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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8472259 No.8472259 [Reply] [Original]

Traditional Sunday roast beef dinner with all the trimmings.

How can other nations even compete?

>> No.8472261

Looks like a microwaved hungry man meal

>> No.8472393
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Lovely stuff

>> No.8472402

Beef is overcooked

>> No.8473550

this desu

>> No.8473558


>> No.8473922

It's a roast, not a steak.

>> No.8473929
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>three (3) Yorkshire puddings


>> No.8473934

What's the bowl looking thing ?

>> No.8473937

that's a yorkshire pudding

highly overrated

dinner roll is goat.

>> No.8474753


>> No.8474795


Quite possibly the most overrated meal on the planet.

>> No.8474810


When it's prepared as poorly as OP I agree.

>> No.8474826


Even when done really well it's barely more than palatable.

Most britbongs who get excited about it do so because it's "comforting" it reminds them of childhood/home/mum/some other shit. Objectively you could be doing a lot more with that meat than baking it in an oven

>> No.8474830

yorkshire pudding isn't bad, and it's only really over rated by the english who have a weird degree of pride over their food which is mid-tier at best.

>> No.8474836

>barely more than palatable.

Sorry it's not all Beluga caviar and bluefin tuna washed down with a 75-year old Single Malt, anon.

>>Objectively you could be doing a lot more with that meat than baking it in an oven

sure you could. But would those other things be better?

>> No.8474845
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kek you are so utterly wrongt

>> No.8474852

>Sorry it's not all Beluga caviar and bluefin tuna washed down with a 75-year old Single Malt, anon.

No reason why not anon.

> sure you could. But would those other things be better?

They could scarcely be worse. a raost dinner is a meal that is thrown at cooker and left there. It's really not that interesting, or tasty. But people get emotional over it.

>> No.8474859


American here. Yorkshire puddings are god-tier, especially when they soak up the juices from the roast & some of the gravy.

Sadly, the traditional British Roast seems to be suffering from the same kind of crap that plagues our "Thanksgiving" meal. Inept cooks cook the meat improperly. Laziness results in shitty canned vegetables being served. Gravy from a packet mix instead of being made from scratch, and so on.

>> No.8474863


I'm absolutely correct. It's practically destroying food. There's just a ridiculous nationalistic importance attached to it.

Basically it's food for the culinary retarded, but despite tasting poor it makes people happy. Like McDonalds or some other crap.

>> No.8474866
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>not that interesting, or tasty

it's just simple. simplicity is interesting in itself because it draws attention to the quality of the limited set of ingredients. and to say a slice of well seasoned, well browned, tender beef with mustard and horseradish, good gravy, crisp potato and buttery vegetables is not tasty you have to have eaten a bad pine nut or have the flu or some shit.

>> No.8474872


Sunday roast is the ultimate lazy meal. That's how it came about. So people could put food on and go to church without attending to it.

>> No.8474879
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>It's practically destroying food.

what on earth are you talking about? it's cooking with a very light touch compared to many other types of food.

>Basically it's food for the culinary retarded, but despite tasting poor it makes people happy. Like McDonalds or some other crap.

i get that you're just trying to play devil's advocate but this is such a poorly argued proposition it's just boring.

>> No.8474880

>when people pretend they know what they're talking about

>> No.8474882


It's just very, very bland poor quality food.
Hence requiring the strong tasting condiments in order to make it in the least flavoursome.

>> No.8474889


throw in the term 'poor quality' where it doesn't belong some more.

a good cut of beef is already, in itself, not bland. same with everything else that goes into the meal, apart from the yorkies really.

>> No.8474891
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You are wrong in every possible way

>> No.8474894

>i get that you're just trying to play devil's advocate but this is such a poorly argued proposition it's just boring.

It is genuinely shit food. I get the whole British beef fucktardery but baked beef is not in any way something to be proud of.

>> No.8474903

i only ever braise beef

what's the best cut for proper oven roasting?

>> No.8474904


>baked beef is not in any way something to be proud of.

not for people with reasonable culinary experience, no. but it *is* something to *enjoy*.

>> No.8474912

Hence slatering your oven baked meat in mustard, horseradish and heavily seasoned gravy in order that it taste like something other than the sole of the farmer's shoe I suppose?

Genuinely shit tier.

>> No.8474917


>but it *is* something to *enjoy*.

Quite. Due to reasons other than it's actual taste or culinary desirability. That I don't argue with.

>> No.8474918

>Not just eating an entire thing of yorkie puds

>> No.8474919

>Sunday roast is the ultimate lazy meal.

How so? If it's going to be any good then you're putting quite a lot of work into it. For me it's the very opposite of a lazy meal.

-meat is to be trimmed, tied, and browned in a skillet before it even goes into the oven.
-stock (for the gravy) and fat (for roasting the vegetables) must be prepared in advance.
-the timing of cooking the meat and the vegetables is critical, and complicated because they have different cooking times and temperatures.
-plenty of veggies that require peeling before they can be roasted
-making the batter for the yorkshires in advance, it needs to settle before being used. And then you have to get out some of the fat from the beef to put into the tray the yorkshires are roasted in. (and again, they have a different optimal cooking temp than the roast or the veggies so there's more oven-juggling going on)
-removing the excess fat from the roasting tray and actually preparing the gravy (deglazing, thickening, reducing)

That's a fuck of a lot more work than I'd want to do on a "lazy" day.

>> No.8474923

It's every chef's favourite meal you fat cunt

Kill yourself

>> No.8474927

> americunts unironically chatting shit about a sunday roast beef dinner
You fat pathetic fucks have gone too far

>> No.8474930


When properly done there's no need for mustard or horseradish.

It's just like a steak: get a good cut of meat and prepare it well and all you need is the meat itself. or perhaps a simple sauce made from the meat's cooking juices. Get a shitty steak and you need to break out the A1.

Just as how not all steaks are dry shoeleather that require steak sauce, not all roasts require horseradish.

>> No.8474935


traditional roast beef joint for most working/lower class homes in the UK is topside or silverside, which murrcans may know as the top and bottom 'round'. it gives those lean, solid slices you see in the pics and is usually cooked til brown and sliced thinly.

generally nicer options are rib cuts or a large sirloin. but it's not the same experience as a traditional sunday roast.


no. there are other reasons, but the taste and desirability is there in the first place to support them. i think you need to have one of mine m8.


>roast beef is bland
>because the way you eat it tastes too strong

no one but the inexperienced drowns out the flavour of their beef.

>> No.8474939


>When properly done there's no need for mustard or horseradish.

it's not about 'need'. it's a complimentary flavour.

>> No.8474940

> no roast potatoes
Not even a real roast

>> No.8474948

I don't know what you're meming about. I'm from the Southern US and have eaten many identical meals to the ones ITT

>> No.8474952

>generally nicer options are rib cuts or a large sirloin. but it's not the same experience as a traditional sunday roast.

Here. I'm living in the US but my family is half British. I've had "Sunday roasts" in England countless times and they always used a rib cut. The beef was basically the same thing we'd call Prime Rib here in the states.

I assumed that was normal since that was what my family & family friends always used. Are you implying that's an unusually fancy cut?

>> No.8474954


Looks like a stock image tbf

>> No.8474955


I don't find mustard or horseradish to be "complementary". I find them to be overpowering and totally dominating the taste of the meat.

>> No.8474960

That's because you're a fat greedy cunt that doesn't know when to stop adding things to a meal.

>> No.8474961

God, I used to eat this shit once a week. I mean, it's not bad. But my idiot English parents made a big fucking to-do about it, inviting people over to experience English "culture". I was mercilessly bullied because of this fucking meal.

>> No.8474962


of course we have a long historic tradition of using all parts of the animal, but for post war working class families i think a cut from the hind of the animal is generally more common. that's usually what you get at shitty carveries and school dinners and shit as well.

>> No.8474964
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>> No.8474967


that's if they're overused, obviously you need a light touch. and also they can both vary massively in potency depending on how they're made.

>> No.8474968

Is that supposed to be beef wellington? God, she's so adorable.

>> No.8474972
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ITT: Bong circle jerk over not having to eat canned meat & veg anymore. Plot twist: pic related

>> No.8474975


actually it's bongs rationally fending off potshots from culturally insecure americans mostly.

>> No.8474977
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Just to get it out of the way

>> No.8474978

No, it's "Mexican food without chili", because chili apparently makes her ill. It's plain minced beef (boiled) in a tortilla, with no cheese because her son can't have cheese.

>> No.8474981


you better calm down buddy, before you hurt yourself

>> No.8474988

It's OK. They'll do something culturally/geopolitically relevant again soon. You can only ride on the coat tails of Shakespeare and the Navy for so long. They are and have been U.S. lapdogs since 1945. And now they serve the Kremlin by way of Washington. That's quite the achievement.

>> No.8474992
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>in a 12 year old

>> No.8474994

>t. Americommie

>> No.8474995
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I´m a brit living in Brazil and this is the best Sunday roast i can make here.

I can only get the stuffing and the Yorkshire puds packets when I go over to the UK, so it´s kind of a big deal when i make it.

>chicken is better than roast beef for Sunday lunch

>> No.8475005

What is with Britfags calling stuff pudding that isn't pudding?

>> No.8475008

>Yorkshire puds packets
Huh? Just make it, it's easy.

>> No.8475013

Enjoy getting buttfucked by the same Slav niggers that murdered your Queens family. We can shuck the Trump in 4 years. Your stuck. Win stupid games, win stupid prizes. The U.K. is dead.

>> No.8475014


the flour here in Brazil is crap, so the puds dont grow enough and ends up horrible

>> No.8475015


>premade stuffing and puds

look i get using paxo, but premade puds are just so not worth the disappointment. i can't think of anything in a roast that would be hard to find in hueland

>> No.8475016

>t. Amerikike

>> No.8475019


>> No.8475023


we invented the word you bellend, you just stopped using it for anything other than some supermarket product in a tub because that's what your whole fucking culinary culture is based around

>> No.8475027


so get imported flour.

>> No.8475029


take it easy, mr. high sugar content

>> No.8475032

Well, where are you getting packets? Could you get flour instead?

>> No.8475036
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Пoлyчитe yдoвoльcтвиe кoнcepвы из мяca тoвapищa

>> No.8475037


not that easy to find

>> No.8475048


Like I said, when i´m back in the UK I buy a shit ton of stuff like food in packets. You guys dont get that the food here is not the same as in Europe or north america

>> No.8475052
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>the British teeth meme again

Have you seen the absolute STATE of our own nation? I'm embarrassed to call myself American.

>> No.8475054

During WW2, as Germany was pushing their shit in daily, they couldn't make sweets. So parents began calling everything pudding so their children would think they were winning the war. Then America came and beat Germany and saved Europe and the Brits have been eating candy daily ever since. It's why their teeth are so messed up.

>> No.8475056

>t. American history teacher.

>> No.8475061

Then move to Europe where Achmed crashes trucks into crowds or beheads clergymen weekly.

>> No.8475067

would trade for a beef stew

>> No.8475070


>> No.8475076
File: 116 KB, 736x985, roast beef yum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Heston showing why this meal is god tier if done properly. Roasted beef served with seasonal veg,dripping roasted potatoes, traditional yorkshire pud and a rich gravy is the ultimate comfort and social food on a cold day.

Putting spices and anything other than a little salt and pepper or a mustard crust on a nice piece of beef is retarded

>> No.8475079
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>> No.8475088

The Irish have better teeth than martsharts?

>> No.8475140

Kind of. The Irish, being more closely related to turf than other human beings, actually have mouths of limestone, which begin ok, but over the years are worn down by insects, seasoned peat, potatoes and potato based products, leading to the skewing of statistics.

>> No.8475153
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10/10 anon.

>> No.8475159

Easily. I mean, that's a fine meal, don't get me wrong, but it's not even in the top hundred meals.

>> No.8475179

Any UK anon that have tried this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dripping_cake
It sounds appealing somehow.

>> No.8475207

No but I bet it's one of those things that's actually surprisingly good.

>> No.8475226

Looks like baby poop
I'm glad I'm American

>> No.8475276

Soggy bead is not pudding fuck you

>> No.8476126
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>British "food"

>> No.8476254

>overcooked veg
>pre-made yorkshire puddings
>probably bisto gravy
>Mash instead of roasties
>no horseradish

try harder.

overcooked af


>> No.8476338


Looks great! Saag daal?

>> No.8476382

looks pretty good honestly
unless thats some kind of imperialism joke

>> No.8476392


Looks like soup...maybe a little less gravy?

>> No.8476781


Baby shit and chips.

>> No.8477634

so...its like a shittier version of having prime rib with popovers? I mean I guess it is a step above most other British cuisine like bangers and mash (FFS Germany can surely help you out with making a sausage that isn't just a grease tube) and baby food peas. Or those bland fish and fires you all seem obsessed with. I mean lets not forget the Brits imported food from India for good reason, it is why the indian dish modified to milder british tastes (chicken tika masalla) is probably the most popular dish over there.

>> No.8477641
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"mushy peas"

>> No.8477715

Other nations? Is there a roastbeefistan now? Last time I checked every every ethnicity west of India has some kinda roast beef in their repotoire.

>> No.8477753

>every nation has potatoes therefore every dish that incorporates potatoes is the same

>> No.8477759

>non-brit using half-baked information he gleaned from a sudanese peach-canning forum to speak like an authority on british food

>> No.8477802

I'm just sayin it ain't that special of a dish. Just a big chunk of meat roasted and smothered in a sauce of its own fats and juices. Really. I guess cheese covered noodles are the same story but I don't identify them as geographic champions either.

>> No.8478018

do Brits really serve donuts as a side every time they make roast beef?

>> No.8478027


No but they do worship Big Ben and count many bongs.

>> No.8478039

I like your style

>> No.8478046 [DELETED] 
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when I was in England (York), they always served some frozen microwave pizza slices with chips as a side.

>> No.8478061

Even Americans know the only good side item for a slice of pizza is more bread in the form of bread sticks with cheese

>> No.8478062

this so hard

>> No.8478214

There is no nationality like the Americans for speaking with great authority and conviction on things they know absolutely nothing about.

>> No.8478289

And there's nowhere on the internet like 4chan for denying universal truths just to be obstinate.

>> No.8478290

>universal truths

>Things I've seen in films or television.

>> No.8478293
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>rule brittania

>> No.8478298 [DELETED] 
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I will never understand this. Do Americans really do this?

>> No.8478380

looks really good, OP.
i've always wanted to try a traditional sunday roast and yorkshire pudding. i bet it tastes awesome.
im putting a beef roast in a slow cooker in the morning, adding veggies about half way through on top to roast off and finish. wont be having yorkshire pudding though.

>> No.8478701

>won't be having yorkshire pudding though
Why not? Make some pancake mix and put it in a muffin tray.

>> No.8478755


>> No.8478815

>so...its like a shittier version of having prime rib with popovers?


>> No.8478833

>looks really good, OP.

you kidding? It looks like an awful sunday roast.

The veggies look boiled or steamed, not roasted.
The potatoes should be roasted, not mashed. And they appear to be unseasoned. Where's the pepper?

The yorkshires are tiny, and the meat looks overcooked as fuck.

>> No.8478845
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>> No.8478936

Fuck off, the meal is the real Sunday dinner, the roast spuds are added and called roasters, the mash only gets seasoned if one wants it to be, what a dick you really are, plus that is a small Yorkshire pudding not one for a toad in the hole you fat posh fuck.

>> No.8479801
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>> No.8479852

Before I scroll down the thread, has it just become shitposting Americans spewing their obsession while the worst mods on the site just let it happen?

Ah who am I kidding, of course that is the case on /b/ with food theme.

>> No.8479899

this entire thread was bait from the first post. Stop kidding yourself.

>> No.8479963

Yeah the very first reply was just a shitposting clap. A nation of locusts.

>> No.8479965

could it be that simple? how can i get the 4 inch height that is required in england to be called yorkshire? ill look up recipes i guess and give it a college try.

>> No.8479984


pancake mix? KYS.

Oven needs to be hot as fuck. Don't open the door to check on them. The darker in color the pan you use the better because it will absorb more heat from the oven. I use some old cast iron muffin trays I got from my grandma and they work awesome.

>> No.8480032

American pancake mix can be adapted into yorkshire pudding mix by adding an extra quarter of a cup of milk and one egg.

A muffin tray will work fine for mini yorkshires.

>> No.8480049

I guess if someone pointed a gun at you and you had no other choice but why do you need a "mix" for something so simple?

not to mention that american pancake mix usually contains sugar as well as baking powder and/or baking soda, none of which are typical for yorkshire puddings.

>> No.8480058

that one looks really good as well. i've always been a sucker for sunday roasts with potatoes and gravy and roast veggies.