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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8399039 No.8399039 [Reply] [Original]

>None of them are animal products

>> No.8399043

has a piece of meat ever helped anyone gain nutrition

>> No.8399053

>So much vitamin A in liver that eating too much can kill you

>> No.8399055


Superfoods are frequently non-animal products that come close to the nutritional qualities of animal products, such as quinoa, which is a complete protein.

>> No.8399061

It's any food with claims of health benefits regardless of scientific backing.

>> No.8399069

protein isnt the only thing that matters in food you can get plenty of protein from non animal products

i dont think you understand nutrition

>> No.8399073


>not a science

>> No.8399078

Just saying what the definition is, it can be backed by science but not all superfoods are backed by science.

>> No.8399082

i wouldnt consider quinoa a superfood but if youre going to eat grains its definitely the top choice if you want to eat a grain with your meal

but kale is healthier than chicken breast from walmart

>> No.8399091

Quinoa isn't a grain, it's a kind of duckweed that's overpriced in the western world but dirt cheap peasent food in south america.

It's superfood definition is probably unscientifically subscribed.

>Kale is healthier than chicken at walmart.

That depends on what you need out of your meal.

>> No.8399094

quinoa is healthier than flour pasta


kale is healthier than chicken


you people just hate eating healthy youre like those 5 year olds who say "im not eating my brocolli mom!" so you make up all these irrational MUH PROTEIN arguments

>> No.8399105


>super delicious foods
>none of them are vegan

>> No.8399110


Pemmican is technically a superfood. Humans evolved eating the shit.

>> No.8399112

>Quinoa is healthier than flour pasta

Probably, but only because you're eating a fibrous seed rather than refined. fiberless grain. Eating whole grain or brown rice has similar benefits in terms of fiber, which is why Quinoa probably not really deserving of it's superfood title.

>Kale is healthier than chicken
Kale is a low-carb fiborous plant that may or may not help the body get ride of toxins. chicken is a protien rich meat. Completely different dietary functions.

If you want to compare the downsides, Chicken in modern farms is less nutritious and may contain arsenic and Kale speeds up your thyroid.

>> No.8399114


>i wouldnt consider quinoa a superfood

Quinoa was one of the first things people were talking about when the "superfood" fad started, along with acai, goji, and later kale.

There's no technical definition, but it basically just means nutrient rich foods that are otherwise low in calories/bad fats.

>> No.8399119

once I ate quinoa and I really liked it but then I pooped whole quinoas two days later and it worried me

>> No.8399120
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>that may or may not help the body get ride of toxins.
Could you elaborate on what toxins are?

>> No.8399124

I don't remember what chemicals in particular kale is supposedly able to remove, except maybe Fluoride which is probably a meme.

>> No.8399128

ya but do you know what the true food pyramid is and what modern americans actually eat?

it should be flipped upside down with meat and animals products being very low and vegetables and fruits being very high

kale has protein

all plant foods have protein

you dont understand theres thousands of other parts of the vegetable that benefit you and stop disease through thousands of studies and chicken and animals products do nothing but harm

for someone who isnt protein deficient and almost nobody is in the 1st world

its actually healthy to have food pass through like that

>> No.8399132
File: 200 KB, 701x397, steak and butter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It should be flipped upside down

Enjoying your steak and butter?

>> No.8399134

You're a fucking idiot. If they flipped the pyramid over, they would be suggesting you eat 5-10 servings of meat each day, instead of 1-2.

>> No.8399137
File: 209 KB, 631x515, REAL food pyramid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres what i meant you niggers

i didnt wanna go find one

>> No.8399143
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>No mention of organ meats

>> No.8399148

youre in a league of your own bro
less than 1% of the population even has an interest in that stuff

and its still not even good for you

>> No.8399149

>It's still not even good for you

>> No.8399161

Joel Furhman is an alternative medicine nutritionalst. He isn't backed by science and neither is that pyramid.

>> No.8399166

>marketing bullshit

>> No.8399170

>is an alternative medicine nutritionalst

ok and?

>and neither is that pyramid.

it is if you look up the health benefits of those foods

>> No.8399176

foods like spinach do infact have peer reviewed studies backing them

>> No.8399183

>Ok and
Alternative medicine is 90% hocus pocus. Just because people suspect foul play within mainstream medicine does not mean alternative medicine is true.

I know spinach has benefits, that doesn't mean the dietary system highlighted in that pyramid is how "we're supposed to eat".

A reminder that inuites survived on almost entirely animal diets.

>> No.8399184

So basically if it was eaten by non-white dirtfarmers in a pre-civilization society it's a superfood. I think I get it now.

>> No.8399189

>Alternative medicine is 90% hocus pocus.

in your opinion

alternative medicine is mostly diet , which does prevent disease

it is true.

>doesn't mean the dietary system highlighted in that pyramid is how "we're supposed to eat".

well its a recommendation

your own diet you have chosen you have chosen because you enjoy it

atleast this diet has some reasoning behind it

with peer reviewed studies.

thats why its a better diet for preventing disease

>A reminder that inuites survived on almost entirely animal diets.

theres a guy who lives on fucking pizza his whole life

its possible but if everyone did that we would have much greater disease over time with the majority of people

>> No.8399202
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>falling for the superfood meme
All the food you eat should be "super".
If not, you're eating garbage, kid.

>> No.8399206

>Most of it is mostly diet, which is true
No, most of it involves magic and meme tonics.

>Backed by peer reviewed studies
Fherman is backed by shit

>A guy lived off pizza is whole life
I'm saying that inuites lived off animals and were healthy.
This is because they got most of their essential nutrition from the fauna of the arctic circle.

Meat is not inherently less healthy vegetables, which is the goal post you're pushing.

>> No.8399207

Post some science anon.
I'd love to check out any DOI's you post.

>> No.8399216


>post some science

Nutrition is very basic chemistry and biology. Go read an actual book instead of conflicting blog posts.

>> No.8399219



>not an animal product


science is a worthless fucking meme

>> No.8399221

>most of it involves magic and meme tonics.

these tonics are usually vegetable juices which give you more nutrition than you meat eaters eat in 2 weeks

>and were healthy.
they arent the longest living people on earth
thats youre excuse cuz you love eating poorly

the longest living people are some japanese islands who are 90% vegetarian

>Meat is not inherently less healthy vegetables, which is the goal post you're pushing

youre right i am pushing this because its true

go look for peer reviewed health benefits of chicken that isnt based in a protein deficient african society

you cant but for fruits and vegetables you can find tons

>> No.8399222

>Kingdom protista

>> No.8399226

you can live off of meat alone if it's well seasoned enough.

go fuck yourself, retards. vegetables aren't fucking healthy.

>> No.8399230

my brother lives on a 95% meat diet and he just went to the ER for some colitis on his asshole

and he had a stomach ache for like 3 weeks prior and couldnt handle anything going in

>> No.8399243
File: 47 KB, 680x551, 1447572713633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Could you prove your point by linking to a peer reviewed journal?
>"No, why don't you read a book"
Yep you've definitely proven that you're likely 16, or working minimum wage.
Did you know that most science books are actually failed PhD theses?

>> No.8399245

why do people have such absolute attitudes towards food? Even the strictest nutritionist would not say you can't have a steak on the weekend. I feel like the only people participating in these dialogue are children who want to defend their ceaseless eating of the flesh candy and people who want to police everyone else ethically. There's no consideration of either side for daily diet vs occasional indulgence.

>> No.8399252

>They aren't the longest leaving people on earth

Studies suggest this is genetic, also living past 66 is the freezing artic is pretty damn hard. In the modern world they eat the same terrible shit that canadians eat.

>People on an island
Isolated population all share a common trait? You don't say! It's genetic. They aren't the only asians in the world that live on a 90% vegetable diet.

>Because it's true
It isn't, kys vegan.

Colitis? That's caused by Crohn's disease.

>> No.8399256

no i understand moderation completely the problem is these people create their whole life philosophy around eating whatever they want and claim its healthy

when really they go their whole life and they dont eat this stuff in moderation, they eat like the average american lol

they can do whatever they want im just stating facts though if you want your steak you SHOULD do it in moderation but thats not what these people intend to do

they want to think steak = salad and eat it every night for dinner

and thats fine if they wanna play games but im telling them the truth

>> No.8399260


>teach me the basics of an entire scientific field i don't believe in
>no? you must be 16!

I bet you voted for Trump.

>> No.8399264


yeah, and my dad works for nintendo.

>> No.8399265

The human body is really versatile, it's built to survive and endure.
We were built as scavengers, we can live off of any scraps we can find, you're not gonna be malnutritioned unless it's an extremely severe case where you don't eat vegetables for a month or more for example, just make sure to keep an eye on calories in/calories out and you will be fucking fine, aslong as you don't eat McD and ramen erryday.

>> No.8399266

Because flesh isn't "candy", humanity has an adaptable digestive system because we evolved to deal with change itself.

In times of no plants we hunter for meat, in times of edible plants we gathered them.

We can sustain ourselves off both, because we're omnivorous.

>> No.8399267
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>Just because people suspect foul play within mainstream medicine does not mean alternative medicine is true.
Of course not, just keep eating McTrumps and taking your Lipitor, you'll be fine.
>A reminder that inuites[sic] survived on almost entirely animal diets.
Animals they hunted, killed, and prepared themselves. Not sit behind their keyboard and get delivery.
>reminder that Indigenous people currently suffer from some of the highest rates of obesity
Guess they should have stuck to eating whale fat.

>> No.8399268

>yeah, and my dad works for nintendo.

nothing i said was unbelievable and i havnt lied to you

you have some serious cognitive dissonance you must really love your steak

>> No.8399269

I'm not an American, bucko.
I'm not asking you to "teach me the basics of an entire scientific field", my god, do they even teach reading comprehension these days?
I'm asking you to prove that your superfood is actually a real thing with actual peer reviewed scientific backing, fuccboi.

>> No.8399271
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>how convenient, you don't believe liberal cuck lies about meat? that's how my brother died asshole

you must think i was born yesterday.

>> No.8399274

i never said he died he went to the ER and has a big problem now and has to change his diet

>> No.8399275


Yes, and the smallest portion is at the top. That's how pyramids work. Vegetables are at the base, which is the largest part. Once again, you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.8399278

>Unironically supporting alternative medicine
Yes, that turned out so well for Steve Jobs
>animals they hunted and prepared themselves
Do you grow your own food? Keep it safe from environmental pollutants? We're argueing about the food in it's purity, not about the poisons that make their way in because of shit industry. All food is affected by that.

>Highest rates of obesity
Blame their genetic predisposition for obesity and alcoholism and Canadians.
We're not talking about inuites after the invention of poutine

>> No.8399280


>asking you to prove that your superfood is actually a real thing with actual peer reviewed scientific backing

As multiple people have pointed out already, there's no scientific definition of "superfood". It just refers to low calorie, nutrient dense foods, and there's plenty of scientific backing behind the common "superfoods" falling into that category. It's a dumb fad, but it's not some kind of made up mystery bullshit.

>> No.8399281

just ignore him. food group purists should be ignored

>> No.8399284


wow, so sad, did crie, everytiem, now i won't eat meat again 420 blaze it, great story.

yeah well, my mom has never eaten anything but steak and hot dogs and she's 90lbs at 6 foot 7 and she can fuck a jackass like you to death with a jackhammer before the sun's even risen before it's time for coffee and sausage. so i guess you've lost again.

>> No.8399289


His condition is caused by auto-immune problems, which may not be related to his all meat diet.

>> No.8399293

just because we CAN does not mean we should. It's not healthy long term living by any measure. Also that is the most sophomoric explanation of the evolution of the human digestive system I've ever read here. Congrats, you've lowered the bar.

>> No.8399307
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I guess Americans, with arguably the most genetically diverse population on the planet, all suffer from the same genetic predisposition, huh?

>> No.8399313

Cod liver oil?

I don't know if anyone takes it outside nordic countries, but still, top tier shit.

Also, raw bear meat is basically ancient roids according to some shit I've read.

>> No.8399319

>It's not health long living by any measure

That's the meme you don't get, eating a lot of meat isn't inherently "unhealthy".

You guys cling to the downsides of the modern farming industry as a reason to not eat meat as if it's the meats fault and not the fault of the companies that process them (while ignoring the same for when similar things occur with plants).

>> No.8399324

Americans mixed with natives so...

>> No.8399340

Why is everyone so opinionated and passionate? All I see are a bunch of children arguing with each other over a bait post. All you guys do is give out your "logical" solutions when you forget that we are human and everyone has an emotional attachment to their diets. If you are going to change anything it needs to be gradual.

>> No.8399343

I'd rather you just say "nu-uh yer woong" because this is drivel and the immaterial. If you're not going to support your claim with anything material you're better off not making one at all. To be clear I'm not asking for a stack of hackneyed and cherry picked clinical studies I'm asking for you to demonstrate the steps in your reasoning.

>> No.8399356

hello you're on 4chan and we like to fight over anything. If nothing else purely for the joy of the argument. You can safely assume that at least 1/3rd of the posters are playing devil's advocate simply for sake of having a larger amount of people to argue with.

>> No.8399369

I've been here for awhile and I never considered the devil's advocate route. Maybe the strong language makes it seem like they are protecting something personal.

>> No.8399380

You're the one claiming meat is unhealthy or can not be healthily accepted as the abundance in a diet for "reasons".

I disagree in that we owe our intelligence to meat and animal fats as one of the major dietary proponents that lead advances in brain development. I mean meat is meat, proteins, fats, vitamins processed and accumulated within animals that extracted them from plants. It is in essence a dietary option for an omnivore adapted to live off an abundance of food in an environment.

Animals as food are rewarding, because they're rich in proteins and all the good things that animals need because they're made of the same stuff. It cuts out the middle man of extracting everything from numerous plants, letting the herbivores do the work; which is why animals adapt into predatory niches in the first place.

>> No.8399387

nah. It just comes with the territory. You're dealing with a bunch of antisocial people with ego problems of course they're going to condescend to each other at any given opportunity or sign of weakness. We have a board that's primary MO is starting a race war by any means possible. Notions like mutual respect, argument structure, conceding when an argument has clearly failed are non-existent here. It's why half our arguments are made of memes because they're suppose to come off as impersonal and dismissive. Which in a sense is probably a greater insult.

>> No.8399391

>Be animal
>Starving because no food around
>Not only do vegans take away all the food but by refusing to eat us our population keeps growing
>If only they knew about the food chain

>> No.8399396

At the very end of the day, the attack on meat is simply a result of people projecting human emotion on animals.

Being empathetic towards dinner is idiotic.

>> No.8399404


Because I object to people claiming humans weren't meant to eat animals, the root of all veganism and alternative medicine pseudo-nutritionalism.

>> No.8399420

That would be a very distant future if evoltion were still occuring on survival based reproduction in humans. The point remains that eating a primarily carnivorous diet is at current is beyond sub-optimal in term of long term health for modern humans. There is no mass protein deficiency in primarily plant based diets that needs to be remedied with getting in excess of 150 grams of protein a day. You'd just be shortening the lifespan by increasing the stress on the kidneys and liver for having to deal with all the unused protein and fat.

>> No.8399424
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>haha time to get my natural habitat demolished and tons of energy wasted and creating tons of industrial emission so that yuppies can import foreign crops not meant to grow here so that they don't die of malnutrition because they ignore readily available nutrient sources their ancestors have survived off of for millennia
These animals are sure to be very, very happy with this outcome.

>> No.8399427

That's some nice commentary on our situation here 10/10 post friendo. As long as I've been here I've only recently started posting.

Not all vegans agree with this notion some vegans eat vegan because of environmental reasons. I think there's a middle ground somewhere.

>> No.8399434

>Stress on Kidneys and liver for having all that unused protein and fat.
What unused protein and fat?

>> No.8399438

>Because of environmental reasons

Don't confuse organic farming and self-farming people with vegans.

>> No.8399456

more of them are than not. Realize this is anecdotal but most of the community garden beds here are used by vegans. Probably because their diet is more expensive and it's a cost cutting measure. I've known a few housewife hobby farmers that call themselves "homesteaders" but the intent is different and both groups tend to buy the majority of their groceries at the store anyways. Legitimate sustenance farmers are practically non-existent outside of 3rd world countries and not really relevant to either side.

>> No.8399500

You must be one of those fat fucks claiming to be 1/124th Cherokee.

>> No.8399506

Like I give a shit what's healthy for me when I'm an anorexic bulimic alcoholic.

>> No.8399531

because health is beauty™
-this post was paid for by whole foods-

>> No.8399569
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>Be animal
>Starving because no food around
>vegans take away all the food

Nice logic, faggot. How many animals you know that live off of tofu pastrami?

>> No.8399840

Jokes aside, I don't think I can be good looking anymore at this point.

>> No.8400696

This desu. Animals WANT to be eaten, that's their life purpose. Vegans are evil for taking that away from them.

>> No.8400773
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>> No.8400778

Mmmmm cholesterol, saturated fat, inflammatory acids and proteins, and way too much methionine and choline

>> No.8400785

I think they name it "super foods" because they are non-animal products with high nutrition value.
Animal products with high nutrition value is just called "food"

>> No.8400914


look mittens a faggot

also salmon is a supermeme

>> No.8400943

You know someone named mittens?


>> No.8401066
File: 13 KB, 259x194, beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmm, I sure do love the taste of liver destroying lectin.

>> No.8401098
File: 165 KB, 483x659, highmeat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High meat.

>> No.8401123

>beans are unhealthy

Hey guys, get a load of this faggot.

I understand that you hate vegans sooooooo much and everything but just because someone you dislike does a certain thing, it doesn't mean you have to go full retard in try to do the exact opposite. Fruits and vegetables and legumes are incredibly healthy for you and the vast majority of people living in the West don't eat anywhere near enough of them.

>> No.8401133

>legumes are healthy

get a load of this poverty-stricken faggot

>> No.8401138

holy fucking shit everyone in this thread hates food.

>> No.8401141


more like everyone on this board hates food

>> No.8401153

So I looked this up, and it's made by mixing meat powder and fat (and sometimes fruit) and it can last for 10 years. How does the fat not go rancid?

>> No.8401197

>legumes aren't healthy

Get a load of this paleo faggot.

>Legumes: the most important dietary predictor of survival in older people of different ethnicities.
>Based on an alternative Cox Proportional Hazard model adjusted to age at enrollment (in 5-year intervals), gender and smoking, the legume food group showed 7-8% reduction in mortality hazard ratio for every 20g increase in daily intake with or without controlling for ethnicity.

>A bean-free diet increases the risk of all-cause mortality among Taiwanese women.

I could go on, if you like.

>> No.8401220

more healthful*

foods aren't healthy if they are good for you, they are healthful

>> No.8401227
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>protein is all that matters

>> No.8401362

>tofu pastrami
you mean the soy bean?
probably a lot

>> No.8401372


it is, you fucking gullible cuck.


kikes make up fake news like this to distract from the fact that humans do best on pure meat.

>> No.8401382

Untrue, bone broth is considered a superfood, although it's not always on those hippie ass lists.

>> No.8401438

>the jews
>only meat
at last I truly see

>> No.8401482
File: 64 KB, 381x600, 14780021221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The faggot has literally been on a shitposting binge the past month talking about milk meat and jews

Not the funny kind of shitposting either, just the awkward annoying autist kind

>> No.8401489

>he buys into the superfood meme
Top cuck

>> No.8401496

Go back to /pol/

>> No.8401498

>gets his news from alex jones and breitbart. Thinks kikes are the ones making up fake news.

Good one, child.

>> No.8401500

Wild game is a superfood

>> No.8401603

>bone broth
Or as it's known to the rest of world, stock.
Fucking millennials.

>> No.8401727

>chicken and animal products do nothing but harm


>> No.8401883

>Kale speeds up your thyroid
You mean slows it down. It contains a compound called sulfluorophane which is a endocrine suppressant. If you are eating more than 5oz of kale a day you are in trouble because you are suppressing your thyroid and other endocrine glands. Especially if you're eating it raw.

>> No.8401887

>1/2 raw 1/2 cooked
what a fucking meme.

>> No.8401890

Cooking foods affects their Bioavailability

>> No.8401893

You missed my point.

>> No.8401902

You didn't make one

>> No.8401976
File: 2.40 MB, 2800x1620, IMG_1186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, the super duperest of foods.
Price per gram of protein, carb and fat can't be beat.
Just the right amount of Kcals for real cool dudes.
With a scrumptious flavor profile, give yourself a tasty treat.

>> No.8401979

To be fair superfood basically means "vegetable that isn't potato" for regular McDonalds patrons

>> No.8402164

Animal foods are only beneficial for their high calories and protein. In a society with advanced agriculture and copious amounts of food available, there is no benefit at all. Plants provide myriad benefits and have no downfall aside from a few cases (too much kale/soy, for example); animal foods have been linked with heart disease, high blood pressure, colon cancer, et cetera. Modern meat production practices are abominable and bioaccumulation combined with pesticides and GMOs in corn/soybeans only make things worse.

I haven't met a single educated person who doesn't know the downsides of eating meat (even if they don't care enough to abstain).

>> No.8402189

Only people who eat a lot of meat without enough vegetables and other foods have an increased risk of listed conditions.

>> No.8402196

milk is a super food

if you don't think so you obviously aren't athletic

>> No.8402227

all of my food is super food

>> No.8402230

>muh GMOs

opinion discarded

>> No.8402278


>> No.8402291

>Animal food is bad because of bad business practices

Stop using this argument, because it's literally applicable to plants which also are prone to terrible farming practices.

Spinach is always absorbing chemical run off and getting covered in cow shit containing anti-biotic resistant e-coli leading to deaths annually.

>> No.8402375


>reading comprehension

>> No.8402423

>dietary cholesterol affecting blood cholesterol levels
>saturated fat
>bad somehow
>inflammatory acids and proteins
>shit genes (?)
>and way too much methionine and choline
Man, you shouldn't drink hydrogenated dioxide. That shit has a 100% death rate.

>> No.8402426


>I haven't met a single educated person

Yeah, we can tell.

>> No.8402462
File: 21 KB, 219x300, 1482466507362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fell for the superfoods meme
>fell for either the hillshill meme or the ebin aleppo man meme

wew lad

>> No.8402737


/ck/ pls. Also

>top choice

/ck/ pls, do you even buckwheat¨¨

Seriously though, quineafag. You're almost as retarded as the vegan-cuck espousing alternative medicine and diluted cockjuices as the panacea.

>> No.8402761

you can find science supporting literally any kind of diet

you are a fucking retard

enjoy your gas you subhuman bean-eater

>> No.8402764

You render the fat first, at a low temperature. Since the water has been removed, hydrolysis does not happen. Bacteria don't really like rendered fat, either.

>> No.8402765

>seriously eating this overprocessed shit

>> No.8402812

>cites a study about old people
>well known that the elderly have different dietary needs than the younger cohorts

Are you even trying, or do you imply that most of 4chan is over 70 years old?

>> No.8403580

it would explain why everyone is so goddamn cranky all the time

>> No.8404242

I don't think it's a bad group to do testing in. We don't typically see damage like this until it's accumulated to the point where it's affecting quality of life. So not only is it where we'll see the most good come of it but it's also where we can start trying to apply it preventative care. With old people "the damage is already done" so if we do find anything that benefits them significantly it's a good indicator it would be better for people before those ages. Not that mortality would be a good indicator in a young group anyways because they don't typically die of natural causes.

>> No.8404412

Fucknut might be a Bernout

>> No.8404566

Aye, buckwheat is goat tier. High fiber, selenium for muh intellect and all the benefits of wheat without the gluten

Not even joking, if buckwheat isn't on your radar, try it when you make your next meal

>> No.8404606

>kale is healthier than chicken

One would die much faster eating only kale and nothing else than they would eating only chicken and nothing else. This is a fact, your retarded opinion(s) is not.

>> No.8404620

that's not a very logical measure of somethings health value.

>> No.8404736



Liver is a super food but it's not something they're going to try and shill like kale.