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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 7 KB, 320x188, IPA_text2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8417907 No.8417907 [Reply] [Original]

Who /ipa/ master race here?

>tfw no style of beer has ever failed to satiate your palate
>tfw the only board that discusses topics interesting to you is overran by hop-hating beta cucks
>tfw live in IPA golden age, home to double-dry hopped beers, fresh hop, wet hop, experiemental hop, new hop, and noble hop IPAs

What's your favorite IPA? What IPAs have you tried recently?

>> No.8417920


>overran by hop-hating beta cucks

It's just a forced meme.

>> No.8417976
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Interstellar Pale Ale?

>> No.8417985

This shit is way to bitter.

>> No.8417989


>> No.8417997

IPAs are a crime against nature.

>> No.8418037


WRONG. The forced meme is the chorused whining that follows anybody mentioning IPA.

There is not a single style of beer that I don't like. Hell, there aren't even any that I favor significantly less than others. Yet some of you think IPAs are "too bitter", "disgusting", and "a crime against nature".

So please explain to me how someone feels justified in disliking IPAs. The rightmost opinion is to like all beer and thus have the most expanded palate for beer.

I feel embarrassed for those of you who don't like them. It's the most successful style of craft beer, and alongside your blatant crusading against hoppy beers, you also claim to "like" beer. Despicable.

>> No.8418045


Um, you're agreeing with the post you replied to.

>> No.8418048


Good job not making any sense at all.

>IPAs are a forced meme
>"No they're not"
>hurr durr u just agreed wit him

>> No.8418049
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Economist had an article on just IPAs if you guys want some actual content in your thread instead of just shit flinging.


>> No.8418050

I just wish they weren't so god damn expensive man, I'd drink them day and night.

Drinking on some firestone walker luponic distortion 004 right now. Would have preferred it to have a little more abv but still a damn good ipa

>> No.8418052


>reading comprehension

>> No.8418054

Hop Juju from Fat Heads brewery is my perfect IPA. Stone's Enjoy By 3.14.15 was also excellent.

>> No.8418057


>being vague to win the debate

>> No.8418060

I like IPAs. I don't like all of them but as a genre I like them a lot. I've got a partially drunk box of resin in my fridge at the moment.

And people like you are why IPAs are mocked so mercilessly. Try having a personality so you don't need to compensate with your choice of drink.

>> No.8418083
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>try having a personality so you don't need to compensate with your choice of drink.

>you don't have a personality because you showed interest in one thing on a board that talks about that thing regularly

Holy shit am I sorry that I shared topical subject matter (/ck/-Food & Cooking), instead of divulging every other interest of mine and thus meeting your standards of a "personality"

fuck not shit-flinging. I made this thread as a reminder that anybody who doesn't like IPAs has an underdeveloped taste for beer and therefore cannot register a valid opinion on IPAs.

>> No.8418088

I was going to defend the guy when I started writing my response but honestly, I love a dozen different beer styles. Hate Belgians. Don't know why, they just taste disgusting to me. If I'm at a bar though and my friend orders a Belgian I don't autisticly scold them on their lack of taste, I enjoy my own beer and mind my fuckin business. fuck that guy.

>> No.8418094


Let me remind you that I'm autistically scolding people on an anime image board, and strictly refrain from doing so in public. I'd never outwardly judge someone on their beer choice at a bar, because I know how to act in public.

>> No.8418107

that's fair man I was a bit harsh, let me take this opportunity to say that if there's any filthy Belgian lovers in this thread they can go hurl themselves into traffic. shit teir beer go have a blue moon why don't ya.

>> No.8418123


>blue moon
>shit beer

Can't deny that

>> No.8418279

Favorite IPAs are harpoon and loose cannon, but IPAs aren't my favorite.
I think weisses are underrated

>> No.8418289

He's right. The original post you replied to didn't say IPAs are a forced meme.

>> No.8418327
File: 72 KB, 563x443, what the fuck are you guys talking about.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Directly replied to the forced meme comment. Seriously, what the fuck.

>> No.8418336

>drink beer
>it tastes like garbage
>feel disgusting
>call yourselves master race


>> No.8418354

Have to go with Southern Tier 2XIPA, for something I can get any time.

But nothing will ever compete with Beer Camp Hoppy Lager for a one time seasonal that changed my life.

>> No.8418378


Hoppy Lager was really good, but I liked the Tropical IPA more.

There were a couple good one's in the 2016 Beer Camp variety pack, namely the session ipa and the wicked weed one.

>> No.8418399

i like IIPAs. suck my dick /ck/

>> No.8418460

Honestly, I don't know the history of, or much of the lineage of the beer camp line. I got into it at the Hoppy Lager, and the one that directly followed, then stopped there to back to IPA. But there was just something about that fucking beer, it struck me. Probably coincided with falling in love with the first woman since my ex wife, and becoming good friends with the Sierra Nevada rep, which was amazing. But nonetheless it changed me. And I ended up buying every bottle in my county, and several cases in other counties.

>> No.8418466

fond memories of the tropical beer camp, the cvs near me mislabeled the bar code or something so it was on sale for 4.99 for a six pack. By the time they figured out their mistake me and my buddy had gone through a case of them

>> No.8418470


are ipa's are dogshit

>> No.8418472

>>tfw no style of beer has ever failed to satiate your palate
Protip: If every single beer satiates your palate, you don't have much of a palate at all. That's like saying "I have never found a woman unattractive, my standards are so superior"

>> No.8418479

Is anyone on /ck/ rich enough to enjoy sours?

>> No.8418485


Every style =/= every single beer.


>> No.8418490

It's pretty simple to make one. Just contaminate it with lacto bacillus. We try to avoid that when we homebrew, but I'm sure hipsters would pay big money for something that a normal person would dump in the compost pile.

>> No.8418509
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IPAs my favorite style. I try to pick up a build your own 6-pack 2-3 times a week. They go for $9.95 and I try to fill it with beers that cost more than that when purchased in a 6 pack. I usually have a hard time calling a "favorite" beer, but right now its Snaggletooth Bandana from Solemn Oath brewing. Before that it was Grapefruit Sculpin, which isn't nearly as gay as it sounds.

Snaggletooth is very floral and crisp, refreshing.
>pic what I have on hand now

>> No.8418518

if you taste it and its actually good maybe, but I'm guessing the swill you accidentally infect isn't gooing to be as good as something brewed with that in mind.

>> No.8418525
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Who /alesmith/ here?

>> No.8418529

IPAs aren't bad but they are not a style of beer that I can get completely hammered on. If I drink too much, it just starts feeling and tasting like there is a ball of grass in my stomach and I start to feel sick. Dark ales or stouts I can drink all fucking day no problemo

>> No.8418536

Anyone find any good citrus infused IPAs? Ones where they're perfectly balanced with strong hops and not super fruity?

I'm drinkin the Grapefruit Rebel IPA from here:
and it's pretty lame.

>> No.8418640

sierra nevada torpedo is my go-to brew when I don't know what to drink

shit's cash

>> No.8418653

heads up, snake dog is also disappointing as fuck

>> No.8418668

Grapefruit sculpin

Che out moonraker if you're in norcal

>> No.8418699


What would you recommend from Moonraker? Turns out the brewery is 45 minutes away from me right now.

Guess I should take a over there and to Knee Deep (which is on tap everywhere).

>> No.8418708

i see just as much if not more hate for stouts/porters though. people don't have an axe to grind against IPAs specifically, most people just drink light domestics like budweiser so anything different like an IPA or stout or porter is less popular

>> No.8418715

I have tried the transparent, zulu and slingjaw ipas

They have a pretty distinctive style and are all kind of similar and very good. A few east coast style ipas with really good flavor and not overwhelmingly hoppy

>> No.8418719

>Grapefruit sculpin
yeah thats the one I like so far.

>> No.8418725

I've never had an IPA I loved. Maybe it's an acquired taste, but they're simply not a flavor I enjoy.
I love a good belgian, or blonde, or porter, or stout; basically malt rather than hops.

Any advice on getting into hoppier beer? The hoppiest beer I've enjoyed was Anchor Steam for reference.

>> No.8418730

The reason I hate IPA is because of the 150+ people I've talked to who would drink pureéd hops if it had a 12% abv.

>> No.8418735

Literally don't. If you don't care for it, you probably won't. It's not a problem. Just enjoy what you enjoy.

>> No.8418740


Thanks for the rec. The cans look familiar, so I'm sure they sell them around here.

I actually just read an article in the paper about how the Sac area is starting to embrace NE style IPAs, but I don't think they mentioned Moonraker.

Gonna put it on my beer run list for tomorrow for New years.

>> No.8418767

My neighbor offers me these all the time, and while I never refuse a free beer I'm just not that into them. I've always been a stout and cider guy.
The fact that the go-to fruit for some IPAs is grapefruit (which I find disgusting) tells me this is not the booze for me.

>> No.8418782


>the go-to fruit for some IPAs is grapefruit


>> No.8418787

For those weird fusion shandy-style ales, I'm not talking about anything actually brewed with grapefruit.
I swear it's the only fruit I ever see mixed with IPA, I guess it just meshes well with that love for extra-bitter drink.

>> No.8418789

He's retarded and thinks flavor notes equal a beer filled with juice squeezed from the fruit mentioned.

>> No.8418794


Hops often have grapefruit notes, but other than Sculpin and Rebel, it's definitely not the "go-to", and fruit flavored IPAs aren't even very popular for that matter.

>> No.8418799

No I'm actually talking about shit actually brewed with grapefruit, faggot. Which I guess I was wrong about this >>8418787, fuck it, I don't drink much of this stuff.

Oh, well all I ever see is shit with grapefruit in it, not an IPA guy so I have little idea what people prefer out of them. Figured it was a valid correlation considering my dislike for both the brew and the fruit.

>> No.8418812
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>> No.8418819

Budweiser is my favorite pilsner

>> No.8418825


>my board

Kek. This board is for people who actually enjoy food and cooking.

>> No.8418826
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It's pretty good. I agree.

>> No.8418828

stouts are better

>> No.8418829

Yeah thats exactly why nobody likes people on here that pretend/forcethemselves to like ass tasting shit just because it's the newest craze in Berlin or Williamsburg

>> No.8418831


>everybody else is just pretending to like it

>> No.8418839

>a tiny fraction of people that follow trends like cattle
>everybody else

>> No.8418843
File: 108 KB, 1024x768, baby-duck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby duck syndrome - the tendency of users to always think the system they originally started using is better.


quack quack

quack quack




quack quack

>> No.8418847


Yeah, says the anon who thinks IPAs are the newest craze in Williamsburg and haven't been the most normie style of craft beer for the past 15 years.

>> No.8418854

I'm from Germany and we have a long tradition of Pils- and Weizenbier that has been honed and perfected over centuries.

>Here taste my malty shitwater i brew in my gardenshack. i put a mango in lol :D

>> No.8418862

Sorry i don't keep up with the newest trends in Williamsburg, but where I live shit's just getting started and also 15 years aren't that long of a time.

>> No.8418877


>if it doesn't take you longer than 15 years to move beyond budweiser and give ipas a chance you must be a cattle who just blindly follows the latest trend

Okay anon, I'm done.

>> No.8418887

I gave ipas a chance and it failed.

Also i don't drink american budweiser aka dishwater.

>> No.8419904

Liking sours is superior in every way

>not liking beer that smells like cat piss
>not liking beer that literally destroys your mouth
>having taste buds this underdeveloped

>> No.8419911

>poor grad student
>love sour beers
It's truly hell, but I just splurged over winter break and spent at least 200 dollars on like 15 bottles

>> No.8419914


>all sour beers are just beers that taste sour
>being this plebeian

I'm so sorry that beer has evolved to have more than one bacteria in it.

>> No.8419931


>"this one beer my country spent centuries perfecting is a good beer"
>"wait, someone somewhere else made a beer? This simply cannot go on."

This, my friends, is what we call Social Identity Syndrome.

>> No.8419936


>I'm fine with a woman from any race
>as long as they're a model
Youre a pleb, face it

>> No.8419953

My favorite IPA ever has to be this black ipa my local bar brews. It's called Dancing in Purgatory. But you will not see it anywhere. But other than that dogfish 120 minute ipa is perfection.

>> No.8419960

Actually St. Arnold's art car is probably the best when it comes to texas ipas or hops and grains mosaic ipa

>> No.8419968

please keep in mind that much of America was settled by those very people who perfected the Germanic style of lightly flavored lager

>> No.8420124

I like Torpedo because it is readily available locally. My new favorite from Sierra Nevada is Hop Hunter, brewed with distilled hop oil. Tastes like real beer.
If you can find the Winter variety 12 pack, Snow Whit white IPA is flippin' amazing. Made with 7 varieties of experimental dwarf hops. They don't sell it separately, sadly.

>> No.8420446


IPAs are what boys drink before they grow up and get introduced to Belgians.

>> No.8420450

Belgians are literally entry level good beer. D Definitely good, but hardly some inaccessible upper level

>> No.8420452

do you comb out your neckbeard while comparing yeast strains?

>> No.8420455

I've never met someone who liked IPA's that wasn't a feminine nu-male hipster little bitch

>> No.8420464

liking IPA is normie as fuck. Every normal 20 something guy likes IPA, its not some niche thing

>> No.8420484


>every normal 20 something guy likes IPA, its not some niche thing

While definitely true, I actually think of IPA as being more dad-core, while younger people are more likely to be trying less normie stuff.

>> No.8420497

Yeah at my local bar the guys who are most vocal about IPA are 50somethings.

The kids who grew up when IPA was all the rage are all into ciders, pilsners, sours, etc.

>> No.8420507

>Tfw I live in Vermont with god tier loca l brews

>> No.8420509

right, hence the reason I said that only feminine nu-male hipster little bitch drink it

>> No.8420513

In your mind, what do those words mean?

>> No.8420523

You best lose the attitude, kid. You don't know who you are fucking with.

>> No.8420534

Younger people are surely likely to try less normie stuff, but most also like IPA

>> No.8420536

>are all into ciders, pilsners
No they aren't

>> No.8420571

Yes, yes they are.

>> No.8420578

I know plenty of people who are ok with ciders and pilsners, but almost no one who is primarily into those styles

>> No.8420580
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Apples are what boys eat before they grow up and get introduced to oranges

>> No.8420583

Who said anything about "primarily"? It's current year, people are allowed to drink a variety of things. Those were just some examples, it's not like there's the cider guy and the pilsner guy and they rage at each other like we have here on 4chan. This is real life.

>> No.8420586

Well you said they were "all the rage", I'm not aware of any social circles where cider and pilsner are considered a big deal. Sure they are perfectly acceptable, but they aren't enthusing anyone

>> No.8420592

To the best of my knowledge the only social circles that really get fixated on one beverage are the noobs who just got into "the new craft beer" and can't STFU about IPA and Imperial Stout, the Japanese scotch assholes, the vintage cocktail dickheads, and wine people.

Everyone else (who has an interest in drinks to begin with) drinks an assortment of things.

I'm ignoring the one-drink people because they are bores.