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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8379772 No.8379772 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here ever made candy? I was wanting to get into it and my kind-of-but-not boyfriend bought me a candy thermometer and a tin-lined, hammered copper pot for Christmas, pic very related.

Is a tin-lined copper pot ideal for candy making? I've read about needing to clean and treat the tin lining with milk and having to re-tin the pot etc. I'll be the first to admit I don't know anything about it but is this a good purchase? Does anyone have any experience or advice?

Also, general copper pot and/or candymaking thread.

>> No.8379784

Sugar burns are the worst burns. You need balls of steel to make candy and perfect execution not to fuck your shit up.

I've seen some horrifying injuries in candy shops.

>> No.8379790

>my kind-of-but-not boyfriend
hold on a second, is this some "my wife's son" shit you're trying to start here?

>> No.8379794

>my kind-of-but-not boyfriend
Unless you elaborate, you don't deserve an answer

>> No.8379833

Things are complicated between us right now, I'm not forcing a meme. If I'd just said my roommate bought me an expensive pot I thought it would have elicited questions but if I'd just said boyfriend and he saw the thread he would have been cross with me.

Now help with the pan?

>> No.8379865 [DELETED] 

You don't need tinned copper for candy making. You can use bare copper. The tin is important for reactive foods (tomato sauce and stuff like that).

1.2mm is pretty shit-tier copper, but hey, free pot, so you might as well make use of it. The thickness is not so important as long as there's a lot of liquid in the pot - it's more critical when there's not much thermally conductive food in it.

As far as the tin goes, as long as you don't use metal utensils or aluminum oxide pads on it, or you don't put it on the burner with nothing in it, the tin will last for years.

When it comes time to retin it, the retinning will cost more than the cost of the pot (eyeballing those dimensions you're looking at something like $100 at the typical going rate).

Anyway another one of those bogus 30-day "ban evasion" bans just expired on my account, and the psycho mod is probably going to wipe all my posts as soon as he discovers that, but if you have any further questions about copper I'll be here until that happens.

>> No.8379878

Copper has the advantage that it is an extremely good heat conductor, only surpassed by silver. This way, you're able to control the temperature of the inner pot surface more directly, because there is little thermal inertia between it and the bottom surface where your heat source is. You want the temperature inside the pot to decrease as soon as possible when you turn off the heat (which is hopefully gas, not electric stove-top). If your pot has high thermal inertia, your sugar may burn or get too dark, cause the pot will stay hot for a long time even when you take it off the heat.
Also, next time just say "you've been gifted a pot" and don't include the person who gave it to you.

>> No.8379879
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The term "fuckbuddy" has been in common use for years.

>> No.8379889

My main question is, is the tin safe for candy?
I've read that the melting point of tin is only 450F and for hard candy you get dangerously close. I also found a page on Chowhound where someone ruined the tin lining on their copper pot making soft caramel, the tin blistering and bubbling.

So we're thinking we'll return it and get a bare copper pot? Is this ideal for candy?

>> No.8379924 [DELETED] 

You're flirting with trouble if that's the main application. It shouldn't be a problem in theory, but if you're not careful I can imagine you could eventually have a little accident and, of course, it only takes once.

If a return is possible (and politically safe) and your main thing is candy, I'd return it and get a vintage piece. You'll get a better pan for the money.

>> No.8380051
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I didn't realize mentioning the gifter would cause an uproar. Anyway, thanks for the advice from both of you. I will be returning the pot for a solid copper one, possibly thicker if I can find one in a similar price range.

It both is and isn't like that, not that it matters.

Does anyone have any good recipes or advice for candymaking while we're having this thread?

>> No.8380358

I didn't even know homemade candy making was a thing. How do you even do it? If I wanted to get into it what would I start with?

>> No.8382452

>Anyway another one of those bogus 30-day "ban evasion" bans just expired on my account, and the psycho mod is probably going to wipe all my posts as soon as he discovers that,
Took nearly 16 hours, psycho mod why are you so slow?

>> No.8382510
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Just tell us what happened with your boyfriend, you dumb broad. It's obvious you want to talk about it, otherwise you'd've just put "someone" instead of that convoluted mess. So fess up, make the thread about what you really wanna talk about.

>> No.8382519

Honestly, don't bother. As others have said, it's a hassle and you can pretty much fuck up that pan if it goes wrong, or worse, yourself. Sugar burns are not something to be laughed at.

It's also just not worth it, store-bought candy will be much better than anything you can make at home.

Try baking instead.

>> No.8382526 [DELETED] 

Make something with chocolate instead.

>> No.8382531

He just got you a poison pot you cook anything in thst your gonna get sick

>> No.8383809

Are you a grill?

PLEASE BE IN Philadelphia

>> No.8383929


>> No.8384021

I used to make hard candy for about a semester in high school, its not too difficult but if you fuck up its going to hurt.

Heres my advice from my experience.

Use a wet brush to stop sugar crystals from forming on the side
Dont mix the sugar too often
dont punch candy sheets to break them, sugar glass is sharp
get ready to lose some feeling in your finger tips, no real way to avoid this
get high temperature gloves, the molten sugar could melt some regular gloves, and you DO NOT want any of it on your skin
Dont pour the molten sugar over dried scorpion pepper flakes, dont.
If you mess up and your sugar is too soft, just make taffy with it.

>> No.8384885

I was in a store recently and they advertised a copper pan. With a stainless steel interior and a aluminum core. Does the copper provide any benefit in this? From what I know the aluminium core wouldn't transfer heat as quickly as the copper so this pan just seems like an overpriced con.

>> No.8385002

>get ready to lose some feeling in your fingertips

How does that happen? Just the heat? How much feeling do you lose? Like, would you feel a paper cut?

>> No.8385018

Look, if you must know, he's a guy who I've had sex with a few times. But he doesn't want us to be in a relationship officially because he has Aspergers and will only tolerate one family member for each letter of the alphabet and he already has a 'g', his grandma. He already doesn't talk to his other grandma or grandfathers because of this so can't have a girlfriend.

>> No.8385029
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>> No.8385032

Probably the same as callouses from playing guitar. You can get gloves, but sewing, cooking, music making, you will hurt your fingers and get callouses, that's just the deal.

>> No.8385066

>what would I start with?
By figuring out what the fuck you want to make.
From there, find recipes.

>> No.8385096

Stupid bitch reeee

>> No.8385102

I can't breathe

>> No.8385136
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>> No.8385164
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>> No.8385170

Does the "boyfriend" do anal?

>> No.8385340

either you have incredibly low self esteem., or those are some damn fine ass burgers.

>> No.8385700

>my kind-of-but-not boyfriend
>if I'd just said boyfriend and he saw the thread he would have been cross with me

Jeez. You're anonymous, on the slim chance he saw the thread he'd have had no idea it was you without those specifics.

>> No.8385703

>he already has a 'g', his grandma. He already doesn't talk to his other grandma or grandfathers because of this so can't have a girlfriend.

So propose to him, become his fiancee.

>> No.8385708

What if he already has a father? Skip straight to the wedding and be his wife.

>> No.8385710

Call him "dad". Also that solution works too.

>> No.8385729

Somebody please screen cap this thread. You know, for posterity.

>> No.8385853

Fuck off, that guy who replied wasn't even OP, and it wasn't even that funny. It'll still get to the top of /r/4chan with 5000 upvotes though.