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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8466091 No.8466091 [Reply] [Original]

Which cooking meme you hate the most?

For me it has to be pasta "al dente", who the fucks would prefer a chewing gum hard pasta over soft and delicious pasta?

Makes my blood boil when I go to a restaurant and they give me hard pasta to eat.

Oh and also "molecular gastronomy", just KYS

>> No.8466105

Molecular gastronomy is cool as fuck imo. At least it's a new school for making, plating and eating food. I'd agree that it's pretentious and currently overly expensive, but I think it's fucking NEAT.

I'll agree with you on al dente though. I firmly believe it only became a thing because idiots didn't know when to pull their pasta.

>> No.8466138
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I hate people who use the term 'meme' in the wrong context.

>> No.8466153

I like the texture of dente pasta, and since I have teeth I have no issues with chewing my food. I actually think the slight firmness helps with maintaining the sauce on the pasta so it's not sloughing off due to being bloated from the boiling.

Couldn't you have picked a worse foodie trend? Like foam?

>> No.8466166

You're a real idiot, OP.

>> No.8466168

authentic italian here, the problem is not pasta "al dente" but retarded foreigners that don't know what "al dente" is and just serve you raw pasta

to make pasta "al dente" you have to take it out at that perfect moment right after it is still hard and right before it starts becoming soggy

>> No.8466175

Mindless ketchup hate.
Preferring hot or bitter notes in food is an acquired taste. But liking acidic food could be anatomically conditioned. What if my weak stomach requires it? What if my blood buffering works like shit and I have headaches if not having something acidic with my heavy dinner food? (as a reference this thing could be found in healthy humans too after some heavy running - too much oxygen - blood is too alkaline - headache).

>> No.8466189

>authentic italian


>> No.8466198

>people who don't rotato their potato

Why even live

>> No.8466217

It's just sugar, chilies and garlic. Woopty shit

Yeah it's a healthy fat and guacamole is good. That doesn't mean it needs to be put on everything.

Fuck you if you drink this.

>> No.8466246
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>having bones in your chicken
>not frying your chicken

>> No.8466251

Cauliflower "steak"

>> No.8466284

> vegeterarianism
> veganism
> superfoods
> literally any overhyped """""""""""""""""""""""""HEALTHY"""""""""""""""""""""" bullshit pushed by expensive restaurant corps
> junk food = bad cuz muh transfat and processed food
> fat = bad
> gotta eat micro meal 12 times a day so your fucking intestines have no rest - that's OPTIMAL
> 10 g of protein per kg of mass for bodybuilding
> meat and any calory dense food = bad cuz VEGGIE (fucking hate that retarded word that's like saying "bads" instead of nazis) corps said so
> nutritional, fitness, health, sports, whatever the fuck else """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""SCIENCES"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" - literally lobbyism from the world of science
> 12 liters of water to stary HYDRATED even if you don't want to
> sugar = bad, salt = bad, any fucking thing that's not sponsored by GREENS (fuck me) corps = bad
> using sugar for caramelization

I'm sure there are more.

Do you notice that this shit is exactly the same as SISSY DIET for fetishistic faggots who wanna become trans because they can't get laid because they are raised to be weak yes man cocksuckers?
I'm not saying it's jews, but come on, the picture paints itself here.

>> No.8466303

Watch out for your daily dose of sodium
Cause you seem to be very salty

>> No.8466306

Telling the truth like it is != being mad. Go fuck your ass and suck some dick, corporal cockswallower.

>> No.8466315

Pasta sauce slides off the pasta if you add olive oil into the water to prevent the pasta from sticking to itself.

>> No.8466319

al dente pasta just means the pasta has been dried. Fresh pasta is best.

>> No.8466335

Yes I have noticed that. I agree with you 100%.

>> No.8466341

Thats not what it means fag

>> No.8466349
File: 126 KB, 900x900, Reeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skidmarks on the plate. Please stopppp forever! Putting food in a wide-rimmed bowl and then dusting the rim with ultra-tiny chopped parsley

>> No.8466354

Faggots claiming flipping steaks/burgers and whatever more than once will ruin it.

>> No.8466358

Try to make al dente pasta with fresh pasta. You can't because you can only cook dried pasta al dente.

>> No.8466377

You might be telling the truth it is still obvious you are mad as hell, so you might be both, telling the truth whilst having a massive amount of sand in your teenage angst vagina

>> No.8466380

That's not true fag

>> No.8466391

You can cook fresh pasta al dente

>> No.8466410

If done properly, fresh pasta is already too soft. Boiling it in water won't make it any harder.

>> No.8466413

You obviously don't know anything about pasta

>> No.8466420

>t. someone with a kitchaid pasta maker attachment

>> No.8466428

I have never cooked a pasta that was sticky, what kind of meme is "sticky pasta"?
Fucking americans, can't cook anything properly because it's processed shit from a bag.

>> No.8466433

It's okay to admit you're wrong friend. You don't understand pasta but I won't hold it against you

>> No.8466437

>t. someone who makes his fresh pasta harder than a stick of gum

How do you do it?

>> No.8466438

Why is your pasta already too soft? It's supposed to feel like a bit harder than play doh and you only cook it like 30 seconds. It's perfect. Al dente doesn't mean hard...

>> No.8466439
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bread floor-made pasta, sticky wobbly and all kinds of cheap shitty. Because gluten is bad amirite?

>> No.8466445

You do know that not everything you dislike is sponsored by some corporation, right? You sound mad because your doctor told you to eat vegetables to correct your vitamin deficiencies and help your obesity problem.

>> No.8466466


Living in fucking Narnia isn't so bad after all.
At least I can cook with cheap fresh ingredients.

>> No.8466471

Short list of food things I hate:

1. Chicken (or turkey) breast as default protein in everything. This is bullshit that does nothing to improve the taste of food.

2. Superfoods. The idea that you can continue to eat a shit diet but manage to be healthy because you incorporate a couple magical ingredients is absurd. I think it's great to eat a variety of foods, especially those that are nutritionally dense but no food is a magic bullet against a shit diet.

3. Middle aged women deciding gluten is the source of all evil. I sort of get it. You're chunkier and less attractive than you used to be, your life didn't turn out as exciting as you'd hoped and you suddenly have aches and pains that you didn't have as a younger woman. Getting old is an indignity. And yeah, you probably eat too much bread, cake and pasta. But that belly hanging over your retro-bush is probably more sugar's fault than gluten's. And inactivity. If you don't want the ass to sag get up off of it.

4. Infantilized foods. I'm all for people eating whatever they like, but when did the kid's menu become the default choice? I don't want mac and cheese, I don't want fries with that and I don't want sweet sauces. It would be nice to have some recognizable vegetable matter along with something that tastes a little more complex than fat, salt and sugar.

>> No.8466525

I usually use lemon juice, vinegar or wine when a dish needs acidity.

>> No.8466731

If you're trying to add a little something to your cooking repertoire and expand your horizons a bit, then yeah, MG is okay. Problem is 99% of people who do it are attention whores who are trying to hard to look cool.

Also, don't get mad at other people just because you can't cook pasta properly.

>> No.8466973

It sticks of you don't stir while cooking.

>> No.8466996


>> No.8467020

I'm not mad, and I can cook pasta properly. I just said some people are idiots, which doesn't mean I give a fuck about them.

>> No.8467041

I prefer pasta """al dente""" because, if the dish is served hot like it should be, the noodles will continue to cook in their own steam while on your plate, and you don't end up with a mushy mess at the end of your meal. Soggy noodles is nasty.

Hated kitchen meme:
> """""gourmet""""" presentation, like OP's pic
> ""deconstructed"" whatever-it-is

>> No.8467062
File: 7 KB, 252x252, 1465264869170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which cooking meme you hate the most?


>> No.8467429

Fucking retard.

>> No.8467442


You're the first one to mention anything about America, friendo.

>> No.8468821

I like it. It's weird but it's almost like subjective right?

>> No.8468904
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>> No.8468964

Serving food on wooden boards

Food advertised as sous-vide or a certain temperature (most restaurants already do low-key sous-vide but if they make it a selling point then it's a huge red flag)

Sous-vide at home


Kale shakes

Quinoa and other overpriced grains that aren't beans, lentils, or rice

Cast-iron cookware

Coconut oil

Porcelain anything

>> No.8469353

its a meme bro

>> No.8469367

The OP implied America when he had some retarded idea of what 'al dente' meant.

>> No.8469380

>It's just sugar, chilies and garlic. Woopty shit
It has it's place. It's a really easy way for college students to add "heat" to non-Mexican cuisine without making it taste like tacos. For example, you can put it on pizza in place of chili flakes to add some generic spiciness. Or you can put it in instant ramen along with some soy sauce to just make the shit go down easier.

>> No.8469383

> vegeterarianism
> veganism
> superfoods

Add paleo-anything to the list.

>> No.8469398


Do not confuse madness with passion. I have PASSION. Ass loads of it.


Great butthurt mindless sheep-fag. Go chew on some greens.


Not an argument.


Could swear I wrote it haha.

>> No.8469424

I just posted this to another thread, but this is the place I have in mind: >>8469421

>> No.8469428

With gluten at least it's like some people legitimately get fucked up eating it. With veggie-mania it's literally straight up harmful for everybody.

>> No.8469439

There is a lot of snake oil and mythology surrounding gluten in modern society. I think most people who eat gluten free are not actually allergic and are just doing it because it's the next health food craze.

>> No.8469452

Where do you think you are

>> No.8469470

Damn we would not get along. I love my Souls Vide Water bath. I like that I can get a beautiful steaming heated up while I watch a movie or play video games.

>> No.8469477

> 10 g of protein per kg of mass for bodybuilding
>exactly the same as SISSY DIET
I'm so sorry your parents dropped you as infants, anons.

>> No.8469501


Well if you wanna be rigorous about it, the protein part is only relevant in bodybuilding circles, so it's not strictly part of the mainstream food religion.

>> No.8469520

Trust me I'm healthier not only than 99% of this board, I'm healthier than 99% of ameripigs.

Wanna know the secret? Ignore every single fucking bit of information pushed on you by anything or anybody. 100% of it is bullshit.

>> No.8469546

>Trust me I'm healthier not only than 99% of this board, I'm healthier than 99% of ameripigs
Prove it, bitch

>> No.8469911

>pasta al dente is bad
You should stick to your big macs and not comment on patrician foods anymore you amerifat pleb

>> No.8469940

Everyone who doesnt understand pasta al dente is a subhuman who should kill himself to save us the trouble of finding and slaughtering them.
"The recipe say to do it like that, you cant change it" is probably the thing i hate most, dunno if a meme (aldente excluded)

>> No.8470046


"Tapas" - When a place has an advert for "tapas," but then you get in there and it's all this pseudo haute cuisine small- plates shit that ends up costing more than a whole meal. That's not tapas. Tapas, for the most part, are small inexpensive appetizer like foods meant to be eaten while you're drinking. Usually served from a small buffet-style service at the bar. $4 for a plate with six or seven different things vs. four shrimp wrapped in jalapeño-infused bacon with a tequila glaze for $16 served by hipsters to hipsters and nouveau-rich douchebags explaining to each other how tapas are a staple of Mexican cuisine. (They're Spanish you fucking ass clowns!)

>> No.8470051

Trolling this hard.

>> No.8470054
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>> No.8470053
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>this entire post
my sides

>> No.8470102

i agree completely

>> No.8470276
File: 43 KB, 457x434, Screenshot from 2017-01-15 09-32-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is common knowledge for people who make pasta; too much "food network" shit being spouted as truths.

>> No.8470343

I'd show you my ultra healthy dicker, but this is a bluboard.

>> No.8470348
File: 81 KB, 325x269, Screenshot from 2017-01-15 09-59-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
