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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 286 KB, 477x749, chickenfry-product.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8426539 No.8426539 [Reply] [Original]

These got discontinued again, why live.

>> No.8426612

their nugz are better

>> No.8426619
File: 2.48 MB, 854x480, Average_American.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck off you man child.

>waahhh tendies

Why don't you grow the fuck up and eat adult things instead of shit marketed to 9 year olds? Fuck I hate Americans so fucking much.

>> No.8426650

Not OP but usually I only stop at places like that when I'm driving long distance (across country for instance). It's cheap and pretty fast. If I'm not pressed for time though, I usually try to find some good local stuff, like when I got some BBQ in Memphis.

>> No.8426722

chicken fires are good as fuck after a long day faggot. Get over yourself, you'll be a happier person if you dont restrict yourself to "adult" things.

>> No.8426728


Sorry bruv, I hate them too.


These are just Midwesterners. They don't know any better.

>> No.8426740
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I concede, I've never been exposed this hard in my life.

>> No.8426741

Make them at home bud.

>> No.8426742

I've lived on coasts my entire life.

>> No.8426799


Medium rare steak, sauteed mushrooms, garlic mashed potatoes and crispy asparagus makes me very happy. Wjat makes me mad is people like you who unironically shill for the fastfood industry. Dry, probably tasteless, heavily medicated chicken with a thousand ingredients and chemicals that probably go into just the breading. You can hardly call it food. Go learn to cook manchild and no microwaving frozen meals is not cooking.

>> No.8426802


>> No.8426812


This meme is stale autist

>> No.8426813

I had them the other day for the first time in like 8 years, because I had a coupon for realtors cheap
one of the worst things I ever had from fast food
It was actualy a struggle to eat them and every one I pulled out I was always sad that there were more left. I just wanted the ride to end and to be full.

>> No.8426816

They aren't even that good.

>> No.8426822


>> No.8426826
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>> No.8426833

Check Walmart's Great Value brand. I bought a giant bag of them in the freezer section.

>> No.8426856

Leave normie

>> No.8426862

>chicken fires

>> No.8426867

The executives that choose to fuck around with menu items like this should be hung by the thumbs.

>> No.8426868
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I'm vegan, nothing of value was lost.

>> No.8426874
File: 18 KB, 350x252, flaming-chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he's never had a chicken fire

>> No.8426877
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Thanks for sharing now go fuck yourself.

>> No.8426886

i had chicken fire before. In a small town North of Maryland.

>> No.8426898
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Not half as stale as the shit people from didgeredoo land post.

>> No.8426909

Who honestly likes anything from burger king aside from their fries. I swear all of their sandwiches and chicken products taste like shit. Their french fry game is on fucking point though.

>> No.8426910
File: 52 KB, 500x333, 57585394390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice pic

>> No.8426934

yeah I had to get the bacon king since the chicken fries were gone, couldn't even eat 1/3 of it. Idk why i like the chicken fries desu, they're really salty.

>> No.8426954


Fuck off to /r9k/

>> No.8426957

>tfw live on the tip of his doggy tongue

>> No.8426967

They're chicken fries you retard.

>> No.8426989


Tendies can be applied to any bite sized chicken that has been breaded and deep fried you stupid fuck. Fries are made with potatoes. You don't cut carrots into french fry shapes and then call them carrot fries do you? That's fucking stupid. Kill yourself.

>> No.8426995

I had some chicken tendies today that were actually fucking delicious. I don't eat them often but these were pretty good with hot sauce and bleu cheese

>> No.8427065

>my argument consists of redefining words to suit my agenda
SJW detected

>> No.8427104

>Medium rare steak
Stopped reading there and opinion discarded

>> No.8427110
File: 47 KB, 329x317, 1402787248431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never have this large of a mental complex towards another country

your life bro

how fucking shit is it haha

>> No.8427143

>Adults can't enjoy chicken nuggets

How's life with autism anon?

>> No.8427150

where are the proofs???

>> No.8427158
File: 32 KB, 404x404, 1k9p6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like they had cheesy tots back for like 3 weeks and half the BK's didn't even have any in stock ever and then they were gone again every where.

>> No.8427413

Nigga im tryna eat a snack at 11pm. I want some garbage that comes in a brown bag wuth grease stains and will contribute to later health complications, not pamper myself with broiled goose intestines.

>> No.8428492


Probably eat well done steak faggot

>> No.8428495



Fatty detected. Snack time is for children.

>> No.8428505

What's wrong with that?

>> No.8428854

I could never really tell what they were so I never got them

>> No.8428861

You forgot the ketchup

>> No.8429902


might as well eat a leather shoe fucking pleeeeebian

>> No.8429932

>These got discontinued again

They go in and out of season, shit gets cheaper certain times of year.

>pumpkin spice
>guac in the north/midwest

But go ahead and kill yourself anyway.

>> No.8429987
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>burger king

>> No.8430003
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