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File: 11 KB, 233x289, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8427435 No.8427435 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people drink Lagers instead of Ales?

I can't imagine someone who wants a beer with less flavour

>> No.8427451

flavour can be too rich to drink many in one evening or to switch between brews

same reason people drink light beers, so they can do a lot of them in quick succession

hi /brit/

>> No.8427454

>less flavour
What kind of lagers are you talking? "American Pilsners/Lagers" are designed to be cheap to make and easy to drink, but there is a lot you can do with bottom fermenting yeast. Just for comparison's sake put a Carlsberg next to a Coors, next to a Pilsner Urquell - quite a difference in hops, sweetness, and thickness when you do the pepsi challenge with them. Darker malts and different goals develop different beers like Marzens/Oktoberfests, Bocks, Dark/Black lagers, and even Kolschs (if you consider the result of lagering an ale to be at least part lager).

Sometimes "Cleaner" just means more of the constituent parts and less of the "junk"... so more of the malt and hop flavours and less of the diacetyl and esters the yeasts are trying to clean up.

>> No.8427457

That was a well thought out, lucid, and intelligent response. Thank you.

>> No.8427503

All beers taste the same anyway

>> No.8428616


>so they can do a lot of them in quick succession

So we acknowledge that flavor or quality doesn't matter past this point, right? Why not just drink hard liquor then?

>man that house party was such a rager. I must have ingested 288 ounces of fermented rice mash.

>> No.8428682
File: 17 KB, 220x386, tennentspint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer the cleaner taste and texture of lager.

Pic related is a fantastic fucking British lager.

>> No.8428720

Tastes like chicken

>> No.8428746


No, m8. Some german or czech immigrant may have brewed a lager in britain, but they damn sure weren't british.

>> No.8428896

It's the journey, not the destination.

>> No.8428906

Oh yeah, Hugh Tennent is such a German or Czech name.

>> No.8429110

The practice is originally Bavarian, and the current yeast species is probably either German or Danish, but both style and ingredients travel well.

>> No.8429171

Sometimes you just want alcohol soda with a meal/snack

>> No.8429196

because dark beer sucks

German lagers are fucking superior. The brewmasters have duped idiots like you into wanting the easier beer to make/perfect

>> No.8429209

You'll turn 21 eventually.

>> No.8429253

Dunkelbier and Schwarzbier would like a word with you.

In ze back.

>> No.8429279
File: 91 KB, 700x400, mass_hysteria_by_ghostbustersnews-d56mw0m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not both?

If you like beer you get into beer moods and drink accordingly. Anybody saying X is better than Y but Z is okay sometimes is a faggot and not worth your attention.

Drink your mood, and fuck anyone that has a problem with it. Also OP is a faggot and check 'em.

>> No.8429323
File: 11 KB, 236x243, 9fb059b4fd0bc5c7e30c65a0d6a86d65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do different people like different things?
mommy why do they all laugh at me?

I blame threads like this on the mods...

>> No.8429637


I'm 24 and only drink GOOD BEER because I'm not a FUCKING POORFAG that can only afford FERMENTED CORN AND RICE MASH


>> No.8429642

>i pretend to be interested in expensive beers so when I recycle my bottles I hope that people are impressed, because this is how high my social status will ever get

>> No.8429651

Similar price points for the most part, unless you're going out of your way to suckle at the teat of the veblen cash cow.

>> No.8429652

Good lagers are good. Budweiser/coors aren't good lagers. Drinking a large amount of good larger is a good experience.

>> No.8429659

Sorry....tennants is shit-tier.
Stop posting
Delete your account.

>> No.8429668


>> No.8429733

To be more specific, or was there another referendum I don't know about?

>> No.8429745

Scotland is in Great Britain.

>> No.8429812

if i'm eating food i prefer something lighter like a lager

>> No.8429826

Tenants is shit.....even in Scotland. Innes and gunn, and Williams brothers are Scottish brewers that make decent lager. There's no excuse for tennants unless you're poor.
Nobody likes poor people

>> No.8429830

And we're supposed to get all that from "Scottish"?

>> No.8429837

Are you poor?

>> No.8429850

No, and I've never had Tennents. I'm not even British. I just don't understand what "Scottish" was supposed to mean.

>> No.8429857

Cause its actually more thirst quenching than darker brews in really warm weather.

>> No.8430055

Do you faggots even drink Yuengling?

>> No.8430058

eastcoast elite detected. good brand

>> No.8430071

Are you of the learning disabilities disposition?

>> No.8430100

i'll drink some cold spaten lager in the middle of the summer when its 110°F outside, tastes better in hot temperatures. I drink stouts/porters/ales when it's cold in the winter.

>> No.8430108

Just answer the fucking question, retard. What did you mean by "Scottish"? Did you forget that Scottish things are British?

>> No.8430110

>not drinking exclusively sours

>> No.8430877


I drop my recycling off at my sisters house you fucking retard

>> No.8430881


Miller Lite = $6.99/six pack
Local = $9.99/six pack

I didn't know a 42% increase makes them "similar price points"

>> No.8430886


>not caring about your tooth enamel and stomach lining

>> No.8430888

>drinking beer
You dropped your fucking fedora.

>> No.8430890

because i can drink them one after another quickly

>> No.8430936

lagers don't necessarily have less flavor. making that assumption proves OP knows nothing about beer. I'm out.

>> No.8431041


>associating a thousands-year-old tradition of fermenting malted barley mash with a meme less than a couple years old

Dropped indeed

>> No.8431049

You need to be 18 to post here.

>> No.8431189


7/10 b8, m8.

You ALMOST had me

>> No.8431920

>Innes and gunn, and Williams brothers are Scottish brewers that make decent lager.

They make nothing that compares with Tennents Lager. I tried a load of their stuff at the Paisley Beer Festival, it was shite.

inb4 muh Brewdog, they're shite in comparison too.

>> No.8431936
File: 605 KB, 960x960, rbgenrevexp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because they are plebs

or alternatively not serious beer drinkers

or alternatively not pretentious

or alternatively don't care about what other people think

>> No.8432162

That there are such clear bands between the different types is pretty surprising. Not that I disagree with it, but I would have expected more spread.

>> No.8432179

I actually bought 4 cans of brewdog ipa from sainsburys on a whim last weekend. It was OK. Nothing amazing but I liked it. Where I live though I'm spoilt for choice in the local beershop. Usually I buy surrey hills brewery stuff or hogs back.

>> No.8432556

Which local beer are you drinking? Oak casked milk stout with gold flakes.

Back to the drawing board and take your "lite" beer with you.

>> No.8432585

>muh hops so bitter it tastes like soap

Thank god this trend is ending

>> No.8432696


Eh, about 75% of our local beer is 9.99 a six pack, the other 75% 8.99.

Raleigh, NC.

>> No.8432723

Dubs don't lie.

Only problem is the green bottles make the Trad. Lager skunk way too easy. Never like that from keg or can.

>> No.8432734
File: 299 KB, 1200x1200, CrKt7JfXgAEFZZl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Ales in the colder seasons, and Lagers in the warmer ones. Nothing is better than an ice cold Lager in a summer evening after a hard days work!

>> No.8432739

What are some good Carolina brews? I have yet to find a good Hefeweizen or Red Ale locally.

>> No.8432740

t. Randall Munroe

>> No.8432747
File: 27 KB, 602x249, anakin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8432748


Shotgun Betty from Lonerider is the only local hefeweizern I believe, but it's pretty gud. As far as red ale, none of the local breweries make a year round red ale but you might find a seasonal one sooner or later.

>> No.8433466

because we're talking about a three dollar difference you jew faggot

>> No.8433542

You all probably drink st. Helen's malted ale, pussy rich boy beer, shit makes me wanna hork