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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8456109 No.8456109 [Reply] [Original]

How do you sleep at night knowing how awful the meat industry is?

>> No.8456116

Because I don't care about non-sentient animals that are bred for slaughter

>> No.8456122


Same reason I sleep at night knowing about cancer, malnutrition, drug addiction problems, deforestation, pollution, wars, ethnic cleansing, nuclear proliferation, and organized religion.

I realize that the world has problems but it's always been that way and it's not my personal fault.

As for the meat industry, simple: I don't buy factor-farmed meat. I buy from small, local, family farms and I hunt. I keep my own rabbits and chickens.

>> No.8456123

This. Plus I get tired at night.

>> No.8456132

Strangely enough, knowing that it's fully out of my control and I literally can't do anything at all ever about it really puts my mind at ease.

>> No.8456134

With a full belly of meat ofc

>> No.8456136

I sleep pretty well, thanks for asking

>> No.8456137

Don't forget chapped lips, and dandruff.

We have bigger problems to worry about.

>> No.8456143

>being this edgy

>> No.8456144

>muh edgy meme

>> No.8456151

>Because I don't care about non-sentient animals that are bred for slaughter

Does it bother you that the resulting product (i.e. the meat) tastes worse and has a worse texture than non-factory-farmed meat?

I'm just curious if you care about quality of the product totally independent of the animal rights issues.

>> No.8456161

since when is apathey edgy?

>> No.8456162

C'mon anon, it's the current year!

>> No.8456168

With one eye open, OP
with one eye open.

>> No.8456172

it's a matter of quality vs price. sure the good stuff is nice but, if that was all that was available then most of use would rarely be able to eat meat, beef and pork would be considered luxury items

>> No.8456177

It don't care about the severity of the texture and taste difference when the non-factory-farmed meat is beyond my budget. It has greatly diminishing returns for me.

What you need to know is that if we got rid of lower quality products people who don't want the high quality versions of said product won't buy the product at all.

>> No.8456179


>> No.8456192

>when the non-factory-farmed meat is beyond my budget

But that's not actually true.

I buy a whole free-range heritage breed pig every few months. Per lb it costs less than the shitty pork at the supermarket. (though there is the work of breaking it down)

There's also hunting and fishing that can provide you with meat very cheap.

>> No.8456198

>if we got rid of lower quality products people who don't want the high quality versions of said product won't buy the product at all.
There are plenty of people out there who would rater do without than buy low quality products. I avoid cheap meat and dairy for the most part, because I'd rather eat the good stuff once in a while than eat the shitty stuff every day.

>> No.8456207

most folk who are too poor for good meat can't afford to buy a whole animial even if it does come out cheaper per pound. also a lot of people don't have deep freezes to store an assload of meat

>> No.8456212

>I buy a whole free-range heritage breed pig every few months. Per lb it costs less than the shitty pork at the supermarket. (though there is the work of breaking it down)
Exactly. I don't have the time or interest in breaking down and working on a whole damn pig. That is a great cost in time and effort to me that would greatly exceed the benefits over buying a precut portion of meat.
>There's also hunting and fishing that can provide you with meat very cheap.
Hunting and fishing have a very extensive time cost (and licensing fees and storage space). If you are doing it for all of your food and not just as a hobby, it's going to take up much of your day. People have jobs to work and that's how we come to the grocery markets we have today.

And there are clearly plenty of people who would not rather do without than buy low quality products. There is a market for low quality products and that's why they are produced.

>> No.8456222
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>> No.8456223

The last time I hunted a cow I got in huge trouble for it. Pigs are easier because you can run carrying them.

>> No.8456233


>> No.8456244

no because it's a food source i use to sustain what life i have left

>> No.8456250

>There is a market for low quality products and that's why they are produced.
Agreed. I would argue the low end stuff is the largest share of the market. You have to go really far out of your way to avoid this stuff. The baseline has become so low that poor quality meat and dairy is what most people consider "normal". When I decided not to bother with it on a regular basis I pretty much had to change the way I shopped and ate. But it proved not to be a big deal. I don't pine for crappy food, and when I want something good I get it, because not buying crap leaves money in the budget for good stuff every now and then.

>> No.8456261

The fuck, what kind of miniature pigs are you stealing nigga

>> No.8456262

Precisely. Most people don't cook well enough or don't care enough to make the quality difference necessary. Just the fact that people buy meat to cook instead of buying TV dinners should be recognized as a good thing.

But take away that cheap meat because it's "low quality" and you would see John Doe buy more frozen pizzas for sure. It may look tragic to cooking enthusiasts like us but it's just the way of the average person.

>> No.8456270

I'm a big guy

>> No.8456273


Full of delicious meat usually.

>> No.8456279

Agreed, but this is because the "average person" has absolutely shit taste. Those of us who like to eat well have to steer clear of most of what's targeted to the average person, because it's awful. Because the average person pays closer attention to prices than what they're actually eating. A trip to any chain restaurant or supermarket pretty much proves this.

>> No.8456281

For sow

>> No.8456292

I sleep like shit but I don't think it has anything to do with cows

>> No.8456294

I sleep damn fine with a belly full of steak and taters

>> No.8456301

Like shit but it's because of alcohol and depression instead of dead cows. Dead cows are delicious.

>> No.8456352
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>> No.8456365

My self hate gets in the way, can't really think about something else

>> No.8456366
File: 266 KB, 1330x1305, girl and cow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sleep like a baby. I had a steak Saturday and I will have another one before the end of January.

I don't eat red meat more than once every two weeks.

>> No.8456378

>I don't eat red meat more than once every two weeks.
That's how I do it, too. Have something amazingly delicious once in a while instead of mindlessly eating crappy stuff every day.

>> No.8456381

I eat red meat almost every day. Waiting for something you want is retard.

>> No.8456388


What I want is really high quality beef. I can't afford to eat that every day, so I eat it when I can.

I'll take quality over volume any day.

>> No.8456392

By buying local. I know the farmer who owns the farm shop, and his daughter, who is usually the one who puts a bolt in their brains. They had a good life being fed grass and kept warm in the winter before being being put down quickly and calmly.

If you want to blame someone for animal cruelty, blame the Jewish and Muslim barbaric, outdated religious crap.

>> No.8456408

This x 100. I don't want supermarket tier meat for the same reason I don't eat at McDonald's - I don't want to eat stuff that doesn't taste good. I'd rather eat a plate of beans and rice than tasteless chicken or what passes for a steak in most places. Doing that leaves me enough money for a nice dry aged rib eye every now and then.

>> No.8456419

Cows are sentient you retard

>> No.8456433

Wegmans sells four packs of NY strip steaks for about 30 dollars. I will buy that and freeze them so I can have one every two weeks. They're pretty damn good too.

>> No.8456453
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Northeast bro, wegmans is the motherfucking shit

>> No.8456466
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Because the animals consent.

>> No.8456528

t. someone who has never seen a pig in his entire life

>> No.8456619

He could just lift.

A lot.

>> No.8456634

I just go to sleep.

>> No.8456650

Because I want to eat meat and not have to hunt. It's the same reason why I'm fine with the dog breeding and farming industries. Even if it produces genetic freak shows that wouldn't survive a year in the true wilderness I want it but I don't want to make or get it myself. So I willfully turn a blind eye to any "cruelty" that happens in the process as long as I can get it easily.

>> No.8456673

Makes me comfy knowing all the assblasted vegans out there

I sleep well

>> No.8456687


By knowing that the only meaning life has is what we give it, and that one day we will all die. And that the sun will one day burn out and all shall be dark.

Hopefully after that the cooling matter will organize itself back into a singularity via gravity then we can start the whole thing over again. But this time it might be different, maybe "cows" farm "humans" for their meat this time?

>> No.8456710

Perhaps he started with piglets and gradually, by increasing his lifts and his food intake, he became strong enough for the big ones

>> No.8456733

It's easy.

I remember how assblasted you filthy vegans are and then I sleep peacefully.

>> No.8456766

I haven't been sleeping very well recently, but it has nothing to do with the meat industry.

Also, views are tasty.

>> No.8456786
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I'm here to shitpost not have an existential crisis you fuckface

>> No.8456809

That's exactly how I did it. I never hunted a bigger one than I could eat before it spoiled since obviously I'm too poor for refrigeration. I thought about hunting salt and pepper but I just couldn't sleep at night thinking about how awful the salt industry is.

>> No.8456820

man i hate eating beef and pork
fuck chickens and fish man but i had a pet pig and a pet cow, and i loved them

cant go behind their backs like that man

>> No.8456823

So you are fine being responsible for essentially enslaving an entire species, just so that you can enjoy the taste of dead animal flesh?

How does the suffering of a million cows equate to the slight pleasure you get from the taste of steak?

Really made me think

>> No.8456838

>By knowing that the only meaning life has is what we give it, and that one day we will all die.

So you think its fair to create widespread animal suffering because you don't give their life value? Surely you would want your own life to have more pleasure than pain - why is this different for an animal?

Inb4 they aren't self-aware/intelligent - neither are babies but we still give them plenty of rights

>> No.8456843

Cows aren't fucking sentient, prove it you faggot

>> No.8456888

I don't care how some dumb cows get treated. If I wanted to spend effort on worrying about shit I'd worry about how people are treated first.

>> No.8456903
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Why is it so hard for people to accept that animals have to go through some sort of discomfort and ultimately die if we want to eat meat? Might makes right and we're on top of the food chain.

>> No.8456906

>might makes right
No, right makes right. This is civilization.

>> No.8456918

>right makes right
Nice admission of circular logic, couldn't have been plainer.

>> No.8456922

The thing that blows my mind the most is that veganism just sums up liberalism.

Let's treat this other species completely equal to ours even though they have done nowhere near enough to deserve it and deprive ourselves of a luxury!

Let's gives these refugees everything we have even though they have done nothing to deserve it and destroy our own culture!


>> No.8456925

>if we want to eat meat
But we don't need meat to survive - we can get our protein from plant-based sources.

So why create unnecessary suffering?

>> No.8456926

Kill yourself

>> No.8456928


>> No.8456933

>neither are babies but we still give them plenty of rights

Aside, from the fact that they are of the same species as us and it's entirely natural for one to want the best for their own offspring as a biological imperative they also have the capacity to become something that is self-aware and intelligent.

If you would rather go down the mentally retarded route then you should be aware medical science and ethics has long since been for termination during pregnancy where possible (if it is detected early enough) and that human vegetables can have their life support pulled.

There is nothing strange about the fact humans prioritise and place higher importance and compassion (usually) on our own than other species.

>> No.8456934

>he thinks there's some sort of objective morality
>he doesn't know that morality is result of the policies of the ruling elite
t. an unabashed authoritarian statist

>> No.8456938

>if we want to eat meat

There's your answer

Veganism is about not mindlessly slaughtering animals to fill your fat mouth

>deserve it

What you have done to not deserve me pounding your face in? I'll wait

>of a luxury

I would like the luxury of eating your pineal gland to give me massive strength!

>durrrr refugees

Vegan and anti-refugee/anti-globalist, suck on that fatty

>> No.8456940

And a nice emotional outburst on being proven wrong, just to show everyone you're a piece if shit too.

>> No.8456957

>So you think its fair to create widespread animal suffering because you don't give their life value


When did I say that?

Nah man, meat animals should have "one bad day". and everyone who eats meat should hunt and butcher an animal at least once, it will change you and you will appreciate what it means to be human all the more.

Yeah the way some animals are treated is fucky, I agree. But the way other humans treat each other is like 1000x more fucky.

I'm just saying a take solace in the fact that, we actually control so little of our existence, and what we perceive as important is but a drop in the bucket.

>> No.8456962

What a load of pretentious bullshit

You can just admit you're a moron with no actual reasoning behind your actions and you will accomplish far more in your goal than that typified diarrhea

>> No.8456967


Why you so mad bruh bruh?

>> No.8456969

>non-sentient animals
You can be apathetic and not a retard you know.

>> No.8456972

Because I just had to read the equivalent of my watery shits after eating at my college's cafeteria

>> No.8456977



>> No.8456979

How do you sleep at night knowing that because you're the %1 of the world, billions of people live in nightmare conditions?
I sleep very bad. But a fucking mooing mound of lard or a fat flightless bird so stupid it won't trust the hand that feeds it are not among my foremost worries, hippie subhuman.

>> No.8457017


I agree its not my finest post, stream of thought ftl.

>> No.8457043

Cows are cool. I worked on a ranch for a little while, and when we used to sit down for lunch, they would move in. When you look at them, they freeze in place, but go back to eating, they move closer. They'd even try to hide behind scrawny trees, which is dumb bc it's a giant fucking cow, but still. They're cool. I still eat them though.

>> No.8457048

Because I worked around cows and they are some of the stupidest animals I've ever come into contact with.
I thoroughly enjoy sitting down to a good steak, because fuck cows.

>> No.8457049

You're stupid

I'll eat you

>> No.8457057

Go ahead and try it, I'll quarter you, smoke you, and make you into a brisket just like the other stupid cattle.

>> No.8457070
File: 7 KB, 220x220, sadchicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat moar chikin

>> No.8457077

chickens don't have emotions you degenerate jew

>> No.8457083


Vegans taste like shit though

>> No.8457089

Damn, can't even make you into dog food.

On another note what the hell are you doing on a cooking board on a Polynesian Carpentry Board? Don't you just graze or something?

>> No.8457108


>> No.8457112

Whatever they are doing they are doing it wrong.
Mean production has been reduced to a tasteless diluted protein ration.

Haven't bought mean in a long time.
If I make any I get it from friends/relatives coming from small farmers and it tastes much fuller.

>> No.8457115


Perfectly fine with it.

>> No.8457118

There's nothing I personally can do. Whether I purchase meat products or not, stores are still going to continue ordering and stocking their shelves with pork, beef, chicken, etc, and if I don't buy them someone else will. So why worry myself to death over something like this?

>> No.8457626

Look, we are omnivores and have the chance to sustantiate ourselves with all the nutrients we need (don't forget amino-acids) and we should be grateful for it by accepting the supplied goods. I'm not saying that you are ungrateful because you are vegan or vegetarian (your life, your choice), but why reject all these products when we can simply eat whatever you want AND get properly nourished? There's no point in
Do you go around your life suffering because other persons die? I doubt it.
If I had a pet cow, I'd feel terrible for it when it dies just as someone can get upset when a relative dies. Nonetheless, I won't when other unknown cow dies.
Such person (and most of us) won't feel THAT bad when it sees in the news that an unknown person has died.

>> No.8457629

>There's no point in getting sad about all the death and suffering in the world.*

>> No.8457654

We can't eat whatever we like, we actually depend on a balance. With adults it's not as extreme as with young children, but veganism has caused infants to be permanently damaged or even die (and the vegan parents convicted) many times all over the world, and I imagine the same will happen to 80-90 year olds once really old vegans exist.

>> No.8457668

I sleep soundly. Steak is good!

>> No.8457680


>> No.8457684

You do can eat whatever you like as long as you accept the consequences. Rising a child and giving it poor nourishment, however, is ridiculous.
Plus, you're causing damage to a third party, you are no longer caring about yourself, but rathee forcing YOUR eating habits down to someone else's throat (figuratively and literally).

>> No.8457686

I sleep during the day you insensitive lout.

>> No.8457694

Sure. You can even just shove a knife into your neck right now instead of into the steak as long as you accept the consequences.

>> No.8457708

Eating habits and suicide aren't the same.
You can eat whatever you want. Your life.
If you desire to kill yourself, it's because you are in pain and in dire need of psychiatrich help. You still can die any way you want, tho.

>> No.8457807

I think it's a matter of what systems you want to support. Part of what makes our food cheap and plentiful is industrialized animal raising that isn't for the squeamish. You can put your blinders on and pretend you're not supporting an ugly, morally grey (at best) industry. I mean lots of things in life ain't pretty, but factory animal farming is particularly ugly, and many of the products it gives us aren't very high in quality. It's perfectly legit to question just how much of that stuff you want to eat.

>> No.8457849


>> No.8457862

I have bigger issues on my mind than the lives of animals, for example the fact that there are millions of naive and seemingly innocent young children burning in hell right this minute.
Frankly you animal activists need to get your sense of perspective checked.

>> No.8457863
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>organized religion

>> No.8457877

Fun Fact: Plants can feel pain and are perfectly capable of emotions.
Another Fun Fact: Unlike meat, vegetables are still alive when you cook/eat them.
If I'm a murderer for eating meat, you're a murderer AND a torturer for eating vegetables. Gaia is a cold heartless bitch.

>> No.8457883

As an animist, this is true, but your digits cofirm this.

Still, animal slaughter is a messy thing, especially for Food Inc. We should try and reduce suffering as much as possible.

>> No.8457902

There are not many choices. Countries gotta keep their people fed up, and you can't fullfill the demands with regular ranchs.
Farm products or hunting is not only expensive but the latter can also be dangerous.

>> No.8457908

This doesn't do anything to counter the arguments against meat production's undeniably huge negative impact on the environment

>> No.8457923

>plants can feel pain


>perfectly capable of emotions

Double wrong

>> No.8457940

>t. Evangelical/Catholic hypocrite who would burn in hell if such a non-sensical place existed because you stink higher in your non-existent god's nostrils than any other flawed human.

>> No.8457953

>There are not many choices.
Bullshit. The typical American diet is bullshit, and the machinery we've set up to deliver it to the average American is unnecessary. Anyone with half a brain and a little time to cook can do better.

>> No.8457957

>who would burn in hell if such a non-sensical place existed because you stink higher in your non-existent god's nostrils than any other flawed human
God said that we can be saved by believing in God, that Christ is God, that He died on the cross and was resurrected, that's really it.
Sadly a lot of seemingly innocent people don't and therefore it's not wrong for me to suggest that I am potentially saved whilst they are definitely not. It's not as if it doesn't bother me but it's what God has told us and we have to accept it as the truth. The reality of even one soul in hell is far grimmer than a trillion tortured and screaming animals.

>> No.8458013


>> No.8458027

That's part of being the dominate species in this planet. Get over it you limp wristed vegan.

>> No.8458041

Views are sentient, but not sapient, which is the word you were looking for.

>> No.8458063

So I'm guessing those innocent African children who died in stillbirth are just fucked because fuck them right?

Fucking loser

>> No.8458066

We are not the dominate species

That would be bacteria or viruses

>> No.8458079

>Denying scientifically proven objective facts because you don't like hearing the truth

Bet you're a Liberal.

>> No.8458080


Because it's grinding itself toward it's own end.

Meat production does not scale with food production. The resource requirements are too vast.

As the global demand for meat grows in the coming decades it's going to hit a point where it simply cost too much. Too many mouths to feed and that burger is going to turn into a luxury item.

>> No.8458081

>How do you sleep at night

Usually on my side. I don't find sleeping on my back very comfortable.

>> No.8458096

Yeah neither of those are scientifically proven. Plants don't even have neuroreceptors required to feel pain

Now are you going to accept the scientific facts of how horrible animal products are for you and the environment? And that generally speaking you're more likely to kill less plants in a plant based diet than a diet including animals?

Of course not

>> No.8458097


Like a baby

>> No.8458114

Please stop believing in fairytales handed down from the stick worshippers of ancient Stuma. You idiots hold back the progress of man more than any of the other dumbfucks combined because you're scared to death of the nonexistence that awaits us all. Which is somewhat ironic, since it will be precisely like the whole of time before you were born.

>> No.8458158

With a belly full of steak

>> No.8458168


>> No.8458250

usually full of tryptophan

>> No.8458260

i keep tendies in my bedroom fridge to snack on during my apnea attacks

>> No.8458270

so those gigant machines and toxic pestisides not to mention residue burning are great for the enviroment?

>> No.8458275

but what about plants being born with female brains?

>> No.8458312

with a full belly, the light off, my eyes closed, and the outline of a story about a crazy pedophile developing in my head

>> No.8458327

with a belly full of meat

>> No.8458374

Listen faggot, if you want to go around claiming that animal products are bad for the environment, then fine; I'll let you have that. But stop spouting the meme that animal products are unhealthy for humans when they aren't. You cherry pick retarded studies funded by other retards that make vague conclusions that are in line with your agenda.

>> No.8459057

>Let's treat this other species completely equal to ours
>completely equal

>> No.8459098

As if shitposting is not one lengthy drawn out existential crisis.

>> No.8459128

wholesale slaughter, deprivation of freedoms, forced to follow the herd for The Man.

seems like we treat them like humans already.

>> No.8459142
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Usually my body prompts me to seek comfort by yawning, and from my chosen soft vertical surface, my consciousness dims for a few hours to recover from the stress of daytime activity

>> No.8459147

>organized religion lumped in with all that
tip o' the mornin' t'you goodsir

>> No.8459437

Then obviously you should go complain to the viruses about this instead of on 4chan

>> No.8459785


>> No.8459801
