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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 15 KB, 400x240, remy_ratatouille.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8396602 No.8396602 [Reply] [Original]

best /ck/ movies

>> No.8396617

you first OP

>> No.8396620

Julia and Julia. I also liked Chef

>> No.8396623


>> No.8396625
File: 815 KB, 853x480, tampopo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Official film of /ck/.

>> No.8396627

Ratatouille is the one to beat.

Julie and Julia

>> No.8396639

For me, it's Goodburger. Home of the Goodburger.

>> No.8396651
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op here, good taste anon

>> No.8396654
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a challenger appears

>> No.8396769

what's the movie about a restaurant with ryan reynolds? "lingering" or something?

>> No.8396770


>> No.8396815


>> No.8396818
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Kid /ck/ Kino

>> No.8396832
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>> No.8396840


>> No.8396845

For sure.

>> No.8396852
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>> No.8397009

"Eat Drink, Man Woman," and "Tampopo."

>> No.8397017
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Jiro Dreams of Sushi

>> No.8397040


>> No.8397050

he looks like a fucking ghoul from fallout 4

>> No.8397072

This. Ratatouille was fucking disgusting.

>> No.8397102

Big Night.

>> No.8397132


Stupid fucking japs spend their whole lives learning how to press rice and slice fish. Fucking idiots.

>> No.8397157


assuming you can do better,

>> No.8397176


if anyone wants to try actual food like this,make friends with a cantonese person.

>> No.8397185

Seriously weeb.. fuck this dude.

>> No.8397298

Official film of /ck/ is definitely la grande bouffe.

Its a chef who wants to kill himself so he and his friends, one of whom still lives with and fucks his childhood nanny, drive to an Italian villa with the intention of eating themselves to death.

What is more /ck/ than that?

>> No.8397327
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>> No.8397330

the cook, the thief, his wife & her lover

>> No.8397337


Not even a weeb.I love food. If I don't I don't swallow.

I like food of all kind.

>> No.8397602
File: 57 KB, 720x304, thecook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mah nigga

>> No.8397670

This movie would have been the same without the female and the black guy.

>> No.8397676


How can you not like Ratatouille?

>> No.8397679

The plot was thinner than (food of low qualities sauce).

>> No.8397688

Some of the greatest movies ever don't have intricate plots.

They have endearing characters, strong dialogue, memorable moments, entertainment and occasionally a little message to take away.

Ratatouille has all those. It's great.

>> No.8397711

Has to be this. It is more than another film focussing on a chef, it involves every type of person obsessed with food.

>> No.8397712

Ratatouille has none of those, it has the generic disney / pixar formula for characters and directing.

>> No.8397718
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>> No.8397726

That and the main VA sold himself to /mlp/

>> No.8397731
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Liked this one

>> No.8397796

What? What voices does he do on mlp?

>> No.8397801

He guest voiced on one episode.
Calles "Stranger than fan fiction." and yes, it is making fun of the fandom.

>> No.8397821

>I mention this movie every time
>no one every responds
why does no one like the best cooking documentary? His book is great too, it's basically him being a lazy fuck and doing stuff the easiest way possible

>> No.8397906

In all honesty, this is one of my favorite movies in all categories it falls under.

I fall asleep to this movie some times because of the feels it gives me.

Is there any documentary as comfy as this?

>> No.8397912

Rattling off a list of some not mentioned yet:

Le Chef
The Hundred-Foot Journey
Eat Drink Man Woman
It's a Wonderful Afterlife
Eating Raoul
Babette's Feast
Big Night
Dinner Rush

>> No.8397926


You kids talking about Patton Oswalt? His daughter loves MLP, he probably took the job for her.

>> No.8397930

I've never heard of it.

>> it's basically him being a lazy fuck and doing stuff the easiest way possible
Doesn't sound very appealing.

>> No.8397931


Falling asleep to a movie isn't exactly a good recommendation in my opinion.

>> No.8397936


this, easily.

>> No.8398566

>la grande bouffe.

Ratatoille deserves a honourable mention though.

>> No.8398898


I really like his book - though it's more of a coffee table/bathroom read rather that something to actually cook from. The documentary was just "okay".

>> No.8398911
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>Being a voice actor and voicing for a child's cartoon (A.K.A. literallly doing your job) means selling out to the autists sperging on the internet about said show.

Not even a ponyautist but seriously you need to chill about that shit. They're contained on their board and honestly they don't even annoy me anymore because as soon as they get out of their shithole their ponyposting gets deleted.

>> No.8399528

Oh hey, its the cop from Cube

>> No.8399553


I have always had a primal urge for those chicken dumplings or whatever those yellowish things near the giant fish are.

They look delicous

>> No.8399571

Bossy Burger

no plebs allowed


>> No.8399764

I think I've seen this 5 or 6 times

>> No.8400021

Eat Drink Man Woman


>> No.8400055


>> No.8400086

The Manchurian Candidate

>> No.8400140

ratatouille really is the one to beat desu

i dont care what the contrarians on 4chin say

It is a light and fun way of showing the wide range of food and the complex nature of a kitchen

>> No.8400161

That is one of the stupidest, most inane, simpering, pathetic piece of shit excuse of a film I have ever watched.
And yet I loved every second of it.

>> No.8400162
File: 243 KB, 1920x1040, hannibal-lecter-cooking-brains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he'd like to have you for dinner.

>> No.8400192

There are lots of favorites but I don't think any really embody /ck/ as much as La Grande Bouffe which is what we were talking about.

>> No.8400210

no but it looks fancy though

>> No.8400212


Explain again how La Grande Boufee embodies /ck/ more than Tampopo (which has historically been considered the official film of /ck/) - a weeb film primarily about ramen, but more generally about food autism in it's various forms?

>> No.8400252

see >>8397298

It pretty much ticks off all the boxes for /ck/ posters as opposed to Tampopo which, while a decent film, is mostly just weebish and food related and doesn't really represent /ck/ for what it really is.

You've got a failed chef, a faggy guy tired of life, an impotent, and an autist who screws his childhood nanny because she wont let him fuck anyone else all of whom are tired of life and want to kill themselves. They are all wannabe hedonistic epicureans and decide the best way to kill themselves is to eat themselves to death and buy a bunch of whores along the way. One dude even gets fed while simultaneously being jacked off until he dies. The last one dies from diabetes after eating titty cake.

How is that not /ck/? Having been here since late 06 and having seen most every food related film out there I can't think of any other that embodies /ck/ more so.

>> No.8400274

movie was fucking trash, the book was just ok

>> No.8400462

His personality kind of makes it. A lot of critics hate him cuz he bypasses a lot of traditional/proper ways of cooking but the food he makes is so damn good they can't complain

>> No.8400531

Ratatoing is better.

>> No.8400676

>La grande bouffe
Fuck yeah, based Marco Ferreri

>> No.8401798
File: 228 KB, 1024x728, Tampoponoodles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping for any more film recommendations anyone would like to give.

>> No.8402471
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>> No.8402496

Eating Raoul

>> No.8402500


Those digits are fitting. This is candy terrorism.

>> No.8402597
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>> No.8402776

underrated. really funny

>> No.8403348

Pretty much

>> No.8403358
File: 84 KB, 800x555, 2066638,WFVu0czUBHBNZvX1DBchUecFSX56M2p6vch2iqr5di5aBUxILOSY3kduIOHhLVzlj5H6rI2gIQODp4BxrptAyA==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my nigger, was about to post this.

>> No.8403377

The Trip

>> No.8403429

I feel like once you get past the surprise of the racemixing, this would be pretty rad

>> No.8403472

Absolutely dude. Love the broken lizard guys

>> No.8403473


Not now, Smoothskin

>> No.8403476

I'm surprised Burnt hasn't been mentioned several times.
That got me into sous vide.

>> No.8403481

Big Night's great. love that timpano