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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 190 KB, 1600x1200, Canning Granny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8389670 No.8389670 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: alternative/off-grid cuisines

>I found a nice pot roast on sale at the grocery store recently... it was a big one, bigger than DH and I could eat for one meal. I usually would cook it anyway and we would eat leftovers for a few days. This time I decided to can it.

Anyone anyone tried this?

>> No.8389770

no because I own a freezer

>> No.8389787
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>no because I own a freezer
Why would you want to can a roast?

What if you had a disaster and couldn't get to a store or the store was sold out; what if you were snowed in and no power? It always pays to have at the very least, a weeks worth of food to eat and a way to cook it. Ideally, a years food storage would be best. Just buy two of everything and put one away for the future. Be sure and store plenty of water. You can survive without food, but not very long without water. What if you didn't have a job and couldn't afford to buy food; food storage to the rescue! It pays to plan ahead for anything that may happen in the future.

>> No.8389844

>I'm within walking distance in any weather of a dozen grocery stores.
>It always pays to have at the very least, a weeks worth of food
it almost never pays.
>Ideally, a years food storage would be best.
and a years supply of tinfoil hats
>Just buy two of everything and put one away for the future.
the fuck are you talking about
>Be sure and store plenty of water.
I have this thing called plumbing, including a hot water heater with 50 gallons in it at all times.
>What if you didn't have a job and couldn't afford to buy food; food storage to the rescue!
or you could use money
>It pays to plan ahead for anything that may happen in the future.
not if the thing does not happen. then it was a waste

>> No.8389850

The only correct methods to preserve raw meat without freezing is too dry or salt it.

>> No.8389863
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>The only correct methods to preserve raw meat without freezing is too dry or salt it.
Probably shouldn't use this as a standard, but I had canned meat at my mother's that was at least 6 years old and it tasted just like it was canned a couple of weeks ago. Always check your meat and heat it really well before eating when it comes out of the jar.

>> No.8389867
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WELL.. I get meat on sale to save money. I also dont have freezer space. And because this is all made and ready to go for a meal, it saves me time and energy. I have a medical problem that causes me fatigue in the evenings, and cooking a good dinner is sometimes a challenge.

>> No.8389877
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>I have a medical problem that causes me fatigue in the evenings

>> No.8389878

First off, you need to leave about 1/2" more space at the top with meat. Secondly, even home canned beef, isn't particularly good. Perhaps if you corned it first, it would be better.

Fish, particularly smoked, is excellent home canned. Chicken isn't bad either. But canning uncorned beef is really kind of a waste of a rather expensive meat.

Also, be careful with quart jars and meat. Normally meat should be canned in pint jars for safety reasons. Don't fuck around with this stuff. Follow university or USDA guidelines.

>> No.8389884

canning meat is safe but "canning granny" seems a bit retarded and haphazard

the pieces shouldn't be much more than an inch cubed or else the heat won't penetrate deep enough and you risk getting boulism

this website has lots of detailed SAFE recipes


>> No.8389894

*omfg, I just saw this after I posted. DO NOT FOLLOW some imbeciles blog for canning meat. Follow USDA or university instructions, exactly. This isn't a fuck around thing.

>> No.8389906

B-but the government is lying just like /pol/ told me and random-ass blogs online are perfectly reputable and informed

>> No.8389909
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This is unsafe!?

I just canned ground beef with onion and garlic and spices to send to my husband in Afghanistan to make chili. I had already canned a roasted tomato chili sauce and am adding regular cans of beans and tomatoes to the box(es). Should I contact him urgently?

>> No.8389914

>I have a medical problem that causes me to can meat, and cooking a good dinner is sometimes a challenge.

>> No.8389919
File: 231 KB, 1600x1200, 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been canning meat for about 14 years and I love it! I mostly just do chicken now, but have done salmon, hamburger and beef. You actually don't need to add any water to the meat as it creates it's own juices as it cooks.
I use my chicken for soup, salad, casseroles and just eat it straight out of the jar too. It really is delicious and so convenient. Instead of regular salt I use garlic salt and like the flavor it gives.
Hamburger looks disgusting and I don't love the flavor. It's great for adding to chilli, soups, etc., but I wouldn't use it for tacos and such. Just didn't like the taste enough.

>> No.8389927
File: 180 KB, 1367x1692, garbage_cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You actually don't need to add any water to the meat as it creates it's own juices as it cooks

>> No.8389938
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>I have a medical problem that causes me fatigue in the evenings

>> No.8390017

Yes, it is. Unless you're canning with a proper amount of salt, acid, or a pressure-canner.
Watch the bit; it's worth it.

>> No.8390023

>pronounced baud, "bode"

aint watching this shit

>> No.8390038

Cool; enjoy your botulism.

>> No.8390053

ok you fucking autist

>> No.8390061

>it tasted just like it was canned a couple of weeks ago


>> No.8390064

i don't need tv to prevent botulism

also you don't can with salt or acid

>> No.8390065

Idk, how long did you pressure can it?

>> No.8390099
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>I have a medical problem that causes me fatigue in the evenings

>> No.8390105
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I processed the jars in my pressure canner following the instructions provided with the canner.
For pints, process at 10 pounds of pressure for 70 minutes.
For quarts, process at 10 pounds of pressure for 90 minutes.

But now myself, my mother, and my grandmother have water bathed canned beef in 1 inch cubes in a water bath canner for years. Much easier. We cut up the beef into 1 inch hunks, leave a lot of the fat on it. pack it tightly into a quart jar, leave one inch for headspace. Add a tsp of salt. wipe the rim and put it in the hot but NOT boiling water bath canner. Put the lid on and watch it. Once it starts to boil, start timing. We do ours for 2 hours. Now, I am not saying it is 100% fail proof...however we have done this for many years. Just remember, when you open it.....when in doubt, throw it out!

>> No.8390112

botulinum toxin is invisible, odorless and tasteless

>> No.8390121

>snowed in no power

i'd stick my fucking food outside you mong

>> No.8390125

It will create gas, though. If there is any bulging/bowing, discard immediately.

>> No.8390133

>it will create gas


stop spreading dangerous mid century canning misinformation.


>> No.8390138

You go OP,

Don't mind the rest, they're being overly paranoid. If you have a pressure canner and haven't killed yourself with it or the food you put in it yet, I doubt you'll have any trouble from canroast.

>> No.8390146
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Anon are u a alckoholic

>> No.8390164
File: 104 KB, 999x709, bulging-can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How then does this occur?

>> No.8390170

that's the botulinum can that you throw away, so it's not going to kill you

it's the normal looking infected can that you eat that kills you

best strategy is to not have botulinum in your cans at all

>> No.8390395

Your canning is probably safe, although when I canned my salmon it was for 110 minutes in pint jars according to University of Alaska guidelines.

I don't want to sound too harsh, but anyone, even your venerable grandmother who cans meat in a water bath, has to be dropped. That will, at some point, result in not salmonella, which is bad enough, but botulism, which if it doesn't kill you will leave you severely neurologically damaged.

As I said earlier, don't play with this stuff. It's quite safe if you do it properly. If you don't, it's fucking deadly.

>> No.8390443

usually the can has been left in heat/the sun

>> No.8390707

>not if the thing does not happen. then it was a waste
Having food is never a waste.

>> No.8390731

The correct response to most of those hypotheticals is "I would eat something other than pot roast."

>> No.8391205
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I've been canning roast for a while, but I brown mine first and then slice it. Then put in quart jars covered with either boiling water or brown gravy. 10 pounds of pressure for 90 minutes (for quarts), same as yours. Makes for a wonderful quick and easy meal. I make some rice, add a side veggie and bread and it makes a great dinner. The roast gets SO tender after canning. I often use cheaper cuts of roast since the canning process tenderizes so well. Those cuts are often much fattier, meaning I need to cut before canning to remove excess fat.

>> No.8391225

have you ever had home canned food?
or are you just going by the store bought stuff?

>> No.8391255

>I have a medical problem that causes me fatigue in the evenings

Probably from too much canned meats

>> No.8391577
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>I have a medical problem that causes me fatigue in the evenings
Is it called.. tiredness?

>> No.8391613

I can a few things a year. But canning roast is ridiculous.

>> No.8392465

it's the genetic condition known as "obesity"