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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 169 KB, 1080x1080, hawaian pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8407175 No.8407175 [Reply] [Original]

Remind me again guys, why are we supposed to hate pineapple on a pizza?

>> No.8407185

Ham isn't very good and pineapple ham pizza is definitely inferior to pepperoni mushrom, BBQ chicken, supreme, etc

>> No.8407197

Pineapple is too sweet and tends not to work well in conjunction with most tomato based sauces or most of the other ingredients you see on pizza.

So if you put pineapple on a pizza, then the only other thing you can really put on there is ham and maybe onions. Ultimately pineapple really limits your options when it comes to making a pizza in a way many other ingredients don't.

>> No.8407223

It doesn't, you just need a salty meat like bacon or ham. Apparently you know fuck-all about food, pairing and how it works. If you personally don't like it that's fine, but you're wrong and should probably kill yourself.

>> No.8407226
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all these things have acute taste profiles and dominate rather than complement the additional toppings present on a pizza

>> No.8407311

Some people don't like sweet pizza toppings. Some people do.

>> No.8407392

might as well put maple syrup on a pizza

>> No.8407403

Who's supposed to hate it? Picky faggots?

Get the fuck offa /ck/ if you're that much of a bitch. Margherita, Italian beef, Hawaiin, Supreme, whatever. All are good, if you aren't fucking Kevin McCallaster.

>> No.8407411
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I love it, but it has to have bacon, and it has to hot out of the oven. Maybe some chicken and bbq sauce drizzle.

>> No.8407591

Retard. Pineapple is virtually the only sweet topping that goes on a pizza. Thus ham+ pineapple + banana peppers gives you sweet, salty, and spicy which checks nearly all the flavour boxes in 3 toppings.

>> No.8407596

Pineapple with dried cherries and coconut flakes is the greatest.

>> No.8407600

Wow dude you got it all figured out xD

>> No.8407744

>"you know nothing about food pairings"
>indiscriminately pairs anything sweet with anything salty

>> No.8407777

>pepperoni mushrom
huh i never tried it before

>> No.8407871

Sweet and savory go great together in some combinations. Cranberry sauce is great with turkey, and pineapple is great with ham, when it's a single slice with a whole gammon steak. Pineapple on pizza though is just overbearing. You may as well eat a pineapple sandwich.

>> No.8407875

How else am I going to make the spam taste better on it haole?

>> No.8407877
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>You may as well eat a pineapple sandwich
implying i don't: pineapple, ham and cheese go great together on toast

>> No.8407892

Pineapple is great on pizza.

Only autistic manchildren have ever said it wasn't.

>> No.8407897

the pineapple is too overbearing and dominates the flavour

i also dont think it mixes well with cheese and tomato at all

>> No.8408018

I always wanted to fuck Kevin McCallister

>> No.8408025

I just don't like the taste or texture of cooked pineapple

That's all there is to it. It's more dried up, stringy, and taste like a half-dehydrated fruit. Maybe put uncooked pineapples on a pizza and I'll give it a shot but cooked pineapples are ass.

>> No.8408027

Also forgot to add, cooked pineapples are often lukewarm, a bad temperature for pineapples. I prefer room temp > cold > shit > warm

>> No.8408031


Personally I really don't like the texture of pineapple while it's on pizza. Just doesn't work for me at all. Otherwise I love pineapple.

>> No.8408055
File: 265 KB, 1538x865, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because some babbys can't handle anything on pizza that's different than what they ate as small children. It's another case of stupid people yelling about something loud and long enojgh to get people's attention. The online version of a temper tantrum.

>mfw people don't eat based pepperoni, pineapple, and jalapeno pizza; or ham, pineapple, and onion pizza; or pineapple, peppers, onion, and feta pizza.

>> No.8408058

Too sweet and tangy, clashes with my mushrooms and cherry peppers.

>> No.8408059


Pineapple is too sweet. And pizza is most popular as salty. This is why pepperoni and cheese are most common toppings.

>> No.8408061

Exactly this.

>> No.8408069

You think you're alone?

>> No.8408128

Only redditors hate pineapple on their 'za

>> No.8408205
File: 35 KB, 456x456, 1480703806385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Walk into Starbucks
>Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate on menu
>Turn 360 degrees and walk away

>> No.8408217

Because some redditor took a picture of some totally epic bro yearbook quote.

>> No.8408222

Daily reminder that ham and pineapple "pizza" is inferior in every way to pepperoni and pineapple "pizza"

>> No.8408229

Hating pineapple is the new dankest meme

>> No.8408230


>> No.8408232

its called 'pine you mongoloid

>> No.8408260

That also sounds like a great pizza.

>> No.8408264
File: 157 KB, 960x960, 14720453_1370870826279951_2802843823536161956_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the Neapolitan pizza. (Authentic pizza)

>> No.8408265
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>> No.8408269
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>> No.8408281
File: 43 KB, 600x375, the_bun_is_in_your_mind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't succumb to the "pizza must have tomato sauce" meme. use bbq sauce instead on pineapple pizza. teriyaki is good too

>> No.8408288

What's wrong with a good Canuck pie?

>> No.8408536

I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that wants to fuck Fuller though

>> No.8408717

Congratulations on starting the latest /ck/ meme, OP!

t. guy that started the little known "pretty good for four bucks!" meme of early 2016

>> No.8408724
File: 16 KB, 600x600, e9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like it, order it and enjoy. Who gives a fuck what a bunch of dick beaters thinks?

>> No.8408893

Juice is not for cheese.

>> No.8409011
File: 60 KB, 1440x1080, PB3IWKu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another person who has discovered the secret of pineapple and anchovy.
Welcome to the cabal, brother.

>> No.8409050

This guy is the only person itt that knows shit about fuck. Personally I add crushed red pepper to any pizza that has either pineapple or sausage but hot banana peppers would be acceptable as long as the pineapple was light - or I could always add crushed red.

Dipshits in this thread probably don't even know how to brown up fatty ham with parmesean

>> No.8409065
File: 1.20 MB, 2048x1536, Pineapple Anchovy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>pineapple, olives, anchovies

I'd recommend adding jalapenos and fresh tomato slices.

>> No.8409071

>cooking the pineapple into the pizza (turning it rubbery) instead of putting it on afterwards
>not substituting pineapple with sliced banana

>> No.8409175

>pepperoni, pineapple, and jalapeno pizza
holy shit this is my favorite pizza, so happy someone else likes it when everyone I know gives me shit for putting pineapple on my pizza

>> No.8409244

I like sweet and salty. You both have "bitch mouth".

>> No.8409451

this is the shit right here

>> No.8409560

because people don't put jalepenos or anything else like that to balance the sweetness
tastes pretty good to have a pinapple jalepeno pizza

>> No.8409694

Ma nigga

>> No.8409756
File: 762 KB, 1958x2937, 1480815939344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually 'apple

>> No.8409770

Nah man, I like pineapple and anchovy. You got the wrong idea.

>> No.8409772

My favorite pizza of all time is ham, pineapple, jalapeño, and Cheddar.