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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 24 KB, 417x626, glass of milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8462622 No.8462622 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people get weirded out when I tell them I drink straight milk by the glass regularly? They act like I'm drinking ketchup or some shit, you drink milk right /ck/?

>> No.8462623

Who are these "people"?

>> No.8462624

Co-workers, friends, and some in-direct family.

>> No.8462626

Which country?

>> No.8462627


>> No.8462631

Bullshit. Drinking a glass of milk, especially with meals, is as common as McDonald's in America. I refuse to believe anyone who's been in America more than a week would ever consider that strange.

>> No.8462636
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Dude, I fucking swear when I was in high school I would tell people my favorite drink is milk when the subject came up and they acted mildly grossed out.

>Drinking a glass of milk, especially with meals, is as common as McDonald's in America

It's not even that with smaller children, little shits here in Burgerland always have a soda with their meals, even during breakfast with hot cakes they always have some sugary drink.

>> No.8462644


>high school

I was thinking you were talking about adults and not dumb fucking teenagers.

>> No.8462651

in my college fridge, we had 4 gallons of milk at any one time for three people

>> No.8462707

>I refuse to believe anyone who's been in America more than a week would ever consider that strange.
Depends on where you are. My in-laws in the Midwest drink milk the way Southerners drink soda. But on the East coast most folks I know only have it on their cereal or in their coffee. The stuff is not nearly as popular here as it was a generation or two ago.

>> No.8462722

probably because milk is for children and infants

>> No.8462828

Perfect for you then

>> No.8462864

>high school shitty teenagers

I remember those days and got the same from my classmates. High school is fucking brutal with peer pressure to fit in and be like everyone else and go with the current trends.

>> No.8462867

I don't keep anything perishable in my house.

>> No.8462873
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>> No.8462885

Are these people white?

Because not everyone can handle milk due to lactose so when you say you drink milk that are probably thinking of watery shits

>> No.8462886

Britbong here, I love milk, not weird at all.

>> No.8462895


>> No.8462900
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uh, I'm already here.

>> No.8462935

You're not supposed to drink milk past a certain age and your skin should have enough melanin to produce calcium from sunlight.

If you have too much calcium, your bones begin to stop holding on to it and osteroperosis sets in.

Would you drink the milk of a horse? Why do you drink the milk of a cow?

>> No.8462981

>Would you drink the milk of a horse?

I've never tried it, but why not? We get dairy products from goats, buffalo, and sheep already so I don't see the big leap here. I'm guessing the reason why historically you don't hear much about drinking horse milk is because they're probably less efficient at producing milk than other animals are. Plus, historically horses have had other uses as riding or draft animals. I would imagine that those cultures who were very much tied to horses for survival probably do have a tradition of horse milk consumption, like some of the Native American tribes, the Mongols, etc.

>Why do you drink the milk of a cow?
Same reason I eat any other food. It has nutritional value and it tastes good.

>> No.8462988

>Why do you drink the milk of a cow?
It's fucking delicious.

>> No.8462989

This looks like the newest sitcom on the CW.

>> No.8462993

>Why do you drink the milk of a cow?

Because cereal and water tastes awful.

>> No.8463018

It's purely a market for dairy and the beef industry.

First of all, Milk tastes like shit and must be chemically seperated and other shit is done so it tastes not so shit.

Second, it's watered down to 2 percent.

Milk is bad for you past the weening phases.

>> No.8463026

>First of all, Milk tastes like shit and must be chemically seperated and other shit is done so it tastes not so shit.

Utter bullshit. There's nothing tastier than raw milk straight from the cow. Sadly, public health scares make raw milk difficult to find in some areas.

>Second, it's watered down to 2 percent.
Some of it is, sure. I don't like it. If you don't like the watered down stuff then don't buy it. But whole or raw instead.

>Milk is bad for you past the weening phases.
No, not really. I'm not lactose intolerant. You also misspelled "weaning".

>> No.8463034

>It's purely a market for dairy and the beef industry.
>Milk tastes like shit
>must be chemically seperated
You mean pasteurised and homogenised? The former is to make it last longer than a day and the latter improves the texture.
It's watered down? The fat is skimmed because it is better used in cream, butter or sour cream.

Milk is not good for you prior to or during the weening phase, human milk is good though.

>> No.8463055

>Milk tastes like shit
If you seared all your tastebuds off, sure.

>> No.8463063
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if you had no tastebuds you wouldn't taste anything sherlock

>> No.8463069

I live in Alabama and drink it every morning. I've never met anyone weirded out by the idea of drinking milk by itself. What else would you pair with chocolate chip cookies?

>> No.8463076

I legit can't see why anyone would ever have anything but milk (except coffee) for any cookie or pastry.

My brother has soft drinks for cookies and stuff, and I flat out don't get why, the sweetness of them both takes away from each other and it lessens each of their taste.

>> No.8463115

You're not drinking real milk then.

>> No.8463128

Trump better do something about this Fake Milk epidemic

>> No.8463130

>t. white boy

>> No.8463145

>public health scares make raw milk difficult to find in some areas.

Yeah, I don't know why grocers would be wary of stocking something that can give you a fatal bacteria infection.

>> No.8463173


>> No.8463174

but they already sell plenty of things that could give me that.

If I can buy raw meat, raw fish, raw vegetables, raw fruit, etc... then why I can't I buy raw milk?

>> No.8463212

I get mine delivered from the producer. Maybe there isn't such a big demand for it, and stores don't want to throw it away after a day.

>> No.8463224


The issue is a legal one, and it varies greatly by location since it's affected by both state and local law.

In many places it is illegal to sell unpasteurized milk. In others it's totally legal and you will see it right there in the supermarket. In other places (such as where live), it IS legal, but it can only be sold at the dairy where it is produced. There are probably other situations as well.

>> No.8463248

Because raw milk can contain nasty communicable diseases in them that can really fuck your day up. Pasturizing the milk kills these off, ensuring that any possible contamination is destroyed

>> No.8463252
File: 23 KB, 450x293, kumys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>produce calcium from sunlight
Dude, it`s vitamin D, not calcium

>horse milk
I`t called "Kumys". Never drank it, though.

>> No.8463257

So does raw eggs, fish/meat, unwashed veggies and more.

>> No.8463259

>Because raw milk can contain nasty communicable diseases in them that can really fuck your day up

So can all the other foods that I listed.

>>Pasturizing the milk kills these off, ensuring that any possible contamination is destroyed

Are you suggesting that we do the same thing with meat, poultry, fish, and produce? Why is milk special?

>> No.8463277

What do you do with fish, meat and chicken before you eat it? Unless you're eating you cook it you fucking retard. Look up mastitis or bovine tuberculosis and aske me how fish and chickens can't have an infection of the udder or other cow diseases

>> No.8463282

Even niggers & spics know that people drink milk, even if they don't.

>> No.8463287

I drink milk regularly, though I never drink it when I'm eating anything that has a lot of cheese in it. I always feel like milk and cheesy dishes never go right together.


First of all, you synthesize vitamin D, not calcium, from sunlight.

Second of all, melanin decreases your ability to synthesize it, rather than increasing it. People with darker skin are more at risk for vitamin D deficiency, and as such, vitamin D supplements are often added to milk.


>it's watered down to 2 percent
Whole milk is 3.25%. Anything less is pussy milk. Anything more is cream, or at least half and half.

>> No.8463291

>Milk tastes like shit

Did anyone ask for your retarded opinion?

>> No.8463295

Freedomonia gonna Freedom

>> No.8463297

>What do you do with fish, meat and chicken before you eat it?

Depends. I often make sushi in which the fish is eaten raw. I also make beef tartare (also raw). And if I'm cooking a steak then the interior will be rare.

I noticed how you completely ignored my comments about fruit and vegetables, which we do eat raw. And they can very easily make people sick due to bacterial contamination.

>>infection of the udder
Of course they can't have that. But they can and do have other kinds of bacteria that pose a health risk.

The point is that with every other "raw" food the customer is assumed to take the risk. We can buy raw meat, poultry, produce, etc. and it's up to us, the customer, if we want to take the risk and eat them raw.

But milk, for some reason, is treated differently. I totally understand that raw milk has a chance of carrying harmful bacteria. I'm OK with that. I've researched it and I'm OK with the risks. Yet I don't have the option to buy it without jumping through silly hoops? Seems dumb to me.

>> No.8463304

Let's not forget eggs. No salmonella scare has ever led to a law that requires all eggs to be hard boiled before they can be sold.

>> No.8463321

but in usa they are 'washed to death' so you have to keep in the fridge because the natural protection layer is off .. Every where else in the world you can keep eggs at room temp for weeks

>> No.8463324

Are you an adult?
If you are they have every right to be weirded out.

>> No.8463325



The point is that eggs are sold raw despite carrying a bacterial risk.

(And BTW, you can keep eggs for weeks in the US too. It's just that most of us are scared to do so since we've had fridges around for so long) I've lived in the US for 33 years. I've been eating raw eggs for all of them. I've never once gotten sick from eggs. For that matter, I've never had food poisoning or been to the doctor for any reason other than physicals or immunizations.

>> No.8463329

I would be "grossed out" too if I had to drink American milk, but I can't see why other Americans are repulsed by it unless they are all non-white/lactose-intolerant.

>> No.8463523

It's a good thing people usually cook those things before consuming them

>> No.8463538

People over 4 years old don't drink milk. Even the media conditions us into believing that a glass of milk is something only children and fathers of children drink (not mothers, they eat yogurt)

>> No.8463545

this is a whites only board

>> No.8463550

You do realize Americans are the minority on this board, right?

>> No.8463561

I'm white as fuck. Just not a child.

>> No.8463569

OP you have no right to feel bad for drinking the white man's beverage.

>> No.8463575

Milk is disgusting and for malnourished children

>> No.8463662

Look, if you don't like the taste of your bull ejaculating in your mouth, that's fine, but don't call it "milk" and insist I shouldn't drink cow's milk.

>> No.8463666

Please, no niggering.

>> No.8463709

>your skin should have enough melanin to produce calcium from sunlight
You must have gotten at least three separate things mixed up there.

>> No.8463745


>> No.8463750

It's probably because it's not appealing. A glass of regular milk is a lot to drink. Hard to explain, but I'm sure you know what I mean.

It's just... Eh. Chocolate milk or something sure. Cereal, of course. Regular? Eh...

>> No.8463795

>A glass of regular milk is a lot to drink
>there is only one size of glass

>> No.8463817

Milk can be a nutritious part of any diet BUT if you say "I LOVE milk and drink it all the time" you're probably drinking too much. But this is true of almost anything other than green vegetables, lean meat and whole grains.

>> No.8463825

Is GOMAD too much?

>> No.8463883

Man, you are a fucking genius.

>> No.8463906


>> No.8464103

prove it?

>> No.8464117

that helps it being whites only more than it hurts

>> No.8464214

shut the fuck up before you make a fool of yourself again, mong

>> No.8464227

Your autism must be a terrible burden

>> No.8464229

Milk drinking at a young age has been causated with autism in some children

>> No.8464236
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>I don't keep anything perishable in my house

>> No.8464604

the perfect answer is to irradiate milk, but normies are too scared of nukes to ever consume it.

>> No.8464622

eh I catch flack for it too. Most people see it as 'juvenile' but fuck them. I'm 30 and love a glass of ice cold milk.

>> No.8465031

Not the anon you are responding to. But most fish used for sushi or sashimi in restaurants are treated with great care from market to table. A lot places keep the fish at certain temperatures to ensure bacterial growth is kept low. Which makes raw fish safer to eat. Now yes Beef can be eaten rare so long as the surface is cooked to kill surface bacteria. Beef also has a very thick texture which the bacteria can't penetrate as easily. And if kept at the proper temperature to keep bacterial growth low so it can be used raw. Now veg and fruits are safer than meat as their surface does not provide the most ideal conditions for harmful bacteria to grow and proliferate to a high level. Which is why we can eat them, so long as the dirt is washed off they are safer than meat and fish. Most places also wash their salads and greens in solutions with chlorine to kill bacteria like E-coli. Thus making raw salads safer to eat.
The controversy with raw milk is that it is a haven for bacteria to grow quickly. Back in the day before we knew about cells and bacteria. People were dying from unpasteurised milk. Often people added chemicals to remove the sour taste from old milk and drink it. This allowed many types of bacteria to grow to harmful levels and would have killed infants, children and adults. Till pasteurisation came along. now it does not take out ALL the bacteria but reduces the level of bacteria. Making it safer and in turn allows you to keep it slightly longer.

>> No.8465041

I think he meant it's filling? Idk

anyway I'm from Canada and I only drink milk in my tea. I don't really like drinking plain, straightup milk, it tastes bad and makes my nose feel really stuffy and just awful. Even super low percent still tastes too thick for me like it's gonna make me hock up some wicked phlegm. Maybe I'm mildly lactose intolerant or some shit or maybe milk just sucks. I don't like cereal. I'll sometimes drink chocolate milk though. Real interesting I know.

>> No.8465055

fuck you cheese is delicious. And why was cheese invented? yes, to preserve milk.

>> No.8465067

Milk is for calves, manchildren, and idiots who just dont know what real milk is like.

>> No.8465074
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Cheese stinks of death and rot ... Clean up your filthy act fuckwit

>> No.8465076

Milk is the drink of the Master Race, damn right i drink 4L every day

>> No.8465085

Milk is good

>> No.8465299

Once or twice a month I'll stop for donuts on my drive into work. Thing is, it's not even the donuts I love. I also get one of those little 12 oz bottles of milk. I drink it right after finishing the donuts. Man, it is so cold and crisp, it's fucking amazing. Highlight of my day damn near. Don't know why more people don't drink it.

>> No.8465310

They put vitamin D. in milk and white bread so niggers don't get fragile bones. It would be reasonable to assume that niggers drink milk regularly.

>> No.8465311

Drink a glass or two every night. Taste delicious. It's possible some people buy shitty milk though, you know the kind that tastes sort of tangy? Now that shit is fucking nasty.

>> No.8465315

Fatty milk after the sickening sweet taste of a donut is incredibly satisfying. Its like taking your mouth to the climax of a flavor journey without having to experience of inevitable sugar exhaustion that follows. Its a crime against nature really.

>> No.8465353

>Second, it's watered down to 2 percent.
Extraction of one isn't the same as an addition of another.

It's skimmed down to X%.

0% is best.

>> No.8465358


I don't think I've ever drunk a glass of milk, nor do I have it in hot drinks.

>> No.8465414

Ya, it's good. Sometimes I'll add honey.

>> No.8465436

>0% is best
Has any one man ever been so wrong before?

Real men drink milk whole. Skim milk has none of the fats that make milk both nutritious and delicious. It's basic evolution to prefer the taste of whole milk.

>> No.8465459

Fucking faggot, I bet you're scared of catching the "milk plegue" propaganda bullshit

>> No.8467081

I only drink chocolate milk.
Pure milk is shit.

>> No.8467093

Milk is absolutely disgusting OP

>> No.8467097

Anyone who doesn't like milk is a disgusting subhuman whose opinions are worthless and should be culled from the population.
Thread over.

>> No.8467104

milk makes you fat, don't drink it

>> No.8468508

>your skin should have enough melanin to produce calcium from sunlight.
>synthesizing an atom
Are you a particle accelerator?

>> No.8468541


but yeah milk drinkers are superior

being lactose intolerant or just hating milk is subhuman

>> No.8468558

Vegans are so fucking stupid it amazes me.

>> No.8468574


I like milk. I usually start the day with two glasses of whole milk in place of food.

>> No.8468577

It's always lactose intolerant subhumans that constantly bitch about milk.

>> No.8468589

m8 you should have drank more milk, it could have helped with your obvious degenerative neural disease

>> No.8468798

It's definitely weird. Only babies and GOMAD /fit/izens drink milk.

>> No.8468868

if you are too much of a bitch to not have diarrhea when you drink milk you should kill yourself

>> No.8468879


Lactose intolerance isn't even real. It's just some bullshit liberals made up that actually stuck around due to the human body's natural adaptive tendencies.

>yfw lactose content of human milk is higher
>yfw millions of years of evolution has called for the consumption of human milk

>> No.8469377

lactose intolerance refers to adults, not infants

>> No.8469542

milk is for nursing calves and them only. not evolutionary tolerable for human gastronomy to handle.

t. lactose intolerant/dairy hater, still love cheese tho

>> No.8469551

Just because you can't tolerate it doesn't mean it's "evolutionary intolerable", it just means you're on the losing end of one specific evolutionary trait.

>> No.8469564


just because evolution is on its way to tolerating dairy doesn't mean it was correct for all humans to tolerate it in the first place.

enjoy your birth juice. most people can't.

>> No.8469572

There's no "correct" or "incorrect" conclusion to evolution. Some things just work. I can do something you can't, all things being equal that's an advantage. The evolutionary advantage itself is more or less irrelevant to us here, but it's a fact that I can enjoy more things than you as a personal advantage.

>> No.8469579

i don't really know why we're conversing about this. cow milk wasn't meant for humans. we can kinda tolerate it now. there are people who can't. nothing else to say. bye nig

>> No.8469585

Because you're hanging moral judgements on random facts of nature. It's like you disagree with the clouds being there or something.

>> No.8469590


this website is for opinions. you just mistook it for a place where people project their opinions as facts. pretty common mistake. most people skip /b/ when they forget to lurk these days because it's terrible, and make their newfag show. might want to fix that before replying again. good night.

>> No.8469595

Opinions about facts are worthless. Again, it's like you have an opinion that clouds shouldn't be there. Wow, good job, nice opinion.

>> No.8469598

and what is this magical age oh great wise one

>> No.8469599

very good job making nonsense sound like comprehensible english. i'm very certain it would be much appreciated as conversation on reddit, where you came from, but i assure you this is not the same website. have a good night and enjoy being alone and wrong forever.

>> No.8469603

Anon, if you have trouble with comprehending basics that an elementary schooler can easily cope with, then I suggest reading up about things before discussing them.

>> No.8469607

We drink cow milk because milking a human is weird and taboo. Enough with your vegan bullshit. Enough autismo for one night.

>> No.8469608

>Calcium from sunlight
Have a (you)

>> No.8469624

not really worth any of my time replying. fucking retarded posts in here. it's like this board is a preschool for /b/

not reading the quote trails, are we, moron?

>> No.8469629

It's very hypocritical of you to call others retards and morons, anon, you should be careful about that.

>> No.8469667

>tfw ran out of whole milk and all that is left is shitty 2%

Fuck this. Im going to the store.

>> No.8469679

better you than me

>> No.8469852


>> No.8469880

Similar to how it was for my best friend and I when we roomed in college for a year. We'd go and get a 4L bag (Canadafag obviously) and we'd go through that in 2-4 days typically.

>> No.8470674

>Not born a jamal
>Can enjoy Milk to the fullest
>feels good man

>> No.8470903


It's easier to not contaminate the inside of something solid with fecal matter than a liquid. They can fuck up a bit with meat, raw milk leaves no room for error.

I was reading about condensed milk on fakenewsopedia the other day and I found this amusing :

"Nicolas Appert condensed milk in France in 1820,[5] and Gail Borden, Jr., in the United States in 1853, in reaction to difficulties in storing milk for more than a few hours."

Raw milk was only been distributed in any significant quantities for a very short time period before we switched to pasteurization, the final step in making milk worth a shit as a drink for the masses.

>> No.8471408

>tfw gonna go home and have an ice cold glass of creamy milkies

I think spics don't drink milk because it gives them diharreah, but any normal american should be familiar with the concept.

>> No.8472119

What can I make with leftover milk? When my parents sent me off this semester they bought me 4L of milk with the rest of my groceries which is way too much to finish considering I usually don't drink anything with meals.

It expires the 27th, how can I not waste it?

>> No.8472125

you're thinking about niggers

>> No.8472137

>It's not even that with smaller children, little shits here in Burgerland always have a soda with their meals, even during breakfast with hot cakes they always have some sugary drink.
Nah man, we had milk with our school lunches. You're either lying, our you were asking idiots.

>> No.8472147

Because the milk of the cow tastes good, you dumb fucking dick sucker. Is that really that hard to understand?

>> No.8472148

City nerds think it's weird.

If milk didn't make acne worse, I would probably drink it. I stopped drinking milk a few years ago, and now, at the age of 21, my acne is basically gone.

I drink shit like oat milk and almond milk still though, because drinking water and only water gets boring incredibly fast.

>tfw for the first time since those edgy teen years I actually like the way I look

that shark is a qt

>> No.8472158

because horses are generally fucked with chemicals because the only uses they have are leather and sport, so they aren't safe (in 90% of the world), hence why horse meat is banned in a lot of places.

I think even relatively un-chemical'd horses are still unsafe, solely from birthright.

If it wasn't for that though it would probably be fine.

>> No.8472309
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>produce calcium from sunlight

>> No.8473827

I love milk I probably go through 2 gallons a week

>> No.8473832

I would try horse milk hell it used to be commonplace I would also eat horse

>> No.8473843

I wouldn't trust a huge commercial dairy farm but a small family farm I wouldn't doubt for a second and my Nana's owns a dairy goat farm and I've been drinking goat's milk raw sence I was a baby it actually saved my life

>> No.8473846

We exist in more than one country and let's face it brown people don't have the best internet access or power or toilet paper

>> No.8473848

Dude I drink like 4 glasses a day

>> No.8473887

Milk is great. Love having pot roast with potatoes and a glass of milk

>> No.8473897

Sardines or sprats on toast, or a tuna sandwich.
Always accompanied by a glass of milk. It's the comfiest meal ever.

>> No.8475543

Kumis tastes like kefir, the only difference is that it's more mildly alcoholic.
t. bought dehydrated horse milk from Alibaba

>> No.8475557

Milk is good. The more calcium you have the closer to god you are because god has strong bones.

>> No.8475580
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>god has strong bones.
that's why we still find some of them hidden below ground

>> No.8475611



>> No.8475616

>cooking fish
You some sort of faggot, son?

>> No.8476796

I also drink pure milk

If I put chocolate powder in it, and drink it while having an empty stomach, it gives me diarrhea

>> No.8476859

Do I drink milk from a glass?

>> No.8476872
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>> No.8476880

more like you chug it because it reminds you of sperm, and you're a cuck hungry california dwelling faggot.

>> No.8476897

>Cuck hungry
Yes I am cuck hungry. I'm hungry to fuck your gal and cuck you right now. I'll make you whatch her drink my copious virile milk nourished semen.

>> No.8478318


>> No.8478354

It's perfectly tolerable for anyone from Europe or the Middle East.

>> No.8478456

Evidebtly veganism will inhibit your ability to define reality through a lack of vital nutrition, but it certainly doesn't inhibit self righteousness.

>> No.8478479
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>White people are mutants for drinking milk in adulthood
>Who are Indians, Turkish people, numerous African peoples

>> No.8478545

Autism overload
Please remove yourself from the gene pool.

>> No.8478561

>4L bag
A single 4L bag? Is your Canada different than mine?

>> No.8478571

>fucked with chemicals
I don't understand. What chemicals are we giving to horses that we aren't giving to livestock on factory farms? The latter probably receive much worse desu

>> No.8478595



>> No.8478596

>Second, it's watered down to 2 percent.
Now I know you just have your head up your ass. 2% means enough fat has been removed from the milk that only 2% of it is fat. It doesn't mean they water it down until it's only 2% milk.

>> No.8478747

Spic here. My friends are grossed everytime I chug a glass of whole milk. But oh, when they add in nesquick and sugar is delicious.

>> No.8478764

>It doesn't mean they water it down until it's only 2% milk.

you are certainly correct, but it sure as fuck tastes "watered down".

>> No.8478950
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>Milk is just watered down cream

t. lardass

>> No.8478973

>your skin should have enough melanin to produce calcium from sunlight.

well shit anon i better tell my flowers to stop using that chlorophyll shit

>> No.8478999

>produce calcium from sunlight
jesus fucking christ anon, what are you smoking

>> No.8479612

You need to eat good bacteria or you get sick, and where do you find these good bacteria? In fermented food like cheese and sauerkraut.

>> No.8479659

Replace "milk" with "semen" in your post. You now have your answer.

Our culture can't help but immediately associate white liquid with cum now. We are obsessed.