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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8387221 No.8387221 [Reply] [Original]


if you aren't able to eat this amount of eggs in one sitting, you have no right to call yourself a man

>> No.8387231

>basing your masculinity on stuffing your face with massive amounts of food
Yeah, nothing more manly than 300lbs of lard eating a thousand eggs every day.

>> No.8387238

Never eat anything that brown by someone that brown.

>> No.8387240
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>> No.8387242


Unfortunately India has been disbarred from submitting any entry to the guinness world record in the category of food. The decision was made in 1965 by the then head of the guinness foundation Sir Hugh Beaver. The ruling was made due to the fact it cannot be considered food when the greater portion of it--51% of higher--contains human feces. The ruling was argued against and to be overturned in Whypoo, New Zealand a few years later but again declined after half the committee to reassess the ruling came down with dysentery.

>> No.8387245

>Sir Hugh Beaver
I like a huge beaver

>> No.8387255

What is that brown stuff they put in there at 2:45?

>> No.8387266

>cooking the greens
>cooking the onions for that long
>salting the egg that early

>> No.8387271


Interestingly enough, part of the United States Food Handling and Sanitary Practice act of 1983, article 9 subsection 14 states that women who work in the kitchen cannot have pubic hair that exceeds a total weight mass of 0.9 grams, or measures greater than 4x6x2. The act was created and brought before the government when a dignified state governor based out of Pennsylvania found a pubic hair in his soup when dining out with his wife and family. Abhorred by the discovery he had the hair tested for DNA and compared it to every cook in the kitchen that night. Upon discovery, the ordinance was created and the woman in question was forever banned from ever cooking in a public dining establishment ever again.

>> No.8387272
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>> No.8387274

Non-whites are disgusting.

>> No.8387275

It's a spice that's native to southern India. They include it in pretty much all egg dishes. It's called something like nautpu.

>> No.8387277

>start the eggs
>lets throw on a pound of spices!
>lets over cook these eggs to fuck
>lets fix it all together into one big blob!

fuck off

>> No.8387279

You've got it confused with another spice. The one in the video is definitely ishpu.

>> No.8387297
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>Indian food

>> No.8387300

>World's biggest [food]
Why do people do this shit
It's a waste of food and the shit never properly scales up

>> No.8387324


>> No.8387358

Nzer here it's spelled Waipu

>> No.8387365


>> No.8387391


That was obviously the phonetic spelling for you simpletons. What are you, some savage who can't see someone attempting to please the uneducated masses? Dear lord, such uncouth behavior, making the unintelligent aware of their lackings.

>> No.8387440


They're cooking for hundreds of people you fucking spastic

>> No.8387458

>They're overcooking for hundreds of people


>> No.8387471

yeah, it was overcooked before they scraped it off the flat cast iron surface

>> No.8387567

Absolutely disgusting! I truely love scrambled eggs but this looks like something in the toilet 3 days after I ate it!

This guy did everything wrong he could possibly do wrong! First of all, these were not scrambled eggs but badly made fried eggs because you need to mix yolks and egg whites properly before you put them anywhere near the pan!

And these heaps of spices were not properly mixed with the eggs either. I can almost taste the lumps of dry powder while imagining taking a bite from this abomination! Not that it would matter, as this meal would surely kill you anyway given the sanitary circumstances shown!

>> No.8387590

how many eggs did he crack?

>> No.8387600

>Not that it would matter, as this meal would surely kill you anyway given the sanitary circumstances shown!

Which is why Indians are clearly the most powerful race. Any immune system that can handle the day to day activities of the average Indian is worthy of being isolated and preserved.

>> No.8387620

a few months ago there was some world's largest something in India, or south Asia, or somewhere like that
it made news because they ended up having to throw it ALL away. hundreds of pounds of food because it all sat at room temperature for too long.

>> No.8387645


>diarrhea is still the second biggest killer of children globally
>A quarter of these deaths occur in India. Hundreds of thousands more children in the country are hospitalized and permanently stunted from the disease.

Truly, the people who can't keep literal shit out of their food are the most powerful.

>> No.8387872

>What is that brown stuff they put in there at 2:45?


>> No.8387904


>> No.8387905


>> No.8387937

>the part when he adds in that blotches of toilet slop in the eggs

what the fuck?

>> No.8387956

Good lord, I wouldn't eat in india. let alone from a street rat there

>> No.8387957
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Pretty good

>> No.8387978

but ishnotpu

>> No.8387985
File: 403 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-12-20-01-53-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like France to me why is everyone still talking about this non record Indian bs?

>> No.8388248


>> No.8388262

This is why I go to /ck/.

>> No.8388477

Why is it so oily

>> No.8388489

Why do you type like this.

>> No.8388793

he pretty much charred the eggs. ruined.

>> No.8388836
File: 350 KB, 576x700, IMG_0960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kids shit so hard their growth is stunted

>> No.8388840

l m a o desu

>> No.8388855

Mom pls go

>> No.8388859


>> No.8388882

I dont know if that is horrible or amazing.
Im gonna go with awesome instead.