelon / pumpkin sometimes, she loves both.

>> No.8494629
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> pic related

>> No.8494645
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My cat only likes to lick yogurt containers after I finish them.

>> No.8494745

anon yogurt isn't a fruit

>> No.8494775

so does mine. its the only human food he eats, that, and jerkey

>> No.8494778


>> No.8494793

>cats liking dairy is weird
next you'll say dogs don't like to chew on bones

>> No.8495090
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I give my chowchow cocoa beans now and then. He really loves them mixed with his food.

>> No.8495929
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>> No.8496144

My dad likes raspberries

>> No.8496898


>> No.8496912
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not a lot, though

once a week maybe

>> No.8497232

My cat likes to eat mango

>> No.8497268

>tfw your russian blue doesn't like watermelon
>on the other hand she isn't chubby either

>> No.8497327

My guinea pigs seem to eat everything, but I notice that they tend to get picky after having the same thing several times -- leaving items unfinished in favor of other food.

Nothing I've given them has remained uneaten for more than a couple of hours, though.

>> No.8498599

You feed tomatoes to your cats?

>> No.8498735

Cats can't taste sweetness really

But I'll give my doggo bananas and carrots sometimes

>> No.8498851

Not exactly, but my cat will eat peas out of my hand. It's pretty neat.

>> No.8498866
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>> No.8498877
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my kot used to love olives then he died rip kot

>> No.8498906 [DELETED] 

how do you know are you kot?

>> No.8498946

I let my little dog eat anything that's safe for her to eat. She loves avocados, wild strawberries and cooked potatoes.

>> No.8498960

I think your dog has fleas

>> No.8498987


Man somethings's wrong with your cat

>> No.8498990

grapes are bad for dogs?

>> No.8500800

I just can't believe that, because we had a cat that loved sweeter items over just meats or any other human food in general (he oddly enjoyed a kidney bean now and then too and those farts were hilarious but not pleasant). If they don't taste even a little sweet, why would they choose that over what they should technically want all the time ... just meat. I may be wrong, but I just don't believe that they can't taste any sweet at all. Hell maybe its just mouth feel lol.

>> No.8500815
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;_; that looks like my ragdoll boy. Mine also loves walkin on a harness, he turned 14 yesterday and I constantly think about the fateful day I have to take him in.

>> No.8501223

I grew up with a ragdoll. Nice cat but it got beat up all the time by the other cats.

I was 19 when she died. She was 21.

>> No.8501230



>> No.8501318


I had a cat who loved melon. Any time I tried to eat honeydew, cantaloupe (his favorite), or watermelon, he'd jump up and start stealing pieces off my plate!

He also loved vegetables: asparagus, peas, carrots, potatoes, those canned mixed veggies with lima beans etc., corn. If you fed him Shepherd's Pie he'd go crazy with joy.

>> No.8501332


I feel I should add that he wasn't fed a vegetarian diet, he just stole a lot off our plates because he was 1. a giant cat that could jump really high and 2. spoilt as fuck. As people foods go, he was also a fan of tuna, turkey, salmon, bacon, buttercream frosting, my family's recipe for butter cookies...one time when I was in 3rd grade I left a bowl of Fruity Pebbles and milk unattended and came back to find him eating it.

>> No.8501404

basically poison

>> No.8501435

Mine likes to eat butter

>> No.8501438

What kind of dogs are those? Ugly af

>> No.8501451

I now your trolling but for those that don't grapes are bad for dogs same with onions ans mushrooms, sugar free candy dairy Raisins, seeds/nuts avocados broccoli in large amounts, yeast and dough garlic chives nut meg and chocolate anything spicy

>> No.8501574

My pug loves bananas. He has no teeth because he's old af and came from a puppy mill so we were trying to find something he could eat as a treat that was soft and found that it worked best.

>> No.8501634

got any pics? he sounds cute, also how old is he

>> No.8501637

why does your dog have feathers