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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 34 KB, 614x404, doritos-3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8441350 No.8441350 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Discontinued items you miss

>> No.8441376
File: 674 KB, 600x871, wolverinevolcano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These were my go to in middle school...

Also pic related

>> No.8441385
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>> No.8441389
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>> No.8441410
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>> No.8441413

fuck I used to pick a blue one up every day on my way home from school

>> No.8441415
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>> No.8441421

I wonder if the creators of that stuff look at the energy drink market today and think to themselves "What did we do wrong? We were the original"

>> No.8441686
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>> No.8441770
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When I was a kid I ate a whole bag of these along with a 2L of Pepsi Blue and I vomited like a blue volcano later that night. Fond memories

>> No.8441786

I can still find these, what are you talking about?

>> No.8441788


Really? I haven't seen them in like a decade

Maybe they're just rare in Canada

>> No.8441791

They have these by me, but they're honey bbg flavored

>> No.8441792
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>> No.8441793

Not sure about that specific flavor but yeah fritos twists are still a thing in America

>> No.8441807
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Technically WAS discontinued for a while, but recently brought back since the beginning of the year. Ranch Dipped Hot Wings can't even hold a candle to these.

>> No.8441814
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Not so much an item, but the Supercharger was the only reason I was a regular at KFC, never understood why they took it off the menu..

>> No.8441821


>> No.8441824

Inb4 Oreo-O's
Those shits were nasty

>> No.8441825
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>> No.8441836

I have so many friends that rely on me for different things, its almost a pain. But it is nice when I can go over to different peoples houses for dinner whenever I want. I can just show up at anytime drunk and they take me into there homes.

>> No.8441857
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>> No.8441863
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This was hands-down the best Easy Mac flavor.

>> No.8441868

how fucking lazy are you to microwave mac and cheese. Like, that is beyond bad. Please just start assessing your life

>> No.8441872

>complains about snack food in a snack food thread

no anon you are the retard

>> No.8441876
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>> No.8441882

not him but hot plates were not allowed in my dorm in college so i could only "cook" with a microwave

>> No.8441885
File: 158 KB, 331x500, Mister Salty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would murder my first born for a box of these.

>> No.8441903
File: 106 KB, 187x288, Oreoos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8441912

>being this much of a pussy-ass faggot

They're still around in South Korea.

>> No.8441914

these were godly

oreo cakesters too (might still be available somewhere)

>> No.8441921
File: 81 KB, 401x640, Dinasour Eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gobstoppers are really close to these, but they're just not big or hard enough.

>that's what she said

>> No.8441929

>hot plates were not allowed in my dorm in college so i could only "cook" with a microwave

Most dorms have a kitchen in the basement. Did yours?

>> No.8441937
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never tried em. how are they different from regular pretzels?

>> No.8441945
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I don't really miss them, I was just amazed they thought it was a good idea. Really weird seeing them on shelves.

>> No.8441948

10x more salt. Also, the flavor had something in it too that made them different from current hard pretzels, probably pureed pig testicles or something.

>> No.8441953

It makes sense since all of those products were real sauces already being used

>> No.8441958

There was a dr pepper slow cooked ribs fad for a little bit so they thought they could make some money with it I guess

>> No.8442050

Fucking roasty

>> No.8442057

Ftfy, newfag.

>> No.8442060

doesnt chilis still sell dr pepper ribs?

>> No.8442070

>the impulsive buy

>> No.8442102

I had no idea these once existed, but I miss it

>> No.8442104
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>> No.8442111
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also this

>> No.8442125
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member these?
i member

>> No.8442130

They still sell Supernova in Finland, I think?


>> No.8442148
File: 15 KB, 220x229, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When kids as me if there is a God, I tell them that in 2009 there was.

>> No.8442173

>Check out my hot mixtape boi

>> No.8442177
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Si pape si

>> No.8442201
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>> No.8442212

not the mango sours I got the tangerine ones.

>> No.8442219

Taco Bell chicken club burritos

>> No.8442262

I don't go to chili's idk

>> No.8442302
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>> No.8442365
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>> No.8442407
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They still sell those at Mexican flea market bro.

>> No.8442490
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I think I may be the only one on earth that actually enjoyed these
cookies and cream twix sounds wondrful

>> No.8442573

Oh damn. I haven't seen them in the UK for like, 12 years or so.

Do they still sell Choco Zucaritas with the little marshmallows in Mexico?

>> No.8442608
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>> No.8442611
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>> No.8442643

these come out every year in the uk

>> No.8442648

Grilled stuffed chicken enchiladas from Taco Bell.

>> No.8442651

Tostitos lime and chile in the 90s.
Before that "hint of lime" atrocity replaced it.

>> No.8442654

You can still buy these at outlet stores. Gone forever soon though.

>> No.8442660

You can get baby back ribs with Dr pepper barbecue sauce at Chili's

>> No.8442661

jesus these were fucking disgusting i hated these so much

>> No.8442663

I'd try that for sure. Looks saucy and maybe spicy?

>> No.8442665

the fucked up the flavor of most of them, imo. which is pretty astonishing considering how many energy drinks taste like camel piss

>> No.8442666
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>> No.8442668
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Seriously, nobody has posted Planter's Cheese Balls yet?

Also, pic related. Just like the Planter's Cheese Balls, none of the knock offs come even remotely close.

>> No.8442677

I had those a few months ago. Soggy breading is so crappy. Also, the cheese had resolidified and was almost cold. I can not miss them. You are far better off buying a frozen box of those and frying them yourself.

>> No.8442681

My father's love

>> No.8442682

this was the shit

>> No.8442706

the honey bbq flavor is the only one i;ve actually encountered in the US across both coasts and the midwest, although i've seen pictures of other flavors

>> No.8442712

they sell that Dr. Pepper BBQ sauce at Sheetz in PA and I fucking miss eating it with popcorn chicken

>> No.8442790
File: 15 KB, 315x315, mccain-micro-pizza-cheese-and-tomato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im pretty sure you can still get those here in the UK...

these i'm not so sure, they were fucking dope though

what I miss is pic related. before you cry about ants, that's as big as i could fucking find. for those with glaucoma, Mccain's Micro Pizza. It's pizza...for the microwave! Were they shit? Yes. Did I love them? Also yes. Was I a small child? Absolutely.

But god dammit I miss them.

>> No.8442838
File: 19 KB, 300x594, img-products-single-deep-dish-pepperoni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are pretty good microwave pizzas

>> No.8442852

ew deep dish. that crust around the outside, like a pie, blech.

the ones i got as a kid were like a slab of bread with a thick tomato sauce and some generic cheese. the sauce is what really made it, it actually tasted real, while the bread was reasonable; spongy but not soggy, and not too thick or thin.

>> No.8442877
File: 420 KB, 594x673, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they still make those,
I personally like the stouffers version better

>> No.8443092

>im pretty sure you can still get those here in the UK...
I only see them whenever i go to the panto. Still get one every time.

>> No.8443308
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these were my favorite

>> No.8443320
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I doubt I would still eat them if they were around today, but back in the day I frequently would throw one of these in the microwave after I got home from school. Kid me thought they were good as fuck and several of my friends used to eat them too.

>> No.8443360
File: 175 KB, 480x360, cimg0495.jpg?w=500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't find them at costco
ruined my day

>> No.8443376

Neither is drinking. Jesus christ.

>> No.8443400

These are available in like every fucking grocery store dumbass

>> No.8443405

>muh costco

>> No.8443430

I miss Red Fusion so much.

>> No.8443467
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>> No.8443490
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Albertson's actually has really good soda and cookies

>> No.8443664
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>> No.8444177


>> No.8444220

Holy shit dude i think about the volcano burrito everyday of my life, best thing taco bell ever made hands down.

>> No.8444308
File: 72 KB, 768x768, gallery-1446730608-delish-dunkaroos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Nesquik cereal and Frosted Mini-Wheats, despite my not eating cereal anymore

>> No.8444334
File: 83 KB, 393x325, me right now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your favorite snack/drink is not discontinued
>but they changed the taste

>> No.8444342

They weren't great, but for $1 they were worth it.

I'd get 2 for me it's the's, and 2 orders of those.

>> No.8444384
File: 44 KB, 458x625, 9e9d74d2fd75ca1d54e6c0a429fc3c5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was super pissed when they discontinued this

>> No.8444385

tell us what it was

>> No.8444414
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..and the Pot Noodle Kids version they did was delicious.

>> No.8444538

We've got these still in the UK
I only ever see them in petrol stations tho

>> No.8444692
File: 6 KB, 212x237, 10426794_927615887266923_3685780554692096519_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miss these

>> No.8444742
File: 35 KB, 350x450, imKOLhKkwSZOtVL-1600x900-noPad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8445077

The new Braves stadium is advertising their signature concessions with Coke and Monster energy drink infused BBQ sauce

>> No.8445092
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>> No.8446750
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>> No.8446822

these were godly

>> No.8446936

Where do you live, man? Both Nesquik and Frosted Mini Wheats can be found in any grocery store in Canada. Bummer if that's not the case elsewhere

>> No.8446939


>> No.8446977

>basic ass memory posted in every nostalgia thread
>shitty south park meme


>> No.8446982

dont be postin dem bones here boy

>> No.8446991



>> No.8447656

I missed these....Sad they're gone, yet my heart is happy...(caffeine sensitivity)

>> No.8447677
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the fuckin goat

>> No.8447678
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This shit was great

>> No.8447686
File: 128 KB, 629x548, CrEGIpQXYAANtX2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oooooh shit the motherfucking p'zone!!

>> No.8447690

don't they return it every so often?

>> No.8447704

I haven't seen it since around 10 years ago

>> No.8447731
File: 328 KB, 540x471, 97403678a33ff3dfdf9e0c18b85761b9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my pizza hut still sells them, havent gotten one in years though

>> No.8447736

Must be a regional thing. I'm so fucking jealous

>> No.8447762


Why/When did they discontinue that?

Why was it so cheap?

blog post:

I was in some early test area on extended vacation (long story short) and had this way before it came out. It was super cheap and I drank it all the time.

When I came home I thought I was losing my mind because I couldn't find it anywhere. Then it came out what felt like years later

I hate mountain dew, but I would be a vault person like those mountain dew "people" if I could find it.

>> No.8448113
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>> No.8448121

They stopped selling them here when they overhauled their menu into the disgusting mess of sticky crusts and drizzled sauce it is now.
Which fucking sucks because that shit was amazing for $5. Just a solid pound of bread cheese and meat

>> No.8448130
File: 32 KB, 303x203, dominos-mac-n-cheese-breadbowl-pasta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dominos mac n cheese. was best in a tin rather than a breadbowl.

>> No.8448210
File: 15 KB, 165x305, bb14c931c9c407aa13d1bf60fa89cab3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit right here. I would pay $50 right now for a can of it.

>> No.8448341

Exactly! This was easily the best deal for ratio of dollars to calories in all of fast food. Now I think it's still a pizza with the little cesars $5 lunch. It's a whole half of one of their deep dish pizzas and a 20oz drink.

>> No.8448344

It's actually been re-released. It's everywhere in my area now

>> No.8448418


>> No.8448430

Damn when I had a summer job at the mall I'd always go to taco bell after work and some little qt who worked there always gave me one of those for free.

>> No.8448434
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had a terrible aftertaste though

>> No.8448757
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And C2.

>> No.8449198


I didn't even realise I missed it until I saw your post ;_;

GOAT chocolate bar

>> No.8449234
File: 97 KB, 474x356, wasabid02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck yes dude

Also these were so good
>They need to start doing throwback Doritos

>> No.8449269
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I don't even remember what it tasted like, but I remember going crazy for it as a kid.

>> No.8449277


"Mr. Dragon's Fire Chips" is the most chinese thing I'v read all day and I crossboard from /a/

>> No.8449561

they still sell that at cinemas around my area

>> No.8449584
File: 34 KB, 230x429, 158098169_1836513922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the shit. It tastes way better than normal tizer and only cost 29p at the time.

>> No.8449620

>Local Pizza Hut still has this
>Never tried it
>Needed something to fill up my order (Minimum $10 to deliver)
>Get the Pepperoni one
>Its fucking great for the price/Pizza Hut
>Enjoy it even without the sauce cause they forgot it

>> No.8449639

These... i was mythodic with these. Open the bag, grab a big bowl, bite off a corner of each one, fill it with squeeze cheese, and cork it with a gummy bear.
Mmm. The gummy bear crunch.

>> No.8449667
File: 35 KB, 564x237, 2e9852e9ab68c853ca9cd079a3f8a5d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related was fucking delicious. It had nougat and caramel with peanuts and was covered in chocolate.

It was like a mars bar but with peanuts. I'd give my left nut for one

>> No.8449691
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>> No.8449710

That's still sold where I live. I had to stop ordering them though, the brown tinted asians who work at the local pizza hut always fuck them up.

>> No.8449761
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Oh Satan, you're such a card

>> No.8449838


Forgot about this! Why oh why did they get rid of it - rarely see Tizer advertised nowadays

>> No.8449868
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For me it's the Buffalo Ranch McChicken.

>> No.8449907

>it's a whole half of one of their deep dish pizzas

wow, a WHOLE half

>> No.8449966
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>> No.8449978

I think he meant as opposed to just a slice you dick

>> No.8450224

that wasn't released over here

>> No.8450247

In the ghetto?

>> No.8450251

I unironically miss that sandwich

>> No.8450276


they have that in those Coke Freestyle machines

>> No.8450278

This was almost much like Surge, to be pretty honest.

>> No.8450291

I don't know if you're being factious or they don't sell them in your country, but they still sell those as Snickers.

>> No.8451035

Nope new menu i ate at chillis today and im done with all the shit changes

>> No.8451321

>that many cookies for 2.99
Fuck, you can only get five small cookies for the same price here.

>> No.8451429
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>> No.8451477

why the FUCK isn't guacamole a mainstay flavour? You'd think it'd be popular.

>> No.8451482

>5.25 for a p'zone

What a fucking deal. I'd get 2.

>> No.8451580
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These were pretty good.

>> No.8452017
File: 837 KB, 1315x1506, caprisun-sunrise-drink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By far their best product.

Gone but not forgotten.

>> No.8452471

>ywn cut up your mouth on oreo o's again.

>> No.8452518

>order McChicken
>ask for Buffalo and Ranch packets
>put on sandwich
>for me it's the McProfit!

>> No.8452525
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I was probably the only one who liked these..

>> No.8452529
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>> No.8452749
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I actually miss this

>> No.8452762

In germany readily available at every even slightly larger supermarket.

>> No.8452869

The colored Ketchup never tasted the same to me as a kid. Hated it.

>> No.8452911

that stuff made me fuckin sick

>> No.8452956

right in the nostalgia

>> No.8453181
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>> No.8453205
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>> No.8453210

I fucking hate their new wave of reviewers.

>> No.8453521

i liked them. they were so unique and different that other fast food mozzarella sticks. you really couldnt get them anywhere else.

>> No.8453562

they still sell these in canada

>> No.8453618


>> No.8454221
File: 20 KB, 150x238, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_Rave-PC-BuffWing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am one of the same.

>> No.8454254
File: 69 KB, 600x337, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_IOkGMmcjLMOBswf-1600x900-noPad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this not in here yet

>> No.8454402
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>> No.8454561

Trix. Not only did they take the fun shapes away, they fucked with the recipe. Ill hate General Mills until they restore trix to its former glory.

>> No.8454578

Mello Yello > Mtn Dew > Vault > Surge

>> No.8454589

Discontinued only in the sense that my local King Soopers doesn't carry it anymore

I need my Jarritos Tamarindo

>> No.8454654

Fuck you. These get posted in every nostalgia thread, but actually being old enough to remember what they taste like makes me want to kill myself. They were disgusting. The floaters didn't taste like anything and didn't even have a pleasant texture (compared to boba or something like that) and the actual drink was just shitty juice.

>> No.8454672
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>> No.8454679


I sure did drink a lot of these to only convince myself in the end that I never liked them.

>> No.8454684
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>> No.8454693

Those things gave me and my brother food poisoning

Thinking about them makes me ill

Good fucking riddance

>> No.8454707
File: 119 KB, 500x708, 534_4249_ucp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for the nostalgia

>> No.8454715

This x1000. I still maintain to this day that they tasted different than normal hot cheetos.

>> No.8454728
File: 50 KB, 385x385, UG2AXl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2000 was 50 years ago

>> No.8454761

I forget the name of them but I used to pick them up at the dollar store, they were chocolate sticks wrapped in white paper like cigarettes and placed in a box that was shaped like a cigarette box. I can't describe the chocolate but it was delicious

>> No.8454774

I saw an unopened box of these at a flea market this morning.

>> No.8454834
File: 884 KB, 1280x1581, mug-o-lunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These were good. They had a macaroni and cheese one that I recall as being better than Easy Mac.

These two really take me back. I have vivid memories of eating that cereal in my parents' basement watching the Muppet Movie over and over on VHS in the dark.

>> No.8454850

I wouldn't mind owning that if it was decently priced.

>> No.8454851
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>> No.8454856

Yeah these were not nice.

>> No.8454876
File: 451 KB, 1280x1659, chanclan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know they all got rebranded as *heads, but I miss the old insensitive boxes/names for Cherry Chan/Clan, Alexander the Grape, Johnny Appleseeds, etc.

>> No.8454886
File: 70 KB, 480x125, cimg0474[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget little orphan orange

>> No.8454941
File: 45 KB, 425x425, 51jBe464bUL._SX425AA425_PIbundle-12,TopRight,0,0_AA425_SH20_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these fuckers man. so weird and good

>> No.8454945
File: 234 KB, 287x800, cornpringles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These must have been a test market thing and performed horribly because I don't know anyone who remembers them.

>> No.8454965
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>> No.8454972

I still have this in my area, however they decided to gut most of it. The ones I've gotten as of late are about a quarter full of what they used to be. :(

>> No.8454987
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>> No.8455000

>be 7 year old me
>only place that sold turtle pies was vending machine at dad's work
>dad gets me turtle pies from work
>based dad

>> No.8455026
File: 14 KB, 223x360, singlejosta.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was jolt before josta? I post this in almost every nostalgia thread and no one seems to remember it. Shit was so awesome

>> No.8455139

Im a huge autism soda fan but this was fucking awful.

>> No.8455166

Absolutely bombdiggity dude. Could kill myself by only eating those if they were still around.

>> No.8455169
File: 234 KB, 500x311, Costanza pizza 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought me a bag of these tonight and tried them for the first time. Nice flavor, although I am a spice wimp and can't have too many at once.

>> No.8455188
File: 39 KB, 576x384, CGI Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit haha I remember having these when I went to Disney World with my family in 2000. My dad and brother kept going on the same roller coaster that I was too short for at the time, and they rode it over and over. My mom pacified me by getting me a couple of these things.

>> No.8455196
File: 42 KB, 95x204, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my man

also this

>> No.8455198

Whoa wtf haha never seen this before

>> No.8455199
File: 26 KB, 340x339, downloadfile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related and the zinger. Yes i know they are still sold in Europe. Why is kfc so shit nowadays?

>> No.8455203

Uh I just ordered some off Amazon. It's on a Prime Pantry for Prime members. Cost me $15 for a 12 pack of tall boys.

>> No.8455219
File: 227 KB, 1024x359, 3424525695_d99ccdfd58_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still mad that the world has to deal with Lebron James still and we don't even get his glorious brand of gum anymore.

>> No.8455332

Get a stronger stomach you pussy bitch. I'd kill you and your faggot brother if it meant pzones would stay for good.

>> No.8455396

they make hot cheetos puffs which taste the same. Its the air pockets in the puff itself that makes the difference

>> No.8455402

The thing they did wrong was simply not paying the patent holder for the battery can design.

>> No.8455414
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god tier pizza

>> No.8455421
File: 21 KB, 300x225, mcds orange drink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone remember that flat (non fizzy) orange drink that mcdonalds used to have?

>> No.8455433
File: 29 KB, 640x430, 10136766646_f87d8f99ea_z_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprised this is the first al/ck/ entry thus far

>> No.8455437 [DELETED] 
File: 119 KB, 900x900, assani.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does this count as water?

>> No.8455677

YES Soooooooo good.

>> No.8455725

I'm still upset that they don't make that Mac n Cheese at Dominos.

>> No.8455734

They have them at Walmart for 88¢ a can where I live

>> No.8455749
File: 29 KB, 182x273, Good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The goat Dorito.

>> No.8455863

Why wouldn't it?

>> No.8455919

Its Hi-C Orange, its still around, hell, every mcdonalds ive been too has it

>> No.8455936

Rememer gatorade AM?

>> No.8455982


I remember my elementary school would have a penny carnival at the end of the year, and they always had five or six of those coolers full of orange drink.

>> No.8456042

they look awful but also amazing, as if it was filled with congealed custard godamn i think i just popped a stiffy

>> No.8456053
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This was the superior version

>> No.8456083
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Shouda moved to the UK last year while you had the chance. We had a promotion where the most bought flavour would stay on shelves, pretty sure salsa won

>> No.8456088

Oh damn, these were my college days.

>> No.8456103


Spare the child

>> No.8456114

Maybe in fucking Flyover, Okiedokie KEK

>> No.8456125


>> No.8456131

Back to your containment board.

>> No.8456147

>Monster energy-infused BBQ sauce

Kek sports fans are fucking subhuman disgusting

>> No.8456152

fuck man.... makes me miss the west coast. is Albertsons outside west coast?

>> No.8456164


I've seen plenty of Albertson's in Texas.

>> No.8456166
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>that moment when one breaks open in your mouth

>> No.8456200
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Fuck not even once

>> No.8456544

Man fuck I always heard those little punk kids in the wire asking for strawberry sodas with every meal but I still haven't seen one anywhere in real life

>> No.8456550

Do you know where I can find French toast crunch cereal?

>> No.8456712

i had those over summer

so stupid to only have them in 3's

>> No.8456759


>> No.8456907
File: 24 KB, 450x450, schweppes-pineapple-coconut-847-152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schweppes with pineapple and coconut
I drank that thing one time and it was godly, it had a coconut after taste.

>> No.8457128
File: 57 KB, 720x480, bbq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The box on the left used to be the only flavour of BBQ and it was served in bag form and was the GOAT. Then they switched it for a new BBQ flavour with the bag on the right and for years that's all there was. Finally, they brought the OG back, but they only sell it in the boxes, which can never be found in a convenience store or a gas station.

>> No.8458772

Strawberry soda is the ultimate ghetto contribution to this world. It's sincerely good-- but you can only find it in stores that have bars and/or chains on all the windows and doors.

>> No.8458781
File: 5 KB, 256x160, chilito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP diarrhea burrito

>> No.8458813

If you live in an area with a Marco's Pizza, they sell this as the "New Yorker." Looks and tastes nearly identical as a floppy greasy slice, super cheap while only coming in large.

>> No.8458842

Why they put a bong on the cover das racis

>> No.8458919
File: 82 KB, 1000x750, steak_egg_and_cheese_bagel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm upset that they removed these not too long after I've tried it for the first time. I remember that it was amazing.

Most of their menu foods have sausage and I don't like sausage. Yes, call me a fag.

>> No.8458937
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So 90's I had a nostalgic anus drop.

>> No.8459164 [DELETED] 


>> No.8459258
File: 152 KB, 740x586, flintstones push ups.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not even that I liked The Flintstones. I watched a bit of Flintstones Kids and the Christmas special every year.

Technically Push-ups are still around, but it's like they remove flavors every year. By tomorrow only orange and that bubblegum-ass grape flavor will be left.

>> No.8459279

being hit with nostalgic ecstasy of flavor and having not eaten in a while is making this thread a wet nightmare

>> No.8459295

baby gets triggered by jokes on 4chan

>> No.8459313
File: 27 KB, 480x360, 15380676_10209122450471165_3865524340462290087_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8459322

We just started selling them again this month

>> No.8459330

i get these a couple times a year, best thing on the menu. most of it is the onion though, so try the grilled onion cheddar burger during lunch hours

>> No.8459336
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>> No.8459339
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Grandpa would get me and my brother these

>> No.8459344

KFC had nuggets for a short time. They also had a line of sandwiches around the time they had Pokemon plush toys (Zubat, Vuplix, Dratini and Seel?) and the best one was just a bun with 3 chicken strips on it

>> No.8459348
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>> No.8459352

I'm using this for league BM ty so much senpai

>> No.8459356

league BM?

>> No.8459361
File: 160 KB, 500x517, pringtort-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have them now in Australia

>> No.8459362

League bowel movements.

>> No.8459374

Holy shit those were the GOAT.

>> No.8459420

We dont sell that at my store, we just brought back bagel during brekkynhours and we just got grand macs and mac jrs

>> No.8459426
File: 91 KB, 1000x491, s-l1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They got rid of the Lemon and Lime flavour.

>> No.8459457

>tfw pizza hut used to deliver a pzone and wings for 11 dollars

probably why they discontinued it

>> No.8459538

I'm kinda glad things get discontinued, if they stuck around forever there wouldn't be anything new to try, and we couldn't have memories of things we miss.
Food memories are less about the food itself, but it brings us back to a better time, childhood perhaps, when things sucked a lot less. There was nothing magic about those old products, its the association with being younger and happier.

>> No.8459549


Ragu a shit.

>> No.8459553

>if they stuck around forever there wouldn't be anything new to try,

That's not the fault of a product, that's the fault of people themselves deliberately avoiding new things.

There will always be new products available. If a person chooses not to try them out then that's not the fault of "old classics still being around", that's the fault of the person for being set in their ways.

>> No.8459597

The classics will never disappear, its the gimmicks that only exist for a few months to a few years.
Rotating product branding is how marketing generates buzz, there always has to be something new. And stores can only stock a certain fixed number of products, with promotions holding prominent positions on end caps. There really is very little that's actually "new" in the world of food, its just the same shit rehashed over and over again, different shapes, sizes, combinations of things that are known to work. Not that this is a bad thing. Some of the more creative introductions were KFC's double down, the BK Cheetos macaroni sticks, and numerous novelties from Taco Bell. I'd have to say Taco Bell is the master at keeping it fresh, always making something interesting but using the same old ingredients. I'm not a big fan of their food for reasons, but its really very clever marketing.

>> No.8459927
File: 56 KB, 620x412, pringles-20150520080634726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


UK ones.

>> No.8460050

Holy fucking shit I just remembered this.
I don't chew sugared gum anymore, but this was unbelievably good.

>> No.8460058

in the ghettoooooo....

>> No.8460063

They still make these. Check gas stations.
So damn good.

>> No.8460068
File: 257 KB, 2000x1000, jalapeno double.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only reason i ever went to mickey-d's

well, this and alcohol

>> No.8460075

Taco bell always has the best slushies

>> No.8460078

Why didn't you get his number?

>> No.8460091

this is what first came to mind when I saw this thread

>> No.8460094

oh shit i miss those

>> No.8460098

fuck you oreo-os were the best shit ever

>> No.8460105

Holy fuck this was great stuff

>> No.8460113

always wanted to try these, never got the chance

>> No.8460120

I miss the "hitler did nothing wrong" mountain dew :(

>> No.8460126

damn I remember dem bones. I want to eat them while listening to them bones by alice in chains

>> No.8460127
File: 411 KB, 1224x1632, 1354863065799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The creme inside them made them 10/10
the crispy outside just pushed it over the top
the only thing i can find close to them are "nutty butties" which are peanut butter wafers


>> No.8460131

these are still everywhere in the US. just called freezie-pops or something

>> No.8460138
File: 33 KB, 500x500, fc146443d5f3acd93a4a3df748c4863c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are these still around? I don't remember, but I haven't seen them in like 10 years.

>> No.8460140

I've not had the raspberry apple before, but walmart carries a bunch of flavors. my favorite is the white grape, tastes good even room temperature, so I can just leave them out.

>> No.8460177

These are the best McTurtles sandwiches. They're not sold where I live but I had one in Key West a year ago and jizzed my pants with each bite

>> No.8460234
File: 33 KB, 236x215, IMG_2149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else remember these? I thought they were really good..

>> No.8460243

Mom wouldn't let me get it because she thought it was gross
like, bitch, how fucking dare you be prejudiced against purple and green and not red, you dumb cunt, you're lucky i don't fuck you up with a hammer

>> No.8460371
File: 63 KB, 455x368, otterpops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This packaging was so much better. I'm furious.

>> No.8460375

this. My family call them ghetto pops. you can get like 36 in a fucking net.

>> No.8460379
File: 47 KB, 157x273, IMG_3734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Yogos, lads. These were great. A lot of nostalgia in this pic

>> No.8460388

this was such a forced meme

>> No.8460391

it's not the same
the lime syrup in the freestyle machines tastes horrible unfortunately. can't add it to anything. only cherry, peach and vanilla taste alright.

>> No.8460455

those are stupid mexican bolis not the same as otter pops

>> No.8460468
File: 81 KB, 640x434, soda-shaq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The strawberry flavor was so good.

>> No.8460480

I thought those were disgusting.

>> No.8460483

>not Orange Scream Soda

>> No.8460497
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>> No.8460524

fuck yes

we used to eat them in aftercare at catholic school after the teachers were done looking at our dicks

>> No.8460536

These are the fucking best
they sell them at all the acme grocery stores in nj

>> No.8460589
File: 128 KB, 1000x750, mcdonalds-jalapeno-double-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Jalapeno Double. The only reason me and my friend ever said "Hey lets go to McDonalds."

Oh well. thankfully the restaurant we work at serves a burger just like this but with love and quality.

>> No.8460908
File: 145 KB, 350x471, calbee-bbq-corn-chips-3-7oz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the fuck did these go?

>> No.8460930

For the price, they were good. Hopefully they'll one day come back

>> No.8460932
File: 14 KB, 350x263, toffo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well now I feel sad

>> No.8460948

You can buy these off of amazon, and at some gas stations

>> No.8460955

Looks like the Philippines

>> No.8461209

Lucky you there's a new choice on the block.

>> No.8461494

lmao this guy

>> No.8461661


I've seen them here in Canada.

Surprisingly tasty.

>> No.8461682

They still sell these in many areas of the country.

>> No.8461850

Yup see them around savannah all the time

>> No.8462047
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>> No.8462052
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>> No.8462057
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>> No.8462062
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>> No.8462064
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>> No.8462072
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>> No.8462077
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>> No.8462110
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>> No.8462315

>these always looked good
>mom never let me try them because "i had them once and didn't like them"
what the fuck

>> No.8462360

Its not that.

>> No.8462543
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>> No.8462808
