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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 27 KB, 655x424, sunnysideEggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8423580 No.8423580 [Reply] [Original]

So /ck/ what's the secret to cooking the perfect fried egg?

>> No.8423584

Not being a retard.

>> No.8423585

You will need an egg

>> No.8423586

Being over the age of 18

>> No.8423587

My biggest issue with this style of egg is that it can not be enjoyed without introducing toast or bread into the equation. The yolk immediately falls apart once perforated and you need something to capture it.

>> No.8423588


Imagine your poaching it in butter.

>> No.8423592


>> No.8423599

>not eating the entire yolk in one mouthful like a large load of semen

>> No.8423603

I put a plate over the pan to trap steam in and cook the yolk

>> No.8423606

butter, salt, a cold pan and lower cooking heat than you think.

Protip: Im a breakfast chef at a fine dining restaurant thats attached to a 4 star hotel that we service.

>> No.8423613

carbon steel pan so you can cook it gently without sticking.
warm pan
crack egg into pan and wait for the bottom of the white to set
put into a hot oven to set the top


>> No.8423614

>adding fat to a dish that is literally pure fat already

>> No.8423623

Dude, a fried egg needs some kind of fat to cook in. Clarified butter is the best tasting option.

>> No.8423630
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>> No.8423633
File: 207 KB, 1280x960, egg-attempt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>high heat
>wait for pan to come to temp
>throw molten butter on your mother for not teaching you how to cook
>new pan
>medium to medium low heat
>wait for it to melt and smell nutty
>cook an egg on it

>> No.8423636

olive oil tastes better desu

>> No.8423643

>literally pure fat
american education lady and gents.

>> No.8423644

high heat youll sear and brown the the whites. You dont want to add any color if youre trying to make it perfect,

Nah man, butter all day.

>> No.8423648

Low heat, trust me.

>> No.8423655
File: 9 KB, 220x200, electrolytes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tripslut is too stupid to read an entire 11 line greentext

i'm not surprised.

>> No.8423661

butter is better with eggs and just about everything else

it brings a deep nutty and creamy flavor to eggs

>> No.8423665

Yeah, i noticed that almost immediately and I just didnt feel like deleting it

>> No.8423676

fuck off wop.

>> No.8423692

Your mom sure enjoyed my nutty creamy texture last night

>> No.8423694
File: 34 KB, 391x434, 29324_1440017487067_1431949627_31166631_3794281_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Heat the pan for a few minutes, get it to around 350, throw some butter in there, and throw the eggs on the pan, kill the heat, and stir/fold them around the pan for 5 seconds every 10 seconds. Do this for about 2 minutes, and then plate them.

If you like your eggs soft and under done. My favorite.

>> No.8423732

get fucked attention whore
not even the guy you responded to

>> No.8423735

didn't know you liked old hags anon

>> No.8423739

lol okay man

>> No.8423744


>> No.8423746

Always bacon fat if available.

>> No.8423757

call me crazy but i like the brown crispy edges of a fried egg. also like eating it over rice and soy sauce

>> No.8423760

Are you fucks honestly...discussing how to fry a fucking egg ? I mean...Mon Dieu.......

>> No.8423764

its one the most common and delicious foods there is. also the easiest to fuck up so yea there should be a discussion on how to do it properly u peasant

>> No.8423772


well, maybe;)

>> No.8423773

>crispy edges
Good for your application, but I wouldn't want it that way on a sandwich or alone on a plate.

>> No.8423777

hes trolling other threads too.

Yeah, to each his own I guess. There is certainly an application for the crispy type but i guess thats something you specify. If I was told at a stage to fry an egg however, id make sure that didnt happen.

Hes a sperg-lord trolling threads.

>> No.8423786


why would you be that picky though

>> No.8423805

Eat the fucking egg, you cunt.

>> No.8423846

I don't have to like crispy edges you fag.

>> No.8424087


also tripfag kill yourself immediately

>> No.8424243

you poach it

>> No.8424247
File: 315 KB, 383x348, 1409606800497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have your fried eggs done in any way other than over easy you should kys

>> No.8424261

cook in butter. if you want runny in the centre flip egg to seal it. must be served on toast. bread wont do it will turn to hot dough.

>> No.8424267

I like to eat all the whites around the yolk, then flip the yolk (intact) onto a spoon. When I pop the yolk, it stays contained on the spoon and I can enjoy 100% of its creamy, savoury goodness without having to mop it up with anything. Trying to swipe a piece of bread over a popped yolk is the worst, because:
>the bread gets in the way of the full yolk flavor
>the bread leaves behind streaks of yolk on the plate that dry immediately

It's those streaks that piss me off the most. I hate the idea of wasting yolk (it's the best part) and the drier the yolks are, the longer they take to wash off.

>> No.8424279

Using a duck egg instead of a chicken egg.

LeX. I have never seen you before, since I do not frequent meme boards, but even seeing these few posts by you made me want to vomit. This is either highly advanced trolling, or a severely mentally crippled individual. Either way, please kill yourself. No one likes you, no one ever will, and you won't amount to anything consequential in your poor, miserable life. And no, you do not deserve happiness.