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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8480494 No.8480494 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people enjoy eating raw meat? I don't think I understand

>> No.8480496


it tastes good

>> No.8480499

Texture and flavor, nothing else like it.

>> No.8480500

Because humans are carnivores.


>> No.8480501

Also there's something satisfyingly primal about it, it's a unique feel.

>> No.8480504

Because it tastes good.

>> No.8480505

Probably because they like the taste of it. I'm not the biggest fan of steak tartare either OP, I usually prefer my beef more along the lines of the picture you posted.

>> No.8480510

OP's pic is raw, though. You see the pink?

>> No.8480513

It was clearly cooked, I'd say it's medium rare.

>> No.8480516

What are you, some new breed of faggot?

>> No.8480555

If you think that's "raw," you need to educate yourself in the varying degrees of meat doneness.

>> No.8480586

The edges are cooked, the edges are therefore medium, but the inside is raw

>> No.8480591

Raw? No.

>> No.8480597

Do you not see the red and the pink? What color is raw meat?

What's that you say, raw meat is also red and pink? Hmmm, interesting

>> No.8480599

Some dipshit doesn't know the difference between myoglobin and hemoglobin.

>> No.8480603

4chan is always kindergarten.

>> No.8480608

If I ordered food and it came back like that, I would leave without payment and report the restaurant to the USDA hotline.

Like seriously, someone is going to get danergously sick because of a neglectful cook

>> No.8480624


That's because you're general human garbage that likely lives in a trailer and hasn't had a highschool chemistry class. It's not funny if you aren't and it's not funny if you are.

>> No.8480632

You don't need chemistry, just common sense. It's not like I think that the steak still has blood in it. It's just red and raw

>> No.8480633

How are you this retarded?

>> No.8480637

Don't take the bait, you're just giving them what they want

>> No.8480639


Go by colours and large shouts throughout your life. You will blend in well with the visigoths. Talking to goddamn tribalists.

>> No.8480645


I honestly don't give one shit about the people around here. I hope they all get cancer. I'm watching Super Troopers and taunting human filth. Or Colin FIrth, I can't tell.

>> No.8480647

The proteins are loose and tender. Cooking makes them bind up.

>> No.8480648
File: 449 KB, 1024x814, depositphotos_12802439-stock-photo-raw-beef-steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The meat is cooked. Cooked. By the very definition, you cannot have raw cooked meat.
That roast is cooked to rare/mid rare.
You need to learn your meat doneness levels, as well.
Pic related is raw meat, 'tard.

>> No.8480649


what does sodium citrate do?

>> No.8480659


it unwraps long chained proteins so that you get smooth cheese or smooth whatever.

>> No.8480700

No shit something can't be raw and cooked at the same time. I'm saying it's not cooked, it is raw judging by how it looks, idiot. Since it is raw in the middle is hasn't been cooked and therefore unfit for eating in my opinion. However some people do choose to eat raw foods

>> No.8480719
File: 1.03 MB, 1500x1125, 2017-01-17 20.07.27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the outer edges of that roast! It is cooked! Are you fucking blind?!
Wait... you're not an native English speaker, are you?

>> No.8480753

So if i take a whole raw dead cow and i take a lighter and cook one spot on its foot, suddenly the whole cow is now cooked?

Of course not, that makes no sense

The edges on that steak may be cooked but the rest is raw, just like the cow with the burnt foot
Jesus you're fucking dense

>> No.8480764
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>> No.8480769

>The edges on that steak may be cooked
>but the rest is raw
>but raw
>No shit something can't be raw and cooked at the same time.

You're contradicting yourself, and I'm dense?

One more time... OP's pic is cooked, not raw.
Again, pic related is a raw roast.
Again, you are a 'tard.

>> No.8480774
File: 247 KB, 1056x1300, raw-steak-roast-11756425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then I forgot pic related

>> No.8480780

>No shit something can't be raw and cooked at the same time.

The edge and the middle of the steak are two different parts, two different things
One is cooked, the other is raw

>> No.8480786
File: 34 KB, 499x333, IMG_3122[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have any of us ever even had good steak tartare? I mean, I know for sure that I love essentially raw steak but I don't want to attempt to make it before I've had it done properly. It wasn't even on the menu at Hyde Park.

>> No.8480794

No, the inside is rare to a low medium rare, you fucking twit.
Rare. Not raw.

(of food) uncooked.
"raw eggs"
synonyms: uncooked, fresh
"raw carrot"

past tense: cooked; past participle: cooked
prepare (food, a dish, or a meal) by combining and heating the ingredients in various ways.

>> No.8480796

Even the very center of the tenderloin in OP's pic has undergone a physical change due to heat. It may not be cooked to your personal preference but it isn't raw. It may be undercooked which is subjective but by definition it is not raw.

>> No.8480804
File: 214 KB, 500x728, teleports-behind-you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it is raw judging by how it looks

then you obviously suck at judging doneness based on looks. The facts are:

1) color alone cannot tell you if a piece of meat is cooked. that color is a function of myoglobin, the age of the meat, gases present during cooking, and many other factors. you should do some research instead of assuming things.

2) the color you see in that image is affected by the camera settings used, the processing done to the image before it was posted, data transcription errors during uploading & downloading, the age & design of your monitor, and your shitty eyes. None of that has anything to do with how the meat was cooked. So what looks "raw" to you might look pretty pale and cooked to someone else. You should consider this when someone disagrees with you about the doneness of a picture of meat.

here, have some free knowledge: http://amazingribs.com/tips_and_technique/meat_temperature_guide.html

dumbass little bitch.

>> No.8480816

Lol so if we could all be deceived by the camera used, then I guess everyone who said it is medium rare is wrong too. It's all subjective and you can't really know anything.
But if the picture is 100% photorelistic then i still say it is raw because it's raw red as hell

>> No.8480820

Yeah, I've had great steak tartare, at several places.
If you want to make it at home, you need to go to a real butcher market, and tell them that you want to make steak tartare. They'll order (or cut) a special piece of beef for you and grind it on fresh, clean equipment to ensure there's no cross contamination. Don't ever try to make beef tartare with regular store bought beef.

>> No.8480827


>threading your own post

Also, humans are omnivores.

>> No.8480829

Raw beef and raw egg in one dish...

You guys will eat anything, really

>> No.8480831

Man, you are dumb.

>> No.8480833

That roast is perfect.
Probably was in a 220 degree oven for 5 to 7 hours, being tenderly watched, turned and basted every 45 minutes, or so.

>> No.8480840

Can you guys fuck off with the name calling and insults? I'm not hating on anyone that eats raw foods, I'm just saying you won't find me ever doing it

>> No.8480849

yeah, we get it. you won't do it because you're dumb. faggot. kys.

>> No.8480852

I believe you started calling people 'idiot' and 'dense' long before being insulted yourself.

>> No.8480860

my mother told me a story as a child
once upon a time there was a very poor family living in a cottage in the woods, they had left an empty jar out on the table one night when they went to be and when they awoke the next day they found the jar was full of mayonnaise, so they ate all the mayo that day since they were very hungry
the next day when they awoke they found the jar had been filled with mayo again, and so they ate again for a second day. That night they decided instead of going to sleep they would hide and see how this jar kept getting refilled, and late that night they saw little goblins climb up on to the table and squeeze goop from their warts into the jar.
the end

is that what mayogoblins is?

>> No.8480862

I did not, other people starting spewing the insults calling me retarded and shit just because someone challenged their notion of what they consider to be edible meat

>> No.8480890

We're not disputing what's edible and what's not, what we're disputing is your use of the word raw.
I hate to tell you, broham, but OP's pic isn't raw. It's cooked. It's cooked rare.
Rare is not raw.

>> No.8480895

Same thing since raw basically means inedible

>> No.8480919
File: 95 KB, 350x946, 5838005306c56ad6304b4ed5e8c7463a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Raw doesn't mean rare which doesn't mean inedible. That fact that you see it as inedible is your own personal preference and opinion.

(of food) uncooked.
"raw eggs"
synonyms: uncooked, fresh
"raw carrot"

>> No.8480960

Does /ck/ indulge trolls because it's actually made up of naive housewives, or is it just stupid?

>> No.8480981

Seriously. This thread is like trying to explain logic to a creationist.

>> No.8480984

What cut?

>> No.8480989


pretty sure most of /ck/ is just dumb enough to take this shitty bait and are just as cancerous as the bait itself

>> No.8482299
File: 60 KB, 604x403, Строганина_из_жеребятины.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it is delicious as fuck

>> No.8482302
File: 20 KB, 300x225, 894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But frozen fish is better

>> No.8482353

0/10, get your own material.

>> No.8482362

Fuck if I know. I prefer to just call them on it rather than indulge them with an argument they're going to pretend they won anyway.

>> No.8482393
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Feel the true taste of the fish

>> No.8482397
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>> No.8482421
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>> No.8482429

>5 to 7 hours

highly doubt. I've cooked roasts at that temp for like 4 hours and they were already more done than that.

>> No.8482464

The meat on OP's picture is perfectly COOKED.
What's the big deal? I don't see raw meat....

>> No.8482742

>Tartar is German
>raw eggs are eaten by culture all over the world

>> No.8482905

But creationists have logic on lock. Add up all the ages of the generations in Genesis and you have the age of the Earth; 6,000 years. It's documented, there is no proof otherwise. Do you see carbon dating written in a book? No? Well then who has the logic?


>> No.8482927

Not this shit again.

>> No.8482952

Because people are lemmings. If a "famous" chef says you should eat a bloody steak they just fall for the meme. If Anthony Bourdain or someone like that came out tomorrow and said well done is the "right" way, all these fags would fall in line.

Bloody meat is gross.

>> No.8483258

>carbon dating written in a book?

Only a mere science book. But only schlups think science works. Everyone knows for a fact humans and dinosaurs roamed the earth at the same time or Satan planted the fossils to fool us and dinosaurs never existed.

>> No.8484328

I'm actually allergic to one/some of the proteins in raw meat. Touching it gives me hives, eating it while it's not cooked through causes me to vomit.

>> No.8484338

No, you're just an enormous vagine

>> No.8484342

Me neither. Love a good rare, though.

>> No.8484349

>just walk that broken leg off, candy-ass

>> No.8484361
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>> No.8484372

You just be very bored.

>> No.8484412

People have different tastes.