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8430614 No.8430614 [Reply] [Original]

sup ck its 2 AM and I have insomnia. What can i eat or drink that will knock my ass out. I took some valerian root and drank about 10 oz of water already

>> No.8430622

Hard liquor

>> No.8430624

Bullets usually work.

>> No.8430627

i dont want to have to brush my teeth again

>> No.8430630


>> No.8430632

Lettuce sandwich, mate.
Would also suggest a semi-healthy cereal in milk.

>> No.8430638

So don't brush them, what does that have to do with anything

>> No.8430641

You don't need to, drinking booze before bed is akin to using mouthwash.
Really strong mouthwash.

>> No.8430656

Booze and benadryl

>> No.8431217

Insomnia. The classic made up disease. How about you stop lying to yourself and look at your life and try to come to terms with reality. That will help you sleep.

t. Former """"""Insomniac"""""

>> No.8431239

warm/hot milk and honey. add cinnamon and a clove

>> No.8431242


>> No.8431245

You sound like someone's dumbass step father in a bad movie and you meme post like a faggot. Consider ending your pointless existence.

>> No.8431246

Ambien, benadryl, and red wine.

>> No.8431256

Xanax and a 40 oz. Will solve your sleeping problems forever.

>> No.8431309


>> No.8431316


>> No.8431383

i thought the suger in rum could fuck your teeth up

>> No.8431404


Distilled liquor like rum, whiskey, vodka, etc have no sugar unless it's the flavored bullshit, in which case they pile sugar in there for the palates of children.

>> No.8431409


Are you implying that he would die from 40 ounces of beer if he took xanax? Are we talking like 10mg?

>> No.8431413

Chamomile famalamadingdong
Very underrated herbal tea

>> No.8431424

are you fucking retahhded? alcohol is made from sugar that's been fermented by yeast, ya dunce

>> No.8431448
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>raw material is sugar
>therefore end product has sugar in it
>not knowing what distillation means
>calling people retarded

wew lad
just look it up dumbass

>> No.8431470

This. Chamomile, Hops, and Skullcap were the only things that kept me sleeping semi-normal when I worked nights. You'll sleep so deep that when you wake up you'll feel like you've dreamed for a lifetime.

>> No.8431505
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correct answer if you arent up way too late already

melatonin and a small dose of a benzo if coming down from stimmy drugs.

chocolates and bread and carby foods + weed

50mg benadryl, 75 if youre a big guy

>> No.8431529

>murican education

>> No.8431550


>t. disappointing step-child who won't change his slovenly ways

>> No.8431555

Predictable response there, meme posting faggot. Seriously, kill yourself.

>> No.8432728

Dude, insomnia is not real. I was prescribed sedatives since I could not sleep for shit. I figured this was a terrible way to live life so all I did was change it. I dieted and exercised, read books, made a schedule for all my things to do and most importantly made sure I wanted to sleep when I went to bed.

How hard is this for you to accept?

>> No.8432757

>I was a moron therefore everyone is a moron
well done m8. grade A contribution.

>> No.8434125

>My experiences are universal
Good for you bring so disciplined, unfortunately you are still a moron who struggles to grasp simple concepts. At least you are well rested!

>> No.8434159

Sort of agree. Most people over estimate their insomnia , under estimate how much sleep they get, and just have bad sleep hygiene (go to bed at different times, wake up at different times, sleep too much on the weekends, do mentally stimulating things before bed, abuse caffeine, abuse alcohol).

Most real insomnia is caused by physical issues like sleep apnea and can be diagnosed with a sleep study.

Also it's normal to have some bad nights sleeping, and nothing to freak out about. Just the next night go to bed at usual time (not early) and wake up the next day at usual time.

>t. Father is a pulmonary care doctor that works in Sleep Medicine.