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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8408731 No.8408731 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best breakfast food and why?

>> No.8408733


Anything that's not drenched in fucking sugar.

>> No.8408736


>> No.8408738

Coffee. Because hangover

>> No.8408741

That's not a meal, answer the fucking question

>> No.8408778

breakfast food is for cu/ck/s

fasting until lunch is the true red pill

>> No.8408785


>> No.8408811

Cold all-dressed pizza

>> No.8409154
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Chicken fried steak with liver gravy.

>> No.8409204

Full English.

Anything else is for butthurt nations that couldn't conquer most of the planet.

>> No.8409211
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Sure Muhammad

>> No.8409231

there is no greater bluepill than eating lunch.
Breakfast and dinner are the only redpilled meals.

>> No.8409235
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Sausage McMuffin

>> No.8409237

Hash browns

>> No.8409239


Biscuits and gravy

>> No.8409252

A bowl of oatmeal with green apple, banana and blueberries. Top it with cinnamon and serve it hot af

>> No.8409266

For me, it's the McMuffin.

>> No.8409270


I would never buy such an abomination. For free? even then i'd think twice.

>> No.8409294
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>> No.8409306

ur mums vagina lol

>> No.8409309


>> No.8409310
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Waffle House cheese eggs

>> No.8409362

Pancakes with maple syrup or any kind of burrito with Tabasco.

>> No.8409363

When I eat plain eggs in the morning, I feel sick for at least an hour. They need toast or hot sauce.

>> No.8409366

What about skipping breakfast AND lunch?
I only eat once a day.

>> No.8409380

Two sunny-side eggs, two pieces of sourdough toast with butter. Soak runny egg yolk in part of the toast, then eat the egg on top like a sandwich. Douse in hot sauce

>> No.8409382

That sounds fantastic.

>> No.8409387

scrambled eggs and Tabasco.

>> No.8409391

we have the same breakfast

>> No.8409396


I spent a few weeks in China and I ate at this one place almost every day for breakfast. I always had noodles and lamb in lamb broth. Personally I think it is my favourite breakfast food because it was the best noodle soup I ever had, and they were only open between 5am-9am, so I could only get it for breakfast.

>> No.8409398

2 scrambled eggs
2 thick cut strips of bacon
Some sautéed mushrooms
Optional: Hot Sauce on eggs (my preference is La Victoria)
Black Coffee

>> No.8409399

know what else is good. Fritos and tabasco.

>> No.8409401



Having an easy day eh? I like to make my scrambled eggs with much hotter sauce. my so-called "murder-eggs" - does wonders for digestion (you'll never be constipated with them).

>> No.8409402

Kek, not la Victoria. I meant Valentina

>> No.8409410

the coffee makes me crap like a goose already.

>> No.8409412

French fries and tabasco

>> No.8409414

Some of us don't feel the need to be metal at breakfast.

>> No.8409427
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Such people are pussies. If you can't be metal and/or manly from the get-go then put on some panties because today you are a bitch.

Its why in the dead of winter I will wake up to no heating the house and eat cereals with ice cold milk because it makes me manly. Bonus option: doing a physically demanding job so its all manly all the time (let me tell you shitsux being up at 6am to then spend all day hauling building materials about in the dead of winter but fuck me it'll turn you into a manlyadonis - failing that it will make you normal).

>> No.8409446


Tobasco sauce is for people who don't like their hot sauce to taste good or be hot...

>> No.8409454

Huge breakfast burritos loaded with peppers and meat.

This was my usual breakfast routine after a night of drinking. I lived in a party house full of dudes so the amounts are a rough estimate.

>cook up 1-2 pounds of bacon
>chop a shitload of onions and peppers, we always had different types
>toss into bacon grease
>if done right, there's only a little grease left after browning the veggies
>cook chorizo or spicy sausage or ham
>throw all the bacon and veggies back in once meat is done
>crack 1-2 dozen eggs into all this shit
>add various cheeses and whatever spices you want
>warm up tortillas
>roll up picture-perfect burritos like I'm some old mexican woman
>wrap in foil, stick in low temp oven to keep warm

Then as the guys woke up from their drunken stupor, they had a badass hangover cure all warm and ready for them. We cooked these a few times a week for a few years, and got pretty damn good at it.

I've since moved back north to a small town. Finding good veggies is hard, peppers are limited and mild. Only tortillas I can find are offbrand and come frozen off a truck. No sweet mexican neighbors making fresh ones daily. My meat choices are Jimmy deans regular, or sage flavored, and thin crappy bacon. Homemade salsa is unheard of, "we got the gallon jugs of Pace in aisle 5!"

>> No.8409546

>all those carbs
>no protein or fat

gl being hungry in 90 minutes, amerilard.

>> No.8409594
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waffles and sausage

>> No.8409610


>> No.8409616
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>> No.8409637


metal fans are so annoying, and about such dull music...metal isn't "manly"; it's boring as fuck.

>> No.8409661
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There is a fine line between being a wannabe hard-man (aka "black metal ist krieg) and enjoying metal for what it is.

>> No.8409727

You forgot to add honey to that butter, anon.
Outside of that, that is my go to

>> No.8410109

>I don't like it
>therefore it's shit

>> No.8410119

just some oatmeal and a glass of milk

>> No.8410186
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>> No.8410252

osso bucco

>> No.8410308



Anything else is for butthurt nations that tried to conquer the world but failed to conquer the small one right next to them.

>> No.8410999

>what is lunch and dinner

>> No.8411626

Porridge with semi-skimmed milk, I'll chuck some blueberries, sliced banana or nuts in it if they're lying about.
Other than that, chef John's parmelet looks like the bomb though I've never tried it, and I have to give honorable mentions to spinach frittata and shakshuka.

>> No.8411700

Your first meal of the day is always breakfast, regardless of what time you eat it; as you are breaking your fast that started when you fell asleep. It is impossible to skip breakfast.

>> No.8411708


Jokes on you I don't eat - my body is sustained by hate.

>> No.8411724

breakfast burrito and kwoffee

>> No.8411733
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Oatmeal made with eggnog.

>> No.8411744

whatever meat I have in the house with whatever goes good with it

>> No.8412022


Bacon & scrambled eggs with toasted Hovis and a bucket of coffee.

>> No.8412120

Always fascinated by cultures that eat normal meals in the morning. Stuff you would expect to find midday or in the evening show up for breakfast. Hell some places even eat noodles.

>> No.8412160

'fee for me

>> No.8412284

Oatmeal, toast, and a hard boiled egg. I've been eating this shit almost every morning for like a month straight.

>> No.8412406

You're retarded.
Ireland was anally raped for centuries before some potatoniggers began using cheap tactics against the brits while they were preoccupied with WW1, then did it again until freedom was had. We were certainly conquered by the Brits, we just took it back after a few hundred years.

>> No.8412431
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For me it's the Gorilla Munch cereal, the only cereal to unrustle my jimmies every morning.

>> No.8412465

patty melt / scattered smothered covered chunked / double waffle / sweet tea

>> No.8412493

Biscuits and sausage gravy

>> No.8412619
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goat syrup

>> No.8413393

that's fucking disgusting

>> No.8413400

Whenever I'm reminded that 4chan forced them to change their boxart I get a little feeling of delight.

>> No.8413470


Ireland, shit country. I'm sure he meant Scotland, gods own land.

>> No.8413556

Best for what?

When it comes to taste I like to cook eggs with butter, potatoes and bacon

Cook eggs with butter and salt
Cut bacon strips into bits, cook on their own grease
Cut a potato in very small cubes, fry them in oil until they're golden-ish
Use a napkin to remove as much oil as possible from the bacon and fried potatoes
Mix all ingredients

I usually add some traditional 'pork beans', a slice of 'panela' cheese, and a salsa 'tatemada', as sides, I eat all this with flour or corn tortillas.

I usually have this for breakfast about twice a month, and I'm not fat Fyi, I just like to eat.

>> No.8413558

Scrambled eggs mixed with heavy whipping cream and cooked in butter is pure heroin

>> No.8413931
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Corned beef hash with eggs. I have no idea if this is shit tier or not, but I fucking love it.

>> No.8413949

Did you suck their dicks after making them breakfast too anon?

>> No.8413980


eggs are always the basis of my breakfast, unless I'm having oatmeal or polenta. even with french toast, I'm using eggs.

>> No.8414327

its not a goddamn competition mang, its breakfast

>> No.8414339

og breakfast right here

hash, eggs, toast, and coffee

and maybe a lil of the non-culinary kind of hash if I'm not working that day

>> No.8414841
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a tamale with a fried egg

>> No.8415753
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Breakfast burritos found at bakeries or the like.

There is a bakery that uses their excess for breakfast burritos

>1/2 pound of meat
>1/4 pound of eggs
>1/4 pound of potatoes
>side of salsa

basically just bring a cheap small lunch to work and then go bigger for dinner

>> No.8415771
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> eggs, any style
> waffles/pancakes
> potatoes
> bacon
> fruits
> pots of coffee

Just talking about breakfast food gives me that comfy cozy feeling

>> No.8416453

Breakfast is like christmas but every day!

>> No.8416525
