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8458506 No.8458506 [Reply] [Original]

Do Americans really eat all this pizza in one meal

>> No.8458510

>hawaiian pizza

Fuck you and everyone else who enjoys that god forsaken abomination.

>> No.8458511


Do Europeans really have this much obsession over one country?

>> No.8458513

>do americans really

>> No.8458527

If I recognize that napkin correctly, this is Big Mama's and Papa's Pizza. It's a small California chain whose main selling point is how large the pizzas are, and their main customer base is split between people having parties, business meetings, and college students looking to really stretch their buck. Some locations have a challenge where, if you and six friends can finish a 64-in-square pizza within an hour, you'll win $1000.

obligatory OBSESSED

>> No.8458529

hawaian pizza was invented in Ontario Canada

its pretty dope

>> No.8458541

then why isn't it called Ontario Canadian pizza?

>> No.8458545

Amazing, two obsessions in one thread

>> No.8458556 [DELETED] 

I used to be able to eat a whole large (12" pizza diameter) in one sitting

>> No.8458557


But those are onions!

>> No.8458744

That's not shit. I've eaten a whole 16" pizza in one sitting and I have a 6 pack.

>> No.8458751

Terrible shoop

>> No.8458760

doesnt sound as exotic and the guy who invented it probably didnt expect it to catch on

>> No.8458767
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Why is there so much liquid on that pizza?

>> No.8458770 [DELETED] 

Yea I've got a 6 pack too, just in my belly not on it

Badum tss

>> No.8458846
File: 42 KB, 464x411, smug kitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Europeans really sit around not eating and thinking about how much they hate Americans?

>> No.8458858

It's actually 2880-in-square pizza, each side is 54 inches

>> No.8458886

Do you Americans not realize that you are the ones who caused this so called "obsession"? We are - most of the time - not actually obsessed with the US.
When you see something over and over again in American TV shows, you begin to think that that's the American way.
And since your government got spooked by commies back in the day, it's kind of hard to avoid watching American TV shows, because they're on almost every channel.
Some of the things we see on American shows are quite different from what we've gotten used to, living in Europe. So when we see people eating whole pizzas by themselves in multiple different TV shows, we start to think, "Is this the norm in the US?"

>> No.8458908
File: 972 KB, 400x223, 1459923649550.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think its grease.

>> No.8458923


what specific show did you see someone eating a whole fucking pizza? you have to be looking for that shit to actually ask that question. so yeah


>> No.8459064

In college I would eat a pizza this size by myself in one go.
Did this for years with no weight gain due to warp speed metabolism.
Can't do it anymore though.

>> No.8459083

Nobody is making your country watch American shows

>> No.8459106

Fucking leafs

>> No.8459516

Indeed, if I don't eat a whole pizza I would die of starvation

t. American

>> No.8459613

Nice shoop

>> No.8459673

Americans are too stupid to understand that pineapple has water that comes out during cooking

>> No.8459679

Sure Americans are fat pigs but when I was in Italy I was told it's normal to eat a whole pizza there. I'm Brazilian and I don't find that normal, maybe can do the the medium 4 slices one if I'm super drunk but not usually the case. So it looks like Italy/Europe is where they eat whole pizzas. And kebabs you disgusting animals.

>> No.8459699

I un-ironically enjoy highly enjoy what people refer to as Hawaiian pizza......

though I refuse to call it Pizza because that is blasphemy to actual Pizza

>> No.8459704

>giant pieces of pineapple
>all that red onion

What a fucking waste of a pizza

>> No.8459707

Italian pizzas are smaller and not a pool of grease either

>> No.8459710

Forced perspective. Look at the size of the toppings in relation to everything else.

>> No.8459719

Obviously the kids portion

>> No.8459732

That's weird. Why would Italy - a county founded on restaurant tourism - try to convince people to eat a whole bunch of food?

>> No.8459740


You realize personal pizzas are a thing in the US as well right

>> No.8459756

Well I have never been to Italy or usa so no.

>> No.8459763

First of all, that image looks photoshopped. Look at the size of the pineapple relative to the size of the girl's head. Oversized pizzas exist, but they are typically not made with oversized ingredients.

Secondly, there are clearly multiple plates on that table. Yes, you can eat that all in one meal if you're sharing it with a ton of different people. Pizza is typically either divided among friends, or divided among meals, unless you're a massive fatass or a championship eater (the best of which are surprisingly well in-shape).

>> No.8459820

I'm pretty sure you're wrong about all of that.

>> No.8459888

>First of all, that image looks photoshopped. Look at the size of the pineapple relative to the size of the girl's head.

This. Not just the pineapple, the onion too.

>> No.8459896
File: 58 KB, 600x450, 560f15951b0cb9399b191c758a938775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...and a simple reverse image search proves you right. Sort of.

The pic was indeed photoshopped, but only to change the type of pizza on the table. Even in the real image the pizza is still huge.

Notice how in this image the grease marks on the cardboard under the pizza line up match the cut lines. This is clearly what OP's image was shopped from.

>> No.8459933

Burgers BTFO

>> No.8459937 [DELETED] 

Are you blind? that's a pizza

>> No.8459945

That looks good too though, pepperoni and jalapenos is a good combo.

>> No.8459953

>round pizza
>cut it into squares

>> No.8459967

Tell me that isn't fucking pepper jack cheese.
I don't even care if it's shopped or not. That cheese went on some pizza.

>> No.8459971
File: 171 KB, 596x796, macaronymaking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no no, you became obsessed ever since we became a country

>> No.8459975

I've never seen a pizza that big in my entire life but hell yeah I'd eat it

>> No.8459993


Pick one!

>> No.8460026

The exclamation point makes me feel like I'm on some food-based game show that comes on the air at 1:00pm.

>> No.8460081

u mad yuropoor?

>> No.8460087

>americans call ananas pineapple
>americans will eat pizza this big
>americans will defend putting ananas on this huge pizza

>> No.8460959

That's what you do when you serve pizza to a large crowd.

>> No.8460966

An a fullblown American (who voted Trump) I can honestly say, this is a starter only.

>> No.8460972


>> No.8461000

And have a 12 foot pizza

>> No.8461023

>>americans call ananas pineapple
Do Americans really do this?

>> No.8461078

A crowd of 4 amerifats, yes. Stop trying to deny your fatness amerifats, you know there are only 2 countries with higher obesity rates than you. Embrace your walmart scooters - a sign of a progressive nation. Wear that badge proudly!

>> No.8461085


>> No.8461098

burgerclaps in damage control

>> No.8461123

>yuroshits complain about being bombarded by basedmerican media
>continue to use sites like 4chan where there are tons of basedmericans discussing basedmerican things
>continue to watch basedmerican tv shows instead of not watching them or doing something else
>will always be O B S E S S E D


>> No.8461129

>invented in Chatham, Ontario
>the most popular pizza in Australia

if shitposting could be a pizza it would be Hawaiian

>> No.8461133

kys cuck

>> No.8461139
File: 1.96 MB, 300x300, 1459254444332.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u

>> No.8461271

The cherry on top for this meal really is the decapitated child head

>> No.8461273

stay woke

>> No.8461740


I would easily believe the pizza was huge. But the problem was the size of ingredients on said huge pizza. In this image, we can clearly see that the pepperoni are rather small relative to the pizza size.

>> No.8461780

>cottage cheese

what the actual fuck is that

>> No.8461814

>And since your government got spooked by commies back in the day, it's kind of hard to avoid watching American TV shows, because they're on almost every channel.


>> No.8461851

Nothing you see in TV is really the norm, everything is played up. People think Euros are obsessed with America since they shitpost them every thread even when it has nothing to do with anything and post novelty foods no one eats here and act like that's all they eat.

America makes some joke foods just to see if people are curious enough to actually get it since it sounds crazy, which is almost the entire niche behind Taco Bell. They don't eat deep fried whatever or sausage on a stick whatever often, if at all. Its more something you'd see at a country fair as a joke food.

Although fast food is eaten quite often for most homes here because of how the system is set up. People work at least eight hours and get stuck in traffic a lot, they don't feel like doing anything the rest of the day, there's fast food on every street, its set up to rope you into getting something when you're weak. Often they sit in cubicles for hours on end, and don't feel like doing much when they get home, eat cheap things, so it leads to very sedentary life styles. Which is one reason that they get fatter and fatter over time. You become hooked on cheap foods growing up in poorer homes, so it becomes comfort food to you when you're older.

Everything is individual basis, a pizza is shared between an entire family typically. If anything is left over its put into the refrigerator until the next day. Where its then often reheated and finished later. There is no need to cram it down all at once.

The pizza in the OP image is an unnaturally big pizza, probably ordered from a specialty joint that does extra large pizza as a niche, its definitely something shared between an entire family. Normal pizza is at least half that size if not less. Although usually at these types of functions you'd buy at least two pizzas for varieties sake anyway.

>> No.8461857

Looking at the unedited image, the pizza is probably at least three or four times bigger than normal

>> No.8461875

This. I can argue with the rest of it but that part I don't even understand.

>> No.8461915


Thats a shooped pizza...

>> No.8461956

Americans really do this.

>> No.8461958
File: 70 KB, 800x532, 1478662243157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saw thumbnail in OP's post
>Already knew it was a "Do American's really..." obsession thread

>> No.8462023

Yes I noted that in the second post, but its still a much larger than normal pizza.

>> No.8462835

the original is the same size

>> No.8462844
File: 41 KB, 800x479, america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure. But.

>> No.8462875

You realize the UK is nationally averaged at one BMI point lower than America, right? And Australia at two points lower?

Anglos are just fatasses

>> No.8462877


>> No.8462883

american here. I would order two of those, eat one and a half then have what is left for breakfast the next day.

>> No.8462902


And yet, countries like UAE, Bahrain, etc, are even higher.

Anglo has nothing to do with it. Wealth does. When you have cheap, easily-available food and a workforce that doesn't do much manual labor you end up with obesity regardless of race or nationality.

>> No.8462907

Those examples go directly against what you're saying. Those countries have poor laborers making up their statistics.

The fattest are also the poorest.

>> No.8462920


Have you ever been there? The laborers aren't the fat ones.

>>fattest are the poorest
but that's clearly not true. If they were really honestly "poor" they couldn't afford food and they'd look like a concentration camp victim.

It's the people who are above that line who get fat because they can afford to buy the food.

Keep in mind that when I say a "a wealthy country is fat" that shouldn't conjure up images of people in fancy suits with all sorts of gold rings and designer clothes. It simply means that the average joe has enough money to afford to eat fast food often.

>> No.8462923
File: 775 KB, 826x597, 1Wf8GSW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pizza looks good.. real good

>> No.8462926

Explain the poorest being the fattest in america then

>> No.8462943

If I'm particularly hungry I can eat a large pizza myself in a sitting, but I am 6'4 235lbs. Usually just eat half, don't eat pizza too often maybe twice a month?

>> No.8462953


They aren't.

The poorest look like concentration camp victims.

The people you are thinking of are not the poorest. They are the people that don't work and live off mom and dad's inheritance and do nothing but eat because they miss mumsy and dadsy. the other people are poor but they are good christians in the grits belt and their neighbors and church help them out with large amounts of food donations - couple that with government assistance and you have people that have nothing but food.

>> No.8462955

>no but yes

>> No.8462963


The fat people might be "below average" on the poverty scale, but they obviously have enough money to not only feed themselves, but to over-feed themselves.

The people who are really honestly poor are skin-and-bones because they honestly can't afford food.

>> No.8462971


Right, at 64m people v's 318m

>> No.8462979

even the poorest still have enough to overfeed themselves because calories are cheap as fuck

the homeless in first world countries only starve because of mental illness and addiction addling their minds

>> No.8463001

but you have to be mentally ill or addicted to a drug to actual be poor though
look I get that you people want the fat and lazy to count as poor because they don't have money, but if there is someone poorer than them they are not poor

>> No.8463011

that's not how the word works

if there is someone poorer than the poor then the poor are still poor, they just aren't the poorest by some irrelevant degree

>> No.8464020

>if you and six friends can finish a 64-in-square pizza within an hour, you'll win $1000
I can do that easily and I'm not even that large or American. How do they stay in business?

>> No.8464022


>> No.8464058

Obviously shopped as pineapple chunks are not bigger than a child's head in real life.

>> No.8464098

If its not pizza, then what the fuck is it you dumb cunt?

>> No.8464102


>> No.8464118

Woow how ritarted are they???

>> No.8464223

Sorry I was finishing my pizza.

>> No.8464343

Podesta can't keep getting away with it

>> No.8464379

see >>8458858, I measured incorrectly

>> No.8464387


>doesn't like lots of red onion on his pizza

Go back to your tendies thread

>> No.8465013

pandering idiot

>> No.8465045

Typical Italians would have a coffee for breakfast and lunch and a three course dinner where they are allowed to eat a whole pizza without remorse. Italian women are waaaay too much about looks and could still eat a whole pizza in one meal.

>> No.8465049

American here.

Yes I can, and do if I'm by myself.

I am also skelly tier.

>> No.8465093


>> No.8465109

>yuropoors will call a pineapple an anus

>> No.8465116

>103 replies
there's no saving this place.

>> No.8465130

hahaha thats like baby