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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8484842 No.8484842[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you know you're skinny enough, /CK/? I'm f, 5'10", about 125... And I feel like I can't lose enough weight. General eating disorder thread.

>> No.8484850


If a girl is over 99 pounds, she's fat.

>> No.8484852

Fair enough.

>> No.8484857

Post pics you dumb whore.

>> No.8484864

>Isn't a dumb whore
>Doesn't post pictures of self on the internet

>> No.8484865

If you can see your ribcage, you've gone too far.

>> No.8484874

Speak for yourself, a girl with a visible ribcage is perfection.

>> No.8484876

Measuring tape and body fat calculator.

>> No.8484878

bony girls are fucking gross

>> No.8484885

Many of the ones I've met are great personality-wise though.

>> No.8484887

I got called 'bony' twice on Tuesday; I haven't felt that secure in my looks for a WHILE.

>> No.8484890


>> No.8484893

I can definitely see my rib cage and a good part of my pelvis, but my stomach still sticks out further than my pelvis if I'm not standing super straight.

>> No.8484895
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>have a thing for really skinny girls
>all these replies

you are g-girls right..?

>> No.8484940

>he doesn't appreciate the S T I C C body
Concentration camps for people who enable obesity when?
Post tummy
You have a BMI of 17.9, which is really good for your height (the taller you are the larger your frame is, so the skinnier you are visually at a higher BMI). Even skinny women will usually have a bit of fat on their stomachs, if it looks flat straight on it's fine.
tfw the girl I'm talking to has a BMI of 17 at 5'8" but thinks she's too thin and is into feederism

>> No.8484949

Yeah, but I don't /feel/ really skinny.

>> No.8484950

I'm here to to reassure you and make you feel validated.

>> No.8484965

Oh you're so kind.

But really, tho...

>> No.8484971

God I wish I thought that. Are you going to feed her?

>> No.8484974

After I dropped 30 lbs on a diet from 35->22 bmi I could see my ribs, started doing pushups each day, combined with core exercises and squats, now my definitions a lot better and my ribs show less. Its harder if you're a girl but still possible, planks are fucking simple and you'll have girlabs which are 10/10.

inb4 >>>/fit/

>> No.8484976

No way am I going to ruin her body, it's perfect. It's a pretty minor kink, so I'm going to try overlook it.
She thinks her body shape is too boyish and that weight gain will solve that even though all the women in her family are the same shape (and it's not actually boyish, she's 32-24-34) so I'll just point that out.

>> No.8484977

I do 40 push-ups as well as some ballet exercises every day in combination with walk-in 2-4 miles. On Mondays and Thursdays I dance for at least an hour and Tuesday/Thursday I do one hour of karate followed by an hour of judo.

>> No.8484983

Ahhh... That's one thing I sometimes wish I had from my chubbier days: hips. I'm 32-26-32. If she thinks she's boy-shaped, tell her about me. Haha

>> No.8484992

Your weight is fine atm (muscle mass > fat mass). You're already exercising a lot each week, I really wouldn't worry about it. You're already tall as fuck for a girl, so naturally you're going to weigh more and be able to have more muscle which weighs more, can't directly compare yourself to Stacey whos 5'3 and eats kale everyday to keep her 90 lb figure.

>> No.8484999

Don't do this! Ribs are beautiful and cute.

>> No.8485011
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being skinny tastes better than any food.

>> No.8485014


>> No.8485023

I disagree. I just need to fit into women's clothing to be happy.

>> No.8485031

>tfw 5'4" 97lbs
Maybe I should just become homo

Nonsense, being able to count your ribs in the mirror is fun.

>> No.8485039

No fuccbois allowed on this board. You're looking for: >>/fa/

If you're a girl: >>/cgl/

>> No.8485065


Being a dog tastes better than any BARK! BARK! BARK! BARK! BARK! BARK! BARK!

>> No.8485181

>f, 5'10", about 125

You are fine.

>> No.8485301

You still there anon..?

>> No.8485312
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>General eating disorder thread.
eating disorders are something else anon
honestly what the fuck

>> No.8485313

I miss you, anon. I hope you read this later.

>> No.8485377

>tfw put weighing myself off after christmas until today

gained 3 kilos ;_;

>> No.8485395

I'm down 1 kilo since my last weigh in! Just eat less, anon. Hunger is something you gotta learn to enjoy.

I associate hunger with losing weight and I feel good when I'm hungry. The only time I hate it is when I get nauseous and start heaving. I would never eat if that never happened.

>> No.8485728

how do you want to look?

>> No.8485731

I had to sleep

>> No.8485737

Curvier but not fat. I love hip and collar bones but want a smaller waist. I'm boy-shaped and I don't know if I can actually do anything about it.

>> No.8485763

Is general unhappiness with one's body something that must be accepted?

>> No.8485776

go to thinspo general on /fa/

>> No.8485784

No, don't do that
literal pro ana teens trying to get you to fall into their aesthetic

>> No.8485798

>low-key ask guys to rate us thread

Pathetic. Also not food-related.

>> No.8485800


Are You, by chance, a homosex?

>> No.8485819

>being into little boys but not sure how to deal with it

>> No.8485830

You're on the wrong board then, anon. Doing core exercises will tone your stomach and doing leg workouts will make your lower body thicc. Also, I find when I have more muscle mass I can keep weight off easier.

>> No.8486422

then maybe you just have that sort of figure.
eat what makes you happy, but exercise and be active. you'll probably grow some thickness from not caring about what you eat so much, but you'll probably have tone and gaps where you want em from being active.