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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 14 KB, 300x250, Coffee-Cup-from-printshop_opt-300x250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8446690 No.8446690 [Reply] [Original]

if you drink your coffee black you are an imbecile to mankind

even water tastes better than this shit

just dump it out and get some sink water imo

this is mud in a cup

>> No.8446695

Can the 16 year old girls please leave

>> No.8446696


>> No.8446708
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>drinking coffee with milk

>> No.8446710

The only thing I can accuse you of is buying shitty coffee. Plenty are light and aromatic but you have to pay.

>> No.8446714
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is a coffee still black if you add sugar to it? Yeah it has no cream but it looks the same.

I've always wondered because for the longest time I thought black coffee means you added nothing...but now I'm not sure.

>> No.8446725

I literally came to this thread to ask this, what does "black" mean? I drink my coffee with sugar, but no cream or milk, is that black or not?

>> No.8446731

and your point is....?

>> No.8446736

No. It's not. If I ordered black coffee and I got coffee with sugar in it I'd throw it in somebody's face.

>> No.8446740

i wouldnt call that black but wtf do you guys have against cream

its what thickens it which makes it into coffee

without it and its not even coffee

>> No.8446742

Drink your coffee however you like, literally no one cares

No, you wouldn't. You'd say "t-thanks" and drink it like a good cuck.

>> No.8446743

This -- forget the sugar, cream is what makes the coffee. Are you folks lactose intolerant or something?

>> No.8446747

Black coffee is the bomb.
>I used to go to deli before work.
>Order large coffee with 1 sugar & a splash of milk
>Guy that makes the coffee like his light & sweet
>makes my coffee light & sweet 9/10 times
>throw coffee out the window 9/10 times
>just make it black; you can't fuck that up
>been drinking that way for 20 years

>> No.8446748

>being a slave to the glucose jew
>being a slave to the high fat jew


>> No.8446755

I'm lactose intolerant. Coffee with cream tastes fine but having to take a pill just gets inconvenient to consume dairy so I just got over it.

>> No.8446766

use almond milk or lactaid or some bullshit or coconut milk

theres so much shit you can do m8 why do you do this to yourself

>> No.8446773

>coffee without cream
>bread without butter
>potatoes without vinegar

What are you, a fucking monk? Flavor your food.

>> No.8446788

>i wouldnt call that black but wtf do you guys have against cream

Cream does nothing but sweeten it, imo, I don't care about the thickness, the only time I use cream is if I have no sugar around, you really only need one or the other

>> No.8446791

I'm going to sound like an asshole but I import Kona coffee twice a month and I just really like the way it tastes. I can't get Blue Mountain coffee.

Half a tablespoon of sugar in a travel mug and away I go and it tastes great. I'm not hating on cream users at all, it's fine.

>> No.8446800

I drink black coffee do you honestly think I'm scared of a confrontation with a fucking barista about it?

>> No.8446806

they love you. Least amount of work they do all day

>> No.8446828

Yeah until they have to clean a hopper or a floor drain.

>> No.8446863

If you don't like black coffee, you don't like coffee.

I don't mind people who prefer it with sensible amounts of sugar or dairy. Even I like a latte or a cafe au lait now and then. But if you don't actually like coffee in the first place, you're just being pretentious.

>> No.8446871

black coffee is god tier. It balances out the sweetness of any carbohydrate-loaded breakfast/dessert foods.

>> No.8446899

Well I usually order an americano at coffee shops because the drip coffee's always stale as shit and probably scorched too.

>> No.8446908
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>> No.8446913

well you can brag about enjoying your mud water in its natural form but im not jealous since coffee isnt something that i would respect when a person says "i enjoy it in its pure form"

>> No.8446958

people who only drink black coffee don't understand that its a balance of flavours that make a better cup, the sugar balances out the bitter, and fats taste good. its simple really.

>> No.8446975

>le "coffee taste is an indicator of masculinity" meme

>> No.8446984


Let's face it, the OP has presented bait of the very shitest tier.

And the Dogs of Pavlov want their coffee

>> No.8446992

I can guarantee people who don't like black coffee drink
>maxwell house
>any fast food restaurant
>shitty burnt pretty ground coffee
>IF they make it at home, use a drip coffee brewer which burns the everliving fuck out of the already burnt coffee
>no knowledge of water : beans

>> No.8446997

>hey uhhh I'll have a small coffee with 2 creams and 3 sugars

>> No.8447003

if thats the proper ratio you find pleasant whats wrong with that combo?

people who drink black dont even look for the proper balance they just drink shit water

>> No.8447020
File: 35 KB, 1280x720, coffeeblack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these black coffee drinkers just like people who only cook steak medium rare. its just a club they created to feel special. see how they jump to extremes when i suggest things that make the coffee experience better. cognitive dissonance.

>> No.8447032

>coffee drinking experience
By removing the taste of coffee?

>> No.8447034
File: 155 KB, 1200x1060, CzemW8uXAAA2jHb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ehhhh sugar sugar gimme sugar sugar mommi

Not all of us want to be a slave to the sugarjew you dense fuck

>> No.8447039
File: 84 KB, 682x600, tom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adds salt to steak
>removes the taste of steak

lol wat

>> No.8447040

theres stevia theres splenda they both have no effect on your sugar levels

u dont have to use sugar to sweeten your coffee bro

>> No.8447045

>just like people who only cook steak medium rare.

Why are you on this board lmao?
you obviously have a shit fucking pallette lmfao
/k/ is why easier to troll

>> No.8447046

I only eat steak medium rare, but I'll cook it however you like it you tremendous faggot.

>> No.8447047

>I can't moderate myself
You should probably avoid addictive substances of any kind, including caffeine, bro

>> No.8447052

A cup of coffee with a little bit of sugar and cream in it isn't going to turn you into a fatass overnight. Typically that comes from other, worse dietary and lifestyle choices.

>> No.8447053
File: 59 KB, 461x614, IMG_0490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro that shit gives you cancer...so does regular sugar but the fake shit...mane it's just no good

>> No.8447058
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>one teaspoon of sugar in a cup of coffee once a day
>slave to sugar

im dyin here

but in all seriousness if you are a black coffee drinker and brew in a plastic aeropress really you are a coffee drinker who likes plastic with their coffee.

>> No.8447060

Seasoning a steak isn't even comparable to adding sugar to coffee you dunce.

>> No.8447061

cancer is a meme.

>> No.8447062
File: 489 KB, 420x315, michaelJ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>isn't even comparable

seriously, please examine your statement again

>> No.8447073

Added sugar, along with artificial sweeteners, creates a bad habit of sweetening because sugar is addictive.

Quit soda for 2 weeks and I guarantee you it'll taste funny the next time you drink it.

>> No.8447076

stevia comes from a leaf its all natural and doesnt cause cancer and has no health risks

>> No.8447082

There isn't any substantial evidence that artificial sweeteners cause cancer. There are only studies showing they cause bad eating habits.

Sugar is inflammatory and acts as a fuel to cancer.

>> No.8447092

Now we're getting into the territory of claiming cream and sugar removes bad things from coffee.

>> No.8447113

i drink Black because i've got bored of milk and shit

>> No.8447433
File: 118 KB, 750x750, IMG_20150709_WA0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>run out of coffee
>go to starbucks
>fat fuck family ordering before me
>everyone orders venti milkshakes their way, extra shots, white mocha, peppermint, salted caramel, etc..
>at least 10k calories combined
>finally "that'll be $74.68"
>order my iced coffee
>wait 20 mins for them to finish making all these fucking frappachinos
>get my coffee, there's a shit ton of sugar in it
>tell them I didn't order sugar. although sometimes I put a little in because starbucks tastes like ass
>"Oh it comes with sugar!"

>> No.8447449

i hope you threw it at the barista and told her that now she comes with sugar.

>> No.8448104

I drink my coffee black and balance the bitter with the sugar and fat with a scone or shortbread on the side

>> No.8448111

Do you not have self control?

>> No.8448141

Iced coffee always does taste have plenty of sugar though.

>> No.8448142

black coffee > with cream > with cream and sugar (not a lot) > with sugar > with cream and sugar (a lot)

>> No.8448167

Is it true that milk weaken the function of caffeine?

>> No.8448180

Milk only slows absorption of the caffeine in the way of it makes you drink it slower most times than if it was just black coffee and you drank it faster. Nothing in milk binds to it or stops absorption of the caffeine or its effects on your mind/body.

>> No.8448191

I put half & half and a pinch of salt in my coffee. I buy the good shit from local roasters. It brings out the flavor more than drinking it black imo. I've been drinking coffee for 20 years. When I was a lad I drank it with cream and sugar (because you only know shitty coffee then). Then just sugar, then black. 10 years ago I decided just cream was ideal to me. I think you taste the coffee a little less without dairy and that little pinch of salt. Sugar straight up masks the taste. There is a little bit of sugar in dairy, but the lactose seems to harmonize with coffee, unlike sucrose which doesn't. Not that any of you care, or that I care what any of you dorks think. Enjoy trying to impress each other.

>> No.8448216

I've heard of others using a small pinch of salt also. I may have to try it some time just to see if I like it or how it makes it taste.

>> No.8448226

>imbecile to mankind

doesn't mean anything

>> No.8448317

>I don't care about the thickness
she said

>> No.8448741

Started drinking black coffee to help with sea sickness when I started working on fishing boats, recommended by an older man I used to work with who drank it in the navy to help with sea sickness. Worked like a charm, just kept drinking it that way since.

>> No.8448747

Sugar is for pussies and milk is only ok in iced coffee

>> No.8448753


>> No.8448778

You mad bro?

>> No.8448787

doesn't help me with sea sickness.

> my brother live streaming me puking my guts over the side of a charter boat.

>> No.8448794

When i drink coffee, it's for a shot of caffeine. Couldn't give a shit less how it tastes. That said, I enjoy the flavor of most black coffees I've had. Stop having the palate of a child I guess.

>> No.8448910

I add milk to my coffee because I come from a family of dairymen and lactose is in our blood

>> No.8449002

Places like Dunkin and Starbucks add salt to their coffee

>> No.8449029

I'm drinking my coffee black right now
blow me

>> No.8449161



>> No.8449178



>> No.8449184

what's wrong with medium rare you nigger

>> No.8449253

It will make a difference but there's no way I can tell you which you'll prefer. You might like the tap water better, you might like the filtered water better, idk. Depends on what the tap water is like in your area, too.

>> No.8449275

Pinch of salt pinch of cayenne , try it.

>> No.8449297

I love the taste of black coffee but it gives me a very jittery high and extrudes watery shit from my anus almost instantly. I prefer tea or mate.

>> No.8449312

I always drink my coffee black. I love it with something sweet to eat like a doughnut. The contrast of flavor is amazing. I can't even imagine eating something sweet with sweetened coffee. Just the thought makes me cringe.

>> No.8449344
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>> No.8449351

How am I supposed to taste the beans if it's overpowered by cream and sugar? If you have to add cream and sugar to a cup of coffee to mitigate the bitterness, it was brewed incorrectly. The beans were likely steeped for too long, resulting in the excessive leeching of tannins.

>> No.8449387
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I take my coffee tepid and black. Like my soul.

>> No.8449388

How many pussies do you think he destroys daily?

>> No.8449398

I exclusively drink coffee black and I send my steak back if it is even slightly cooked further than rare

>> No.8451352

Hm. Sounds interesting.

>> No.8451382

6, since that's the devils number.

>> No.8451432

Dairy plus extreme heat creates formaldehyde, and to that i say no thank you maam

>> No.8451450

Depends on how many Chinese restaurants there are nearby.

>> No.8451454

Coffee is shit. If you don't make it tolerable with cream & sugar, it's bitter shit. If you let it get cold, it's bitter shit. there is literally no reason to drink coffee. There's a handful of reasons not to, though. You're literally steeping seeds into water for a cocktail of heavy metals and pesticides, and it's making you demented.

Now tea, tea's the shit. Tea's where it's at. tea's gone cold, you're wondering why? Doesn't matter. It's just as delicious as a hot brewed cup, perhaps even moreso. Tea's got all sortsa anti-occident goodies in it. Coffee will just stain your mouth. The dental industry is probably ecstatic that there're so many same-ass hivemind idiot coffee drinkers openly willing to destroy their dental situation with dirtwater. More business for those mouth-poking dolts. Makes me sick. coffee.. 'the fuck out my face with that crap.

>> No.8451456

weeb detected

>> No.8451486

glorious nippon tea leaf steeped 1000 times

>> No.8451561

My coffee in the morning is almost always black

as the day progresses, depending on what I'm eating and doing, sometimes I want a thicker drink or sometimes I want something sweeter. If I have after dinner coffee I usually put some milk in, but if dessert was a part of the meal then it will stay black.

Coffee is fucking awesome in the same way eggs are, make it 10 different ways and they are all fantastic at the right time

>> No.8451589

I care anon

>> No.8451655

>I don't like coffee. Stop liking what I don't like.

Pretty sure black tea stains teeth more than coffee does. The average steeped black tea contains about twice as many tannins as the average brewed coffee. (by pretty sure, I mean it's a scientific fact, and it's very easy to search a peer-reviewed study) It's always fun to make up medical reasons why everyone else shouldn't like what you don't like and shitpost about it though. You should visit the vegan threads!

>> No.8451690

coffee already has a nice flavor. Its spoiled by adding things to it.