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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8440710 No.8440710 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize the government was putting chemicals and evil additions into your food and water? How has that changed your dietary habits?

>> No.8440714

I always find it funny, the tinfoil meme. It's hilarious because the tinfoil actually acts as an receiver, allowing the government waves to be beamed more efficiently to your brain. "They" actually started the whole tinfoil meme in order to make it easier to get their beams into the people's heads who are breaking the conditioning, or to put it another way, the tinfoil meme was made up to allow them to put the people who are waking up back to sleep.

>> No.8440715

I filter my water, you're an idiot if you don't do this.

I don't get the flu shot. I haven't had the flu since I was 4 years old.

I try to eat organic, but it's pretty hard.

>> No.8440717

Nobody actually falls for JIDF disinfo anymore

>> No.8440724

Doesn't remove fluoride
the flu shot is not where they put the chemicals, far too obvious, the flu shot is simply a flu shot.
Wow. I didn't know this caliber of stupid existed. Firstly, organic means nothing, there is no rule for what can be labeled organic or not, secondly, even if there was some strict FDA rule for what could be labeled as organic, how would it have any advantage over non-organic foods? The lack of pesticides? Wash your fucking food before eating it for fucks sake.

>> No.8440729

>Doesn't remove fluoride
If you use the right filter it does. My filter does and scientific testing proves this.

>the flu shot is not where they put the chemicals
You never know man.

>I didn't know this caliber of stupid existed.
Please stop breathing.

>how would it have any advantage over non-organic foods?
No pesticides, shit chemicals and GMOs?

>Wash your fucking food before eating it for fucks sake.
>hurrr it's only on the outside of the foods

>> No.8440733

You sure blew him the fuck out with your non-arguments

>> No.8440736

There's still no rules for what can be labeled as organic and not. you're still eating pesticides.

None of these are arguments. Is your IQ a single digit or something?

>> No.8440742

I had several, if you weren't a cuck and could read, you would have realized that.

>There's still no rules for what can be labeled as organic and not. you're still eating pesticides.
I'm sure there are companies that say they are organic are actually not organic, fraud can def happen, but it's rare.

>None of these are arguments.
Except they were.

Are you honestly retarded enough to think pesticides are only on the outside of vegetables and you can simply wash them off?

Kill yourself.

>> No.8440788

came to this thread because i just knew it would be full of autism, was not dissapoint.

>> No.8440807

Understand labelling of food as being ORGANIC is allowed if during the last 6 weeks before harvesting no pestisides or chemicals have been used. Unless you grow it yourself, nothing you buy is organic.

>> No.8440939

>full of autism
But I'm not filled with mercury.

>> No.8441017

Not OP, but you don't uderstand organic farming methods. While pyrethrins are permitted as an insecticide most small to medium scale growers don't routinely use them. Why? They defeat the other cultural practices used to limit insect pests such as encouraging predator insects and animals. Reputable organic growers also use crop rotation, proper disposal of plant residue, specific biological agents like BTK, netting, non-toxic insecticidal soaps and physical removal. In rare cases of severe infestations a grower might have to resort to pyrethrins. But remember, that would not be commonplace.

Stop pretending that organic growers use toxic non-specific insecticides on the same scale as conventional because it makes you feel edgy and smug.

>> No.8441018

It made me want to fuck traps and and blessed me with feminine bitch tits i couldn't be happier thanks jews

>> No.8441101

>eats """organic"""
>calls other people cucks
Kill yourself my man.

>> No.8441109

antivac detected
you are the vermin scum that will get us all killed
please die before you spread your diseases

>> No.8441115

>ingests monsanto chemicals
>calls others cucks


I fully support vaccinations.

Lmao I bet you're some raging feminist """""""""""""""""""""""""""skeptic""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" groupthink cuck from rationalwiki.

You people need to have your heads stomped in on the streets.

>> No.8441289

Even seeds have been compromised, maybe hunting is the only way left to acquire non tampered food

>> No.8441290

>kill yourself
Is it summer?

>> No.8441291

Sometimes I care, sometimes I don't. Such is the life of high conscious livestock.

>> No.8441327

It's always summer on this Himalayan pink salt gathering image board

>> No.8441393

Average life expectancy is 78.74.

What the fuck are you worried about? Nobody lives forever.

>> No.8441513


>No pesticides

you know the drill fatty

>> No.8441523

See >>8441017


>> No.8441528


I realised it when I realised I wasn't an America

>> No.8441529


>> No.8441539

Have fun getting polio.

>> No.8441546

oy vey this thread is uneducated racists fear mongering
Shut it down!

>> No.8441557

t. American6

>> No.8441561

lol do some research instead of just pointing to others' posts

>> No.8441563

did i hurt your feelings calling you fatty?
some about that senpai
you just sound like an insufferable fat cunt

>> No.8441566

it's appalling, the amount of obsession you could fit into 8 letters and one number.
How about you just die?

>> No.8441601

Nice Fazoli's, my internationally stunted friend.

>> No.8441608

Do you have a passport?

>> No.8441634


>> No.8441662

irrelevant but yes I do seeing as most of my family lives in Finland
you should talk to a therapist about your obsession

>> No.8441671

>I try to eat organic, but it's pretty hard.
How can I also avoid xenoestrogen? I already have a water filter but removes everything, I heard they sell minerals that you can put into the water but do you happen to know which ones are legit? Most of the ones I've read on Amazon seem shady.

>> No.8441680

Argument != Opinion. You need facts, retardo

>> No.8442114

from taking vaccines?

I don't understand your reasoning.

>> No.8442119

>no argument

>> No.8442120

Vaccines cause autism, which explains you. There are studies in studies proving this.

>> No.8442674

not peer reviewed by reputable scientists.

>> No.8442689
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I became a farmer.

>> No.8442696

Stop eating animal products

>> No.8442707

not him, but peer review is a circle jerk and doesn't make anything more "scientific" than if it was from some dudes blog

>> No.8442711 [DELETED] 

Guess what: I'm a woman

I've been using 4chan for 8 years now. I'm an MIS and Marketing major, top of my class. I have an IQ of 146. I'm only a sophomore and have had 7 internships. I'm a member of the MENSA society. I voted for Trump. I'm not a feminist, however, I'm probably more intelligent than most of you in this thread.

Wether you like it or not, females are comperable. I'm not here to steal your money. I'll probably make more than you. I'm not going to make you a sandwhich, I'll have my personal chef do it. The ironic thing is my father married for looks and I'm actually attractive as well. Cocky? Yes. Ashamed? No.

I won't show you my tits, I'll be your CEO one day

>> No.8442714

not going to waste my time arguing with stupid.

>> No.8442720

>no argument

ahh, looks like I win again hehe

>> No.8442726

>organic means nothing, there is no rule for what can be labeled organic or not

Why do you people insist on living in such hostile third world hellholes?

>> No.8442731

I don't give a shit.

>> No.8442740
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>> No.8442745
File: 1.40 MB, 4000x2477, AP_530237168309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intelligent and attractive
>forsaking her good genes for a career when she could be bearing beautiful, smart, white children for the sake of a good future for humankind.

You'll just tank whatever company you come across, just like every female CEO. Pic related. The world will be run by poor, stupid, brown people if we don't get our act together, and then everything you've ever worked for will be for nought. Not my future.

>> No.8442746


>> No.8442751

and then I realized this is a hot new copypasta.


>> No.8442752

I'm from >>>/sci/ and this is largely correct.

>> No.8443838

Which obsession would that be? I just asked a simple question.

>> No.8444068

You're a woman who voted for trump and is too scared to be a feminist, sounds fucking stupid as fuck to me.