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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8400698 No.8400698 [Reply] [Original]

>Sushi "chefs" are so unhygienic, they don't even use gloves to prepare the food they serve you

>> No.8400700

Well, they actually wash their hands, so they don't have to wear gloves.

Most chefs wear gloves because they can't be trusted to keep up with hygiene standards. Sushi chefs normally take their profession very seriously. Hygiene is a part of their job.

>> No.8400715

they still handle their knives and other shit anyways so washing their hands is pretty pointless

>> No.8400725

Their equipment should also be clean.

>> No.8400731

what the fuck are you on about
pretty much every chef and cook don't use gloves
add most of the time they are required to keep fine touch

got a problem with sushi?

>> No.8400735

That's because they spend all day touching different things to collect a variety of flavors to then pass on to your food

>> No.8400781


>> No.8400787

What kind of chefs actually use gloves?

At least in a normal western kitchen you cant use gloves because of heat since that would melt the gloves right onto you.

Also higiene standards.

>> No.8400789

i'm allergic to a lot of kinds of fish and when i go for sushi i can tell which places have hygienic kitchens because my mouth gets sore when they don't

unfortunately most of them make my mouth sore

>> No.8400792

Lower middle class dining and below all require gloves. IE olive garden down to waffle house.

>> No.8400806

Are you sure it's not all the dick you suck?

>> No.8400825

Literally every single study has shown that people who wear gloves end up having germier disgusting gloves than people who prepare food without gloves. The bare handed people are much better about washing their hands constantly and the glove wearing people are less likely to change their gloves

>> No.8400922

>Most chefs wear gloves because they can't be trusted to keep up with hygiene standards

Flyover Amerifats, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.8400931


>America is the only country in which chefs wear gloves when they cook

Obsessed Eupoors, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.8400938

>Being too flyover to realize that it's only mind numbingly depressing lower middle class American chain restaurants and fast food places where people wear gloves to prepare food
>Not realizing that in the civilized world, kitchen staff are expected to understand proper hygiene procedures and follow them, thus making gloves unnecessary


Enjoy your Olive Garden and Applebees, flyover dweller!

>> No.8400944

Gloves are a meme

>> No.8400957

Any chef that doesn't work at a chain restaurant doesn't wear gloves

>> No.8401017

>LA is flyover

Sure thing, flyover.

>> No.8401036

You poor abused thing.

>> No.8401048

That was almost a proper sentence.
Well done.

>> No.8401057
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No worries. Advances in robotics will produce Sushi Sensei 9000. We'll look back on "people hands" preparing food and laugh.

>> No.8401091

>Well, they actually wash their hands, so they don't have to wear gloves.
this is not true, you have to wear gloves if you touch ready to eat food, it's just that no one fucking does this shit. You're lucky if you can get any cook to actually wash their hands.

>> No.8401093

this is bullshit, people don't fucking wash their hands all the god damn time.

>> No.8401094

>have to wear gloves
>nobody does it
>still insisting you have to as if score of people are dying from unwashed hand disease

>> No.8401099

No you illiterate neanderthal, you have to because its a law and you will get cited by the food service people and have all your shit pushed in if they catch you not doing it. If you are a fine dining restaurant however, you will have the money to actually bribe them, which is by the way, the reason why those "shitter" places have to use gloves, and has nothing to do with the quality of the food or the people working it.

>> No.8401110

This, nobody wants to change gloves unless they just got watched picking something off the floor or if they got something sticky on them.

>> No.8401115

Do you not wash your knives and other shit after using them?

>> No.8401126

most chefs walk up to the dish pit, grab my filthy fucking spray nozzle that has my greasy food smeared hands touching it all day, grab the fucking thing, spray their knife on both sides, and walk back to the line. This is white, latinos, and asians. And theyre mostly nice people as well, not assholes in conversation.

>> No.8401184

Sushi is disgusting anyway. Raw food = guaranteed food poisoning.

>> No.8401254

sumos use the knife to scrape leftovers off their hand into the pot

>> No.8401715

We have buckets of sanitizer that we put our knives in...

>> No.8401725

Implying that one can't scratch their ass wearing gloves...

Implying that everyone from your home kitchen, mom, dad, grandmother always wore gloves...

>> No.8401729

This is why America is dying. The profoundly stupid people and their inability to recognize how pathetic they look to everyone else.

>> No.8401732

americans falseflagging

>> No.8401736
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>Advances in robotics will produce Sushi Sensei 9000

It takes more training to prepare sushi than it does to become a fucking doctor. Sushi Masters will be some of the last working people after automation replaces most other jobs.

>> No.8401784

most of the training is shit that has nothing to do with actually making sushi though, European chefs learn far more skills in the time it takes to become a sushi 'master' chef.

>> No.8401816

>be me
>working in a restaurant
>preparing a fuckton of bruschetta
>topping is your standard
>wearing gloves to mix the big ass batch of topping
>go halfway up to my elbow mixing this stuff
>this repeats with other chefs aometimes not wearing any gloves because it isn't required
>never got a complaint about it whilst i was working there

>> No.8401824

Oh they learn far, far more skills, but true mastery takes thousands of hours at one specific task. No chef is as talented at one thing as sushi chefs are at sushi which is why sushi will always be considered the absolute pinnacle of cuisine.

>> No.8401825
File: 1.02 MB, 1920x1080, american marinade.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is literally Americans pretending to be Europeans pretending to be Americans to piss off other Americans. Dont believe it? Read the thread again and think about it.

>> No.8401880

i used to work with this iranian guy who would wear the same pair of gloves all day and wash them like he normally would with his regular hand that swore up and down to me that it was more hygienic because gloves

>> No.8401885

It is more hygienic, I don't want sandnigger skin touching my food

>> No.8401899

>Well, they actually wash their hands, so they don't have to wear gloves.

That's not good enough. They could have a hangnail, dirty fingernails or a cut on their hands. We're not subcultured trash, just wear fucking gloves when preparing any food by hand. I don't need your skin cells in my food.

>> No.8401909

Wut? Wut?
>Most chefs wear gloves because they can't be trusted to keep up with hygiene standards

Are you fucking retarded

>> No.8401915

They already have sushi made by robots though.

It takes more training to prepare -pretentious- sushi, yes.

>> No.8401919

None of you have a serve safe for you fml you sound like idiots

>> No.8401922

Trolling this hard lel

>> No.8401924

It's not trolling to point out the FACT that the training to become a sushi chef is longer than the training to become a doctor.

>> No.8401934

You know what else takes longer? Becoming a OT VIII scientologist.

>> No.8401937

>calling the personnel in the US medico-pharma industry doctors.


>> No.8401938

Not more training are you fucking stupid it's only a few basic fucking skills you have to learn a doctor has to learn way more a doctor can identify an illness and treat it a *sushi master* can cut diffrient fish and put it on top of rice or roll it In seaweed it may be a *fact* that it takes longer to be a sushi fuck but you have far less skill learned in twice the time to even compare the two is fucking retarded

>> No.8401942

Whatever flyover, you know nothing of art.

>> No.8401958

What the fuck is so diffcult about washing a bucket of rice? Why does it take these guys a decade to learn how to do it? Doesn't sound very skillful to me.

>> No.8401963

>world without doctors
pick one you liberal cuck, also: President Donald Trump has a nice ring to it eh?

>> No.8401966

There are probably shit particles in every piece of food you've ever consumed. Stop being a bitch.

>> No.8401969

You know that 10 years meme includes useless shit like 3 years of just washing rice, yea?

That 10 years could literally be done in less than 2, and that's being very slow and cautious

Japan are retards when it comes to learning and teaching.

>> No.8401971

The world obviously needs both, I'd never argue otherwise. I'm just saying that it takes longer to become a sushi chef than a doctor.

>> No.8401974

Gordon Ramsay literally learned how to make master level sushi within literally one evening.

>> No.8401981

>master level

Wrong. He made very impressive sushi, but this is also a world-class chef with absolutely masterful knife skills.

>> No.8401989

Link? Source?

Not doubting it, because sushi is massively overexaggerated in how difficult it is

I'm just interesting in seeing more about it

>> No.8401995

And I'm saying that it doesn't fucking matter in the slightest, that doesn't make a fish slinger worth more than a doctor because he had to wash rice for 5 years or some shit. It's clannish traditional bullshit that forms the foundation of the hollow shell of tradition that is Japan, and the only reason anyone gives half a shit about that little skiff of shame and vastly overrated women.

>> No.8401998

Lots of things take longer than becoming a doctor. Becoming a vet takes longer than becoming a doctor.

>> No.8402005

Really? Why?

>> No.8402008

You guys will start arguing and making sweeping generalizations about pretty much anything, eh?

>> No.8402018

Subway chefs do

>> No.8402019

So many fuckin animals to work on as opposed to all humans basically being the same

>> No.8402637

I'm often shocked by how ignorant Americans are to the ways other countries are superior to them and how desperately they'll defend being completely wrong.

>> No.8402642

doesn't remove the shit on it fast enough for them I suppose

>> No.8403290
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lmao i hope this doesn't burst ur bubble but chefs literally don't ever wear gloves

>> No.8403342
File: 1.24 MB, 400x280, 1479466431602.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work at a sushi bar and literally never wear gloves
>actually wash my hands at any given opportunity
>wash my hands ~20 times in a 15 minute interval

But this is negated by the fact that the majority of people I work with are retards that are fine with putting containers on the floor then setting it back on cutting boards then proceed to get pissy at me for pointing out what they're doing.

Gloves are for windowlickers and the only legitmate reasons to wear them is if you're mixing ingredients together by hand, which is the only reason I ever put gloves on or the rare occurence that you have an open wound on a hand. They are for the lowest common denominator, a half assed fix on stupid.

>> No.8403345

They don't even fucking cook the food they give you.

>> No.8403375

this fucking weeb lmao

>> No.8403397

Sushi chefs are massively OVERRATED.

All they do is "prepare" the fish they bought from their expert suppliers (the real MVPS). The latter are more deserving of praise.

Sushi is just fish over vingered rice ffs.

It's easy as fuck to make lmaoooo

>> No.8403422

Who cares? Your immune system is designed to defend you against it.

I'd have bigger problems with eating at the resturaunt if they didn't wash their hands.

>> No.8403438

Yeah fast food chains use them, because their staff is underpaid and can't be trusted to be hygienic. Calling trained monkeys "chefs" is stretching it quite a bit too.

>> No.8403464

Actually would love to see this as well. My biggest issue with sushi 'masters' is the fact that the last few times I've eaten in sushi places like Umi in Atlanta, it's been on about the same tier as Publix grocery store sushi.

>> No.8403483

Sushi is disgusting and so are japanese "people", so this whole issue doesn't affect me anyway. I'm guessing the OP is a fat ameriblubber who watches anime

>> No.8403510

>spend entire career on preparing about 10 fish menues
Japanese are hacks

>> No.8403519

>at least 3 years of your training is just washing rice


>> No.8403803

What the fuck

>> No.8403858

As someone who has worked in the food industry, let me tell you that people who don't wear gloves are cleaner as they constantly wash their hands, whereas the ones who wear gloves only switch gloves when it gets sticky inside, the gloves are to protect their hands from getting sticky, so they don't have to wash it, not after touching food and cash and table and maybe trash...

>> No.8403885

/ck/ made me hate America.

>> No.8403888

I never worked in a kitchen. If I apply today, I'll probably be a dishwasher.
If I keep this position for an absurd amount of time, will that make me a better chef in the future? I'm not sure I'll learn savours paring by washing dirty dishes, nor knife skills.

Also, this means sushi rice is washed by a trainee in high scale sushi restaurants, so it's not that important, is it?

>> No.8403898

>allergic to fish
>blames hygiene for mouth feeling sore

Are you retarded? Also, brush your goddamn teeth.

>> No.8404314

Why arent cooking masks standard

>> No.8404351

fucking Japanese are disgusting stupid dogs

>> No.8404363

Butthurt Korean detected, still bitter that the Japanese owned them from 1915 to 1945.

>> No.8404387
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>> No.8404479

I don't think I see gloves at waffle house.

>> No.8404535

All surfaces, utensils and hands are so caked with syrup, it's as if they are wearing gloves. At the end of the shift they just peel it off like a latex glove.

>> No.8404543
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