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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8474659 No.8474659 [Reply] [Original]

>"And what would you like to drink?"
>"I'll have a water."

>> No.8474664

What if i can't drink due to medications?

>> No.8474666

Wow you sure showed us with that cowboy hat tipping image. I sure am afraid of being called a hat tipper.

>> No.8474667 [DELETED] 

I'll have a Red Bull and Jager, double bull and Jager brah; hope you fellows can top my radness.

Catch ya on the FLIPSIDE!

-Chef Lightning

>> No.8474705

At least I won't kill a family with my drunk driving.

>> No.8474713
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> One of your sodas, if you please. Bubbly sugar water is the only beverage for a gentlesir with a palate as refined as himself!

>> No.8474737

So 'fedoras' drink water now?
It's a lot healthier than Mountain Dew isn't it?
I don't see the problem.

>> No.8474740

All of your problems can be traced back to poor hydration .

>> No.8474744

Daily reminder that water poisoning is a real thing.
Don't drink too much.

>> No.8474749

> being addicted to sugary carbonated shit drinks


>> No.8474757

And a poor diet.
People eat too many animal products.
Also, stay away from oils and salts.
Veganism (done right) will prevent most diseases.
Nutritarian Master Race.

>> No.8474759


I'm proud to save 5 bucks per drink everytime i go out. I have trained my wife and kids to drink water when we go out too. So thats another 7 bucks saved on all the girly cosmos and another 2 bucks saved on soda. So thats $14 per meal.

We eat out for dinner almost every day... the days we don't eat out on the weekdays, we generally make up for on the weekends. And my wife and I generally eat lunch out every day with co-workers.

So thats another 4 bucks in soda during our work lunches per day.

When I do the math - that adds up to about 6 grand a year.

Not to mind legal defense money for drunk driving and the stigma that society will attach to you for being a retarded alky piece of shit.

When I did this math in my 20s I stopped wondering why all the "cool" alcoholic sluts I was dating were poor as shit... They are fun - but its best to just sport fuck them.

anyway.. yeah.. i'll have water please.

that money saved will buy me about 24,000 cans of coke per year, or a liter of tito's per day...

the mark up on drinks at restaurants are outrageous. the only reason the restaurants continue to do it is because they can and because there are stupid people out there that will waste their money.

>> No.8474765


Why is everything about this post so funny to me?

>> No.8474767

Why are you here?

>> No.8474768
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>> No.8474787

>the only reason the restaurants continue to do it is because they can and because there are stupid people out there that will waste their money.

>thankfully I am not one of those stupid people, because I am enlightened.
>My enlightenment makes me

>> No.8474790

What's wrong with getting a water?
If I'm not ordering a beer, wine or whiskey I'll get water. Soda is pure sugar with none of the eels of alcohol so it's complete trash.

>> No.8474791 [DELETED] 

This entire thread is just one rad chill gettogether and having fun friendo

What's your favorite tunes buddy?

-Chef Lightning

>> No.8474797
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>none of the eels

Confusing being poisoned with a feeling...

I feel bad for you. You are obviously a broken person.

>> No.8474819

Then why do you go to the bar?

>looking for an argument

>> No.8474827
File: 35 KB, 750x713, 1483802717470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dissing olive oil
You've just been declared war by the entire Roman empire.

>> No.8474831

kek I can't type

>> No.8474837

Nothing wrong with ordering the best drink on God's green Earth.

>> No.8474839

I go through about 10oz of olive oil a week, can I be an honorary Roman p-please

>> No.8474846

How's your consumption of wine ?

>> No.8474853

3-4 bottles a week on average

>> No.8474854

If the war doesn't kill you, the olive oil will.

>> No.8474860

When you end up slamming into a minivan and the officer wants to test your blood alcohol level, I'd refrain from making fedora jokes in the midst of all the carnage, you booze hound.

>> No.8474869
File: 76 KB, 736x585, Roman bath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome. We'll be expecting you then.
Don't take such a big towel.
It isn't death, it's a reunion with the Gods. Olive oil is a divine beverage.

>> No.8474883

>implying i care about respect from wops

>> No.8474886
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>Doesn't ask what you'd like to drink
>Just gives you water
>Only drinks on menu are wine, moonshine, and cocktails
>I just want a fuckin beer

>> No.8474893
File: 297 KB, 448x506, 1483771299865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Awesome. We'll be expecting you then.
>Don't take such a big towel.


>> No.8474951

>Wine & Cocktails
>Also moonshine
strange combo to say the least
the people who drink moonshine probably couldn't afford to be eating out at resturaunts

Whatever, it's all degenerate anyway. I don't care if you're paying 10,000 a bottle for aged Italian wine, you're just as degenerate because you're still just getting drunk. I'd actually say you're worse because you think getting drunk is worth paying so much for.

>> No.8475281

That's hella gay brah

>> No.8475297
File: 500 KB, 500x375, 1481433361392.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's hella gay brah
>That's hella gay
>hella gay

Anon I have some fabulous news.

>> No.8475300

>start with a water while figuring out what I want to eat
>order a drink when I order my food

Usually one of their wines or an import beer. Sometimes a margarita if I'm feeling faggy at a tex-mex joint.

>> No.8475928

Being poisoned makes you feel things, ya dingus

>> No.8475948

Because your friends went to the bar.

>> No.8476274

>Concerned about saving money
>Goes out almost every day


>> No.8476419

Your body needs (good) oils and salt in moderation, don't be ridiculous

>> No.8476845

Yes, but many people's idea of what moderation is is actually far past it.

>> No.8476891

Sure, but going entirely in the other direction is not any better. Fuck you, I'm going to keep cooking with olive oil and maybe (gasp) some butter

>> No.8476936

im getting a root canal in two days. water, unsweetened tea, or beer are the only good options. don't be like me and get coke just because it tastes good.

>> No.8476973


What if you're the designated driver?

>> No.8476993

my thoughts exactly

>> No.8477004

Enjoy your cancer.

>> No.8477008

>unsweetened tea and beer
Not good for your teeth.

>> No.8477456
