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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 163 KB, 1024x768, Flip-Someone-off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8381198 No.8381198[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

and being forced to tip servers.What for?
I understand if I was asked to tip the cooks, but servers?. Doesn't take brains to bring plate to the table but takes brains and long training to be good cook or chef.
This whole tipping servers rip off scam should be changed.
Time to revolt

>> No.8381209

Nobody's forcing you. Sure, your friends/family might make you feel like a piece of shit, but they can't force you.

>> No.8381210

You're a non American living in my country
It's time for you to leave my country

>> No.8381217

Tell that to the native Americans you idiot

>> No.8381232

Think about it like this- If you were getting paid half of minimum wage, wouldn't you like it if someone helped you through?

I do agree tipping needs to be removed and wait staff need to be paid more; it's an antiquated system from the great depression.

>> No.8381236

I would but we killed them all so it's my land now, that's how it works

>> No.8381248

I mean they still exist as a minority

we just still treat them as less than human because we're shitty.

>> No.8381254

I'm a 'murrican and I don't tip. So what? Why do I care what some pissant mincing waiter/waitress thinks? Fuck 'em. They want to get pissy, they're going to really experience pissy. My date wants to complain about it, I tell her to leave your own fucking tip if it wrinkles your panties. My money ain't going to some worthless slave whore.

>> No.8381255

Native Americans know how to tip
When they're not too drunk that is, what's your excuse you piece of foul smelling shit?

>> No.8381258

I will gladly pay 15%-20% more just to avoid paying tips.

>> No.8381264

Must suck being poor and a few steps below the most niggardly white nigger.
Stop pretending you get dates.

I tip well over the amount I should any time I eat out, because I only eat out as a treat to me and those I'm treating...and it's only gentlemanly to tip generously, makes the people around me understand the quality of person I am.

>> No.8381273

>go for a meal
>plate spaz is nice to you
>you have to pay them for it

Thank fuck this only applies to America. Fucking Cucks.

>> No.8381278

>im being a gentleman by paying more than I need to just because it will make people respect me more.

If you have the money, this is probably the best option, but don't give us the "muh personality" bullshit. Nobody genuinely thinks that someone deserves any more than $5 for being patient and moving food around.

>> No.8381284

>makes the people around me understand the quality of person I am

Emasculated sissy boy.

Well done.

>> No.8381287

The issue is not with being forced but with this whole mass acceptance of such a rip off custom.
Why customers are pressured to pay for wages of restaurant employes.

So how I'm to be asked to use my money to help them to earn more.
With that type of logic why we are not pressured to tip store clerks,or dishwashers in restaurants or many other low paid employes?

I get it, because some sexy bitch wears short skirt and low cut t-shirt to show off her boobs man was inspired to give her extra money,
and it took of like a wild fire and now others look at you as you are a piece of shit if you are not tipping regardless if the bitch (server) is sexy or not if she wears short skirt or showing her boobs or is a guy or ugly cunt
you are forced by society to tip them and the stupid excuse is because they are paid low wages by the business owners.

Fucking retarded concept if you ask me.
As I said if I was asked to tip the cooks/chefs that I would understand,they are feeding me,
but to tip person who brings it to my table is absolutely insane.

>> No.8381292

See, I'm super poor.

I tip well though, because I know how little they make, which means I eat out rarely.

My idea is this for tipping ratio.

10 percent flat.

If you are kind, you go up by 3-5%

If you do something nice for me, you go up another 3-5%

If you're doddering, snarky, or ask for a tip? you loose 5%.

If you directly fuck up my order with no remorse (As in not saying sorry or doing a good job at getting it fixed- I have dietary restrictions as a type 1 diabetic), you loose 5%

If you put the lives of the diners in jeopardy (has happened with a dairy allergic friend when we made it clear), or directly insult me? 2 pennies

>> No.8381295

Waiters aren't "low Paid". There is a difference between earning minimum wage and earning half minimum wage.

Currently, it's the system. In the next 5 years, it needs to be changed.

>> No.8381311

>Why customers are pressured to pay for wages of restaurant employes.
You're paying their wage either way, numbnuts. If they cut out tipping, prices are going to go up to make up for it.

>> No.8381318

>and being forced to tip servers.What for?
Because some people got together and decided that servers should be paid a lower wage and be forced to rely on the generosity of the patrons.
>This whole tipping servers rip off scam should be changed.
Yeah, it should. They shouldn't have a separate minimum wage. There would be no need for tipping if they made the same wages as everyone else.
>Why customers are pressured to pay for wages of restaurant employes.
Because restaurant owners don't want to have to pay their employees a fair wage, and most people have some shred of decency and/or have been a server and feel bad being greedy fuckstains.

>you are forced by society to tip them and the stupid excuse is because they are paid low wages by the business owners.
It's not a "stupid excuse," it's basic human empathy you sociopath.
>tipping chefs
Their lifestyle doesn't hinge on whether or not they can make a certain amount in tips because they actually get paid the same wages as everyone else. For a server, not getting good tips can mean missing bills, going hungry, or being evicted.

>> No.8381326
File: 29 KB, 350x214, 10-for-20-worth-of-food-at-jersey-mikes-3476932-regular[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm afraid I've got some bad news for you cucks and cheapskates who don't like tipping

Tipping isn't on the decline; if anything it is spreading further and further.

Now coffee shop baristas are expecting you to tip them for making you a cup of coffee in the morning

Every time I go to Jersey Mike's they ask for a tip for making that sandwich you paid them to make for you

Look around you!

Soon you'll have to tip the Burger King waiting staff for making your whopper and tip your Walmart staff for ringing up your groceries and stocking the shelves

>> No.8381327

This guy gets it.

>> No.8381328


>> No.8381333

Tumblr the post.

>> No.8381336

Often your tip will go into a pot of sorts divided between all staff. So by tipping your server you are also tipping your cook.

>> No.8381337

What nailed in the ass with a strap on from his malculine girlfriend.

I'm sure he does.

>> No.8381338

that's fine, but that will be fair business practice
in many counties they just add to your bill automatically wich I think is also screwed up system because price listed in the menu should be the price you pay.
wonder what would people say if stores were asking for tips (or were adding extra charge like some restaurant) do for their employes
(especially for those who are stocking the shelves) who are also paid low wages.

>> No.8381343

Oh no, I'm so afraid of my own frail masculinity that I have to assume those who disagree with me aren't manly in order to protect my own insecurities.

>> No.8381345


>WE are shitty
>They didn't win

Well then they must be shitty

If they weren't, they would have won.

>> No.8381352

It's not a fair business practice, and is only a thing in the states because people wanted work in the Great Depression

>> No.8381356

No, we just infected them with a disease they were never exposed to, raped them, and capitalized on their culture.

Winning =/= Good People

>> No.8381365

It's ok bud, the modern world and all that. Personally i think you apologising to me makes you even weeker than you already are.

>> No.8381371


Pointing out how utterly stupid you sound, you mean?

>> No.8381372
File: 79 KB, 251x257, 1314299019131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok...? Guess I'm the boogeyman today. You might wanna look up "ad hominem," though.
Not sure where that came from but no manfaces plz.
>who are also paid low wages.
You don't seem to be getting it.

There is a separate minimum wage that is lower, for servers specifically. So when you say "low wages" it's not the same for the people stocking shelves in a department store - they're being paid significantly more than the people who serve you your food.

>> No.8381376

Tipping came to the US from English/Irish immigrants in the late 1800's.

>> No.8381377


Speak English buddy.

>> No.8381383

Last I was aware, it came about legally due to the Great Depression and people running businesses not hiring due to how expensive paying people was. Thank you for the correction.

>> No.8381384
File: 39 KB, 640x480, Che.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that guy but, to be fair, they were pretty shitty themselves

People often forget the part where they would rape our women and fucking slice off the entire top of people's heads so they could parade around with the person's scalp on their belt

The fact is that all people are shitty, indians included. There is no race that isn't shit, no race that hasn't done horrible things to others.

Blacks sold other blacks to slavery.
Indians would enslave other indians and sacrifice them.
Sand people? Don't even get started.

We just happened to have the civilization and weaponry on our side.

Make no mistake, if they had the tech first they would have not hesitated to invade Europe and colonize it.

No people on earth are white bunnies who would never hurt a soul. Fuck anyone who acts like they were defenseless yes we came into this land their land but they did some shitty things too, including to white people as evidenced by the collection of scalps some of those savages would have on their belts.

>> No.8381385

they (the natives) were doing very good job raping and killing each others,members of other tribes
they were scalping them alive,raping,pillaging,burning alive so what white man was doing to them wasn't anything new to them except white man had different weapons, so natives can not pretend that they were sweet pure innocent victims of violence,natives knew brutal violence long before white men arrived.

>> No.8381389

Trying to say one letter's mistake is enough to discredit an entire argument is even more stupid- you aren't attacking the argument, you're attacking a letter.

>> No.8381390

>Nobody genuinely thinks that someone deserves any more than $5 for being patient and moving food around.

It's American culture, you fucking swine. It's accepted and understood that servers don't get paid much on anything BUT their tips, which is why tipping is a thing and why you're a complete no class scumbag and nigger if you don't tip.

>> No.8381394
File: 84 KB, 1280x538, reservoir dogs tipping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8381395

>- they're being paid significantly more than the people who serve you your food.
BS on that.Not true.

>> No.8381396

Here's an article you may enjoy.


>> No.8381397
File: 14 KB, 300x283, sandpeople.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sand people

You got something to say!!!

>> No.8381398


This teeters into the realm of personal responsibility.

SomeONE who is lactose intolerant ordering chocolate milk territory. Even though they made it clear they are lactose intolerant.

"Serve me what I want or else. The customer is always right!"
followed by
"Why did you do that to me? I AM LACTOSE INTOLERANT"

People can and will do this on purpose, because the inherent logic is flawed, making a case that the customer is unable to make any decisions for themselves.

Be careful what you wish for.

>> No.8381401

Actually when you look at the real history, maybe 95-97% of natives didn't participate in violence along those lines.

While war did happen, it was often focusing on capturing enemies rather than directly killing.

Property also didn't exist within their culture; there was no "I own this" in their language even, until we showed up. They would take resources they needed to survive and leave the rest.

>> No.8381402


>> No.8381410


>> No.8381416

It wasn't a mistake if you're American and i assume you are.

Speak American English buddy.

I'm just pulling your pisser because you're a whinny little faggot and i disagree with you.

>> No.8381423

Can you put your Husband on the KB, we need to have words.

>> No.8381425


Oh no; I understand that. My good friend dies if he eats milk. (he has about 1 bite to taste it, and then if that happens he feels miserable in about 3 minutes. 2 bites and he's probably dead.)

What happened was that he ordered a dish; he specified his allergies, asking if there was no milk. Our waiter said yes.

He takes one bite, spits it out, and I call the waiter. The waiter goes "No, there is no milk."

I ask for the head waiter, who confirms there IS milk in the dish.

Fucking shit head almost killed my friend.

>> No.8381427

so that means that you are unintelligent swine who doesn't know how to have intelligent argument.
I get it now

>> No.8381440


>greedy fuckstain

What about you? Where is your tip for YOUR production in YOUR profession?

Or is it just "damn, if I don't do this, i'll get nothing and be poor?"

>> No.8381445

>Speak American English buddy.
you are aware that people from all over the World posting on 4chan,or you are too stupid to realize that
so your request for American English only is even more stupid

>> No.8381453

It's an american board

Go start your wang chung language board you piece of shit get out of my American board

>> No.8381455


Exactly this, this is just another attempt at employers passing on operating costs to their customers. This way they can raise prices and pay their employees less. The burden is on the customers, who are, themselves, payed shit, to support their own employees.

Fuck them.

If you don't want to pay people, either automate, or close shop.

>> No.8381457



depends on where you work and how much business your employer generates.

ask a landlord if they'll accept a lease based on your rent being paid "often"

>> No.8381459

you can suck my cock you fat ass stupid American

>> No.8381464
File: 8 KB, 200x200, 562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comes to a Cooking and food Imageboard
>Chats shit about his/hers countries cultural beliefs
>Global audience
>Off topic

You asked for it especially on this site you stupid bitch.

>> No.8381469

Yeh i'm fucking English, follow the chain you fucking moron.


>> No.8381476


You misunderstand the conditions and necessities of the condition called: "winning".

Your argument is directed at condition of the morality of those who win.

No wonder you are lost.

>> No.8381481


No. It's called apologizing. Or, in your case, bitching.

>> No.8381504

phhew, you are nobody to me

>> No.8381507


If you're unable to make your argument intelligibly, then your opponent is not obligated to address you until you do.
If you want to discuss an idea or topic in the realms of conversation and language, then you must adhere to their rules.

If your response is "fuck rules".

Then your opponent is not obligated to make any response to the topic at hand other than: 'well then, fuck you'.

>> No.8381515


>It's accepted and understood

Ouch. Remember, we killed the last motherfuckers who crossed the ocean and tried that shit.

>> No.8381518

You tipping them is only going to contribute to tipping continuing. You are part of the problem because you lack testies.
Time to revolt.

>> No.8381520



>> No.8381525

Good because i'm Anonymous.

Take your fat mouth somewhere else.

>> No.8381531

I'm here to stay and you can do absolute shit about it
get used to it fat American bitch

>> No.8381533


So what did they do to the armed enemy combatants that were so ferocious that they couldn't capture and were obliterating their forces?

>> No.8381542


Different states have different laws but in Indiana servers are currently paid $2.13 an hour and the restaurants I used to work at there is not such thing as a raise.
>Oh but the employer is supposed to make up the difference if server doesn't make enough in tips.
You know what happens to the servers that do that? Management watches them like a hawk and writes them up for policy infractions and fires them as soon as they can that way they can get someone new in that's just going to do their job without rocking the boat.

>> No.8381546
File: 47 KB, 240x260, Ross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm British.

>> No.8381557


When did your waiter assume the role of your friend's doctor or nutritionist?

Your friend, being able to afford a doctor, so I am assuming is an adult, has no feelings of personal responsibility to inform himself of all representations of a substance that may end his life in 2 bites? None whatsoever?

And you automatically assume that an individual who makes BELOW MINIMUM WAGE has the capacity and credentials equal to that of an individual who has studied nutrition and diet, let alone organic chemistry, enough to earn a certificate of diploma from an accredited university to give your friend advice in dietary choices that may or may not end his or her life?

Dear sir, I ask you: Are you and your friends FUCKING retards?

This is what is wrong with society.

>> No.8381560

even fucking worst
how do you enjoy muslims fucking up you stupid country full of cowards

>> No.8381570


Nobody dies from eating dairy you lying fucking mong

>> No.8381575
File: 26 KB, 240x260, Ross redditor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erm not much but what shall i do throw a granade into a mosque with children in it?

What country are you from? I'm guessing Aus or Leaf.

>> No.8381576


Sure, post from all over the world if you want.

On American boards, with a predominately American speaking populace. But, apparently, WE are the speaking the wrong fucking language.

Excuse us, and allows the opportunity to NOT accomodate you, because if you don't speak our language, we simple don't give a fuck about what you are trying to say, nor are we obligated to.

>> No.8381581

You idiot, ever hear of food allergies?

>> No.8381585


>Asks the opinion of nobodys

You have a conflict of interests, sir.

>> No.8381588

>American speaking

Tell me about the American language, is it like English?

>> No.8381589


>> No.8381592


and when their business model fails, they'll blame everyone else but themselves.

vote with your dollars

you know this happens and yet continue to patronize these restaurants

At this point, I have to question your motives or the sincerity of your concerns.

>> No.8381593

great shot

>> No.8381603
File: 847 KB, 224x138, back-of-the-net-o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8381604


Try learning it, fuckwad.

>> No.8381606


and yet you understood that time!

>> No.8381607

Which one?

>> No.8381610


Ever heard of food allergies?

>> No.8381612


Whichever one the medium on which you are attempting to communicate is using at present.

>> No.8381617
File: 5 KB, 275x183, laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Gold.

An American speaking "American"

Please don't be a troll.

>> No.8381643


Suit yourself then, but in the future, try to communicate in a way that lends itself to rational thought, as one does when they understand a language.

No one else on this website who speaks "American" has a problem recognizing the vernacular.

Please practice more.

>> No.8381653

There is no such language as American you fucking idiot.

>Suit yourself then, but in the future, try to communicate in a way that lends itself to rational thought, as one does when they understand a language.

>Whichever one the medium on which you are attempting to communicate is using at present

>> No.8381654


No duh, shit for brains.

>> No.8381655

>Suit yourself then, but in the future, try to communicate in a way that lends itself to rational thought, as one does when they understand a language

What did he mean by this?

>> No.8381661

Sorry just trying to explain that to Americans.

>> No.8381662

that he is stupid and that he doesn't know proper English

>> No.8381971 [DELETED] 
File: 210 KB, 720x905, TABLE-final-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is more insane nonsense.
Read the pointers on the right in the "Other Notes" column.

Fucking lazy leaches

>> No.8381976

>American culture.
Do you also clap at the end of a movie?

>> No.8381990

>ctrl+f minimum

>hurr server make under minimum wage durp da dur
Congratulations! You're all retards.
Federal minimum wage law requires that cash + tips equal minimum wage, OR THE EMPLOYER MAKES UP THE DIFFERENCE.
This is not state law. This is FEDERAL LAW. It applies EVERYWHERE.
If you worked as a server and got paid under minimum, congratulations! Your employer illegally fucked you.

>> No.8381999
File: 210 KB, 720x905, TABLE-final-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is more insane nonsense.
Read the pointers on the right in the "Other Notes" column.

Fucking lazy leeches

>> No.8382027

If you don't make the difference in tips, usually they just fire your ass.

>> No.8382037

>Tipping at all
It's not my fault your employee doesn't pay you enough. Find a new job.

This makes me cringe so hard. I can FEEL the fedora of the guy who wrote this.
>Even if service sucks, never go below 15%
>$2 Tip for a $2 Beer
>Having an apartment doorman

The only one I find reasonable is to tip the restaurant delivery guy if the weather is bad. If not, not even once.

>> No.8382039
File: 1.29 MB, 1200x1033, tumblr_naz7425LBo1sg3x2vo1_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that, if you don't make enough tips, your employer is required to pay you minimum wage. "Below minimum wage" is not legal.

Reminder that waitstaff never actually fight for minimum wage over tips since they regularly make $15+ for refilling water cups.

>> No.8382041

Your fault for living in a "right to work" state, aka "(we have the) right to fire for any reason"

>> No.8382043

Because it's just so easy to drop everything, break off all your relationships and move to another state.

Use your brain.

>> No.8382074

What's your rule if they're snarky but the snarkiness is what makes it fun

That's half the fun of going to my local Vietnamese restaurant, the snarky ass waiter, the bastards are a riot

>> No.8382112

>(we have the) right to fire for any reason
They don't?
You have the right to leave your employer for any reason, unless you entered into an insane contract or work in space or something.

>> No.8382115

>lives of the diners
>dairy allergic

>> No.8382143

>They don't?
They do. That other guy confused his terms. He was thinking of At Will Employment, look it up.

>> No.8382190

Killed them in combat?

>> No.8382200


You realize it is the current year and not the 1400s right?

>> No.8382231

Nigga what? If the establishment they're at is any cut above garbage the waiters should either know a bit about the food or they should be willing to direct the customer towards someone who does. Op's friend directly asked and was given an incorrect answer what more is there to it.