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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 235 KB, 1024x967, Sous-Vide-Professional-1-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8397165 No.8397165 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone on /ck/ have experience with sous-vide cooking? Is it worth it buy an appliance or just a waste of money?

>> No.8397180

I sous vide everything anon.

I dont even boil water anymore. I sous vide it. Its superior to any other cooking method.

>> No.8397189

It produces some very good to great results with very little effort in some areas and produces mediocre results with very little effort in other areas.

>Is it worth the money?
For me it was, but I make damn good money and I am very happy with my $300 universal remote control.

I would not recommend one if you had to save or cut back in other areas to afford one.

>> No.8397202
File: 140 KB, 640x356, whywouldyoucookasteakinanoven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no fucking idea what this is but I looked it up and got images of shitty steaks. so I doubt it's very good.

>> No.8397206

It's excellent if you cook a lot of meats and like them done just right. If I could afford it id a sous vide tool is definitely something id splurge on for my kitchen. I've made steak and duck using a more ghetto sous vide setup and it was incredible.

>> No.8397213


yeah, it's for fucking plebs who can't control their fucking environment.

My 2nd question to wannabe line cooks is "what do you think about sous vide"

Automatic filter.

Lazy pieces of shit.

Just as bad as "centrifugally" vibrated french fries.

tl;dr kill yourself

>> No.8397214


oh and if you want to ask, I make 90K/year from my restaurant as profit.

>> No.8397233

>Get paid because of others work
>Demand sweat over efficiency

That's why you make only 90k. I'll admit that you probably produce a better product but bragging about making OK money is uber pleb tier.

>> No.8397241


It is OK money, yes.

It's a chef job. I also do free lancing software shit. All in all with my software and "other" activities I make about 195K per year.

>OK money

Even if I were only to do chef shit, 90K is more thna OK. I make more, sure, but you seem to be delusional.

>> No.8397249

I'm assuming 90k dollars. And in any major US city, yes that's OK and nothing better.

>> No.8397268

Nigga what

have you been raised rich or something?

the poverty line for one person in the continental us is about $11,000. That means that one person alone can expect to live adequately on $20,000, depending on the location. Making 90k a year could land you a (small) place around NYC, which is one of the most expensive cities in the US, let alone the world.

>> No.8397269

>Thinking 90k is OK is delusional
>But I have at least three other "jobs/activities" to earn because 90k is so exceptional


>> No.8397273


90K is more than enough to live happily in San Francisco

I do more because I want more. You are a pleb. Probably a trust fund kid who can't have a League conversation. Fucking pleb.

>> No.8397275

The average one bedroom in NYC is 3k per month. The recommended affordable monthly rent or mortgage at 90k per year is @2300 per month. Are you retarded or just trolling?

>> No.8397277

how is that an argument for them being delusional? In their post they said that 90k is more than alright before saying that they make more than that. Your argument is basically "why would the poster choose to make more money when they could make less money and be okay with it?"

if given the option, wouldn't you want to make more money? how is wanting to make more money a sign of delusion?

>> No.8397280


that wasn't me bdubs

>> No.8397284

go back to Bellgab you piece of shit

>> No.8397286

The average one bedroom rent in SF is about 3600 per month or 1000 per month over the recommended housing payment at 90K

>Insert lame insult to feel better about my shitty argument

>> No.8397295

San Francisco is MORE expensive than New York

>> No.8397299

it's got applications in a restaurant, but I really don't see the point at home. Takes fucking hours to do things which could be done in a fraction of the time. Just learn to cook. It's easier, quicker, and more fun.

>> No.8397302

excellent for any sort of flesh, except fish
not worth the bother for vegetables, mostly
you will never fuck up a hollandaise again, so that is nice

>> No.8397306

Agreed on the fish. Makes great carrots though. DESU I never cooked just carrots on their own before getting a water dildo though.

>> No.8397307
File: 236 KB, 720x509, sv3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are so uninformed anon it hurts to read posts by morons like you

The Food Lab's Complete Guide to Sous Vide Steak.

The Best Way to Cook a Steak. Period.

>> No.8397308

> things which could be done in a fraction
the average home cook could not produce two identically cooked steaks on two consecutive days to save his life. literally. not in a fraction of the time, not ever.
what sv gives you is consistency

>> No.8397309

Fuck, desu is still a thing? Thought that filter would have died by now. It's been a while.

>> No.8397310

I love my water dildo. Did you put some butter in or just let them stew?

>> No.8397313

holy fuck I get fewer air pockets with the immersion method what the fuck
t. poorfag who can't afford a vacuum table

>> No.8397314

Butter, vinegar and spices. Forget the exact recipe but it was the best fucking carrots I've ever had.

>> No.8397318

lemme guess... Caraway seeds.

>> No.8397322

What the fuck are you on?! It makes the best damn fish. Meltingly soft like a good confit but with a crispy skin.

>> No.8397323

what da fuck are you talking about you miserable fagg

>> No.8397325

Negative. One of the few spices I never have in stock. Too drunk to find the recipe right now.

>> No.8397326

Leaks out congealed fat that looks like whey. Unless you know a way to prevent that.

>> No.8397329

> Meltingly soft
yeah I find that particular texture absolutely disgusting. I go for fish with firmer flesh to begin with - tuna, big salmon, monkfish, stuff like that.
it's a personal preference though
those shiny spots are air pockets
well you should try it. caraway and carrot are closely related, one lifts the flavor of the other

>> No.8397338

>those shiny spots are air pockets
it's light reflections you drunk lunatic, haha

>> No.8397341


I'm OK thanks


If you are an untermensch. I pay 750 become I live with bros.

>> No.8397342

it's air bubbles that are causing those reflections

>> No.8397344

As some are saying it's good and as others are saying it's sometimes a meme.

Fantastic for making yogurt and roasts. Big pieces of meat and stuff. I'm making a beef roast for Xmas because Australia and ovens are hot. I'll finish it in there, but it'll save me having to have the oven on for hours.

>> No.8397347
File: 368 KB, 1024x724, sv3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those shiny spots are air pockets
really man

>> No.8397349


San Francisco guy here
>Fuck up hollandaise

Are you fucking brain dead. I am drunk with 1.75 of Vodka. How the fuck do you mess you Vodka?

>> No.8397351

to the immediate right of the one you put the arrow on, just underwater, is another big one

>> No.8397356

Yes, it is worth the money.

I use my Anova all the time. It turned out not to be a gimmick, unlike just about everything else kitchen-related that I've purchased, cookware and a chef knife notwithstanding.

>> No.8397358

not vodka, mang. egg sauce thing, kinda like hot mayo, needs specific temp to emulsify without curdling.

>> No.8397367
File: 59 KB, 1024x683, anova-environmental-41-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this model that you have anon,?

>> No.8397369

big deal,
they will not affect the quality of the meat anon,
nothing to worry about friend

>> No.8397371

chef, you are retarded.

>> No.8397373


it's pleb shit though

>> No.8397374

That is precisely it.

>> No.8397387

based waterdildo is based
not for small pieces. for big ones you have to watch it. might develop cold-spots. yes I am autistic, why do you ask?
it's pretty tasty, I don't care about pleb or not.

>> No.8397389
File: 314 KB, 1711x843, ANOVA .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so they are not cheap but if they do good job why not I guess

>> No.8397391

look for a coupon, they usually have like 30% off promotion running on some site or another.
I got mine for 100 plus shipping (which ultimately came out to 180 because lolRomania)

>> No.8397393

So you have at least three single male roomates, and unless one of them is connected to a rich fag giving you a break on rent you live in a micro apartment or a slum that will kick you out in a year and double or triple the rent. Sounds great. Almost better than OK.

>> No.8397395
File: 387 KB, 1456x1147, ANOVA COOKER review .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anons.

Here is interesting review and tip

>> No.8397397
File: 29 KB, 480x480, I-see-what-you-did-there.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Precisely it

>> No.8397399

I use ping-pong balls for a lid
works fine

>> No.8397403
File: 157 KB, 1544x466, Another review.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another review with tip

>> No.8397407

what did he do ?

>> No.8397409

I particularly dislike the idea of having one dedicated water container
it is wasteful, sometimes you need to just make two steaks, or a fillet mignon, there's no reason to heat up 30 liters of water for that

>> No.8397410

> anova precision cooker

>> No.8397415

I still don't understand your reason why you are triggered by it

or stop talking in riddles and speak English you mother fucker or shut the FUCK UP

make yourself clear, you acting like that homo pedo Jackstar from Bellgab

>> No.8397463
File: 13 KB, 196x178, 1438690876679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There sure are a shitload of people on 4chan that make extravagant amounts of money. I wonder what the correlation is because they most certainly are never lying.

>> No.8397475

>Precision cooker
>Precisely it


That's what he meant. It was stupid as hell but yeah.

>> No.8397476

I've got an Anova and don't use it that often, maybe once a month. When I do use it it's usually a large meal for entertaining guests which it's great for because I can shove it in a corner of the kitchen and not take up space on the stovetop or oven.

If you can get one for $100-$120 I recommend it.

>> No.8397482

Thanks for your response anon.

>It was stupid as hell but yeah.
I guess that's why I couldn't get it, it was so lame

>> No.8397630

>My 2nd question to wannabe line cooks
And the first?

>> No.8397639

anyone who has to mention that they make a decent amount of money on an anonymous paper crane enthusiast forum does not make a decent amount of money.

>> No.8397755

Bought the Joule,
use it at least once a week.

Its definitely worth it, i enjoy using it. perfect steaks every time. great ribs (finish in smoker), great chops, great chicken, great sprouts

>> No.8397763

>buy an appliance
>build a temperature controller for $20 and plug it into a crock pot
Hell yes.
It doesn't even require soldering. A retard like me was able to figure it out, someone younger and smarter like you has no excuse.

>> No.8397833

Tell me more, you marvelous cheap bastard

>> No.8397915

Are you retarded? Food lab only confirmed what I said. It takes longer to produce a relatively similar result.
>posting chefsteps
They're adding olive oil to the bag, exactly what food labs said not to do.

So thanks for showing me how to sous vide, I'm still not spending 100, 200, or even 300 dollars on an electric water heating dildo so I can wait an hour so i can cook a steak that could be done in less than 10 minutes

>> No.8397937


don't worry about it. no one in /ck/ knows how to cook apparently

>> No.8397939



but nice analysis though

>> No.8397952

>They're adding olive oil to the bag, exactly what food labs said not to do.

News flash! Different cooking methods exist, and different people have different opinions on which is best.

>> No.8397965

Go read the fucking food labs shit. It diluted the flavor. There is no reason to add it. Add olives if you want the flavor of olive.

>> No.8397972


Again, different methods with different preferences exist. Many chefs advocate cooking sous vide immersed in oil. It's not better or worse, it's a different method. Food labs is not the final word here.

There's an excellent discussion of the pros and cons of both methods in Modernist Cuisine.

>> No.8398327

Sous Vide isn't good for commercial cookery because it takes an excessive amount of time to get the same outcome. If you have lots of time and money and are lazy it can be useful.

I suppose I can see a sort of lazy mans restaraunt where food is prepped early in the day and kept at temp via sous vide, then extracted and seared off to order. But this would require a lot of (exspensive and possibly fragile/finnicky) units, multiple containers of water, monitoring of water levels, makes it difficult to produce rarer cuts.

tl;dr, it's a non cost-effective gimmick, and gimmicks don't float restaurants.

Might be fine for home use though. Certainly not against people getting clever with it. But in a commercial kitchen, it's just not viable. Even if it was, you'd be wasting your chefs talents and skills having them babysit a pot of water... a lot of cooks wouldn't stand for it. You'd wind up upending the restaurant business if it caught on, replacing trained cooks and chefs with equipment operating monkeys. A boon to low end cas. dining places I guess.

>> No.8398328

you can pretty much leave the water in the container since it does not go "bad" and there are way smaller containers than 30liters.

>> No.8398343

>"i don't know my temps but with sous-vide I can never fuck up"

literally for people who cant cook

>> No.8398346

Try lowering the temperature and doubling the time, I operate mine at 98F and the meat comes out incredibly juicy.

>> No.8398355

Nupeople love when everything in their life works like a toddler game. You will amuse your friend with it but if you like cooking actuallly refined food you can ignore it entierely

>> No.8398358

You forgot the water pump for circulation.

>> No.8398362

>he doesn't let it simmer 5 days at a 120th of the temperature for ultimate juiciness experience

>> No.8398368

That's a freezer. You want to be cooking as close to the body temperature of the animal as possible. It's safe because sealing it removes the oxygen so bacteria can't breathe.

>> No.8398383

If you find it necessary, you can drop another $10 on the smallest aquarium pump you can find.

>> No.8398397

And in the end you have spent several hours of your time to nigger rig a contraption that would get you on the terrorist watch list.

Or you can just buy a sous vide stick and be done with it.

>> No.8398434

Get it used.
Paying $60 is a great find and I havent seen/heard of one malfunctioning before.

>> No.8398450

People who want to cry about Sous Vide have obviously never experienced a fuck huge salmon plank perfectly medium rare through out, or 3 inch thick burgers bursting with pink, or a bigass center cut filet, perfect from edge to edge.
You guys are missing another key point of sous vide. Depending on the item, the food is locked in this bag, soaking in its own flavors, juices and aromas. Nothing is cooked out, flavors are not diluted by water, spoiled by oxygen, or dried by air. We do a sunchoke puree this way, and the difference in flavor is very noticeable.
I get that sealing food in a bag and cooking it in water isn't very romantic, or sexy. Fact is, you can't mess up Sous Vide if you tried, and the peace of mind knowing your protein will be perfect, lets you spend more time on other parts of the meal. Plus you can't get egg yolks that good any other way.

>> No.8398507
File: 2.31 MB, 4176x2366, IMG_20161110_215221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been experimenting with sous vide in general for the last year and a half. Started with an Anova but just got my hands on this last month and have enjoyed it thoroughly so far.

It's really weird to not have a physical interface outside of the Bluetooth pairing, but I'm getting used to the app being the only conduit and it's pretty clean so not too too off-putting. Really impressed with the "visual doneness" thing in the built-in recipe bank; seeing exactly what it's going to look like afterwards and being able to show people what they're getting is fantastic for dinner parties and shit. Kind of wish you could upload your own photos of doneness at specific cooking temps and times like some kind of crowd-sourcing or whatever; I want to see other stuff beyond what they build in and would love to share some of the stuff I've come up with.

>> No.8398522 [DELETED] 

Fuck off Gabriel

>> No.8398549

To answer why you would cook it in the oven, a lot of people broil steaks. It's pretty common.

>> No.8398694

is that Gabriel, really
I'm so mad now

>> No.8398700

>so I doubt it's very good.
what are you referring to

>> No.8398709

Gabriel you are so stupid it's not even funny
you are disgrace to the human race

>> No.8398726 [DELETED] 

You have shit tattoos Gabriel (lol jk I like them)

>> No.8398730 [DELETED] 

Yeah is Gabe

>> No.8398749
File: 495 KB, 1851x762, CROCK-SLOW COOKER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK guys I was thinking
if main function of this devise is to control water temperature and the food meat in most cases is inside plastic bag why not to
use slow cooker for it.
Just fill with water put bag with meat in it cover with lid set the temperature and timer and you don't have to worry about water evaporation.
Slow cooker should do same job I think since the meat will be in the plastic bag.

I don't have slow cooker, but any of you that do would you please try it and report back here in this thread
or start new thread if this one will be gone.

>> No.8398759

device not devise
/fucking spell correct

>> No.8398829
File: 87 KB, 1024x662, ghetto-sous-vide-dropping bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is interesting article,

"Cook Your Meat in a Beer Cooler: The World's Best (and Cheapest) Sous Vide Hack".

>> No.8398839

The Food Lab: How to Seal Foods Airtight Without a Vacuum Sealer.

with great video

>> No.8398843

It's a meme

>> No.8398883
File: 54 KB, 515x768, iStock_000000792679XSmall-201x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gabe you are such a whining bitch

>> No.8398947

yeah, but you could just heat up water and use an ice chest. it doesn't matter that it takes longer because you can hold the food at temperature until you are ready to eat. It may require less attention, leaving you free to prepare dank sides.

>> No.8398956
File: 80 KB, 1385x321, sounds like good method .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy has good idea for begginers

>> No.8398970

It rules for any collageny tough meats that you want to cook for a long time. Set it for 24 hours and forget about it, then you can just brown it and make sauce when it's done. Even lazier than a braise and in some ways better.

Honestly too much of a hassle for lean meats. Not gonna put a steak in a bag to cook it for an hour when it could be done in a pan in like 5 minutes.

That's basically all it is. I don't think slow cookers are very accurate at keeping a certain temperature though - if your meat is perfect at 150 and overcooked at 170 and the cooker keeps fluctuating between those temps, it'll end up overcooked. Depends I guess.

>> No.8398999
File: 1.50 MB, 1591x1178, adding oil or butter to meat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adding oil or butter to the meat in the bag

>> No.8399028
File: 675 KB, 1555x802, Digital Temp Controler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's basically all it is. I don't think slow cookers are very accurate at keeping a certain temperature though - if your meat is perfect at 150 and overcooked at 170 and the cooker keeps fluctuating between those temps, it'll end up overcooked. Depends I guess.

here is interesting and cheap solution to it,


"Here is a cheap temperature controller which I use with a crock pot.
It only costs $21 and keeps the temperature within 1 degree of the set point".

I guess some slow cookers might have more accurate temp control with shorter cycles (smaller range) of temperature difference between ON and OFF cycles,
this digital controller is easy to use you just plug it into the wall outlet and plug slow cooker into it.

>> No.8399034

>this digital controller is easy to use you just plug it into the wall outlet and plug slow cooker into it.
I think I made mistake, this unit you need to do some hardwiring but is nothing complicated.
Of course there are other brands/models that could have very easy connections.

>> No.8399045
File: 1.10 MB, 2560x1920, WhiteTrashSousVideo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used that temp controller and built this for 35 bucks...full album here:


>> No.8399046

Who the h*ck is Gabriel

>> No.8399048 [DELETED] 

We all are Gabriel

>> No.8399052


>> No.8399059

this asshole >>8397213

>> No.8399063 [DELETED] 

Get the fuck out my thread Gabriel.

>> No.8399084

Thank you so much anon, very nice of you to share it with us, and great job with the pics and instructions.

I'm going to look into getting slow cooker to do Sous Vide cooking, since slow cookers have good insolation.
If I can not find model that has good temperature control settings I will use your system to attach digital controller.

But unit like here >>8398749
should have good temp control system.

>> No.8399807

>I suppose I can see a sort of lazy mans restaraunt where food is prepped early in the day and kept at temp via sous vide, then extracted and seared off to order.
This is pretty much exactly it. Heating and holding steaks at medium rare makes the turn around on dockets much quicker.

>protip, assuming you are in north America, they do the same thing with thermodynes in relation to prime rib

Time off from cooking your steak gets eaten up by other jobs. If these other jobs have more attention, they will be that much better.

> babysit a pot of water
>which has a thermostat and is designed to maintain a constant temp....

Confirmed for having never even seen the inside of a proper commercial kitchen

>> No.8399831

Isn't anybody else worried about plastic chemicals from the bags leaking into the meat?

>> No.8399860

I was thinking about it also
and on top of it one more way to add to the plastic waste

>> No.8399902

I achieved great tender meat (brisket) done in cast iron pot on stove top (in the oven is even better) but I did on top of the stove on a very low heat for 3-4 hours and no need for plastic bags.

I don't trust plastic bags not to leak it's chemicals into the meat being heated to those temperatures.

I know that steak could not be done that way.
The brisket had some water on the bottom of the cast iron pot.

>> No.8399925


I've had lots of steaks that were cooked "normaly" that looked exactly like the Sous- Vide example in >>8397202

You're not supposed to heat baby milk in plastic baby bottles. You're also not supposed to leave plastic water bottles in the sun or heat. Boiling meat in a bag for 10 hours just seems like a bad idea.

>> No.8400034
File: 425 KB, 1880x1005, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't boil anything with sous vide, faggot. And if you think the toxins in plastic bags at the temps used in sous vide will hurt your itty bitty special snowflake body, I suggest you go back to nature, use only naturally-made organic manure to make your pottery, and then die of dysentery. We all hate you.

>> No.8400041
File: 132 KB, 710x584, lightweight cast iron pot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boiling meat in a bag for 10 hours just seems like a bad idea.
yeah, I was going to try it in the slow cooker >>8398749
or even in the cooler like this guy did >>8398829
I was also not so sure about meat being cooked in the plastic tho I was willing to try, but now after reading this post >>8399831
I'm going to scrap that project and slow cook in my cast iron pot/cast iron dutch oven.

If tough piece of meat as brisket can come out nice and soft cooked in cast iron on low heat
it's good enough for me.

I have several regular thickness (heavy) cast iron pots and pans some black some enamelled,
but this one is also very efficient and light weight and surprisingly retains heat very well for it's lightweight with white enamel inside and red outside.

For example when I cook wild rice in it, I bring rice to boil (without the lid) then turn the heat off and put the lid on and after around 1-1/2 to 2 hours rice is fully done.

>> No.8400059

>I don't trust plastic bags not to leak it's chemicals into the meat being heated to those temperatures.

I sincerely hope you choose not to vote in any election, ever.

The funny thing is, I bet you make fun of creationists -- even though your own basic scientific knowledge is right up there with a retarded Malian child. I'm sure you think Black Science Guy and Atheist Hermione Man are just super. Pity you can't read and comprehend basic English and know that a zip-loc bag at 130 degrees is not leaching chemicals into your precious bodily fluids, much less a vacuum sealer bag. Fucking moron.

>> No.8400062

not that anon you address your stupid post to,
but tell me moron how do you know for sure that toxins from the plastic bag are not leaking into the meat?

do you have scientific data or you are reaching your conclusions by pulling them from the murky depths of your homo ass?

>> No.8400067

>and know that a zip-loc bag at 130 degrees is not leaching chemicals into your precious bodily fluids, much less a vacuum sealer bag. Fucking moron.
solid scientific source or STFU Jackstar homo pedo creep

>> No.8400075

By "we" do you mean the tranny community, you estrogen excuse of a man?

>> No.8400079

hahaha good job anon, good job

>> No.8400295
File: 427 KB, 800x1015, 1475093180271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> steak - 10 hours at 130* = perfect steak!
> plastic - 10 hours at 130* = has absolutely no effect...

>> No.8400320

You know there is more than one kind of "plastic" right?

>> No.8400344


Yes I'm fully aware of that. They're all made with nasty shit even if they're food grade. It's unnecessary to subject a nice piece of meat to a petroleum byproduct bath.

>> No.8400370

Plastics are used everywhere in a commercial kitchen. From foodservice film that everything gets wrapped in(even hot) to lexans for storage. Pretty much everything you eat in a restaurants has been in contact with various plastics.

Suggesting that all plastics are shit and than no plastic can be in contact with heat and not leach is ignorant and retarded.

>> No.8400385

you have to be a real fucking cuckold to actually cook your food in a plastic bag

enjoy the xenoestrogens! except its probably those that you are after, you fucking humungous faggot

>> No.8400394

literally kill yourself you dumb fucking retard

>I'm sure you think Black Science Guy and Atheist Hermione Man are just super.
No that was literally what i was going to accuse your dumb retard ass of, you type exactly like one of those retarded "SCIENCE!" fedoras


>> No.8401578


I have one of the water dildos and I would say it's worth it just for the ability to transform 2 dollar a pound chuck steak into butter soft goodness.

>> No.8401851

Nice shitposting grandpa

>> No.8401860


>> No.8402003

is this basically poaching?

>> No.8402029

but there is illegal poaching and legal poaching
this method I think is leggal

>> No.8402044 [DELETED] 

top puf

>> No.8402064

>but there is illegal poaching and legal poaching
>this method I think is leggal

Huh, it's illegal to poach eggs in some places?

>> No.8402074
File: 503 KB, 1024x768, illegal egg poaching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poaching is a deadly crime against wildlife. Wildlife officials say that legal hunters kill tens of millions of animals every year.
For each of those animals, another is killed illegally, perhaps on closed land or out of season, leaving orphaned young to starve.
Few poachers are caught or punished.

Costa Rica Has a Sea Turtle Egg-Poaching Problem.



>> No.8402084
File: 111 KB, 900x600, DISGUSTING EGG POACHERS .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8402089

for you

>> No.8402090

Of course they are all "brown" people.....jesus, all non-whites suck

>> No.8402093

>in some places?

>> No.8402101
File: 138 KB, 1024x576, YOU POACH EGGS-WE SHOOT YOU..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8402103
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>> No.8402113
File: 262 KB, 1024x683, FUCKING egg POACHER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's trace him and (poach him).
Fucking criminal bastard.

>> No.8402127

you see what you created asshole. lol

>> No.8402436


>> No.8402445
File: 5 KB, 163x207, ▄█▀ █▬█ █ █ █ █ █ █▀█▀.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The vacuum sealer is for sanitary purposes though.

These people are going to get somebody really sick

>> No.8402967

>buy sous vide
>buy cheapest and thickest steak with some marbling
>make it even juicier and more tender than prime rib
sounds good to me

>> No.8402971

sous vide is kind of a retarded version of reverse sear. When you learn how to slow cook in your oven, this shit becomes pointless masturbation.

>> No.8402974


>buying a $400 appliance to save money

That's like spending $140k on a Tesla to save on gas money.

>> No.8402976

It's a stale meme at this point

>> No.8402978


I can't believe there are normal people on this board.

>> No.8402985

was like $100. i eat a nice steak once a week. also teslas are like $30K now

>> No.8402995


I make a decent amount of money

>> No.8402999

this is the most stupid statement I ever read
BRAVO! you are official Village Idiot now.

>> No.8403489

implying this isn't a lao knitting forum

>> No.8403503
File: 240 KB, 385x318, save_me_brendad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are reditards who fell for the meme and got Sous-vide machines for Christmas just because of this thread

>> No.8403588

Not really. Ziplocks are fine, and as long as you have cooked the meat to at leas 53,5 C for 2 hrs, you will kill of all salmonella.

>> No.8403600

Except for that temperature is right in the middle of the "danger zone" for bacteria growth. You might as well leave the meat out of the fridge for hours on end.

I guess the only difference between vacuum seal and ziplock is whether you can get the thing absolutely sealed and airtight, which is hypothetically possible with ziplock but subject to human error.

>> No.8403620

Just think about it for a second.
If there were people who died from bacteria growth using this cooking method we would be reading and hearing about it in the media.
But so far I never heard about it.
Unless you can quote examples I think you are exaggerating the situation.

>> No.8403681
File: 19 KB, 395x230, Retail-VI-past.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Celcius, Not fahrenheit you stupid Ameriburger.

>> No.8403696

>you stupid
I'm not that anon, but I think might be the stupid one here.
Who and where said anything about F.
This anon >>8403600
was responding to this anon >>8403588 and he was talking about 53,5 C.

Where did you took the F from ?

>> No.8403707

I cooked a steak yesterday sous vide for one hour at 125°. Then I dropped it on a 625° cast iron ribbed skillet for like a minute and a half on each side.

Shit was really good but I should have added garlic butter before I sealed it in the bag.

I always fucking forget something.

>> No.8403718

Here is what they said about adding butter or oil
>>8398999 ,see the screen shot

>> No.8404268

Reddit tier meme food decide. Even the name is pretentious snobbery !

>> No.8404337
File: 41 KB, 688x631, Libtard12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8404642

Is this some new /pol/ meme I'm unaware of.

>> No.8404733

No is just some asshole that nobody likes here and on other threads that he is posting his shitty posts,
he is not liked because he is not smart and he is not funny
but very abusive and insulting thinking that this makes him cool.

Other's here have more info on him and maybe they will post more on this stupid cunt

>> No.8405199

As unhelpful as this thread seems I have to ask, are there any significant differences between the units under $100 that Amazon has and the $150 Anova one Serious Eats shills hard for?

>> No.8405216

Sounds good in theory but what about wasteage? If you don't accurately judge how many steaks you're going to serve in a night you could grossly over or under prepare, the former is a huge waste of money since you can't exactly refreeze it and despite claims to the contrary you can't actually keep it at temp indefinitely, the latter will cause snarls and require you to scratch cook anyway

You could do what some places do and simply only serve a certain number of steaks a day then cut it off, but make sure you own the business or the manager/owner is going to laugh in your face. And yes i know this is exactly what is done with prime rib but prime rib by its nature takes a while to cook, a steak takes 10 minutes

>> No.8405221

So sear it with the butter

>> No.8405223

>As unhelpful as this thread seems I have to ask,
How ugly of you to say that.
How disrespectful to all those who give their time typing answers and shared their experiences.
I hope in that case that your words will come true and you will get no answer to your question.

Do your own research using google you ungrateful asshole

>> No.8405250

This is over the top but it's more or less true.

People in this thread are disagreeing but offering genuine inputs. That's how you reach good ideas. You get differing views and you make up your own mind.

>> No.8405263

lol what, you know what doesn't happen at body temperature, meat doesn't cook. like what

>> No.8405293

300k any job i want

>> No.8405307

I bet you that you are collecting social assistance and live in Section 8 housing.

People who make $300K don't fucking waste their time on 4chan especially on /ck/ asking questions if they should spend $200 or $400 on cooking device.
They just go and buy it.

You are a poor fucker who is here because you envy others who can afford to buy kitchen gadgets for the same amount of money that
you have as a budget for the whole moth's worth of food,
and you are here to insult them because you are boiling with envy.

One other reason you are visiting /ck/ so you can look at the pictures of nice expensive food because you can not afford that
and you eat fucking macaroni and cheese every fucking day of your boring miserable life.

Fucking poor loser

>> No.8405311

I bet you that you are collecting social assistance and live in Section 8 housing.

People who make $300K don't fucking waste their time on 4chan especially on /ck/ asking questions if they should spend $200 or $400 on cooking device.
They just go and buy it.

You are a poor fucker who is here because you envy others who can afford to buy kitchen gadgets for the same amount of money that
you have as a budget for the whole month's worth of food,
and you are here to insult them because you are boiling with envy.

One other reason you are visiting /ck/ so you can look at the pictures of nice expensive food because you can not afford that
and you eat fucking macaroni and cheese every fucking day of your boring miserable life.

Fucking poor loser

>> No.8405406
File: 192 KB, 824x260, You_smug_bastard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8405426

Top kek, you got this triggered by a 5 word post referencing the math major meme?

>> No.8406330

How do the /ck/ anons sear the meat? I see some before, some after?

>> No.8406339

>People who make $300K don't fucking waste their time on 4chan
You would be surprised, lots of people making serious money waste their time here.

>> No.8406424

>people making $300,000 and up waste their time on an anonymous Maori cannabalism recipe board

>> No.8406448
File: 3.48 MB, 480x292, 1425347846249.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A modern day faggots answer to his grandmothers ez-bake oven

Top keks all around

>> No.8406614

do you have proofs of that?
of course you don't, you just spreading bullshit info
provide numbers and other non 4CHAN rule violating details or STFU.

>> No.8406617
File: 2.78 MB, 4320x2432, searthatbitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Place carbon steel or cast iron skillet on single propane burner used for cooking crawfish, crank it up to 600 degrees or so, slap steak into skillet, light plumbers MAPP torch and simultaneously sear the side facing up. Remove when satisfied. This works fast and keeps the internal meat temp from rising much and also keeps the house from smelling like seared meat. Other times I just sear it on the Weber gas grill at about 500 degrees, turning a few times. Pic related.

>> No.8406649

Poster like this one >>8406617 who is taking his personal to post response to help other poster, he is digging out the picture and attaching to his post are the backbone of helpful threads.
All this responding takes time, and for this asshole to waltz here and to state:
>As unhelpful as this thread seems I have to ask,

was very low life. And that's why my response was the way it was, some might think maybe it was bit harsh
but I think it was proportional to the disrespect that self-assured cunt projected with his attitude in his post.

>> No.8406660

>Poster like this one >>8406617 who is taking his personal to post response to help other poster,
should be:
..who is taking his personal TIME to post response to help other poster,

>> No.8406677

Yeah, I cook mine on my turkey frying propane burner that I use for brewing beer, in a cast iron skillet. I don't use the torch, but just flip it after 1 minute. I like it rare though, so it wouldn't work if you liked medium or some other /rekt/ way of eating steak. Sous vide is a waste of time and energy for cooking a perfect rare steak. People buying into a "modern" method because Doh Douchebag, the top competitive chef today, shills really hard for the manufacturers, are the same fools that keep reality tv going. A relatively large percentage probably buy every piece of shit advertised on late night tv.

>> No.8406765
File: 2.43 MB, 4320x2432, therig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sous vide appeals to my nerd side. When I first read about it, I was gonna build something out of an old crock pot and a temperature controller. Never got around to it, and then the Anova showed up. When it went on sale on Amazon after a few months, I pulled the trigger. I buy a lot of gadgets that end up in the garage, but the sous vide has surprised me and gets used several times each week. Chicken breasts and fish come out amazing. If I go drink beer with the guys, I can drop a ribeye in and it doesn't matter what time I get home, it just needs a quick sear to come out perfect.

>> No.8407015

Looks like that beer cooler set up works good for you.
I guess you can, but I'm gonna ask, can you put more than one steak in it, like 4 or 6 if you have a company coming.
And do you have to adjust change time for how long to cook 4 or 6 compared to 1 steak.

>> No.8407321

That's a 9 quart that I won as a door prize years ago and never used. It turned out to be perfect for my needs and I've seen where others use it. That said, I believe you could easily triple the capacity and the Anova wouldn't blink. The beauty of using an insulated cooler is that, once the water hits its temp, the heater doesn't have to cycle much at all to maintain temp. The power outlet mine is plugged into in the picture is a Ubiquiti power monitor that I move around the house to various projects. Once the water is up to temp, the Anova uses very few watts. I've packed three 1-pound steaks in mine. There shouldn't be any need to change cooking time with more food.

>> No.8407336

great news, Thanks

I might go that way, I was considering just buying crock pot and use it without the Anova unit
This anon has good idea and set up >>8399045

But the beer cooler and Anova sounds like better combo since as you said (and others) beer cooler keeps the heat much better than regular metal pot.
Crock pots also have good insulations, but I'm not sure if crock pot will have the temp range set ups needed for this cooking method.
usually (even the digital displays)
have 3 or 4 setting without specific temp adjustment,
unless I didn't look them up yet to find one model that it has.

>> No.8407829

Before I bought the Anova, I was going to put something together with one of the
"Inkbird" brand controllers from Amazon and a manual crock pot. Crank the crock pot to high, drop in the probe and, the controller switches power on and off at the outlet as needed. One would still want to circulate the water for best results - an aquarium pump would probably work well. When I saw the Anova on sale for $139 US, it just seemed like the better solution. And I'm not being a shill for Anova, there are plenty of competitors now, not so many at that price a year ago.

>> No.8407841

Bought an Anova about three months ago when it was on sale. I always wanted one since dining in a Michelin-starred restaurant where they used this technique extensively. I use it about 1-3 times a week. I also have a vacuum sealer though which I find is perfect to keep my freezer tidy and cheeses stored.

The two upsides are that sous vide cooking is pretty much foolproof, and suits my lifestyle. I prepare what I want to cook upfront, so all I have to do is take out the vacuum bag with the seasoned or marinated meat or veggies out of the freezer and plop it into my stock pot w the Anova attached. Start it 2 - 3 hours before I come home, prep my side dishes, finish off whatever is cooked sous vide and I'm done.

The meat is never dry, even if you cook it to a 'well-done' standard and sear it afterwards. Chicken breast really benefits from this as it is a relatively lean type of meat as it comes out really juicy with this method.

My friend doesn't like pink steak so imagine my surprise when finding out that it can be cooked so that it is both well done and tender at the same time. Brilliant stuff.

Vegetable wise, carrots, baby corn and asparagus are lovely when cooked sous vide as the flavour isn't cooked out into the water and more concentrated.

Overall, I recommend it if you're into cooking and experimenting with it. But more importantly, it is very practical and can be uses throughout your working week as long as you're organised.

>> No.8407874

>One would still want to circulate the water for best results
Thanks for your response,
yes very good point the water circulation is important, I overlooked that part before.
I will be getting the real unit in that case.

>> No.8407880

Very helpful points, Thank you

>> No.8407904
File: 221 KB, 485x662, mad2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay grandpa, you just stay behind while we enjoy the 21st century

>> No.8407905

>and cheeses stored.

Cheese should never be stored vacuum-packed. It needs to breathe. What you want is "cheese paper". Google it.

>> No.8407909

>okay grandpa, you just stay behind while we enjoy the 21st century
hahaha, great response
he was just bitch slapped, with class. lol

>> No.8407947

Maybe it shouldn't, but I can't tell the difference to be honest. The cheese is fine and still seems to be ripening, although at a slower speed. The biggest bonus is that the fridge doesn't stink. I was keeping the potent cheeses in a large clip container even before vacuum packing but the smell was seeping through that.

>> No.8407958

not that anon you address your stupid post to,
yes, google it yourself cause its a product you know nothing about so you do your own research before spouting shit from your mouth

>> No.8407968

you never boil anything with a sous vide
steak is kept at 134~ F, alomst half of boiling 212 F
its perfectly fine for plastics
but really, you are taking product advice from this site? this board isn't even about cooking anymore.
do you're own research and find out real facts, instead of listening to anonymous opinions

>> No.8407970

>10 hours
where did you get that from?

>> No.8407973

underrated post

>> No.8408390

>buy anova
>its internal thermometer doesn't work if steam gets into the vent
>tell anova to refund me
>they refund me and let me keep the anova

Its excellent for if you're cooking meat for a bunch of people
makes hosting dinner parties much easier

>> No.8409261
File: 106 KB, 1547x763, Anova.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all the nerds out there, here's the power graph for tonight's chicken breasts. It's not entirely accurate because I didn't start the power plot until the water was almost up to temp. Needless to say, the Anova will run at the full 825 watts until the desired temp is reached, so the missed part is just a straight line graph.

>> No.8409299

Why would you guys use a digital timer on your phone to figure out your cooking time? I mean, you could count the minutes of the hour in your head, and get similar, if not better results....

Jeez, only numale cucks use digital timers.

>> No.8409307

I'm trying to find what post you're referring to.

>> No.8409371

>in your head,
maybe that post exists only in his head. lol

>> No.8409384

I'm not in the mood to go back and look through the entire thread since there was no post referenced, but I don't recall anyone going on about timing their cooking on their phones. That's one of the great things about sous vide for me - when my chicken breasts went in at 7:00, I knew they would be ready to eat between 8:00 and midnight with no apparent difference.

>> No.8409423
File: 111 KB, 1024x684, the means to cook food..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha, >>8409261 we are getting high tech with our food cooking gadgets,
how did we get from this (picture related) to this
>>8397165 device, lol

Wonder what's next ?

>> No.8409568

It's an allegory for this whole thread.

>> No.8409631

I guess we were right - what you were commenting on didn't actually exist. You either made it up or were unable to comprehend what adults were discussing, commented on it and then tried to pawn your ignorant comment off as a literary device. That's so precious.

>> No.8409644

lol. great summation

>> No.8409652

kill yourself

>> No.8409667

lol. triggered puppy is disappointed that his post was not admired but it got reduced to pile of turds,
chew on them now you big time loser. haha

>> No.8409669

fuck off

>> No.8409672

stop posting

>> No.8409678

go and change you diaper you sensitive prick
you can dish it out but you can not take it big mouth.

>> No.8409747

>when my chicken breasts went in at 7:00, I knew they would be ready to eat between 8:00 and midnight with no apparent difference.

You are either
1) using very thin vreasts
2) doing them at to high a temperature for them to be tasty, or
3)brisking aalmonella, anon.

Consult this chart for pasteurisation time of chicken


>> No.8409958

>cooking with plastic
Tastes like infertility and xenoestrogens. Delicious!

>> No.8410293

I cleared well beyond that this year. I'm here for the laffs. And ya, I bought my sous vide withhout thinking about it. I like it but my wife hates it.

>> No.8410484

Thank you for passing this along. I had seen this early on in my sous vide experience, but typically rely on the "safety" section of this:


for my timings. Fortunately my food cooking times tend to fall well past the minimums. I will keep your link in mind for future reference.

>> No.8411108

>Not wanting that extra je ne sais pas of broken down polymer chemical byproduct in your food

How pléb

>> No.8411171
File: 1.29 MB, 195x229, 1453153423462.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are people, real people, on /ck/, who ACTUALLY BELIEVE $100 is a lot of money

>> No.8411466

is there a English word for it or only this stupid french

>> No.8411631

Under vacuum. But how on earth will that convince people to buy into the latest fad? "Sous vide" allows the purchaser to showoff their latest pointless utensil to their friends more impressively because it sounds "elite."

>> No.8411639

What sort of a cunt cooks things in a fucking plastic bag?

Is this how you all cook your rice and shit, boiling it in a fucking bag?

>> No.8411688

>Is this how you all cook your rice and shit, boiling it in a fucking bag?
you confusing that with colostomy bag,
for food vacuum or zip lock bags are used