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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 14 KB, 646x720, im ready to merk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8453973 No.8453973[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>Go into McDonald's
>Ask lady behind counter how much a double cheese burger is
>She tells me
>Say "I'll have 4 double cheese burgers, large fries, a cok-actually I'll have a strawberry milkshake and some BBQ sauce, please"
>She asks " Sitting in or takeaway?"
>Tell her sit in
>"Oh wow, you must be hungry haha"
>Roll my eyes at her and make some grunting sounds so she gets on with it
>Hands me my tray and I walk upstairs and down the hall to the very end where no one can see me
>Eat my meal and sprinkle some chili flakes I brought from home onto the fries
>Finish up and go to the toilet
>Come out and the lady from the counter has picked up my tray
>"Wow! I didn't realize you were THAT hungry" *pointing to the tray*
>"Haha, yeah"
>Walk away in a fit of anger
>Contact customer service and file a complaint

WTF?! Why can't I eat my meal in peace?! Why do Normies have to make fun of you everywhere you go?

Just because I smile at you does not mean you can interact with me, I'm pretty sure she was flirting too.

>> No.8453976

imho would feed to dog

>> No.8453977

go back to your re re containment board.

>> No.8453979

I bet you're fat as shit

>> No.8453992

Sometimes when I order a Happy Meal, the McDonalds employees see that I am alone and without child so they just ASSUME it's "to go" and don't give me an eating tray

I don't care, I just eat it inside anyways but it's kind of annoying

>> No.8454002

Please do not comment on my weight, she was the one flirting with me.

>> No.8454015
File: 151 KB, 500x364, 87740e10284e3ecd00d98c456b9d80b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop trying to make my favorite restaurant sound bad.
Move to a first world country where McDonald's delivers and enjoy never having to make small talk again.

>> No.8454021

>Live in SK for 2 months
>Fuck it, mcdonalds is right there
>Look it up on my phone to figure out the menu
Fucking amazing.

Decidedly way, WAY less amazing when it turns out virtually any restaurant within 10 blocks of you (of which there are literally hundreds) will deliver, with ceramic and stone bowls and plating and everything.
But still.
Wish we had it in the states.

>> No.8454027

well for me, it's the fillet o'fish

>> No.8454029

>will deliver, with ceramic and stone bowls and plating and everything.
>But still.
>Wish we had it in the states.

That would be retardedly expensive

>> No.8454080


>> No.8454092

loads of mcdonalds have two floors

>> No.8454106

is this bait? how can you guys be this autistic?

normie smalltalk is easy, they laugh at anything because they're utterly unfunny, just say some dumb shit like "im bulking for winter" and call it a day, how does this shit ruin your meals?

>> No.8454108
File: 87 KB, 494x594, IMG_6846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1) she was attempting to be friendly
2) she was just doing her job

Get out more and stop being such an angry fat shit

>> No.8454112

One time I tried to joke this way and the 4 women who were talking to me shared eye contact and yawned.

>> No.8454114

Tune in next week on "Shit that Never Happened"

>> No.8454118


>> No.8454126
File: 669 KB, 2048x1530, mc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8454128

>Double cheeseburgers
>Not mcdoubles


>> No.8454157

I see moon runes, no wonder their McDs are multistoried they have no space and are packed full of people.

Let me put it this way; I've never seen multiple storied McDs in the West.

>> No.8454162

There are loads in the UK and all over NYC


>> No.8454164

>live right by two two-floor mcdicks
>literally within a mile of each other
>live in the grorious western hemisphere

>> No.8454165
File: 42 KB, 460x276, McDonalds-London-Olympic--008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sucks to be you, nerd

>> No.8454170


how did you start a conversation with four people well and good and then fuck it up?

>> No.8454174

What was that? Looks dank desu

>> No.8454186

What the fuck. This is an abomination.

>> No.8454190

do they still carry this item desu?

>> No.8454203

no you ahve to order off the children's menu or they charge you for a cheeseburger and add a service fee to remove the extra slice of americano cheese

>> No.8454209

NYC Chinatown has one. I think it's 3 stories.

>> No.8454217


t. Cletus McNeil

>> No.8454218

i really love /ck/

>> No.8454223

>I'm pretty sure she was flirting too


>> No.8454226
File: 370 KB, 3200x1800, 2_Gordon_Ramsay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>go to burger king
>ask for a burger
>it's five dollars
>they ask if I want fries
>yeah, sure, that sounds nice
>total is now twelve dollars
>Excuse me, why the hell do your fries cost more than the goddamned burger
>Well, if you get a coke with it, the total will only be seven dollars
>Well, give me a fucking coke then
>"accidentally" spill the coke before I leave

Fucking retards, what the fuck kinda system is that, I don't want your crappy sludge.

>> No.8454231

she was flirting with you dumpass
she saw your fingerless gloves, xxxl shirt with stain, flame shorts and fedora and wanted a peice

>> No.8454232

>go to burger king
>I don't want your crappy sludge

Pick one.

>> No.8454260

they come back for the plates

>> No.8454262
File: 74 KB, 736x630, Rei_Ayanami_Neon_Genesis_Evangelion_window_schoolgirl_uniform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the only place that's open. I don't go out in the daylight.

>> No.8454366

Because the people on this board are socially inept for the most part.

>> No.8454405

happened to me before too. pissed me off too. dont worry about it bro

>> No.8454465

t. Faggy McFuckoff with this shitty /int/ meme you crossposter dickhead

>> No.8454499
File: 1.00 MB, 891x695, 1437135295878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy oreos on my way to work in the morning
>grab a monster at the check out line
>cuckshier says "breakfast of champions"
>scream at him for judging my life choices when he's a grocery cuck and scream about how much more money I make until the manager called security
>mfw chimping out at some poor schmuck over nothing
Eventually saw a shrink and the pills stop that

>> No.8454518

>buy four crates of instant noodles at wal-mart
>want more but starting to worry about what the cashier will say about buying 200 packs of instant noodles

shoulda gotten all eight crates

>> No.8454525

When it's that absurd, they assume it's for some type of business/organization

>> No.8454537

Why so much ramen

>> No.8454547

It's best ramen. It's rare, there's always problems with it selling out so I buy large quantities when the imports come in so I have reserves for when their are production/import problems. People are always buying it all up at once so the shelf is usually empty.

>> No.8454558

Now it's the Quarter Pounder Deluxe. They have always sold a Quarter Pounder (or third pounder briefly) with lettuce, tomato, and mayo, but it has been under several names such as the Big Feast, Big n' Tastey, Angus Third Pounder Deluxe, and Quarter Pounder Deluxe.

>> No.8454605

I don't think I eat more than 10 packs of ramen per year. Why do you need 20 years' worth of ramen? How much of that do you really need to eat?

>> No.8454614

That menu doesn't feel right.
Something is missing...

>> No.8454628

It's really good. It's already half gone and i think it's only been twenty days or so since I went. Maybe a month. Anyway, I add other stuff to it, like salmon and veggies. Salmon is almost gone too though. I buy vast quantities and can got three months without visiting stores.

>> No.8454655

Arctic Blvd in Anchorage, Alaska is two-story. Only one I've seen.
One of the other ones in town also has double drive-thrus, side by side.

>> No.8454766

There was a hapa girl at my old college who used to make remarks like that when I'd buy giant candy bars, BIG AZ chicken sandwiches, energy drinks, etc. She'd say, "stop doing this to yourself." But when you're a fucked up piece of shit, it only makes you angrier when people try to help you. Anyway, you were 100% right you judgmental, freckled hapa. I just ate an apple. I hope you're happy.

>> No.8454778

go through the self checkout

>> No.8454884

I know this feel. This is the primary reason I don't go outside.

>> No.8454888

kys nigger

If you hate it that much, don't patronize their business.

>> No.8455235

Maybe she was into chubb guys and was honestly happy to see you eating that much. Maybe she pretended she made the food for you and fantasized about cuddling up to you after. Stop being such a soft faggot. If you want to eat then eat. Chicks like all kinds of dudes except pussy bitches like you.

>> No.8455462

t. Flyover Hick

Come to civilisation one day. Don't be scared.

>> No.8455494

t. Triggered hillbilly

Stick to catfish and biscuits while you play your banjo.

>> No.8455505


if this isnt bait i dunno what else it could be

>> No.8456886

Please do not flirt with me whilst I am having dinner.

>> No.8456915

Fuck you, you metrosexual cuntwad. I bet you eat Ramen.

And fuck you too. You McMansion living fatass